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By MMotwani

4.6K 196 8

๐ˆ๐ ๐–๐‡๐ˆ๐‚๐‡, แด›สœแด‡ ส€แด‡sษชแด…แด‡ษดแด›s แดา“ ๐‘๐ˆ๐•๐„๐‘๐ƒ๐€๐‹๐„ แด€ส€แด‡ ส™ส€แดแดœษขสœแด› แด›แดษขแด‡แด›สœแด‡ส€ แด›แด แดกแด€แด›แด„สœ แด›สœแด‡ษชส€ แด˜แด€sแด›, แด˜ส€แด‡sแด‡ษดแด› แด€ษดแด… า“แดœ... More

๐๐‘๐Ž๐‹๐Ž๐†๐”๐„ - 1

๐๐‘๐Ž๐‹๐Ž๐†๐”๐„ - 2

953 43 0
By MMotwani


𝐏𝐫𝐨𝐥𝐨𝐠𝐮𝐞 - 2


As the screen abruptly halted, confusion rippled through the room like a shockwave and everyone frowned in dissatisfaction and frustration.

"What happened?"

"Why'd it stop?"


"This is Ridiculous"

Amidst the clamor, suddenly footsteps echoed, drawing everyone's attention to a figure emerging from the shadows behind the couches.

Everyone stood up in alarm and Mayor McCoy demanded sternly "Who are you?" her voice tinged with suspicion.

The man shook his head and took a step forward, "You wound me, darling".

Emerging into the light, his identity was met with gasps of recognition.

"Don't you remember me, Sierra..." he purred.

Sierra McCoy's eyes widened in disbelief and she took a step back whispering, "Ranvijay..."

"The one and only," he quipped with a smirk, his presence commanding the room.

As the room remained frozen in awe, their gazes fixated on the enigmatic figure before them, a palpable tension hung in the air. He stood there, a towering presence exuding an aura of power and authority, his very demeanor commanding respect and fear alike.

Ranvijay Oberoi, the name alone was enough to send shivers down spines. Known far and wide as one of the most formidable businessmen and the undisputed Mafia King of India, his reputation preceded him wherever he went. Crossing paths with him was akin to dancing with the devil himself, a perilous endeavor fraught with danger at every turn.

Yet, despite the warnings whispered in hushed tones, there was an undeniable magnetism about him, a raw charisma that drew people in like moths to a flame. His mere presence commanded attention.

As the room remained entranced by Ranvijay's presence, Sierra couldn't contain her eagerness.

"What are you doing here? And where is she?" she asked, her concern palpable.

Jossie's eyes darted around, hoping to catch sight of someone familiar.

"She will be here soon," Ranvijay assured, a hint of amusement in his voice.

Noticing the awe filled glances of the woman on him, with a smirk, he added, "I know, I am handsome, but stop staring or else you will fall in love..."

His playful remark elicited a chorus of blushes and shy glances from the women, unable to resist his charm. Even at 52, Ranvijay Oberoi exuded a bewitching allure. He did not look a day above 30. His tall, sculpted frame seemed to ripple beneath the fabric of his sleek black suit, accentuating every contour of his powerful physique. The top two buttons of his suit were left casually undone, offering a tantalizing glimpse of his chiseled chest

Veins pulsed beneath the surface of his tanned skin, tracing a path along his neck, while a glimmering gold chain adorned his throat and with each adjustment of his cufflinks, the light caught the intricate designs of his rings, casting flickering shadows across his hands as they moved.

A hand swept through his thick, ebony locks, the stark contrast of black and white strands adding an air of enigma to his already striking appearance.

His magnetic blue eyes seemed to pierce through the soul of each person in the room, leaving them spellbound in his gaze. The women found themselves drawn to him, while the men simmered with envy, frustration and nervousness.

Before Ranvijay could reveal further in his effect, a deep baritone voice cut through the air, snapping everyone back to reality.


All eyes immediately darted towards the voice to see a young, handsome man standing behind Ranvijay with a blank expression, an air of nonchalance around him.

Ranvijay sighed, rolling his eyes in exasperation, and replied, "What is it, Raj? You are ruining my fun..."

Raj, Abhiraj Oberoi, slowly walked forward, rolling his eyes at his father, he surveyed the room, eyes filled with boredom. He let out a soft sigh and rolled his eyes again, this time at the admiring gazes directed towards him that were on his father a minute ago.

Abhiraj Oberoi was a mirror image of his father, if not even more striking. His eyes, a captivating shade of grayish-blue, held a depth of mystery that set him apart. His lean but powerful physique was accentuated by the dark blue suit he wore, the fabric stretching over his bulging arms as he adjusted his shirt.

With a casual gesture, he undid the first two buttons of his shirt, revealing glimpses of his toned chest beneath. His hands, adorned with rings, moved with a practiced ease as he folded up his sleeves, revealing the veins that traced their way along his muscular arms.

The sight made the women in the room collectively catch their breath, their eyes filled with admiration and desire as they gaze dreamily upon the famous son of the infamous Ranvijay Oberoi.

Suddenly, the temperature in the room had turned hot, and everyone's trance was broken by another voice.

"Done eye-raping, now look away and focus on something else."

Once again, attention was diverted to see five people stepping forward, two girls and three boys. They excluded an air of effortless sophistication, as if they had just stepped off the pages of Vogue Magazine.

The women were breathtakingly beautiful, with flawless features and impeccable style that could rival any top model. Their confident strides and poised demeanor commanded attention, leaving onlookers in awe.

Meanwhile, the men were strikingly handsome, each possessing a magnetic charm and rugged appeal that drew eyes towards them. From their chiseled jawlines to their impeccable grooming, they embodied the epitome of masculinity and elegance.

Together, they formed a group that seemed straight out of a fashion editorial, captivating the room with their undeniable allure and undeniable presence.

As everyone looked at the newcomers in awe and slight recognition, a sense of familiarity washed over the room. Faces that seemed vaguely familiar stirred distant memories in the minds of those present, as they tried to recall where they had seen these individuals before. Murmurs of recognition rippled through the crowd as they racked their brains, attempting to place the faces before them.

"The girl with blonde hair seems familiar..." whispered Polly to Betty, who nodded in agreement.

"I have seen them before mom, maybe on a red carpet..." Veronica whispered to Hermione with her eyes narrowed at the newcomers.

"Krissan?" Toni's voice cut through the stunned silence as she eyed her fellow serpent with a mix of confusion and shock along with the other serpents.

"Hey Toni..." Krissan greeted with a grin, exchanging nods with the King of Serpents, who still seemed caught off guard.

"What the hell is going on and who are these people?" Betty's question broke the tension, her curiosity palpable.

"Who knows, blondie, but let's not pretend these folks aren't easy on the eyes," Cheryl drawled, a smirk playing on her lips as she eyed the newcomers.

"Cher-Cher," Jason interjected with a scandalized look and glared at his pouting twin, before turning his attention to the newcomers with a discerning gaze.

The Blossom twins avoided their father's glaring eyes, while their mother remained transfixed by the newcomers, particularly the men among them.

"Who are they, Mayor McCoy? Do you know them?" Betty's curiosity bubbled over as she tried to regain her composure, her cheeks flushed with intrigue.

But before anyone could respond, a voice rang out in surprise...


Hiram Lodge's astonished exclamation filled the room, his gaze fixed on one of his business partner's in disbelief.

"Hiram, how are you doing?" Ranvijay greeted with a hint of surprise and amusement, extending his hand for a firm shake as Abhiraj joined him, flanking his father. Meanwhile, Veronica and Hermione stood steadfastly by Hiram's side.

Hiram turned to face Abhiraj with a warm smile, extending his hand. "And you must be Abhiraj. It's a pleasure to finally meet you. Your father speaks highly of you and I can see that the rumors did not lie."

Abhiraj nodded curtly, his expression remaining stoic as he shook Hiram's hand. "Likewise," he replied simply.

Hiram then gestured towards the two women beside him. "Allow me to introduce my wife, Hermione, and my daughter, Veronica."

Ranvijay greeted them with a nod and a half smile. "Pleasure to meet you both."

Hermione smiled graciously. "Likewise, Mr. Oberoi. We've heard so much about you."

Veronica's cheeks tinged with a faint blush as she glanced at Abhiraj. "Yes, it's an honor to meet you, Mr. Oberoi," she said softly, her voice betraying a hint of admiration.

Abhiraj acknowledged her compliment with a nod, "The pleasure is all mine, Miss Lodge."

Ranvijay observed the exchange with amusement "Looks like you've made quite an impression, Raj."

Abhiraj's lips curled into a small sarcastic smirk as he replied to his father's comment, "Well, someone's got to carry on the legacy of charm and wit around here."

Ranvijay rolled his eyes at his son's aloofness, shaking his head with a chuckle. "Always the charmer, aren't you, Raj?"

Meanwhile, the others in the room were simply staring at the interaction with mouths wide open, taken aback by the knowledge that The Lodge's knew the Oberoi's. Before the silence could stretch on too long, Alice Cooper interjected with her signature sass and sarcasm.

"Well, well, well, isn't this just a delightful little reunion? The Lodges and the Oberois, all in one room. What's next, a royal wedding?"

"Oh, spare us the theatrics, Alice. We've got enough drama as it is." Hiram replied while rolling his eyes and giving the amused Oberoi father-son duo an embarrassed smile.

"Indeed. We didn't come here to engage in petty squabbles." Hermione interjected with a tight smile.

"Petty? Oh, I assure you, Hermione, there's nothing petty about exposing the truth." snapped Alice already fed up with all the drama.

"Mom, please, let's not-"

"No, Betty. I won't stand here and let these two play their games without calling them out on it." Alice spat while glaring at the Lodge's who glared back at her.

"Alice, enough with the commentary. Let's focus on why we're all here." Hal interrupted in frustration.

Clifford Blossom, sensing an opportunity to make an impression, stepped forward with a flourish, introducing himself and his family to the Oberois and ignoring everyone else.

"It's such a pleasure to meet you Mr. Oberoi, I am Clifford Blossom, the richest man in Riverdale and I am sure you know about my Maple Business, the life of Riverdale." he announced grandly.

Ranvijay simply raised a brow and nodded, his eyes full of humor as if staring at a clown. "Pleasure to meet you."

Abhiraj simply looked done with everything and silently gave a nod.

Clifford smiled and gestured to his wife and children to come forward.

Penelope, with her seductive demeanor, approached the Oberois with a sultry smile, her voice dripping with honeyed tones. "Such a pleasure to meet you, Mr. and Mr. Oberoi. I'm sure we could find some... mutually beneficial arrangements to discuss."

Ranvijay arched an amused eyebrow at Penelope's suggestive words, while Abhiraj looked distinctly unimpressed, his irritation evident in his expression and rolled his eyes seeing the dense Clifford not understanding the meaning behind his wife's words.

Jason, ever the aloof noble heir, curled his lips and nodded politely at the Oberois, "Jason Blossom. Pleasure." his demeanor reserved yet dignified.

Meanwhile, Cheryl, true to her bombshell nature, batted her eyelashes coyly at the Oberois, a playful smirk dancing on her lips, "Cheryl Blossom..."

Clifford, eager to impress, launched into a discussion about the maple empire and his family's rich background, attempting to gain the Oberois' favor. "We would be honored if you would consider visiting Riverdale," he said, his voice oozing with charm and persuasion.

Ranvijay observed Clifford's attempts at impressing them with mild amusement, while Abhiraj remained impassive, clearly uninterested in the conversation.

On one side, the men in the room were trying to gain favor from the Oberoi's and on the other side Sierra and Josie were embracing and talking to newcomers warmly and speaking in hushed tones. While the Southsiders looked at all of them in irritation and frustration.

As the tension simmered between the various factions in the room, Jughead's voice cut through the unease like a knife. "I think that is enough, can we please move forward to more important matters," he interjected, his tone laced with impatience.

All eyes turned towards him, some with annoyance, others with curiosity. Jughead sighed, gesturing towards the screen with a sense of urgency.

"I see that the reunions are over, so let's start watching but before that the newcomers, I am sure you know as to why you have been summoned here, and Mayor McCoy, Josie, do not worry, 'SHE' is absolutely fine and will be here soon. Now newcomers please introduce yourselves. "

Amidst the palpable tension, the voice spoke once more, its reassurance doing little to dispel the lingering concern etched on the faces of the mother-daughter duo.

The newcomers shared a look before speaking, their voices ringing out with confidence and authority amidst the hushed murmurs of the room.

"Ranvijay Oberoi," declared the imposing figure at the forefront, his name resonating with a sense of power and authority.

"Abhiraj Oberoi," followed his son, his demeanor mirroring his father's stoicism.

"Maya Anderson," chimed in a young woman with a commanding presence, her gaze steady and unwavering.

"Alexander Anderson," echoed her companion, exuding an air of quiet confidence as he stood tall beside her.

"Ranveer Singhania," announced another figure, his voice carrying a hint of mystery and authority.

"Min Ho," another voice rang out, belonging to a man, his features hinted at an East Asian heritage, his enigmatic smirk adding to the mystery that surrounded him.

"Krissan Evans," concluded the introductions, her demeanor poised yet enigmatic, as if she held secrets untold.

Gasps surrounded the room as they remembered, these were 'The Elites'-the infamous group of teenagers who had risen to prominence at a young age, each carving out their own path to success and notoriety. But one among them was conspicuously absent-their leader, the linchpin of their formidable alliance.

"Y-you are the E-elites, Oh my god..." Squealed Ethel, her eyes sparkling with awe and admiration as she gazed at the five figures before her.

"The Elites, Oh yes, I remember seeing you all at the Met Gala last year and you guys looked amazing..." Veronica exclaimed in excitement, her voice tinged with a hint of reverence as she recalled their dazzling presence.

"Oh my god, Krissan, you never told us, why?" questioned Toni, her curiosity mirrored by the other Serpents who nodded in agreement.

"I didn't think it was that important, Toni..." Krissan replied nonchalantly, exchanging a knowing glance with the others, who seemed to find the situation rather amusing.

The room erupted once again with a flurry of conversation, everyone talking over each other, asking questions and sharing tidbits of information they had heard or read about the infamous group known as The Elites. Who were known to be very private.

"Yes, but one of you is missing, isn't 'SHE' your leader?" Polly interjected eagerly, her eyes shining with curiosity.

"If I am not wrong, her name was -"

"AMAIRA" Alice cut in abruptly, her voice sharp and her gaze fixed on the newcomers, her tone laden with a mix of recognition and apprehension..

"Right but what I am confused about is, please don't take it wrong but we have been brought here to watch our future, the future of Riverdale and I don't understand how this concerns you guys, like how are you related to 'us' to Riverdale?" Betty questioned, her brow furrowed in confusion as she directed her inquiry towards the Elites and the Oberois.

Jughead, ever the skeptic, chimed in, his tone laced with skepticism. "Also, how does Mayor McCoy and Josie know them, and who is this 'She' the voice was speaking about? Josie? Mayor McCoy??" he pressed, his curiosity piqued.

Maya chuckled, her amusement evident in her tone, before addressing Betty and Jughead with a sense of nonchalance. "These two are going to get together..." she remarked, her words eliciting a chorus of intrigued murmurs from those present in the room.

Betty and Jughead shared a shocked look before their cheeks flushed crimson, and they quickly averted their gaze. "ABSOLUTELY NOT..." snapped Alice, her grip firm as she pulled Betty back, her protective instincts kicking in.

FP Jones observed the exchange with a mixture of amusement and bemusement, he starred in between Jughead and Betty before his eyes connected with that of Alice's glaring one's and a chuckle escaping his lips as he shook his head.

Maya and Krissan shared a knowing smirk, while the men of the Elite's simply rolled their eyes at the unfolding drama.

"Just get back on topic; we don't have time to waste..." Alice snapped, her tone sharp as she turned towards Mayor McCoy.

"How do you know them, Sierra, and what are they doing here?" she demanded, her eyes fixed on Sierra McCoy with a mixture of curiosity and suspicion.

"Well you see, the name of the leader of the elites is 'Amaira Oberoi', daughter of the Mayor of Riverdale, Sierra Samuel McCoy and Business Mogul Ranvijay Oberoi, sister to Josie McCoy and Abhiraj Oberoi..."

Gasps filled the room as the shocking revelation sank in, disbelief evident on the faces of those present when everyone registered Krissan's words.

"OH MY GOD..."



"How is this possible? Sierra, I mean, we knew you had a child before marriage, but you never told anyone it was with an 'Oberoi'..." Penelope interjected, her tone dripping with snark and judgment.

Sierra's expression hardened, her eyes narrowing at Penelope's intrusive question. "It is none of yours or anyone's business," she retorted icily. "If this farce is over, everyone take your seats and let's begin..."

After a round of whispering and murmuring, everyone reluctantly took their seats, their minds swirling with the bombshell revelation. Finally, the screen flickered to life, signaling the start of the anticipated viewing.

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