Just a Spider, now a Sorcerer

By HunterZIM

4.3K 120 115

This is a remaster of my menace story. I realized I made Spider-Man a bit too OP. I'm still gonna make him OP... More

How it all started
Destruction and chaos
Waking up and remembering the past
Meeting one of The Horsemen

Time for the send off

746 23 15
By HunterZIM

Zim: Welcome back... Satoru Gojo.

Peter: Heh, i just got my other life back and you're calling me that already?

Zim: Well it's either that or Peter since you're technically both at the same time now. But which do you prefer?

Peter began to think about it. What did want to be called? Did he want to continue with Peter Parker leave behind the Jujutsu world, or go on Satoru Gojo and forget his uncle Ben and aunt May. That's when he suddenly got an idea. Why should he have to choose?

Peter: Why not both. I'm thinking... Peter "Satoru Gojo" Parker.

Zim looked to ZI-O as he nodded. Stan gave the same response when the invader looked at him.

Zim: Alright then Pete. We only have our next order of business.

Peter: Let me guess. You gotta send me back to deal with some of those losers?

Zim: Not exactly.

Peter: Eh?

Zim: Well we already brought you out here in the epicenter of creation, why not have some fun with it. Enjoy a completely different universe!


Suddenly a portal appeared beneath Peter. The spider looked down then looked up.


The portal then closes.

ZI-O: Are you sure he's gonna be alright?

Zim: It's Spider-Man we're talking about. He'll be fine. *locks fingers together and stretches out* well I don't know about you guys, but I got some business to take care of. ZI-O has watch of 616 in case the idiots decide to do something stupid, Stan you... basically just do whatever, and I have some assholes to deal with.

ZI-O cross' his arms and teleports while Stan vanished in thin air. Zim turns around as a portal opens. He walks through and is taken back to his ship, The Harvester. As Zim enters, he takes a few steps before feeling something slide under his boot. He stops and looks to see a purple and brown colored substance mixed together along with some sort of solid.

Zim: Ugh! GIR!!!

The sounds of clangs were heard as something dropped and face planted into the floor. The object moved to reveal the one known as Gir.

Gir: Hello!

Zim: What have I told you about trying to mix a Succ Monkey with a peanut butter and chocolate taco.

Gir (sad): To not too?

Zim: *sighs. Walks away.* clean it up.

Gir: AHHAHAHAHAHAHAA!! *Dives into pile and starts slurping it up*

Zim: And quit being so loud! The sounds are zesty enough as it is, I don't need anymore!

Zim walks a through door, revealing that the lab was close to his personal quarters. That's when he felt four pairs of arms hug him. Revealing four members of Zim's harem.

Gaz: Babe, when are you gonna come back to bed?

Millie: Please Hun? I miss your strong arms around me.

Tigress: Darling, My heat is still happening. Please help me relieve it. I need you.

Arcee: C'mon sexy. It's getting cold, and my servos and spark could really use some warming up.

Zim: Don't worry. I'm not forgetting about you. I just gotta take care of things and I'll be right back to invade your honey pots.

Millie (lustful): Oh~ will it be hostile?

Zim: It will involve some heavy equipment. *tenses and flexes his muscles*

The four girls blushed while biting their bottom lip. Giggling in the process. They each gave him a kiss as they went back to their room with sway in their hips, Zim staring the whole time. He then turned back and entered an elevator. See you thought The Harvester was small, no, no it's not. It's about equal size to The Massive. The elevator descended and reached a complete new floor. The Brig. Where Zim keeps all of the monsters and dangerous extraterrestrial life forms to experiment on. Or the assholes that he just doesn't like and tortures them every day for the rest of their meaningless lives. It's a jail for space ships, use your imagination. Anyway Zim walked towards a... very restricted area of the brig.

He placed his hand on a scanner as it flashed green.


The door opens as the sounds of screams and groans of pain, agony, and misery were heard. The Irken stepped in as the door closed behind.

Zim: Why are you acting like this is the first time experiencing this?! You've already had the same punishment 50 times over!!

It then reveals different people hooked up to extremely heinous and gruesome torture devices. I'm talking Jigsaw, Human Centipede, HellRaiser, and Outlast having a baby type shit. It's fucked up! Zim then looks over and sees one man being healed with no wounds. Only for his chest to be grabbed and the skin being completely ripped off, said victim releasing a blood curdling scream of agony. A machine began shooting a red beam out and his skin healed back.

Zim: Oh yeah that's right. Because you fuckers keep dying to where I not only have to heal you, but revive you as well. Having to start the process all over. Thank you Medic for the Ubër charger blueprints.

???: P-Please... no more... I-I beg of you!

Zim: Oh you beg of me huh? You beg of me?! What about the lives that begged in Shibuya huh!! What about the constant curses that spread and killed hundreds while all of you sat around on your asses doing nothing but talk about how to kill Yuji Itadori just so you could rid of Sukuna faster, while labeling Gojo as quote on quote "conspirator" huh?!? WHAT ABOUT THEM?!!

That's right. The ones getting ripped apart and put back together constantly are the elders of the Jujutsu Sorcerers.

Zim: *points to his right* And don't even get me started with you!!!

The one he directed to was none other than J. Jonah Jameson. Currently having his neck pulled by a noose, while his legs were locked to the floor. Essentially strangling him while finding out which part of him will get ripped first. His neck, his waist, or his legs. Zim walks up to Jonah.

Zim: The shit you constantly pulled. The fucking false statements and made up headlines of shit you don't know about. You constantly put those out those papers just to cause controversy that makes him look like the bad guy because you say he's "a public menace." Okay then! Let's list of the SUPPOSED, and I very much emphasis the word SUPPOSED, acts of public indecency! *starts counting off* He found out he has super powers so he decided to be something better than himself and help people, I guess that's a pretty bad one. Constantly fights super powered jackasses and psycho's that kill people for no reason whatsoever, that's definitely horrible. He risks his life to save people and take the beatings from said jackasses, that's just the absolute WORST of them all! I guess it was so bad that his actions were recognized by every hero team and was an honorary member of each one, even though that doesn't mean anything anymore... if you can't tell I'm being very sarcastic.

J. Jonah: *choking and straining noises*

Zim: Eh I guess he did kill a lot of people, started up a company, and became just as bad as Stark and Norman Osborn put together. Oh wait... *does a slow turn to Jonah* that wasn't him. BECAUSE OCTOPUS DID A FUCKING BRAIN SWAP AND LEFT SPIDER-MAN IN HIS DEAD BODY AND TOOK OVER TO DO WHATEVER THE HELL HE FELT LIKE!!

Jonah was suddenly ripped in half from the waist up. Zim stared his corpse for a few seconds before looking down and seeing a tiny speck of his entrails touching him.

Zim: Dammit now I got Jonah on my boot!

The Ubër Charger then put the Daily Bugle publicist together, and he was promptly thrown back into torture.

Zim: *sigh* This is not even satisfying anymore. But *reaches a dial by the door and turns it.* You've still got time.

He moves his hand away to reveal the screen.

Time dilation stasis room:

Set amount:

200 years

Zim leaves as the door closes.

*With Gojo*

Peter was casually falling in the sky from the portal Zim had created with one simple thought.


Peter continues to fall as he looked behind. He was pretty high up so it's gonna be a bit before he reaches even remotely close to the ground. Se he just crossed his legs and rested his hands on his head. Relaxing. Letting wind resistance do its work and slow him down somewhat.

Peter: 'Wonder what's gonna be different with this one? What type of Avengers team will they have? Wait, will they even have an Avengers, or even heroes for that matter? Eh. I'll figure it out when I get down.'

Now he simply waits. Though it started seem a bit too long. That's when he looked at his wrist even though he doesn't have a watch.

Peter: 'What's taking so long?'

He then looked back to see he was getting closer very quickly.

Peter: 'Oh... there I am-'

(Pretend it's in a city)

After the smoke cleared, it revealed Peter still in the crater completely unharmed as some sort of distorted anomaly surrounded his body.

Peter (smirks): 'So limitless can protect me from fall damage.' Good to know.

Peter then gets up and begins to walk out. Observing the city he was in. This was definitely New York so he's in familiar territory. But the city was in ruins. Windows were shattered, cars were broken,  buildings were collapsed, and plant life was starting to completely take over. What surprised him though is that there were tree branches and roots the size of cars or bigger.

Peter: What happened here?

Peter began to take a few steps until he heard deep growling. Soon enough he was surrounded by grotesque monsters that could only be described as walking corpses. Some even having swords stabbed into their backs

Peter: Eesh. What happened to you guys? 'They're not curses, but their energy does hold a dark presence with in them. Could they be reanimated?

One of the swarm began to charge as it leaped and swung at The Web slinging hero, however the clawed hand was completely stopped by limitless and the beast fell to the ground.

Peter: Yeah that usually happens when someone tries to hit me.

More began to charge but Peter decided that he wasn't gonna sit around anymore and decided to fight back. So he dodged two from behind and kicked them both. Three tried to attack but he struck the first with a right hook, the second with a left and the last with a gut punch. Launching them all away. One tried to go low for his legs but Peter jumped and fired a web line. However his webs were completely different. They glowed a gold like color.

Peter: 'Huh. That's new.'

Spider-Man landed and swung the corpse over his head and slammed it into the ground, Killing it. More started to appear and Peter wanted to get this over with.

Peter: Cursed technique, Lasp... Blue!

A small blue ball of energy was thrown out of his hands as it began to expand and absorb the swarm as they were crushed into dust. Once the threat was over with, Peter dropped his fighting stance. However he noticed that there was this misty blue light that started to form. It grew bigger until it began to take shape in the face of a demon with a tail and it began to float. With three small heads around it.

The spectral ghost slithered and floated to Peter as it circled him. It then reached his right side took a solid form. A thin black chain was wrapped around his waist, along his belt as a tiny talisman appeared.

Peter: ....cool....

Suddenly the sound of something big rocketing down catches his attention as he looks up to see a meteor fall. Impacting the ground far away.

Peter: *shrugs shoulders* No need to rush. A nice stroll will be fine.

So he heads off awaiting what will become of this major adventure.

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