Arc Of Lockdown

Yanji_From0hio द्वारा

5K 126 263

What if a certain mercenary or a bounty hunter was revived and brought back to remnant filled with desire for... अधिक

Chapter 1: A Deal With The Mercenary
Chapter 2: Plans And Progress
Chapter 3: First Operation Joint And Slaughtering Some Livestocks
Chapter 4: Derailing The Train
Chapter 5: Mustards and Chicken Dinner
Chapter 6: Seven Witnesses

Prologue: The Bounty Hunter's Arrival

1K 21 31
Yanji_From0hio द्वारा

Darkness, was the last thing he saw. Lockdown a Cybertronian Bounty Hunter who was known to take on multiple huntings that he see's interesting. Cybertron, a planet who's race is filled with Autonomous Robotic Organisms as their technology is more advance that anyone had seen in the Galaxy.

Suddenly, Lockdown remembered everything that happened during his previous life.

During the War of Chicago, where The Autobots, a Cybertronian faction fighting for freedom for all sentient beings, fighting against the Decepticons. Another faction of Cybertronian who's goal is to conquer the entire universe.

The Autobots succeeded, but their home planet was sucked onto a wormhole after they destroyed the Control Pillar. Capable of reshaping the universe, together they form a space bridge.

Lockdown felt the sudden energy surge thousands of light-years away as he heads to Earth to capture Optimus Prime and give him to his creators. He even remember that he made an Alliance with Humans to kill the Autobots one by one. They named the organization "Cemetery Wind" as they hunt down Autobots and asked them where Optimus Prime's whereabouts.

After they kill the Autobots who'm they killed that never told about Optimus' whereabouts. They would transport their remains to a company called, Kinetic Solution Incorporation, or KSI for short. As they would download their minds in the Autopsy. Once that's over they would melt their head and turn them into molten metal of Transformium. This process also happened to the Decepticons that perished in the Chicago War, some were put into that method, some were repaired and recycled like what they did to Shockwave's corpse.

Lockdown would also remember that he fought Optimus Prime, Leader Of The Autobots, and the last remaining Prime in Hong Kong in an attempt to capture him and puts him in his ship

He would also remember that he stabbed prime his chest just to pin him down on the wall.

But it all ended too quickly as he got offlined by Optimus after breaking free with some human help.

That was it. That's all he remembered before he woke up. He now wakes up in a cockpit of a ship and sitting in it's control, which is similar to that he used to pilot the Knights' Temenoss ship. Which ironically he is sitting on it.

Lockdown would stand up from his seat as he went over to the ship's window and he see's his own reflection. A 22 feet tall Cybertronian.

Lockdown would waste no time as he went over to the ship's landing bay to see on where he is.

As he get's there, he was met with his men who's also going to the ship's landing bay to see where they are. These guys are called the Shadow Raiders, Lockdown's ship guards or his soldiers.

Lockdown would ask his shadow raiders on what's going on in Cybertronian language

Lockdown: It would seems that you all perished in the hands of Autobots after my death, am I right?

The shadow raiders would just nod indicating they did die in the hands of Autobots when they took his ship. Lockdown would tell them something.

Lockdown: What a strange phenomenon. The last thing that I remembered is that, I got offlined by Optimus Prime in our fight. But it would seem, someone brought us back to the living. I don't even know if it's the work of Primus.

Lockdown would look towards his other men and he would go ahead and give them an order.

Lockdown: Check the systems of the ship. Make sure no insects will compromise us. I'll go outside and see on where we are.

The shadow raiders would nod and each of them would go on to their assigned stations. Lockdown would go outside standing on top of his ship

Lockdown would turn around and looks to his surroundings as he see's the land. He felt something familiar. He thought it was earth at first but it wasn't. It's like he's familiar with it but he has no recollection of him been here before but it's familiar to him. Just as he turns around to check out it's skies. He saw a Shattered Moon. The Shattered Moon of Remnant.

The minute that Lockdown saw the Shattered Moon. He was engulfed with a lot of pain in his head. Lockdown would be implanted with a new set of memories.

The Memories Of His Previous Life

He remembered, he remembered on who he originally was. A man named Jaune Arc. He is a boy who had a dream on becoming a Huntsman like his Ancestors on like what his Grandfather used to tell him. But his wish was denied by his family as he was deemed, weak and had no potential to be a Huntsman as he was better off to stay at home and live a normal life than being out there saving lives. What makes it worse, is that the boy's sisters were trained even tho they are already strong which is unfair and everyone can agree to it. He even ask his parents on why's he different than them.

They just said he had no potential even tho he has. They're just too arrogant to agree to it

One day, he made a foolish act. By running away from his home which will lead to a dire consequences. The boy would start a journey, with or without family. He trained himself by using the weapon he got from his grandfather called Crocea Mors. After his years of training, the boy would eventually forge a fake transcripts and enrolls himself to a Academy for future Huntsman and Huntrress' in Vale. The name of the Academy is called Beacon Academy. But what do boy did was a crime in his planet because he forged a fake one. Once he became a Huntsman he thought that his family would be proud for him.

Will they be proud? Maybe.

During his initiation at Beacon. He accomplished multiple things. Such as taking down a monster with his team that he only meet a day. The Headmaster of the Academy named Ozpin already knows about the boy's transcript, but he decided not to expell him because he saw potential to him. After the initiation he would be given the position of leadership to his team named JNPR (Juniper)

As the days passed he would tell his partner named Pyrrha, Mistral's champion, that he managed to enroll onto beacon with fake transcripts. The bad news however was that a third party heard their conversation.

The third party would blackmail the boy into doing his bidding like a slave. But during the Forever Falls. The third party named Cardin Winchester was about to be killed by a Ursa Major, but Jaune saved him making it as the end of the deal. Cardin would apologize to Jaune on what he did to him and everything was going well until, his partner Pyrrha decided to reveal his fake transcripts to anyone making the first years to reveal their true colors.

After the revelation they would start harassing and assaulting the boy. Jaune was devastated after his partner revealed his fake transcripts to everyone. Hell not even the Teachers didn't give a damn about him except for his true friends, Nora Valkyrie and Lie Ren.

What makes it worse however is that team RWBY abandoned their friendship with Jaune as Ruby, his first friend calls him a faker. And Weiss would also harass and assaulting Jaune in any occasion. And Blake however would tell Jaune on how much of a liar he is.

A/N/Yanji : Heh wo-

Before Yanji could say anything. He was met with a huge slap on the back by none other than Chibi.

Chibi: Yanji you do know that there'll be sensitive people that might read this story?

Yanji: Oh sorry. I mean "Heh, typical Blake."

Yanji would just sip his tea drink.

Heh, says the one who also has a fake transcripts and a former terrorist. What a fucking hypocrite. As the day moves on during in the combat class Jaune had Aura cuffs on him, which he was forced to put it on his Combat Class teacher, Glynda Goodwitch. During his fight with Yang Xiao Long he got 3 broken ribs and a fucking shrapnel to his head which if they pull out he'll have brain hemorrhage. And god damn Goodwitch didn't even give a damn about it, Ozpin just stepped in and call the medics and he even gives Goodwitch a scolding for the actions she did. As for Yang she was given a punishment where she had to clean of the entirety of Beacon Academy except for the office for one week.

After that, Jaune was sent back to his home and he was put on to trial by his Clan's Elders because of the fake transcripts he created to get in to Beacon. And what the actual fuck is that the Elders would sentence Jaune a death penalty just because of a piece of paper. And god damn he received a beating of his life from his Older sister Jean for making their Clan look weak, same goes for his Father Nicholas.

Before the day of his execution, he heard that team (J)NPR got a new replacement for Jaune which is a transfer from Haven Academy. Which his name is Alister Kuroko, which also devastated the poor guy's heart.

But during the day of his execution. No one really give a damn about Jaune's execution except for his Grandmother constantly telling the elders to not execute him because he just wanted to become a Huntsman same goes for his grandfather and his older sister Saphron. But their wish was denied which devastated them

During his execution they would throw rocks at him for making their Clan look weak. As he was killed by Emilio Lowe. The Arc Clan's greatest Archer. He would be shot in the heart by an arrow and died. What makes it more worse is that they burned his body to make an example to anyone who'll make the Clan look weak.

Saphron, His Grandfather and his Grandmother were furious about, as the clan that their ancestors build was corrupted by the current elders who wanted nothing but power and fame.

After he saw the past memories that he had. Lockdown would scream in anger after he saw his old memories. But we brought onto a different world. He brought to the remains of the destroyed planet Cybertron.

Suddenly, a mysterious voice would suddenly speak that sounds mechanic.

???: Oh you're finally here.

Lockdown would turn around and see's his surroundings as he see's he's no longer in his ship. He's now in the remnants of Cybertron.

Lockdown: Cybertron? No! This has to be an illusion!

???: You aren't in Cybertron, Lockdown. You're in my domain. But everything here you see is the land of Cybertron. I did it on purpose because this is where your home planet is.

Lockdown would turn around to where the mechanic voice came from.

Lockdown: Show yourself! Whoever you are!

???: Okay, okay fine, I'm showing myself

The stranger would come out of the shadows revealing to be a 6'3 foot Galvanic Mechamorph.

???: I would introduce myself to you Lockdown. I'm Yanji, and I'm the one brought you back here in Remnant with your old memories, Lockdown or I shall say Jaune.

Lockdown was triggered and angered on what Yanji called him.

Lockdown: Don't call me by that name Mechamorph! Jaune Arc died Eons ago!

Yanji would just raise his palm signalling Lockdown to calm down.

Yanji: Okay chill, didn't know you were this sensitive.

Suddenly, a new mysterious figure wearing a gold helmet having red like hair ponytail that is wearing Dark Blue suit and pants brown shoes and he is wearing grey gloves and red tie and grey polo. Would come in rushing towards me.

???: Yanji, where the fuck is my cocaine?!

Yanji: Oh you gotta be-

Yanji would be tackled to the ground as the mysterious person holds Yanji by doing a nipple twist technique.

Yanji: Okay I do not know where the fuck exactly did you put your cocaine you dumbass crackhead!

???: Then where the fuck did you put it?!

Yanji: Check your fucking suit dipshit!

???: Huh?

The mysterious figure would just open his suit only to find a bag of crack that is worth of $437,000.

???: My crack! Yay!

The crackhead figure would pull out a table as he begins to pour down the druggies onto the table as he pull out a fucking scraper as he begins to put them in one place.

The crackhead figure would lie down due to his cocaine addiction.

A/N: Don't do drugs. All you see here are just for entertainment purposes only. And do not try this at home.

Yanji: Apologies, Lockdown Incase you wanna know about that guy over there. His name is Crack and he's a crackhead. As I was saying, I brought you here in Remnant to give you purpose.

Lockdown: And what purpose is it?

Yanji: I know your deep hatred to those that wronged you, that includes corrupt government officials, Atlesian Elitists, Terrorist Factions even tho you don't hate it but I know you hate it because you are Jaune Arc.

Lockdown was about to say something, but before he could say anything. Yanji was right, he hates the ones that wronged him and corrupt world just because he has Jaune Arc's memories and ideals.

Yanji: And I know you wanted vengeance onto them right?

After hearing what Yanji said, it caught Lockdown's attention.

Yanji: If you wanted to, I gave your ship an infinite supply of energons and a more secured and stronger ship.  Would you accept this offer Lockdown?

Lockdown would only approach Yanji a few step and say this.

Lockdown: Fine, I'll take your offer. Are there any other things you want me to do.

Yanji however would say.

Yanji: Oh, I almost forgot to give you these memories.

Suddenly a bright light was engulfed inside Yanji's domain, as Lockdown would be implanted with another memory.

These new memories reveal about Ozpin's powers, Salem, the Shadow War. Next is the Brother Gods, The Four Maidens and last but not least the four relics.

These memories reveal about Alister's true colors. He's no student of Beacon or Haven. He's just a pawn for Salem as he was accompanied with Cinder Fall, one of Salem's pawns, Mercury Black, Emerald Sustrai and Salem also has a parasite that is attached onto Ozpin's Inner Circle. His name is Leonardo Lionheart, a headmaster at Haven Academy and the one responsible giving Salem and her pawns information, and he's also the one who made Alister, Cinder, Mercury and Emerald's transcripts in order for Ozpin to believe that he is a student at Haven. It also reveals their plan is to attack Vale, spread chaos, take the half of  Fall Maiden's powers and take the Relic that was hidden in Beacons underground vault. Another set of memories also reveals Salem's Curse of immortality and her Grimm powers.

After seeing those memories. Lockdown knew on what he had to do for his new goal. Before that Yanji said something to Lockdown.

Yanji: Oh and, before you go. I must give you something to defeat Salem. And I know you saw those memories and wonder on how you would kill an immortal being.

Lockdown would look down towards Yanji creates a cybertronian Sword using his Mechamorph abilities. After that, Yanji would hand over the dagger to Lockdown.

Once Lockdown has it, the Sword would began transforming into a size that Lockdown would prefer

Yanji would ask Lockdown.

Yanji: You like it?

Lockdown: Impressive.

Lockdown would put the sword onto his back.

Yanji: Welp, your journey of Vengeance had now began and it's now time for you to return to your world.

After what Yanji said. Lockdown was teleported back onto the real world with him still on to of his ship. Lockdown would equip the sword that Yanji gave him to see if it's there but when touches it it was there. He would put it back on to his back. After saying that, Lockdown would say something before entering his ship.

Lockdown: Remember this day people of Remnant. That the time of vengeance had now already begun.

Lockdown would return back inside his ship. After that, Lockdown would tell everyone inside his ship about The Races of remnant like Humans and Faunus' and telling them that they are the sub species of humans but has an animal characteristics in their body. Lockdown would also tell them about the creatures of Grimms and their weaknesses.

Meanwhile inside the Ship. We would see some Shadow Raiders in the terminal system hacking something.

Lockdown would approach some Shadow Raiders and ask them this question in Cybertronian

Lockdown: Did you manage to hack the Atlas Military' CCT?

Shadow Raider: We did sir.

Lockdown: Good.

After hearing it. Lockdown would eventually try to connect his communication systems onto the hacked CCT by calling a certain individual named James Ironwood.

Atlas Military: Command Center. 2000 Hours.

In the command center. We would see a lot of Atlas Soldiers operating some computers as they are having a problem due to some anonymous person that had just hacked their CCT and contacting the asking where Ironwood is.

Atlas Soldier: Shit, we don't know who this person. And he even managed to breach into our CCT systems.

Atlas Soldier 2: He or she's asking if General Ironwood is here.

Suddenly the door opened revealing a Atlesian Specialist named Winter Schnee

Winter: What's going on here people?

An Atlas Soldier would rush to Winter telling her about what's going on.

Atlas Soldier 3: Thank Oum you're here Specialist, as far as we know some anonymous person just tapped our CCT systems, and he's asking If General Ironwood is here, his name is LKDN.

???: Did you try pin pointing his scroll or something?

The figure reveals to be a Major of an Atlas Military Elite team named Clover Ebi

Atlas Soldier 3: We did. And we can't pin point the scroll or kinds communication device he is using. I believe that he must've jammed our systems to not locate him.

Clover: Damn it!

Clover would just slam his fist in the table. But suddenly a certain General would arrive inside the Command Center.

???: What's going on here?

Everyone would turn their head on to the direction on where the voice came from revealing James Ironwood had arrived

Winter: General Ironwood, there's no time for salutations we have a big problem here.

Atlas Soldier: Some anonymous person named "LKDN" hacked into our CCT systems, and he's asking for you and him to have a negotiations. And we can't pin point the scroll that he's using because he has full control over the CCT systems and he's jamming it.

Ironwood: Did you try resetting the CCT systems?

Atlas Soldier: We did, but the control room crew can't. It's not just the CCT he has full control, he also has full control over the entire military base. We tried to do it manually but he locked the CCT station.

The entire Command Center room was silent and Ironwood is deciding on what he have to do.

Ironwood: Put him in the line. If we don't he'll activate the self destruct mode of this military facility and killing us. And he has full control over the door systems. And he's probably watching us at this moment.

Winter: General, with all due with respect are you sure you wanted to do this?

Ironwood: Specialist, order is an order. It must be done now.

Winter was a bit a hesitant, but with no choice he tells the Atlas Soldier to put him in the line.

The Atlas Soldiers followed Winters order of putting him in the line. Suddenly their screen changed into this insignia

Some of them were shocked, and some wondering if this is another terrorist group like the White Fang. But suddenly it spoked through the speakers.

LKDN: Hello Mr. Ironwood of Remnant.

Ironwood: Who are you LKDN? And what do you want?

LKDN: It's simple, I have something to tell you.

Ironwood: Then tell me what is it.

LKDN: I wanted to talk to you personally in this Abandoned factory.

Suddenly in one of the screens of the Command Center shows the exact location and description and image of the place.

LKDN: Do not worry, this isn't an assassination attempt. Even if you don't trust me you can bring soldiers that I've selected to bring with you.

The other screen of the Command Center shows down the list that Lockdown choose that Ironwood will bring to meet him at the factory that includes Winter Schnee and Clover Ebi.

Ironwood: Why did you select those people to bring with me then?

LKDN: I'll tell you when you and I have a conversation.

Ironwood was a bit of hesitant but he had no choice but to comply even if he's a General.

Ironwood: Alright, when will meet exactly?

LKDN: 2200 hours.

Ironwood: Alright I'll get my men that you've selected to bring me with.

After that conversation. The Screen went back to normal showing state.

Clover: General are you really sure you wanted to do this?

Ironwood: Of course I would. Even if it means the lives of my men or myself. It's best that we do it than letting billions of innocent or not innocent lives perish.

Winter: Understood General.

Ironwood would turn around to the command center crew.

Ironwood: People, I need you all to contact the soldiers that LKDN selected to bring with me. And tell them to get geared up.

Everyone in the room: Yes sir!

They immediately went into their own working station and Ironwood could only say this.

Ironwood: I hope this doesn't become a bad day for people.



I would also do a shout out for people that supported or inspired me to do this.

Shout out  to Darkdecade97 for inspiring me to create this story. I got the inspiration from Jaune Decepticon.

Shoutout to ThatOneGuardsman for providing me his OC aka CRACK and for supporting me.

Shout out 444TheNumber4 for supporting me onto this work.

Shout out to Restoring Alphatale/ L
For waiting 30 minutes before the chapter was even released.

Shout out to Saysoumarin for having potential to be an R34 artist

Shout out to Ultima for creating Arc Of Imitation!!!


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