Bigger Than The Whole Sky

By DemiSlytherin

35.3K 1.1K 256

Catalina is a dragon rider at Basgiath War College. On her third and final year, she climbed the rank as the... More

Short Guide
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Christmas Special
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Author's Note

Chapter Thirteen

1.3K 58 17
By DemiSlytherin

And to my sweet cousin, Xaden, I wish him well. He is my little brother and he shall forever be aware that his Lina will always be there for him. Be it from the other side of the continent or battlefield, for he is and will always be, my Aiden, my little fire.

- Recovered Entry from Lady Catalina Kozivar's Journal

"You really didn't tell them we're cousins?" Xaden asked as Catalina trained. The woman created moving illusions of faceless people to attack her, once she attacks them on fatal points, the illusions disappear.

Catalina discovered that aside from making realistic illusions, she can make said illusions move. Only she and Xaden knew of this stretch in ability so far, seeing as the rest of the quadrant was led to believe she bends water, not make illusions.

"They didn't ask." Catalina answered as she ducked after an illusion sent a flying axe her way. She ran towards it to kick the illusion in the chest.

Normally, she would be sparring with Xaden, but she figured her cousin needed the rest after today. He insisted to accompany her though and Catalina agreed with him just watching her train on the side.

"You never talked about me to them?" He asked once again, a little hurt that his cousin didn't once mentioned him to her friends.

"I did." Catalina answered, picking up the hurt in his tone. "I always do." She laughs as she chops the head off an illusion, something she wouldn't dare do to anyone in real life. The furthest she has gone is send fellow cadets to a coma and amputate an arm.

"Then why did Sorrengail looked shocked earlier?" Xaden watched as Catalina swept an illusion off its feet and stomp in what would be its face. He grimaced, if that's a real person, the nose would probably be broken or worse, flattened.

"Probably because of the fact I never talked about you using your name." Catalina chuckled, she turned and saw two illusions left. After this round, she'll rest then head to bed. "They didn't have to know you were my cousin. If they wanted to know, they should ask. Those who doesn't see the resemblance are all idiots."

"Which isn't a lot to start with." Xaden sighed.

The similarities ended with their dark hair and eye colors. Xaden's warm tawny skin contrasted with Catalina's porcelain. The male is scarred, clearly a warrior with how he carries himself. The female however, not a scar in sight, as if she isn't attending a war college, she carries herself with grace like how one would expect a noble would.

One would say that Xaden Riorson is the loyal Knight to Catalina's Princess when the two stand side by side.

"It's none of their business." Catalina replied as she killed off one illusion. 'Fourteen down, one more to go' she thought as she headed to the last one. "We're cousins. As long as we know the truth, none of what those outsiders think matters. They don't matter to us, so why should what they think matter too?" She said as the last illusion crumpled down the ground and disappeared.

"Do you want to?" she started, making Xaden look at her in confusion as she turned to face him. "Do you want them to know? I can announce in front of the whole quadrant if you so wish you know?" She smiled.

"Well..." Xaden thought. "Do you?" He asked making the older female raise a brow at him. 'Sometimes I forget she's older than me due to her being in the same year.' He thought. "Do you want to? To announce it I mean."

Catalina didn't even think about it, "I do." She answered without hesistance. "But like I said, why should they know?" She walked towards him. "It's not like we owe an explanation of our familial ties to them. They did nothing for us." She sighed as she sat down beside him, dusting her clothes off.

"Right." Xaden mumbled, finding his fingers interesting out of nowhere as he played with them. "You're not... well... you know.." he struggled to find the right words that won't offend the woman who he grew up with but barely saw in the process beside him.

"Not what?" Catalina asked suspiciously, knowing exactly what her younger cousin would ask. She didn't like it whenever he thinks that way, but she couldn't be angry either.

"You know... not embarrassed of me?" Xaden quietly asked.

Catalina smiled, "Why would I? My cousin is the Duke of Aretia and a Wing Leader. The only shadow wielder of this generation and the bonded rider of a fierce blue daggertail." She hugged him from the side, "only a fool wouldn't be proud." She grinned as she ruffled his hair.

"Stop it." He laughed. Catalina pulled away from the hug as he sighed deeply. "It's just that..."

Catalina tilted her head to the side in confusion, "What?" It's been a while since the two of them talked like this to each other.

"Well.. there's this small voice in my head that can't help but compare myself to you." Xaden lowly said.

"Oh..." Catalina's eyes grew dim. Never did she think would the time come that Xaden would compare himself to her.

"It's just that... well, you're you. Catalina Kozivar, Caldore's Lady, the Treasure of Calldyr. The people loves you, more than they love the royal family I believe." He smiled, but the smile is one Catalina knew Xaden Riorson only uses when he misses his parents, the life he had before. "If that isn't enough, you also became a Wing Leader with a signet that far overpowers Kaori's."

"But you're younger than me, and you achieved all those things too." Catalina said softly.

"It's not about that." Xaden sighed and Catalina sighed along with him, knowing real well what his point is. From the moment Xaden mentioned her status as wingleader, she knew what he is trying to say and that she have to have him say it.

"It's about how different these people view us both. Let's be honest, because of the rebellion, people will forever see me as Fen Riorson's son. The Rebellion Leader's son. Whether you deny it or not, my father's name will always come to mind first whenever people see me." Xaden said his fists clenched tight.

"But not me." Catalina smiled, placing her hands on Xaden's chin and making him look at her. "I don't see your father whenever I look at you Xaden. Also my Father, or my mother your aunt, nor does my brothers your cousins. Those kids you vouched for, the people you took in, they do not see your father. They see you." She smiled as she caressed her cousin's cheeks.

This is the same Xaden who she used to put to sleep by reading a story whenever they visit. The same Xaden she taught waltz, how to write in cursive, how to weave his very first runes, how court rules work and the etiquette. The very same boy she used to escape Calldyr for the night after his father's execution.

Time and fate was cruel to her little brother because this young scarred man is the same little boy she used to bend the rules for before.

"You, are Xaden Riorson. You may have payed for your father's so called sins, but you are not him." She started lecturing him, her voice commanding him to drink her voice, to comprehend her words.

"You are Xaden Riorson, you may have taken some of your father's traits but you are not him." She gripped his face with on hand as the other held his shoulder.

"You may carry his face, his blood, his name, and all that he's left behind but you do not carry his fault." She looked at him sternly. "You will never be rid of him, and you shall not because he is your father. And that is what he is, your father, not you."

"Do you understand me Xaden?" She squeezed him beneath her fingers for a second so he'll focus. Xaden nodded, feeling like a little child once again. "Good, because you my dear sweet cousin, is a chocolate chip cookie compared to your father. He might be a chocolate croissant in your eyes but in my eyes, a cookie is always better." She giggled, hugging him while they're still sitting and rocking them both side to side, making Xaden roll his eyes but nonetheless wrap his arms around her.

"Thank you, Lina." He mumbled from her shoulder.

"None taken, Aiden." She smiled as she rubbed his back. One can never be too old for back rubs, she believes.


"No, not like that. Like this." A nine year old Catalina patiently taught a six year old Xaden Riorson how to waltz. The child had stepped on the older girl's feet four times already but the girl continued on the lessons.

"Lina, what the point? I don't want to learn how to waltz, I want to learn how to fight!" The child whined.

Catalina giggled, "You must learn the basics at least. I'll let you go to Philip once you managed to go through one dance without stepping on my toes."

That was enough motivation for the small Xaden to learn the basics. Fifteen minutes later and he's running to Philip who was resting on the room right next to Catalina's, screaming."Philip! Philip! I learned the waltz!"

Catalina laughed as she gently slumped down the floor. A sixteen year old James watched her from the side, "I don't know how you keep your patience with that one." He chuckled. James stood up from his seat and squatted down to be in the same level as his sister. "For Fónadh's sake, you're only three years older than him but you're acting like his personal teacher." 

"He needs to learn how to dance the waltz. He's a noble, he'll be the Duke after his father." She groaned as she layed out on the floor.

"You and I both know that the kid wants to be on the battlefield more than the throne." James sighed, "And get off the floor Catalina, it's not ladylike."

The seven year old pouted before sitting up. "You sound like mother."

James held out a hand and Catalina took it, dusting her white dress. The two hears a knock and at the door, is their mother. "Catalina, come here. Uncle Fen said he has a book he knows you'll love."


Inside the cozy room, Catalina sits beside a five year old Xaden, who eagerly awaits a bedtime story an eight year old Catalina promised him.

Catalina peeked from behind the door, holding a beautifully illustrated book as Xaden held it open for her. "Tonight's tale is about a curious little fox who roamed the vast forest in search of adventure."

Xaden's eyes shined with excitement "I can't wait to hear it, Lina!"

Catalina smiled "Alright then, let's begin. We only have a few minutes until your bedtime." The older girl helped the young Xaden up on his bed before slipping in besidw him.

She covered them in a blanket before starting to speak. "Ready?" She asked, Xaden nodded.
"Okay then. Once upon a time, in a forest filled with tall trees and winding paths..."

Catalina's gentle voice fills the room as she spins a tale of a curious little fox's journey through the forest. Xaden listens intently, his imagination sparked by Catalina's enchanting storytelling.

"...and as the little fox trotted along the moss-covered trail, she stumbled upon a hidden cave nestled beneath the ancient trees. Curiosity piqued, she ventured inside, her heart pounding with excitement."

Xaden leaned in "What did she find inside the cave, Lina?"

Catalina replied with a grin "Ah, that's the best part, Xaden. Inside the cave, the little fox discovered a treasure trove of sparkling water with vines covering the stone walls and acting as curtains. Glowing algae was also in the water just a few yards away."

Xaden's eyes widened "Wow! That's amazing!"

Catalina continued the story, nodding "Indeed it is. And as the little fox explored the cave, she realized that the true treasure wasn't the crystals themselves, but the sense of wonder and adventure that filled her heart. That is until..." she widened her eyes and dragged out the words for suspense.

"Until what??" Xaden asked. "Did the foc something?"

"Yes, yes. The fox saw something move in the dark. She was about to ignore it until she heard a deep rumble."

"Oh no..."

"The fox slowly crept into the dark. She gently  set a paw down and she felt bones on the ground."

Xaden's eyes started to water. "Bones?"
The older girl was about to answer when they heard a knock on the door, making Xaden jump and cling into the older girl's arm.

"My lady, your mother is asking for you in your uncle's study. They wish for you and the little lord to be reminded that it is past his bed time as well." A maid's voice spoke.

"Oh well, there goes our story time." Catalina laughed. "Thank you! I'll be right out after I tuck him in." She replied.

"Awww... when I'm grown up, I'll explore caves too!" Xaden cheered.

Catalina patted his head "I'm sure you will, Xaden. Perhaps one day you'll stumble upon your own hidden treasures. But for now, it's time to drift off to sleep and let your dreams carry you to faraway lands."

Xaden snuggles deeper into his blankets, feeling the warmth of Catalina's love surrounding him as he prepares to drift off to sleep. The older girl tucked him in after sliding off the bed slowly.

"Thank you, Catalina. I love you." He suddenly said, making Catalina stop from turning around and walking to the door.

Catalina smiled at him softly "And I love you too, Aiden. Sweet dreams." She leaned down to plant a gentle kiss on Xaden's forehead before quietly slipping out of the room, leaving Xaden to fall asleep with visions of hidden caves dancing in his head.


"Lina?" Xaden called out. Fen dropped him off at the Kozivar's because he was out on a "business trip". The Kozivar siblings took this opportunity to tour Xaden around Calldyr and were out on a picnic because he rarely goes to the capital.

All was going well, that is until Xaden got left behind and got lost.

"Never stray off the path darling. Whatever you do, do not get off the path. If you're lost, Lina will come find you." Catalina instructed him, but the eight year old was feeling stubborn and brave so he tried to find his way back and lost the path in the process.

"I should have listend to Lina." He quietly mumbled. The sky was beginning to darken, and he has nothing on him but a small knife he cannot wield properly yet as his training is just beginning. If he was to encounter a beast, his chances of surviving it by either fighting or running isn't zero but also not very big.

The forest near Caldore was known for having fierce beasts after all. Part of the reason why Catalina isn't allowed in there without her brothers or guards. And now, eight year old Xaden who wasn't familiar with the place nor the beasts in the forest is lost.

The sky is now completely dark, the kid is not starving. He found some fruits he was able to eat thanks to James and his father educating him on edible fruits, and to Catalina on educating him which ones not to eat with detailed consequences due to experiencing said consequences beforehand.

One thing Xaden did not get from Catalina is her excessive curiosity. Her adventurous personality could have helped him in this situatiown but the eight year old was honestly terrified because of the stories Catalina told him of her adventures in this forest.

Catalina had James to protect her from a seven foot bear in her story, Xaden has no one and nothing but a knife he doesn't feel confident in using yet.

"Lina? Where are you? I'm here!" He called out once again as stars started to appear in the sky.

Catalina, who has been running around the forest and was thankfully close to his location, heard him. "Xaden?"

"Where?" Philip and James asked, running to her side.

"Lina?? I'm here!"

"That way!" Philip pointed to Catalina's back. He led the way as Catalina and James followed.

"Xaden, stay where you are!" James called out.

"James?? Is Lina with you?"

"Yes, I'm here Aiden. So is Philip. Now stay where you are, we'll come get you."

The bush a few feet away rustled and Xaden gripped the handle of his knife. "Lina... I'm scared." He called out.

"Xaden!" Called out, seeing the eight year old clutching his knife. She put the lamp she was holding down to the forest floor and rushed to him. The eleven year old failed to see the knife Xaden was pointing at the bush and the wolf that came out of it.

"Cat! Xaden!" James quickly threw a dagger at the wolf striking it in its side.

"Look at your surroundings first before charging Cat." James lectured his youngest sibling as he joined her to check on Xaden.

Meanwhile, Philip checked the wolf James striked down. "Yeah no, we'll have to leave this poor thing out here to die. James managed to hit its lungs." He retrieved the knife embedded in the wolf, ignoring its howls of pain as he cleaned it.

"Woah!! Teach me how to do that!" Xaden beamed at his older cousin.

"I think your father, being from the Infantry, would be much better at teaching you how to wield weapons and fight than I kiddo." James ruffled his hair.


A day before House Kozivar was informed of Brennan Sorrengail's death

"What do you mean they're killing him?" Catalina stood up from behind her desk. "Uncle Fen I can understand whatever stupid reason they had, but why Xaden?" She narrowed her eyes at her parents.

"It isn't decided yet." Catalina's father, Andrew calmed her down. At that moment, the doors flew open and in came Philip and James.

"Why are they killing them?" James asked.

"Everyone, calm down."

That night, the three siblings were not allowed to go out of the west wing.

"We can't just standby and do nothing." Catalina muttered from her study table, James was leaning by her balcony door while Philip scanned her shelf for books.

"Father's orders Catalina. We cannot disobey. They're doing everything in their power and telling Xaden what to do to get them out of this situation-" James tried reasoning with her.

"Except there is no getting out." Catalina hissed at her brother. "You know damn well as I do Brother that they will not let Uncle Fen off the hook. Duke or no, he still led that rebellion and he is branded a traitor."

"If that is the case, like you said so yourself sister, there is no getting out-" Philip sighed as Catalina cut him off this time.

"For the parents! What does the kids have to do with this?" She threw her quill across her desk, the letter she was writing almost being spoiled by the bottle of ink she almost knocked over. "Those kids did not fight with their parents, they did not transpire with them. For all we know, they had no clue of what they were doing at all!"

The three debated on an on for a solid thirty minutes until finally, they bended to Catalina. The three parted ways after their mother called her brothers, giving Catalina a stern face before closing the door as if telling her not to do anything stupid.

Catalina looked at the letter she was writing earlier and sighed. Letters won't do, she'll have to meet with them. The woman already devised a plan while arguing with her brothers earlier, the only thing she has to do left is polish it more and execute it within an hour.

Catalina Kozivar fled from Calldyr, narrowly escaping the guards stationed in almost every nook and cranny of the streets, heading straight to where she knows Xaden Riorson is. She would have gone straight next to General Lilith Sorrengail had it not been for Philip who followed her after seeing her empty room two hours after she fled.

The cousins, Catalina Kozivar and Xaden Riorson, might be different in every way yet so similar to each other but their bond remained strong even after Fen Riorson's execution. When Catalina Kozivar saw her dearest cousin about to cross Parapet, she was ready to go back to time and do everything she could have done to save him and all the other marked kids from crossing that damned bridge.

After all these years, only a select few knew of the Kozivar's relationship to the former Duke of Aretia and his son. This includes General Melgren, the Royal Family, the Aetos and Sorrengail Family, and close friends of both houses.

In comparison to what those who do not know the full truth about these two cousins, they cannot and will not say that Xaden Riorson is the knight to Catalina's princess. For they know the truth of what was struck the night Catalina escaped Calldyr that night and the day after it.

These people instantly knew, that Xaden Riorson is the General waiting and guarding under the feet of Catalina's Queen.

Author's Note
A little filler chapter with some scenes of our newly found cousin duo♡♡
I heard about the third book now y'all, I cannot wait!! I haven't preordered yet for I am broke and busy with school. But rest assured, once it is officially released, I would get a copy as soon as possible.

What did you think of this chapter?? So far so good??

Wattpad won't let me sign in last night so  I hadn't had the chance to upload it. The next chapter is coming soon, so stay tuned!

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