Restart(Tensura Story)

By Kischur

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Ivarage was released in the World, and with it's Overpowering Power, it was able to annihilate the entire Cen... More

The Beginning

The Attack of the Lord of Darkness

615 17 3
By Kischur

Guy Crimson - seeing that he is now currently in his Throne Room and not in The Desolate World that became after the battle between Ivarage and and the Survivors Council

Seeing this, and the Daemons that knelt before them, he couldn't helped but quickly looked towards his fellow Primordials and then saw there eyes, there eyes full of Knowledged and Power, with Rain even becoming more Serious as well!! 

Seeing such an Impossible Phenomenom on the later, Guy could only let out a single smirk and ordered his force " From a few minutes from now! All Daemons shall continously attacked the Northen Borders of the Main Continent itself, and do not hold back "

The Daemons who heard this order was shocked, since after all, this was the First Orders that was issued out, of course, there was the periodical attacks, but now? Now they were ordered to essentially wreck havoc in the Human World itself, something that he purposely didn't allowed outside of periodical attacks

It was certainly strange for there perspective, but they didn't said anything about it, far too afraid to displeased there Lord and Master and just followed through with it and then Immediately launch off to attacked the Closest Nation in the Northern Border of the Main Continent itself 

With all Daemons now leaving, with them just leaving out the Primordials and the True Dragon, Guy Crimson then unleashed his Aura to the Full, with him then equiping his Sword in hand and then turned towards his Fellow Primordials, with the duo too also forgoing there Maid Outfits and just readying themselves for a Battle to come 

" From this point onward, we shall be reentering training " He spoke to the two of them, since after all, this 2 wasn't as strong as they used to be in the End of the World, with them being more weak now compared to before 

Something that needed to changed really soon 


But just before the start of the Match, Velzard - who is currently in her True Form - revealed herself by destroying the Walls that separate her previous location to her current location, with her Aura too also being very active at this moment, with her clearly being ready for her own Battle as well 

" Let's do this " With a tone that could be mistaken for Blizzard itself, she then readid herself for the battle to come 


Both said outloud, with both of them quite eagor to become stronger as well.

Or at least one of them are..

' Guy-sama!! Velzard-sama!! I'am not as strong I was in the End of the World you knowwww!!!! ' Rain complained, not wanting to get her assed kicked right after returning back in time 


In the Kingdom of Siltrosso - it was currently in an uproar at the news that the Daemons of Guy Crimson has been seen to going towards them, causing the Kingdom itself to quickly prepare for the Invasion, with them currently working with the Kingdom of Falmuth to protect there borders, while also hiring out Adventerers as well, wanting to have an Increased in Defense for the Battle to come 

As for the Council of the West, despite just being sent out the Invitation to hold out another meeting, each Kingdom has already sent out there support towards the North itself, with them sending in either Soldiers or Supplies for the upcoming battles - while also mobilizing the Entire Freedom's Guild to also send in all avalaible Adventurer and Personal to the Frontline itself

And so right now, both Kingdom of Siltrosso and Falmuth has now officially became the Most Defended Kingdoms in the Entire Western Side of the Continent itself, with it being filled with Millions of Soldiers and Adventurers that easily numbered in the 5 Million Ranges 

With majority of them being Adventurers that just came to want to make a name for themselves

Because of the Large Army, and with no one having Experience to actually control such vast number of troops, the Commanders of this Grand Army was given portions that they best worked with, while also coordinating with the Logistics Officers to create roads and systems for more efficient transport of supplies and goods, to allow them to have better chances of winning this war 

And so right now, a week passed, the battle has underway..

And Humanity was loosing..


" Your all so weak!! " A Daemon said after killing a bunch of Humans

" Right! " Another too also killed off a bunch of Humans after sending in a bunch of Fireballs at the enemy, killing a mass portion of the Human Army 

It was expected after all, this was Daemons that have been alived for thousands of years doing nothing but fighting one another, with them mastering and using Skills that would make any Human in the Central World into a Legendary Warrior with but the extreme of ease itself

And add in there own large numbers as well, they were overwhelming the Human Army itself with but the Extreme of Ease, it was too the point that the Human Army would be eventually destroyed if this ceaseless fighting would continue 

By this point, the Nations that haven't participated yet, which is both the Armed Nation of Dwargon and Sorceror's Dynasty Sarion, has decided to send in there own armies to join in the fight as well with the clear intention of wanting to reinforced the Borders to not allow Daemons to enter the Main Continent itself 

" ~Don't give up everyone~! ~Remember your loved ones~! Remember there faces~! And give out your heart for them~!! " Hearing a voice that sounded like it came from the voice of an Angel itself that was cheering them on, the Soldiers that was losing morale Immediately rallied together and fougth even harder than before 

" Yooossshhaaa!!!! The Pink Elf is with us now!! This is our Win!!! "

" Her Highness Elysia has come down to helped us!! "

" Move it everyone!! "

With the voice of the Pink Elf Elysia - the Army became even more motivated to die, with them all sending themselves to there deaths 

The Elven Warriors that was sent to be her Aids, couldn't helped but looked on at the Battelfield with some shocked and awe at what they were witnessing for the first time in this new life of there's 

The Elven Warriors that was sent wasn't the run in the mill soldiers as well, all of them are all powerful and skilled, with them even acquiring back the Previous Timeline's Memories as well, allowing them to become even Stronger and Skilled than before as well

Because of this, it could be said that, right now, they could even nearly matched the prowess and power of the Captains of the Magic Knights of El Dorado itself, something that few could truly do in the Entire World itself, signifying there own Power and Prowess right this moment as the Proud Member of - Magus 

" My Lady, we must join the battle as well, it doesn't take morale to win battles of this scale after all My Lady " Hearing the suggestion of the Magus to her right, Elysia nodded as well, taking out her own Weapon of Choice which is the Highest Quality Bow that the Kingdom itself has on it's Armory 

" Right~ All of you, join in the battle as well and try to become even stronger as well~! For we are fighting for the Future~!! "

"" Right!! "" With the permission from there Lady, they all bowed down to there knees before dispersing throughout the battlefield that they currently controlled, with the sole objective of bringing in victory to there Lady and Nation itself!!

With that, Elysia then quickly gathered her Hero's Haki and Mana into her Bow creating a Pink Colored Arrow made out of Pure Energy Itself 

" [High~Elf~ Arrow~~] " With the name being called, she then released her Arrow towards the Daemons of Guy Crimson before splitting off into numerous smaller arrows, which hit nothing, but within moments it instantly changed, with numerous beams of pink light suddenly decorating the Battlefield itself with them, with each arrow basically rapidly switching places with another arrow, creating a cage of death in the battlefield, while also supporting allies as well 

Elysia seeing her prided Art do it's worked couldn't helped but nod, while also looking towards the Ice Continent with some anxiety in her face, since after all, despite being weakened, she is still powerful and skilled enough to know that something big is happening within the Continent that her Aunt and Uncle ruled..

.. Especially with the Skyrocketing Energy count rising through the air contineously that it even frightened her quite a bit 

' I just hope that they don't go overboard and potentially destroy the world in there battle to get back into shape ' She just hoped, since after all, those 2 are what she would call battle maniacs at heart, something that she didn't know she would associate with her own Lovely Aunt, who was usually cold like her own Element itself 

' Anyway.. I need to take this seriously and get back into the battlefield! ' With that, she then run along towards the frontlines to destroy the Enemy of Humanity itself 


Somewhere near the borders of the Armed Nation of Dwargon - the Armies of Dwargon has decided to make this Battlefield to be a testing ground for unproven technology itself, wanting to see if there newly created weapons could even damage that of a Powerful Greater Daemon

Of course, they did take the threat very seriously as well, with this testing itself being more so done in fields where the number of Daemons are less in one particular battlefield itself, while sending it in quite a few of the Elites of the Nation itself to be an assist unit for the defense of the new weapons, while also being the one to fight and end the Daemons if said Weapons didn't killed said Daemons or if there are survivors 

In this battle as well, The King of the Armned Nation of Dwargon - Gazel Dwargo is personally leading the charged in the Most Gruesome Battlefields, while also being the Main Support as well with him usually going to the battles that needs helped 

" *Groan* How much was the casualties? " Gazel asked his Right Hand Man when in Matters of War and the Military itself - Vaughn, who with the latter kneeling down before reporting to his king 

" Our casualties are within acceptable ranges, largely due to the daemons concentrating their attacks on the lands of Falmuth and Siltrosso. Consequently, we haven't suffered as many casualties in comparison. Furthermore, with the Church and Sarion joining the fray, we anticipate that our casualties will either decrease, or if the daemons decide to target us or Ingrasia, the Holy Empire may experience an increasing number of attacks " Vaughn reported to Gazel, who only closed his eyes to think about the Information that he just gotten

' It's good that we are making progressed in our defense of our territory, and we are getting useful data on the New Weapons as a result of this War.. But our resources on the other hand is taking quite the big hit as well ' He couldn't helped but thought 

Because of this War, the trade for Weapons made by the Dwarven Nation has been in an all time high, with many very much buying them when they are available, or even when the prices are overly inflated as well, causing new riches to enter the Dwarven Nation itself 

However, due to these circumstances, numerous resources are also required to sustain the war effort. Food shortages have become a major issue, exacerbated by the consumption of resources by soldiers and kingdoms stockpiling them. This has led to an increase in the value of essential ingredients such as wheat and similar staples

It was somewhat medigated with the Holy Empire and Sarion giving out and selling some of there own stockpiles as well, but still, it still isn't enough to minimized the prize though, with them still climbing up and up

Of course, everything was still on somewhat acceptable levels, but he does fear that the Conflict would continue long enough to forcefully raised the prizes of everything to the point of needing time to rest, while also giving the chance of the Eastern Empire to enter the conflict with the West to take over everything 

' That is something that we cannot allow.. We need to forcefully halt this Daemon Invasion now ' Gazel thought, before looking towards his kneeling Commander and ordered him 

" Vaughn, I shall leave you in-charged of the defenses of Dwargon, while I shall be going towards the Battlefields of Falmuth to helped them fight off the Daemons " Hearing the order, Vaughn and the rest of his council members Immediately reacted 

" My Lord!! You cannot thrust yourself into danger like this!! Especially for another nation that are hostile to us!! " Vesta commented to his King this decision would be illogical on helping out  such a state, sure he could see the benefits if helping out Ingrassia or Siltrosso, but Falmuth? That isn't something that he could see, especially with them having tense relations

Gazel hearing that could only looked towards Vesta, causing him to falter a little at the looked of disappointment being pointed towards him " Vesta.. This isn't just any sort of war now, this is possibly the battle that would saved the World, such things like Friends and Allies are thrown out of the waters by this point, right now, we all fight to survive " He truly believed it, but he also looked it another perspective as a King as well, since after all, helping the Kingdom of Falmuth at this point would hopefully mend relations between the two nations, since despite disliking the King of Falmuth, his Nation must come first 

The others hearing that couldn't say anything, since after all, he is right, right now, because of the attacks of the Daemons of Guy Crimson - about 10% of the Lands of the Northen Lands has been destroyed and taken over by Daemons, which has obviously cause Economical Issues as a result of the fighting

Dorf seeing that his Lord wouldn't stopped now, also bowed down before him " The Pegasus Knights shall always be with his Majesty! We shall too also ride into battle with you My Lord! " Vaughn seeing this, could only scratch his head before turning towards the other 2 members of the council 

" So? Will you two also be going as well? " He asked the two, since because of the new Weapons that was being deployed and there more proven weapons now being stationed as well, they are now quite secured and defended, he is even confident that he could defend the Entire Nation itself with himself and the Army for a couple of weeks if the attacks stayed the same as ever 

But still, he didn't count on his confidence though 

To this, both shook there heads, causing the man to silently sigh in relief " As the Arch-Wizard of the Nation of Dwargon, it is required of me to stay in the Frontlines of our Kingdom to reinforced and support our Soldiers " 

" And as for me, with me as being the Intelligent Officer, it is far more better for me to act as support and allow Orders and Commands to be efficiently and accurately sent out to the Army, to you and to his Majesty "

Hearing both said, Vaughn could only smile before nodding before turning towards his King and his Friend before kneeling down " Very well My King, but for your further protection, we shall be sending in 10,000 Elites to helped you in your battle My King " He begged for this much at least to Gazel, who hearing that could only accept it as being needed 

" Very well, ready the men Immediately! For we shall head out to support our potential Allies in this Conflict! " 

With that, Dwargon officially send in there own Support to the Kingdom of Siltrosso and Falmuth 


1 Month - It has been a Month since the Daemons of Guy Crimson has officially started their Invasion, and thanks to the Assistance of the Church - Sario nand of Dwargon, the situation in the Northen Lands has became somewhat managable, especially with the Involvement of the Entire Top Fighting Force of the Church itself with Hinata Sakaguchi and the 7 Clerics fighting alongside the Human Army, it truly gave the Boost of Morale and Sense of Humity as well, since the fabled Teachers of Heroes was now fighting for the sake of Humanity itself 

But it would be a total lie if those 2 forces was the one that was truly holding the line in this battlefield thought, of course, they are quite the heavy lifters in this battlefield though, with Hinata acquiring the Experience and Knowledged of the previous timeline, she has overall became even stronger and more skilled as a result, making her current Swordsmanship, which was seen as an Art form itself, to become a Beautifully Coordinated Divine Dance that captivated everyone that saw her moved 

As for 7 Clerics, with them having there Youths once more, they are now able to performed there Powers far more perfectly, with them being more powerful than before as well with Luminous giving them power just a little bit, with the one showing the most out of this group being obviously Granbell Rosso with him getting stronger and skilled in swordplay that it nearly matched that of Hinata

As for the others, the 10 Saints - thanks to being given memories from there Previous Timelines has became overall an even better fighting force, with Fighting Skills that has truly reached the Apex of Technique in the Use of a Sword and Holy Magic itself - with them all getting stronger as well thanks to the Moves that Guy Crimson has done to strengthen as much people as possible, while also presenting to them on just how powerful his army is, and not allow the Humans to become complacent 

Then there was the Hero King as well - Gazel Dwargon has also joined the battle with his 10,000 Elites, with them all being quite indispensable in the War Effort itself, and with his own Wisdom and Experience on leading battles and being a Commanber himself, he was given additional troops to reinforced his current soldiers that was with him 

Then the Maguses as well, which held capabilities to somewhat fight a Greater Daemon by themselves, but still surely lacking compared to both Gazel or the Church Upper Brass

However, that wasn't the sole reason for the war reaching a stalemate. Despite their importance and legendary status, with a proven track record of battling powerful monsters for years, the true reason for the stalemate was two particular individuals

" [Emperor's Divine Right!!] "

" [~High~Elf's~Arrow~] "

With a Single Slash from a Sword, a Deep Crimson Line was created in the Battlefield, before bursting into flames that consumed everything that it touch 

A Single Pink Energy Arrow flew off before splitting off into thousands of piece before beams of energy quickly showed itself to the battlefield, killing/harming the Daemons that was the main target of attacked 

" Her Excellency is leading us!! Don't falter men!! "

" Her Empress is leading us!! Do not dishonor yourself in her presence!! "

" Fight! Fight!! For her Holiness has even send in her own Daughter to helped our puny Humanity!! "

The Daughter of the Goddess of Luminism Faith, Kiana 'Luminism', viewed as the Sacred Daughter of their God, fought alongside them with power and skill far surpassing that of the normal man. This led many to believe in her own divinity and the divinity of the Church's god, Luminus, causing many more to firmly believed in the Church's Teachings 

While the Other 

The Daughter of the Empress of the Sorcerer's Dynasty Sarion, Elysia Sarion, a Powerful Elf that showed Extreme Mastery over her Weapon and Energy Manipulation to the degree that it even surpassed does of the 7 Clerics and Hinata Sakaguchi themselves 

This 2 Individuals held the battlefield in there hands, with them being the entire reason why the Morale of the Combined Defense Force still existing in such a high level, despite the huge amount of death toll that the Human Side has reached compared to the Daemons lost of "lives", they were losing, but not as badly as the first days of the war itself 

Kiana who was currently wielding her Sword could only glance towards her Dear Sister - who too also took a glance at her, before returning back to the frontlines in where 4 Arch Daemons has arrived to fight them with excitement being quite clear in there eyes 

With that, Kiana then covered herself with Hero's Haki before sending slashes filled with her Haki towards the group of Daemons who all expertly dodged each and every last one of her strikes, with Elysia firing her own shots, which successfully landed hits, but was still very much alived

Still, this didn't discourage Kiana. She rushed towards the two nearest daemons, gathering her power around her blade. Flames erupted from the blade itself, forming black flames around it, signifying its heat and power

Her Unique Skill [Pyro Master] Allows for the Usage of Skills such as [Flame Domination], [Black Flames] and [Molecule Manipulation] - it is a Powerful Unique Skill that is very much suited for her Fighting Style

With that, when she became closer and closer with the Daemons, she then sent out multiple slashes at them, perfectly missing the Daemons itself, something that caught there attention, causing there own Instincts to Instantly warn them of the danger that they were in right now 

But unfortunately, they were far too slow to react, and before long, all slashes suddenly stopped before firing back black beams of fire towards them, blocking all of there escape routes, and to finished it she then delivered one last slash and a thrust

" [Pure Black Flame] "

With that, one final black beam of pure black flames was produced from the tip of her Sword Thrust, with it effectively killing the Daemons in front of her 

Elysia who was currently wielding her Bow could only glance towards her Dear Sister - who too also took a glance at her, before returning back to the frontlines in where 4 Arch Daemons has arrived to fight them with excitement being quite clear in there eyes 

Kiana seeing that quickly rushed towards the Daemons with her being covered with her Hero's Haki, while also sending in her own Sword Slashes towards them, which none hit, Elysia seeing this quickly gathered her own Hero's Haki before sending out a bunch of arrows towards the 4 Daemons with most hitting them, but because of there disperse manner didn't damage them that much 

With that, the 4 separated into 2 groups with both groups going towards the 2 Secret Children of the Chaos Creator, which cause Elysia to just smile, quite happy at the equal dispairs of Power going towards them, with that she then used her Unique Skill 

Her Unique Skill [Life Maker] Allows for the usage of Skills such as [Life Domination], [Magic Manipulation] and [Mass Reproduction] - It is a Powerful Unique Skills that is very much helpful for her own Goals and Mission Objectives  

And so with the Usage of [Life Domination] and [Magic Manipulation] she then started to steal the Energies of the surrounding areas, be it from the Atmosphere, Plants or from other Humans, no one was exception to this, and with the further helped of [Magic Manipulation], she was able to stabilized it and make it Extremely Energy Efficient for what she was making 

With that she then solidified it once more making her Iconic Pink Arrow before Firing it into a single shot, and unlike the others before her, this one didn't dispairs but rather it was spinning in high speeds that it was distorting space itself, twisting and spiraling that it then sucked in everything that was hit by it, cutting everything with it's sharp winds, be it ally or enemy, no one was an exception

" [Pure Arrow] "

It was in essence her strongest attacked, but it was also her most dangerous ones for when Allies are involved, especially when they are in the direction of her Arrow

The daemons, who were being fired upon, quickly unleashed their own nuclear magic towards the arrow, hoping to destroy it. However, the arrow had been tested and refined in combat against her own family and Ivarage, further perfected by Ciel herself. Combined with her own power and skill, no daemon of their caliber and skill could ever stop her arrow

With that, before the Arrow hit, they made there last cambit and tried to teleport out of the way of said Arrow, but as stated tried, for whatever reason they couldn't teleport out of the way, or even try to used there Magic now!

" Wha-!! "

" This-!! "

Before they could finished what they were saying, the Arrow completely and utterly engulf them, killing them, effectively sending them back to the Underworld itself, with the only reason they could because of Elysia's mercy and not wanting to kill potential allies in the future 

On another side of the battlefield, Hinata Sakaguchi quickly went about causing a massacre among the daemons that threatened humanity. This task was fairly difficult, but her power had been boosted when her previous timeline self's soul was integrated into her current soul and body.

She had become even stronger, especially in her experience and technique in the art of war and swordsmanship. This enabled her to fight on par with or even surpass Arch Daemons, despite their history under the rule of Guy Crimson himself 

Because of this, many has started to chear her own, especially with her own ability to take on dozens of Greater Daemons and Arch Daemons, which has cause many Daemons to come about and fight her as well, seeing her as a Powerful Challenge that must be overcome 

Hinata, observing their eagerness to fight, could only accept the battle. After all, as much as she disliked it, these sorts of battles were truly helping her grow stronger by the day. By the end of this long, strenuous battle, she hoped she would be strong enough to achieve the Saint Stage

Her words were enough to provoke clear irritation or anger in anyone who understood the gravity of reaching the Saint Stage. She made it sound too easy to achieve, despite the fact that hundreds of thousands, or even millions of soldiers who knew about it, couldn't reach it even with the ability to train for thousands of years

' Huh? So this is what it feels like to be like Rimuru? ' Hinata couldn't helped but thought with a small smile on her face, seeing her own situation being like that of Rimuru back in the day when he regularly does things that would make him looked crazy or arrogant itself with how easy he makes it sound 

Truthfully speaking, acquiring something like this made her feel somewhat closer to Rimuru. Even if it was just a small or nonexistent connection, it still warmed her heart. At this very moment, she felt like she had grown closer to him

" Don't be distracted!! " A Daemon shouted towards her, seeing her own mind wondering to different places, but still that didn't mean he didn't capitalized on it with him gathering his own Mana to quickly charged up his own attacked " [Eclipse Ray] "

With that, a beam of pure darkness then left his hands with it then spiralling towards Hinata, [Eclipse Ray] One of the Offensive Spells for Dark Magic - a Branch of Magic that all Daemon Kind knows of 

Hinata seeing this only narrowed her eyes before activating her Unique Skills [Mathematician] and [Usurper] - with the usage of [Predictive Calculation] she was able to map out every possible future for the attacked to hit, either herself or the ground itself 

With her own Experience fighting Daemons of the Highest Caliber for training, like High Tiers of the Black Numbers of Tempest, she was able to perfectly know what the effects of the Attacked is and it's possible effects, because of this, she was able to easily come to her own conclusion on needing to stopped this Attacked 

Quickly sheathing her Blade, she placed an Immense amounts of Haki into her Sheathe, remembering an Art that Rimuru himself taught her, an Art that is both Simple and Beautiful 

" [Divine Departure] "

With that, in a quick succession, before the beam of darkness hit, she unsheathe her Rapier and then slashed towards Daemon, cutting the attacked into half and the Daemon in the Process as well 

But unfortunately however, the Blade that she was currently holding couldn't take the pressure of the moved itself and was properly destroyed into multiple pieces, something that Hinata could only sigh in disappointment and understanding in

' That moved truly does put in quite the strain on the Weapon ' If she has one complaint about the Art that was given to her, it was the Amount of Strain it puts into the Weapon itself, since after all, the Moved [Divine Departure] is a miracle moved that doesn't require a large amounts of Energy/Haki to used, with the 2 things it needs being Energy/Haki Control and Weapon Grade itself, if one doesn't have either, then [Divine Departure] would be an Impossible moved to pull off

The reason for this is because of the way the moved works, because of Rimuru's desire to have his Soldiers a reliable and powerful moved to pull out, he has spent intense minutes to create a single Art that could helped the Power Shortage of some of the weaker members of his Army and that is [Divine Departure]

It is a Moved that only needs a tiny amount of Haki to start, and then to used the remaining "life force" of the Weapon itself to the frontlines of the attacked to create a suicidal moved to cut down everything

Because of this, this moved largely depends on the Durability of the Weapon itself to make it effective, if not, then the Weapon would either released a weak attacked or in the case of Hinata, it  would be destroyed into several pieces 

' .. *Sigh* I need to wait for Tempest to be up and running to acquire a Weapon befitting my new Skill Level ' She couldn't helped but thought before turning her head towards to her right to see Granbell attacking, fighting and killing Daemons left and right, with him leaving nothing behind at all

Hinata seeing her former master still couldn't helped but be in awe of his Power and Skills in the Blade, since despite surpassing him, that doesn't mean that she couldn't appreciate the weight of his every swing of his sword 

' I need to become even more Powerful.. In order to be able to stand by his side! ' Hinata thought, before stealing a sword from somebody before leaving to continue her onslaught

Granbell Rosso - The Leader of the 7 Clerics of the Church and it's Strongest Fighter after the Demon Lord herself, couldn't helped but smile, full of elation itself, happy at the fact that he was now being able to fulfill his wished and duty at the same time 

It was a chance that his Lady has given him, worked for her and the other Flamechasers or don't, it was a easy choice itself when comparing what he would getting and what he wouldn't be getting if he goes against them 

' The chance to fully revived Maria, while also having the chance to fully revived the Hero of legend itself to do battle once more in this Era? What more could I ever asked!!! ' With that, he then gathered his Haki to his blade before slashing in front of him, killing off a bunch of Greater Daemons with extreme ease

" Man! So this is the Power of the 7 Clerics of The Church! They truly deserved there jobs as Teacher of Heroes!! " 

" Right!! We're lucky to have them fighting for us now "

When the 7 Clerics of the Church showed themselves in the battlefield, at first it cause many to panic, since after all, if all 7 Clerics where to be present here, then the battles to come must be becoming even more Powerful and Dangerous, causing some to desert from the army and flee the scene itself 

Of course, despite that, the Army itself hasn't broken just yet, since with various powerhouses joining the battle itself, the Human Army was now doing something that no one has thought would be possible in the beginnings of this war, and that was the possibility of winning this whole conflict itself 

With all the Powerhouses was fighting, many more was also getting stronger in this single conflict itself, with some even Evolving into Enlightened Stages thanks to the harshness of the battles with the Daemons are 

Of course, in terms of numbers, they were merely dust compared to the whole force. However, with the increase in enlightened humans on the battlefield, even if the humans lost 10,000 soldiers, if it meant gaining a single enlightened individual, it would be a worthwhile trade-off. A battle-hardened enlightened human is worth more than 10,000 ordinary soldiers

Something that Rimuru fully knows and is why he even approved of this sort of Plan in the first place 

Gran, who also witnessed this unfolding, couldn't help but smile before reminiscing about the Emperor who once taught him how to fight and be a hero. ' It seems that Emperor Rudra-sama has taught you something, Rimuru-sama ' He couldn't help but think. After all, this tactic was often used by the Empire to acquire powerful saints for its forces, proving to be a useful strategy for strengthening the military 

' If I were to do good and create more powerful heroes in the future, I might be able to acquire more rewards from Lord Rimuru-sama ' Gran thought, before something caught his eye, despite the numerous Humans that was fighting in this War, with his dear old friend Razul helping in the place that didn't have warriors such himself helped fighting on 

An Elemental Energy was still very much noticeable in this War, since after all, unlike humans, the ones that have Elementals within them only numbered above the 10 to 20 ranges, with the only ones that he knows of being himself and the 7 Clerics and the 10 Saints having Elementals, with them being apart of the Church apart Fighting Force it was in essence, a requirement to have some form of Spirits with them, be it being either Lesser or Greater Spirit 

Because of that, it became quite easy to spot another Spirit User here, especially if there someone that he himself hasn't met in person yet, because of that, he was able to easily spot her 

A Masked Hero with Black Hair, wearing White Clothing and a Cloak, with a Sword in Hand which was bathe in Fire Elemental Energy in it, causing him to instantly noticed her and her own Importance to not just his Student - Hinata Sakaguchi but to his new Lord as well - Rimuru Tempest 

' Shizue Aizawa.. If I could keep her safe, I might be able to acquire his favor even more.. No, the thing that I must do is fairly obvious to me now ' Organizing his thoughts and acquiring a plan of action, he then straight away went towards his fellow Legendary Hero 

Shizue Aizawa - a Legendary Hero of the Past know by the Title of Conqueror of Flame with her own Legacy now being her Prize Students Hinata Sakaguchi and Yuuki Kagurazaki - two both Extremely Powerful and Successful Individuals in this Chaotic World itself 

And so, right here and now, this Legendary Hero is currently fighting for her life with the Arch Daemon that has chosen to fight her, with her losing her ground 

" Guah! "

" Hmm, quite disappointing, for someone like you to not take your gift seriously.. How disappointing of an opponent " The Daemon commented, clearly being disappointed at how his foe was responding to the Power that she was gifted 

Something that Shizue could only grit her teeth in frustration and anger, but still, she was able to control herself in this fight, not wanting to make a beginners mistake by being influence by her opponent's taunts 

But still, despite her frustrations, she could tell that the daemon was right. After all, the only reason she remained in this battle was not solely due to her own skills and power, but also because Ifrit was actively supporting her. However, due to their mutual distrust and animosity towards each other, their connection wasn't very strong. This internal conflict caused the percentage of power that Ifrit could have given her to be significantly diminished as a result 

But despite that, she still continued fighting with all of her power, and quickly went towards her foe with Flames quickly erupting in her sword before raising it above her head, quickly gathering her Power around it to used her Strongest Technique yet 

" [Infernal Flame!] "

With that, she then unleashed her Strongest Attacked towards the Daemon, who upon seeing this could only let out a smile of anticipation at seeing his opponent take him seriously now, with her going all out and her connection with Ifrit slowly increasing due to frustration 

With that, the Daemon too also used one of his more favored techniques as well

" [Nuclear Cannon!] "

With that, both techniques was shot towards one another to clash for supremacy, with the two attacks appearing to be quite even at first, before Shizue's attacked started to engulf the entire Nuclear Cannon itself, before destroying it and then heading towards him, something that the Daemon didn't visually react to, but instead cast it once more!

" [Nuclear Cannon] "

With that, adding more power and taking this more seriously, the Daemon once again launch his attacked towards the Flaming Wave that was now running towards him, and when the Nuclear Magic made it's mark, it then instantly destroyed the spell that was fired towards him

Shizue, seeing her attack being destroyed, didn't have time to react vocally. Instead, she ducked under her opponent to narrowly dodge the attack. Swiftly pushing herself forward, she moved to the side, her sword alight with Spirit Fire. Gathering her own aura to the blade, she mixed it with her flames before sending them out as Aura Slashes combined with her Spirit Flames at the daemon. The daemon, seeing this, narrowly dodged them—not because of the speed at which they arrived, but to conserve unnecessary energy and movement

And so, with the use of [Material Creation] The Daemon then created a pair of gauntlets before engaging with Shizue on hand to hand combat, something that he very much favored above everything not related to Magic 

With that, the two then came blow for blow, with Shizue slashing and thrusting her sword as fast and as skilled as she can get it to become, since her own Mentals was lowering in a fast rate with Ifrit taking control more and more, which was showcase with her slowly switching to Spirit Fire Magic more and more 

The Daemon seeing this was taking it easy, wanting to see how far the human before him could take it, but upon seeing slowly switching to Spirit Fire Magic, it then decided to stopped playing around, fully knowing that his fun was now over with the girl named Shizue slowly losing herself to her Spirit 

' What a shame, if both of you have actually gotten along, you might have acquired even Greater Power than now, might even possibly allow you to become a Saint or something ' He couldn't helped but think, of course, he didn't fully believed in it himself, but still, even a Daemon such as himself could still dream of such a possibility anyway  

And so, he then gathered his Haki to both of his fist, before delivering strong and fast jabs towards the Woman in front of him, with the fully intention of killing her here and now, but before any of this could happen Gran came in and blocked the attacked for her, shocking the deamon for now being able to sense his presence all this time 

" What the?.. "

Before more could be said, Gran quickly and efficiently cut the Daemon down in half, killing him and sending him back to the Underworld 

It was a  display of power and skill that greatly surprised many, since after all, seeing the Conqueror of Flame struggle against the Daemon, many has started to speculate on it's power and placement into this war, but upon seeing the Cleric's Prowess many became even more in awe of the Power of the Church itself 

Shizue seeing her being saved, quickly cut down Ifrit's connection to her and then powered down before the Cleric before bowing down in gratitude towards the one that saved her " Thank you for your helped Cleric-sama " She expressed her thanks to the Man, who upon hearing her and seeing her, could only nod in acceptance of the words that was presented to him, before grabbing hold of her shoulder and forcefully making her stand up straight, confusing her and everyone else near greatly 

" Wha-? "

" Shizue Aizawa - you are not meant to be here for the Goddess Luminus foretold " He spoke to Shizue with a tone of voice that Shizue could only think would be spoken by old beings that had lived for centuries like her Former Masters - Demon Lord Leon Cromwell or The Masked Hero Chronoa 

" .. What.. What do you mean Lord Cleric-sama? " She asked, completely unsure on what he was saying to her, sure, she does know of the Luminisn Faith, since her own Disciple is the Head of the Entire Fighting Force of said Faith itself, but that doesn't mean that she herself believes in it though

Gran then turned her around, causing her to face away from the front lines. " Your destiny isn't to end here " He declared. " For Goddess Luminus-sama has predicted that you would encounter the one who will save this world from the monsters themselves. It is your task to make first contact and allow this being to truly help us. So, go forth to the Great Jura Forest and find this being they call... " With that, Gran lowered his lips, ensuring she was the only one who could hear him. " The King of Monsters. "

Hearing his words, she couldn't helped but stare towards the Cleric, who only gave her a looked of conviction and utter seriousness in his expression, before nodding, fully accepting the mission that she was granted, since after all, if such a being truly exist, then it is possible for this one to saved the 5 Children that was currently/formerly under her care 

As for the others, seeing someone essentially dessert the army, many would have normally stopped her or even killed her because of treason against Humanity itself, but they didn't, not because of her Reputation or her Power, but because of another aspect and that was Granbell Rosso - the Leader and the Strongest of the 7 Clerics 

With him being essentially the leader of the Church and his reputation and skills being proven, none dared to defy his orders for Shizue to leave and go elsewhere, especially since the Church members appeared to support the decision. Some even safely guided her out of the battlefield. Notably, members of the 10 Saints and the 7 Clerics were clearly assisting her. Due to this, no command was ever called out for her treason; instead, it was accepted as a fact of her needing to follow her destiny as dictated by the Church

Gran watched as Hinata stared towards Shizue with longing in her eyes, quickly catching on to her feelings. "You know, you can meet with her here, and it wouldn't change anything," he spoke to Hinata, not objecting if she chose to go and talk with Shizue at that moment. After all, with how he worded it, Shizue would very much go to the Great Jura Forest one way or another

Hinata, upon hearing Gran's words, couldn't help but feel grateful for the old hero. However, she didn't take up the offer. Instead, she went off to her next battle with the clear intention of reaching her prime once more. It was an action that spoke volumes, more than mere thousands of words could express. Granbell couldn't help but feel proud about it

"Good... It seems that your heart right now is all about getting stronger," Gran said, observing Hinata's determination. "This would be more helpful for Rimuru-sama in the long run." With that, he too joined in the fight, aiming to reach levels of power and skill that he could only dream of, aspiring to reach the heights achieved by his former master

Emperor Rudra • The Masked Hero Chronoa 

Two individuals that have reached the Pinnacle of Human Strength itself, with them being nearly unrivalled in the Entire World itself, with only a few being capable of doing so, with all of them being in the Summit of Power itself

Nothing like Ordinary Individuals like himself and Luminous could have reached it in the next thousand years, only the truly talented could ever reached it 

' Ah.. The Current Luminous-sama might be able to reached it ' He thought, since after all, she has experience the Greatest Defeat of all, and have fought with and against the Strongest Existences in the World itself, if there was someone that could reached said Summit, then Luminous would be one of them 

Now that he thought about it, it would seem the Average Rate of the Awakened Ones would be Increasing in the Near Future, and frankly, he couldn't wait and see it

In the Ice Continent of Guy Crimson - the Entire Continent itself is split apart from the battle that was currently taking place 

Guy Crimson and Velzard Tempest was currently duking it out without much care for there Surroundings itself, in fact, if it wasn't for both Rain and Misery containing the battle itself, it would have alerted the Other Maliciouses Forces in the World of the Current Happenings and that something has gone awry

Especially more so with Guy Crimson and Velzard Tempest themselves are even more Powerful than before as well!!

Despite just being reincarnated into weaker bodies, they have already surpassed there Current Selves are now on there way back to there Prime, with Misery even thinking that they would be back somewhere between 2 to 3 years time, something that is quite unprecendentally Extraordinary in nature(well apart from Rimuru's climb to power just by 15 years though)

Thanks to their own experience fighting alongside Rimuru and the usage of their own ultimate skills, which became stronger and evolved into Nodens and Cthulhu, and with their years of using these two skills at the highest possible levels, they were able to convert their experience from using Nodens and Cthulhu into a state previously unseen by anyone familiar with the full capabilities of the two skills. This allowed them to now use the relatively weaker versions of Lucifer and Gabriel, to the levels near Nodens and Cthulhu

Something that they were both proud off 

Velzard gathered her Dragonic Haki around her fist, then to her fingers then to her Finger nails itself, before firing it off to create a Dragon's Claw 

" [Veldora-Style Killing Arts: Dragonic Claw!] "

With that the Blue Dragonic Claw Construct strucked Guy down to the ground, before flying up and firing his own numerous Magic Spells that was enhanced by his Ultimate Skill: Lucifer to enhanced there Fire Power even further than they should reasonably be possible

" [Snow Crystal] "

With that a Diamond Dust shape Barrier was erected around her, protecting her from the numerous attacks of Guy Crimson, whom the latter only smiled before speeding away to fully confront her in person 

Velzard who saw this, didn't see anything wrong with it, and so with a quickly gathering of Aura into her hands and feet, she then rushed towards Guy Crimson to meet him head on

As the two fought, it became evident to the 2 Primordials that they were now amping themselves up, since after all, having fought and lived with them for years, they could see teh ques on when the two would seriously fight each other to the death, and right now, it was now happening before them 

Velzard with her hands and feet being couted with her Raw Abundant of Haki quickly rushed towards Guy and threw straight jabs towards the Man before ending it all with a kick, with Guy very much either dodging or blocking each blow, and when he did strike with his jabs, the [Snow Crystals] would blocked them for Velzard 

To this, Guy didn't mind it all, in fact, despite the disadvantage that he is currently in, he revelled in it and just continued to stay in such a disadvantage position, wanting to see himself improved leaps and bounds, to hopefully, one day be able to fight Rimuru in equal playing field

Deflecting a punched from Velzard, Guy then gathered his Demonic Haki towards his right fist before punching towards Velzard which was then intercepted by the Snow Crystal, it was such a predictable moved that Velzard didn't react to it and just started her own next preparation for her next attacked 

But because of that, she wasn't able to react in time, when the Fist of Guy Crimson, despite not being powered by Ultimate Skills at all and having an overall weaker Magicule Count compared to Velzard's Enormous Quantities, was able to break the Ice Crystal and then punched her directly to her stomach, sending her flying towards a mountain

Guy seeing this, couldn't helped but let out an arrogant smile on his face, quite happy at his newly made technique that he has been thinking about since his Training Period 

" [Crimson Style: Deep Crimson Fist] "

Crimson Style - it was something that he just came up with the Name of, since after all, he thought it would be cool to have a Family of Arts made by himself as well, since after all this [Veldora-Arts Killing Style] and [Tempest Style] was truly something he thought was cool and wanted to imitate them as well

And so [Crimson Style] was born into this world with the first moved of the Style beign [Deep Crimson Fist] - an Art that all about the penetration of Enemy's Defense/Barriers 

On how it does that, all of it is possible thanks to his evolved used of [All of Creation] with the Skill's usage, it was possible to create said moved itself, with it essentially making the Aura on one's attacked constantly changed form and attribute to create the best way to penetrate ones defenses/barriers with extreme ease 

In truth, this level of Power and Art wouldn't have been possible if not for the Extreme Training that he has undergone within Ciel's Training Regime, something that, to this day he is still grateful for


In an single Instant, the Mountain that Velzard was shot from, suddenly exploded into pieces, with her now going about and rushing him in mad dashed that was bothering on madness, to this, Guy could only watched and see his Attacks become useless to this more serious Velzard 

With that, seeing that Magic has become ineffective and with the usage of Ultimate Skills being restricted, wanting for this short training period to become quite productive for there eventually growth, while also needing to hide there own growing power from the more malicious agents in this world 

With that, Guy then flew off, with Velzard very much catching up and starting there own second melee, with them now flying around in the barrier created by both Rain and Misery in high speeds that they completely surpassed the Speed of Sound and is slowly approaching light speed itself 

As they were fighting it out, Rain who was seeing the fight was going to become even more Intense, coudln't helped but whine 

" Waaaaaa~!!! Misery!! This is far too difficult~!! " 

" Oh just shut up!! "

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