A Day to be Remembered

By NIYO_Writer

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Momo a sweet silly girl falls in love with Jim who turns out to be a cold hearted due to the past experiences... More

Author's Note
Chapter 1 The Morris Family
CHAPTER - 2 The University Life
CHAPTER - 3 Proposal and Curiosity
CHAPTER - 4 Fresher's Day
CHAPTER - 5 Close Encounter
CHAPTER - 6 The Morris' House
CHAPTER -7 Lost in those eyes
CHAPTER -8 The embarrassment
CHAPTER -9 Introduction of new love
CHAPTER -10 Dinner and Drop
CHAPTER -11 Getting closer with Her
CHAPTER -13 It's Complicated
CHAPTER -14 A scary Nightmare
CHAPTER -15 Convincing Bestie
CHAPTER -16 Out of Focus
CHAPTER -17 Two in one
CHAPTER -18 Surprise turned out to be shock
CHAPTER -19 Desert to Spring
Chapter 20 Shattered Hopes

CHAPTER -12 Does he feel the same?

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By NIYO_Writer


Once I boarded the bus I took an empty window seat and bid my farewell to Allen. There were only few people in the bus and it was a short ride only. All the way I was thinking about what happened today. I have never felt the way I felt when I was near Allen. He has a minty fragrance which is so attractive. He dresses well and loves his sister dearly. I took out my headset, plugged into my phone and put some melodies which added fuel to the fire ignited in my heart by Allen. Not so long I arrived at my destination. It is a ten minute walk from bus stop to my apartment. I reached safely and unlocked the door.

  It is a small cozy apartment with a living room, Kitchen, Dining room, three bedrooms in case Mom and Dad comes for staying. I changed another bedroom into small library and an arts room where I placed all my art work and also my spare room in case there is any necessity. I placed my bag on the coffee table and collapsed into the couch. "Home sweet Home" I sighed. "Oh ya... let me inform Momo that I'm home". I took out my mobile and started typing.

RE: "Momo I reached home"

Momo: Hey girl... Good... You reached safely right...

RE: Yeah I'm safe... Hey Momo Thank you for inviting me home... I really had a great time with you...

Momo: Pleasure is mine.....

RE: Momo... Um.... Ah... that... Convey my thanks to your brother for accompanying me till bus stop.

Momo: Don't worry I'll convey this to him... He asked me inform him when you txt me.

RE: Um... OK girl... Go sleep will see you tomorrow... Bye

Momo: Sweet dreams...

I took my bag and mobile running into my bedroom for a quick shower. I changed into Pajamas and stood in front of mirror combing my hair. I can still feel his touch in my body. The way my hand rested on his strong chest and his strong hands in my waist. I shook my head to keep my mind from thinking about it and went to bed. But still Sleep was far away from my eyes.

"He is so caring and genuine" I murmured. When we accompanied me to the bus stop, I kept looking here and there to avoid any other trouble. I held a falling leaf in my hand and looked at it. I slowly apologized and thanked him for the incidents. When I turned towards him, He gave me a node.

But he was looking so handsome. He was folding his arms around his chest. His biceps peeking out of his shirt and his well built body was adding hotness to his features. His messy hair was highlight, making him a man one could ask for. He smiled revealed his dimples on both her cheeks. The path we walked today was not normal. It was very quiet and the leaves were falling down adding to the mood, little insects and our footsteps was the only sound heard. I had read these only in novels and seen in movies but I couldn't believe that it is true. The way he initiated the conversation and the way he let me know what is happening in his life and he also patiently listened to mine was really amazing. We reached the bus stop but soon the bus arrived. I formally thanked him and boarded the bus. But I only knew who badly I want to stay there with him.

"What is this feeling?" "Even he feels the way I feel?" I let out a deep sigh and pulled duvet up to my neck and dosed off, saving my energy for next day. 

Hey Dear readers,

Sorry I took a while to update the story. I am currently held up with lots of stuff going on in my personal life. My work and family stuffs are a bit toll of my head I barely find time for myself but i made sure that the story is updated today. I will be posting 6 chapters today for compensation. Please provide your valuable support for us and the story. 



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