By 28antoine

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A world-famous hacker and daughter of the most powerful criminal family who ruled the international underworl... More

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1001 - 1010

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By 28antoine

Chapter 1001 - Tamp It Down

The remnant spent almost an hour teasing Nikolai before exhausting itself and returning to rest in his consciousness. He, on the other hand, couldn't rest even if he wanted. His mind might have felt battered by everything that happened today but his body was still brimming with energy.

He felt so restless that he barely knew what to do to make himself feel better. No, that wasn't quite accurate. Actually, he knew what to do. In times like this, he would usually either find a woman to have sex with or train his body until it collapsed.

The first option wasn't possible at the moment because he was only craving for one woman—Long Jinjing. Having sex with other women no longer interested him. Or more accurately, he couldn't seem to get it up anymore for other women except for Long Jinjing. This would leave him with only the second option which was to train his body and exhaust it to the limit.

"Should I return to the headquarters and drag some people to spar with me? Yeah, let's do that."

With a clear destination in mind, he changed directions and took the route back to Shadow Winds' headquarters. It was almost midnight. The seemingly endless road made his thoughts start to wander and remember the remnant's words to him earlier.

"Impossible. There's no way that I'm in love. I, Nikolai Vetrov, have fallen in love?" He snorted and curled his lip, but his eyes reflected the turmoil of his emotions. "This is just lust. Yes, that's it. This lust should eventually go away on its own after sufficient time away from Jinjing has passed."

While he was trying to persuade himself, he failed to notice that he missed the way back to the headquarters and was automatically driving to another familiar route. When he finally realized what happened, his car was already parked in front of Long Jinjing's condo building.

"Are you fucking kidding me?"

He was taken aback by his own distracted actions. The ringing of his phone snapped him to attention. He answered it.

"Boss Hao, is that you parked in front of Miss Jinjing's building?" It was Shun.

For a moment, Lu Zihao didn't know how to answer.

"Hello? Boss Hao? Huh? Did he hang up?"

Lu Zihao cleared his throat. "It's me. Wait a bit and come to my car to report."

"Understood, Boss!"

The call ended. Lu Zihao glanced at the condo building. Only a few units had their lights still on. This was a quiet neighbourhood and people here usually slept early and also woke up early. He found Long Jinjing's unit. Her bedroom light was still on. He frowned.

Why wasn't she asleep yet?

He was tempted to disregard his promise to stay away from her after their breakup and barge into her place. As soon as the thought entered his mind, however, he forcefully tamped it down. He glared at Long Jinjing's brightly lit bedroom window before driving away from the building and parking the car at the nearby children's playground.

About a couple of minutes later, there was a knock on the car window. Then Shun entered the car and sat in the passenger seat.

"The light in her bedroom is still on," Lu Zihao said, not waiting for his subordinate's greeting.

"Ah yes, Boss. About that. Miss Jinjing hasn't been turning the light off in her room at night."

Lu Zihao frowned.

"Ever since your breakup, Miss Jinjing sleeps with the light always turned on in her room."

Lu Zihao fell silent for a few seconds before asking, "Is she...alright?"

"I think she's well enough."

"Well enough? What the fuck does that mean? Be more specific!"

Shun immediately sat up straighter and reported everything that he had observed while shadowing Long Jinjing. Lu Zihao listened with rapt attention, interrupting his subordinate now and then to clarify some of the tiniest details.

"So you're saying that she lost weight?"

"Yes, Boss."

"How can she allow herself to lose weight when she's already so thin?"

Shun didn't answer. Lu Zihao didn't care because he wasn't expecting an answer, anyway. He glanced at the condo building with an angry expression. Beneath the anger was deep worry. The urge to barge into the woman's place and feed her some food filled him, but like before, he tamped the thought down.


All he could do was curse at the situation. They already broke up. In addition, Long Jinjing made him promise to stay away from her as much as possible. Her reason was that it would only hurt her more if she frequently saw him after their breakup. Since she looked so pitiful with tears flowing down her face when she told him this, he couldn't bear to deny her request even though he was honestly against it.

He could deal with her shyness. He could even deal with her anger. But when she cried in front of him, he felt completely helpless and unable to do anything.

This was especially the case during the last three days leading up to their breakup. She might have shed all her inhibitions and went wild while they were having sex, but afterwards, she would break down and sob in his arms.

This was why he had been unable to make himself manipulate Long Jinjing into extending their 30-day relationship by seducing her out of her wits. Those tears of hers had unarmed him, causing him to give her what she wanted—to break up with him.

Shun interrupted his thoughts. "Boss Hao, I don't know if I should report this...."

"You know that I hate it when people dilly-dally when talking to me. Just speak!"

"Yes, Boss. Robin said something when the two of us were changing shifts earlier today. Oh, we arranged our own schedules. Robin's shift is during the day while I watch over Miss Jinjing at night."

Lu Zihao nodded, not really minding how they set up their respective schedules. All he cared about was for Long Jinjing to be well-protected 24/7. Yes, it was for protection. He, Nikolai, wasn't stalking—ehem ehem—"monitoring" her due to his self-interest. Not at all!

"Robin said that Miss Jinjing has been spending a lot of time with a guy at work recently," Shun said.

Lu Zihao's expression immediately turned dark.

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Chapter 1002 - Are You Lonely?

"Which motherfucker has been sniffing around Jinjing?" Lu Zihao growled.

Shun looked down to avoid his boss' murderous eyes, but overall still managed to remain calm despite the malevolent aura filling inside the car. After all, Shun was a specially-recruited member of Shadow Winds. Other than the paparazzo, all the members of Shadow Winds had top-notch skills in their respective fields of expertise. They could be considered elite of the elites, if not for their tainted histories. Under Lu Zihao's brutal but highly effective training regimen, they could only become stronger.

"Robin said that it's the German guy," Shun said.

"German?" Lu Zihao thought for a moment before an image of a white man flashed in his mind. "Alric Bauer? Orchidia Beauty's CPO?"

"Yes, Boss Hao. That's the guy."

"Keep talking."

"I don't know the specific details because it was Robin who saw them during her shift but she told me that Alric Bauer is always approaching Miss Jinjing and the two of them end up talking for a long time. Robin also mentioned that today after work when Miss Jinjing was about to go home, that Bauer guy stopped her and talked to her again."

Lu Zihao's expression was extremely twisted at this moment. "What did they talk about?"

"I...don't know."

"Why the hell you don't know?!"

"Sorry, Boss Hao. Robin is not skilled in lip reading, so she won't be able to know what they're talking about while watching them from a distance. Don't worry, Boss. I'll switch shifts with her. I can read lips, although I'm not 100% accurate."

"Do it."

"Understood, Boss." Then Shun hesitated.


"How about...we plant bugs on Miss Jinjing? That way we'll be able to have clear audio recordings of her conversations with other people."

Lu Zihao fell silent and seriously thought about Shun's suggestion. In the end, however, he shook his head. "No. She'll be upset if we do that."

"But she won't know that we planted the bugs on her."

He reconsidered it but still shook his head. "Jinjing won't know but it's easy for my sister to detect planted surveillance devices. They're friends...and also sisters, so they meet quite regularly, not to mention that Jinjing works at my sister's company as well. No bugs can go unnoticed by my sister."

Shun had no choice but to give up on his suggestion.

"Go home," Lu Zihao said all of a sudden. "I'll take over the watch tonight."

"But Boss, I can still—"

"I said go home."

Shun obeyed and left.

Alone in his car once again, Lu Zihao stared at the condo building. This lasted for about half an hour before his restlessness became almost unbearable. He gritted his teeth and desperately worked on his self-control but to no avail. Thus, he made a decision.


This time, his AI nephew didn't appear immediately upon being called. Lu Zihao waited, feeling impatient as the seconds ticked by. Around the one minute mark, the black cat finally appeared on his dashboard monitor.

"Bacon greets Uncle Zihao."

"Why did you take so long?"

"Bacon is currently grounded, so I had to ask for Father's permission first before responding to Uncle Zihao's call."


It was only then that Lu Zihao recalled what happened earlier today. He almost forgot about Bacon's matter and how the little scoundrel blackmailed him into taking all the blame in stealing Rose Young's files from his sister. Had it been only a day? His mind had been wholly absorbed by Long Jinjing after he left Shadow Winds' headquarters.

"Did your mother forgive you?" he asked his AI nephew.

"Yes, Mother forgave Bacon but she was quite angry this time. She spent almost the entire night checking my system logs to make sure that I really didn't take a peek at the secret files. Then Father also became upset because he wanted Mother to sleep early."

Lu Zihao sighed, also feeling guilty about his sister. "Well, it's good if she has forgiven you. How long did your father ground you this time?"

"One month."

"That long?" Lu Zihao frowned, already thinking of calling his brother-in-law to negotiate Bacon's punishment.

"Don't worry, Uncle Zihao. Father gave Bacon special permission to continue my work at Shadow Winds but only for the missions involving my parents' requests."


"Bacon also showed Father the preliminary list of traitors in the Jin branch families. I entered all their names in the family's virtual black notebook. Father says that Uncle Zihao and Shadow Winds can go ahead and punish the traitors in whatever way we want."

Lu Zihao's eyes flashed with cold danger. "Good."

"And also, Mother upgraded the passwords of her virtual security vault. Bacon won't be able crack them anymore nor would I want to do it again even if I become stronger. It's horrible when Mother is angry at me, so Uncle Zihao, please don't ask me to steal anything from Mother again."

Lu Zihao scowled at the little rascal. "I never told you to steal from her. I only made a suggestion."

Bacon tilted his furry head to the side and blinked at him with his golden eyes which glowed in the darkness. Lu Zihao almost choked at the little rascal's secret weapon—imitating Evelinka's mannerisms. Faced with such adorable actions, Lu Zihao was unable to scold his AI nephew.

Damn cunning kitten!

If the kid only had a real body, he would've already long spanked the naughty Bacon's furry bottom.

He really wanted to meet the bastard from whom Bacon's personality was based on. It was the asshole's fault that he, Nikolai Vetrov, was now being tormented by his AI nephew.

"Hah..." He expelled a long breath to calm himself.

"Uncle Zihao, why did you call Bacon so late at night? Are you lonely? I think it's better for you to call Big Sister Ketchup instead of Bacon. She loves to talk nonstop. Bacon is not interested in chatting with a lonely man pining for his ex-girlfriend in the middle of the night. It's not classy."

"You little—hah..." Lu Zihao exhaled another long breath and did his best not to lose his temper. "I didn't call you to chat."

The black cat tilted his head to the other side.

"Bacon, disable that condo building's electronic security locks for me. I'm going to slip inside and see your Aunt Jinjing."

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Chapter 1003 - Break In

"Is Uncle Zihao going to make up with Aunt Jinjing and get back together with her?" Bacon asked, his golden eyes glowing in the dark and his tail swishing left and right.

Lu Zihao fell silent for a few seconds before saying, "Don't ask too many questions, kid. Just do what I asked you to do."

"Bacon thought that Uncle Zihao is finally going to do the classy thing and court Aunt Jinjing properly just like how Father pursued Mother, but it seems that I'm wrong. Uncle Zihao is still acting like a coward. Not classy at all."

In. Out. In. Out.

Lu Zihao forced himself to take a few deep breaths to control his temper in front his poison-tongued AI nephew. The little rascal sure knew how to aim where it hurt the most—his pride.

"Kid, are you going to help me or not?"

"Uncle Zihao has become more impatient lately. It's not classy. Don't worry, Uncle. Bacon will help you break into Aunt Jinjing's condo because it's too pitiful to continue watching you acting like a pathetic loser."

Lu Zihao gripped the steering wheel with both hands, the veins in his arms protruding from the force, as he focused on taking deep breaths.

"Also please be aware that Bacon will charge Uncle Zihao for this extra service. This is Uncle Zihao's personal matter so it's considered outside the scope of my professional work at Shadow Winds. If you're in doubt, feel free to check my employment contract. Father made sure to include this additional clause, so Uncle Zihao is obligated to pay Bacon with the overtime rate."

"Fine! I'll pay you, okay?"

"Bacon thanks Uncle Zihao."

"Do you think that you're classy by being a money-grubber?" Lu Zihao muttered under his breath.

Bacon licked his fluffy paws and blinked his golden eyes with his trademark bored expression. "Mother says that Grandpa Lu taught her an important life lesson—it's okay to be shameless when it comes to family. Uncle Zihao is family so it's fine if I act shameless with you. As for me not acting classy, please be careful of your words, Uncle Zihao. Mother is the classiest person in the whole wide world, even classier than Father, so whatever she says and does is guaranteed to be classy. Therefore, Bacon is also classy for following what my classy mother taught me."

Lu Zihao opened his mouth but no words came out so he just shut it again. The little mama's boy might have a despicable two-faced personality most of the time thanks to an unknown bastard, but Bacon's unique and eloquent reasoning was without a doubt inherited from Evelinka.

If only her personality were as vile as her AI son's back in their past lives, then she with her genius intellect might have given him, her big brother, a run for his money and might have even snatched the position of the next head of the Vetrov organization from him.

Sighing, he shook his head and pushed away this impossible thought from his mind. His beloved little sister would have been the most perfect Vetrov in the history of their family organization, but she just had to be born with a kind and compassionate heart. It was truly a tragedy that such a precious angel was born in a family of great devils.

"I don't want to talk about this shit anymore."

"It was Uncle Zihao who started this topic, not Bacon," the black cat AI said while continuing to groom himself.

Damn devious little kitten! Absolutely had no reservations in pushing all the blame on his own uncle.

Before Lu Zihao could snap at him, Bacon finally stopped grooming himself and sat up straight. "When are we going to break into Aunt Jinjing's condo, Uncle Zihao? The hour is getting late. Bacon is still grounded and has a curfew to follow. If I come home past my curfew, Father will scold me and extend the time of my punishment."

"Why didn't you tell me sooner?" Lu Zihao frowned and hurriedly wore a wireless earpiece, tapping it in front of the little rascal in a silent gesture.

"Uncle Zihao didn't ask," Bacon's voice spoke through the earpiece.

Lu Zihao grunted. He reached over to the front passenger side, opened the glove compartment, and grabbed a baseball cap. He wore it, pulling it down low until it covered the upper half of his face, and then pulled up the zipper of his coat all the way up, covering the remaining lower half of his head.

He got out of the car and walked to the condo building, slinking in the shadows without making any sound. This time, he didn't head to the main entrance but to a small side door instead that was typically used by the building's maintenance workers. His eyes found a surveillance camera above him but he wasn't worried about it all. Bacon reported through the earpiece that he already hacked into the building's surveillance system. Lu Zihao was now free to move however and wherever he wanted in the condo and the cameras wouldn't have any records of him.

A few seconds later, the electronic lock blinked indicating that Bacon was successful in disabling it. Lu Zihao entered, darting inside like a phantom. This part of the building was dark. Thanks to Bacon, the emergency lights didn't activate as Lu Zihao found the staircase and immediately started climbing.

He chose not to use the elevator because it was too conspicuous even with Bacon's interference of the building's system. What if a tenant went out in the hallway and saw him? It was better to be cautious. Besides, climbing several flights of stairs was nothing to him. He wasn't even panting when he finally reached Long Jinjing's floor.

"Stop, Uncle Zihao," Bacon's voice warned him through the earpiece. "The building cleaner just came out of the garbage chute room."

Lu Zihao froze and peeked through the window of the emergency door. Indeed, the cleaner who just came out of the chute room was pushing a cleaning cart in the hallway. Lu Zihao narrowed his eyes and flexed his hands as the cleaner seemed to be heading his way.

"Uncle Zihao shouldn't hurt an innocent person. It's not classy. Punish only those who deserve it. And if Aunt Jinjing learns that you hurt the cleaner in her building, she might hate you."

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Chapter 1004 - More Beautiful

Lu Zihao inwardly swore at his AI nephew but his fists still loosened before he melted deeper into the shadows. It wasn't like he gave a damn about innocent people but Bacon's warning about the possibility of upsetting Long Jinjing made him change his usual modus operandi. It wasn't a big deal anyway. He could just hide and wait it out to avoid direct contact with the building cleaner.

The cleaner finally arrived in front of the emergency door before opening it. This time, the emergency lights automatically turned on. Then the cleaner began sweeping some candy wrappers and a couple of cigarette butts from the floor. Fortunately, he left after checking that there weren't any messes on the stairs.

When the lights automatically turned off, a large figure noiselessly jumped down from a ledge on the wall hidden by the next flight of stairs.

"The cleaner is now gone, Uncle Zihao," Bacon said through the earpiece. "The coast is clear. There's nobody in the hallway."

Lu Zihao left the dark place and quickly walked along the hallway before stopping in front of Long Jinjing's door.


For a moment, he glared at the door in front of him after remembering Shun and Robin's report that Long Jinjing immediately changed the lock and revoked his access in the electronic security system the day after they broke up. The woman was quite thorough in wanting to cut all ties with him.

Then the electronic security lock blinked thanks to Bacon. Lu Zihao opened the door and slipped inside without making any sound.

The familiar entryway directly leading to the cozy living room greeted him. He could see everything clearly even in the darkness. A sense of comfort filled him, causing his whole body to relax without his notice. He inhaled deeply and smiled at the familiar scent—her scent.

He walked inside and scanned the entire place. Nothing had changed much. Everything was in its place. Then his eyes caught something. He stopped in his tracks and blinked a few times. He approached the display cabinet by the window. On top were several vases with dried and wilted flowers.

"You're still keeping them," he whispered while touching a dried rose. It felt rough to his fingertips. A couple of brown petals fell down.

These flowers were the ones he had given her during the last three days before their agreed breakup. He didn't notice that the corners of his lips hooked up.

"Uncle Zihao, how long are you planning to stay inside Aunt Jinjing's place?" Bacon's question interrupted him. "It will be Bacon's curfew soon. There are no surveillance cameras inside Aunt Jinjing's unit so I'm unable to see you."

"Go home, kid. I'll slip out by myself later."

"Understood, Uncle Zihao. Bacon will go home now. Good night!"

There was only silence coming from Lu Zihao's earpiece. The little rascal must have left already. He sighed in relief as he headed to Long Jinjing's bedroom. There was light flowing out from the gap between the door and the floor. He crept closer and pressed his ear against the door. After a few seconds, he registered the sound of regular, deep breathing coming from inside the room. Then he opened the door and finally entered.

His breath caught in his throat as soon as he saw the woman sleeping on the bed.

His woman.

He stepped closer until he was standing beside her bed. She was hugging the cheap teddy bear he had bought for her in a rush before their breakup. He leaned down and reached for her face, lightly caressing her soft cheek before stopping on her mouth. He gently rubbed her lips with his fingertips and felt his mouth go dry.

The desire to kiss her filled him.

However, he didn't act on the urge. Not for now, at least.

His eyes caught the lily pendant necklace that he had given her around her neck. He smiled. Although he already knew that she wore the necklace because he frequently checked her location via the micro-tracker he had installed inside the pendant, it still greatly pleased him seeing the jewelry around her neck with his own eyes.

Her breath brushed against his hand, somehow tickling him, even though he wasn't a ticklish person. In fact, the inside of his chest felt ticklish. He didn't understand the feeling nor did he want to think about it too much. For now, all he wanted was to watch her sleep and confirm that she was alright.

He continued observing her. Then he frowned.

'It has only been a few days since we broke up, but she already lost a lot weight.'

Long Jinjing was already a slim, petite woman. Now that she lost weight, she looked even smaller. Her cheekbones and collarbones became more prominent. Her chin was sharper. Her wrists were thinner and more delicate, looking as if they would break if he exerted even just a tiny amount of force on them.

Perhaps he should call his sister and let Evelinka instruct Orchidia Beauty's cafeteria to give more nutritious food to Long Jinjing. As soon as the thought entered his mind, however, he dismissed it.

'No, I shouldn't disturb Evelinka while she's pregnant. She doesn't need to worry about other people's matters. If something happens to her, I'm sure that her AI son, the little scoundrel, would torment me even more. Not to mention that the kid's equally annoying father would support him completely just to punish me.'

Sighing, he squatted down beside the bed so that he was at eye level with the sleeping Long Jinjing. The bed was the one he especially custom-ordered to fit both of them inside her small bedroom. Although Long Jinjing was now sleeping alone, she still slept on her side of the bed and left his side filled with extra pillows instead.

He stroked her hair, staring at her face.

How come she looked even more beautiful now than when they were together?

Despite her obvious weight loss, dark circles and bags under her eyes, he still thought that she had become prettier.

He removed his baseball cap, leaned closer, and then pressed his mouth against hers, rubbing their lips together gently, and enjoying the feeling of kissing her again.

Long Jinjing frowned and stirred before opening her eyes.

He froze.


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Chapter 1005 - Love Is A Weakness

Long Jinjing stared at Lu Zihao through dazed, sleepy, half-lidded eyes.

"Ah, I'm dreaming of you again, you jerk," she mumbled before closing her eyes and falling asleep again.

When her breathing became deep and regular again, Lu Zihao slowly released the breath he didn't notice that he was holding.

"A jerk, huh." He raised an eyebrow, the corners of his lips raising into a devilish smirk.

She had never called him such names to his face before. Was this how she thought of him now or did she always thought of him as a jerk? For some reason, he didn't feel insulted. On the contrary, he found it quite refreshing that his little Miss Prim and Proper lady could also utter words of insult about him.

Then her breath hitched all of a sudden and a single tear escaped from the corner of her eye. "Nikolai...."

His smile froze. He watched as her eyelashes and lips trembled after whispering his name while dreaming. He reached over and wiped the tear with his fingers.

"Jinjing, don't cry," he whispered.

Perhaps feeling the warmth of his fingers on her cheek, she instinctively moved closer to him. "I love you, Nikolai, you jerk...."

His hand touching her froze as he felt something in his chest shake.

"Are you awake, Jinjing?"

No answer.

Her chest continued to rise and fall in a regular rhythm, indicating that she was still asleep and was just sleep-talking.

He took a long, deep breath and exhaled it carefully while doing his damn best to calm himself down after hearing Long Jinjing declaring her love for him again even while sleeping. Many indescribable and complicated emotions swirled and swelled within him, making his chest feel as if it was being crushed from the inside by a powerful but intangible force.

For the first time ever, he wondered what it would be like if he was a normal man living a regular life, a man without memories of a dangerous past life as the infamous and deadly heir of what was once known as the most powerful criminal family in the international underworld, a man who wasn't consumed by an almost obsessive thirst for vengeance.

If he were such a normal man living a regular life, then he could marry this sweet, shy, kind, and delicately beautiful woman sleeping on the bed that he custom-ordered for the two of them without worrying for her safety or the possibility of her rejecting him because of the illegal nature of his work and his brutality against people he considered his enemies.

He had never dared to imagine that kind of idyllic life before. As Nikolai Vetrov and the direct heir of the family organization, he couldn't afford to waste time dreaming of something that was impossible for someone like him to possess.

As a Vetrov, there was no such thing as marrying for the sake of love. Such a thing was considered a weakness that their enemies could exploit.

To the Vetrovs, marriage was, first and foremost, for the sake of continuing the family line and producing strong offspring. The second most important reason was to strengthen the family organization by marrying a partner that could either contribute top-notch skills or bring in valuable connections and other resources or both.

Madam Evgenia Yuryevna Vetrova, Nikolai and Evelina's mother, was an example of someone who contributed her top-notch skills to the organization. She was a talent personally trained and groomed by her father-in-law, the head of the family organization back then, starting when she was just a child. Although she didn't bring any valuable connections or wealth into the marriage, she was still considered one of the most formidable and powerful wives in the history of the Vetrovs.

An extremely beautiful but deadly woman with an ice-cold and poisonous heart.

This kind of frightening woman gave birth to Nikolai and Evelina, the pair of siblings who had been reborn after their tragic deaths and were now living in different bodies as Lu Zihao and Long Xiulan (a.k.a. Iris Long) respectively.

Madam Vetrova was perhaps the biggest reason why the brother and sister treated love as something strange and alien. They just had no idea what to do with the thing called romantic love.

If not for Evelina's sheltered upbringing that made her innocent in a number of ways, she as Iris Long wouldn't have fallen in love and accepted Jin Liwei so quickly.

As for Nikolai, now living as Lu Zihao, the concept of romantic love wasn't something that he could easily accept unlike his sister. The lessons that were painfully drilled into him in his past life weren't so easy to disregard.

Romantic love was a weakness.

A big weakness.

For someone like him whose sole goal was revenge against extremely dangerous enemies, any weakness could be deadly. His obvious connections to his reborn sister, her husband, and all the other people close to them—all of them could already be considered as his weaknesses. This was why he was trying so hard to distance himself from all of them, even limiting meetings with his own sister, because he didn't want the enemies to use them against him.

If he added a wife and children into the mix...he didn't want to imagine such a dangerous idea. He didn't give a damn about other innocent people, but if they were those he considered his family, then there was no way that he could bear it if they were harmed by his enemies.

Therefore, it was better for him not to marry or have children in this lifetime. It was safer this way. Whether he lived or died in his bloody path of vengeance, at least he wouldn't have to worry about his innocent family.

As for his sister, Evelinka had Jin Liwei to protect her with his vast wealth, powerful status, widespread influence, and impressive connections. She also wasn't someone to be trifled with despite her naturally kind and compassionate heart. After all, she was a legendary hacker and was also trained in close combat, not to mention a top-notch sharpshooter.

Nikolai didn't have to worry much about her. No, that wasn't entirely accurate. He would always worry about his sister, but at least she had someone to protect her in case something happened to him.

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Chapter 1006 - Nikolai, You Jerk

Looking at the sleeping Long Jinjing in front of him, Lu Zihao forced down the confusing emotions that were causing him to act so unlike his usual character.

'This is lust, just lust,' he desperately persuaded himself.

Any other possibility was something that he couldn't afford to consider. His little Miss Prim and Proper lady deserved a happy and safe life—something that he couldn't possibly give her. He would just be wronging her if he continued desiring to be with her when he knew full well that she was in love with him.

But...he really wanted Long Jinjing.

He craved for her.

She occupied his mind during the day and his dreams at night. She was like a drug that made him addicted to her, causing him to need her on a regular basis or he would feel like going crazy.

"This is fucking nuts."

Sighing, he leaned down and kissed her lips again. Her warm breath and sweet taste made him groan, making him want more of her. He deepened the kiss and caressed her lips with his tongue before plunging it carefully inside.

She moaned and instinctively responded to his kiss even while asleep. It excited him. He sucked on her lips and enjoyed this moment. When he almost felt like losing control, he forced himself to stop. He was gasping as he sat back on his heels, creating some distance between them.


He pressed his hand over his chest and felt his heart hammering inside with the addition of something he couldn't define. It was a weird sensation—sweet, light, yet also heavy and a little alarming.

These unknown and contradictory feelings were starting to scare the shit out of him.


He wiped the sweat beading on his forehead with the back of his hand. It wasn't only his forehead. He was covered in sweat. Cold sweat. It felt so uncomfortable.

Then he suddenly remembered the terrible, off-tune song that the remnant sang to tease him earlier.

'Can you feel the love tonight?


It's inside this car~

It's not enough for this blind ass Nikolai~

That his ass got dumped~

Oh, can you feel the love tonight?


His dumb ass got dumped~

It's enough to admit that he fell in love~

Believe the very best~

Advice from the love guru~

Yours truly,

Luuuu Ziiiihaaaaaoooooooo~'

The ridiculous love song was now stuck in his head and played in a seemingly endless loop.

'Damn you, Lu Zihao!'

Nobody replied. The remnant appeared to be "sleeping" after expending its energy conversing with him earlier for almost an hour.

Despite his irritation, he still couldn't help but think of what the remnant said. It claimed that he, Nikolai, was in love with Long Jinjing.

He looked at Long Jinjing, whose lips were now moist and a little swollen, with a complicated expression on his face.

"I'm...in love with you?"

He shook his head.

"No, that can't be. This...I can't possibly...no."

He abruptly stood up and backed away from the bed, creating more distance between the two of them. However, he didn't take his eyes off her. His scarred hand pressed harder on his chest. He could still feel his wildly beating heart.



Her phone's alarm woke up Long Jinjing. It was still dark outside because of the early hour and also because it was now the start of the winter season. For some reason, however, she felt more rested this morning even though she always felt tired upon waking up in the past few days.

She, of course, knew the exact reason for her lacking energy. She was missing the man she loved but didn't love her back.

Lu Zihao.

No, Nikolai.

Sighing, she pushed herself up to a sitting position on the bed. Then all of a sudden, memories of her dream last night came rushing into her mind. It made her breath catch in her throat because it felt so real.

He had been standing by the bed and looking at her. Then he kissed her.

It was a beautiful dream.

No, it was a painful dream.

She licked her slightly chapped lips. Maybe it was just her imagination but she could still taste him in her mouth.

Her eyes watered. She couldn't help it. She missed him so much. All she could do to somehow ease the pain was crush the small teddy bear that he had given her in her embrace and press her face against it.

Moments later, she wiped the tears from her eyes and finally climbed out of her bed to start getting ready for work. Then she stopped in her tracks when she caught a whiff of something.


She leaned down and sniffed at the area by the edge of the bed. Why did it smell like that man? Or was it her imagination playing tricks on her again? Was she missing him too much that she was beginning to have hallucinations?

"Stop it, Jinjing. The two of you are over."

But...it really smelled like him.

Not perfume, but the natural scent of his body. It was faint but she couldn't mistake it. With how many times they slept together, his scent was already imprinted deeply in her mind.

"Did you come here last night?"

Her heart started beating hard inside her chest.

"Or am I only imagining things?"

The possibility that he might have secretly come to see her last night pervaded her mind. She looked around her bedroom, trying to find any signs of his visit.


She rushed out of her bedroom, banging the door open against the wall, and frantically searched the living room, the kitchen, and the rest of her unit.

But still nothing.

She walked with wooden legs until she was in front of the wilted flowers he had given her before they broke up. Dried petals and leaves were now falling all around the vases as if to signify the end of her so-called relationship with Lu Zihao. If only her love for him was also easy to die, then she wouldn't be hurting so much like this.

Her knees buckled and she fell to the floor. Covering her mouth, she tried her best to muffle her sobs.

"Nikolai, you...j-jerk."

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Chapter 1007 - Come Out On Top

A pink sports car drove to the underground parking lot of an old apartment building. The car door opened upwards and one super high-heeled boot stepped down on the cement followed by another. Out came a big-breasted woman with a tall nose and plump lips wearing branded clothing from head to toe. Her eyes were covered with cat-eye, mirrored sunglasses even though it was evening.

She closed the car door and pulled down her sunglasses until it rested on the bridge of her surgically enhanced nose. Then she looked around the dingy parking lot filled with "low-end" vehicles. Many of them were dusty. She pursed her plump, red lips injected with fillers as she glanced at her pink sports car. Her car was definitely the most eye-catching vehicle here. She estimated that the combined worth of all the vehicles in this parking lot wouldn't be able to compare to the eye-popping price of her own sports car.

"What if someone steals my car?" Then her eyes—surgically enhanced, of course—lit up. "Oh, right. I can just buy a new one! This hot pink shade is so last season. Coral pink is all the rage these days. Come, car thieves! Help yourselves. Ahahaha! Oops, gotta go~"

Then she strutted away from her so-last-season hot pink sports car and walked towards the elevator, making sure to sway her hips from side to side. The way she walked made her feel like a supermodel strutting on the catwalk, but in other people's eyes, she somewhat looked like a waddling duck. Along the way, she fished out her crystal-encrusted phone from her limited edition crocodile hide bag before calling her best friend.

"Rosie dear, the queen has arrived in the building! I'm in the underground parking lot. Which floor do I press on the elevator again?"

After the short call, the woman followed her friend's instructions and arrived where she was supposed to go. The door opened and a thin guy who looked like a college student in his early twenties stuck his head out.

"Are you Miss Jenny Tseng?" he asked.

Jenny flipped her perfectly blow-dried, voluminous, ash-blonde hair and gave the young guy a flirty smile and a wink. "Hello there~ Yes, I am indeed the one and the only Jenny Tseng. You can call me Beauty or Sexy. Either one is fine but you can also call me both. You're pretty cute yourself. What's your name? Can I get your number?"

A female voice yelled from the inside of the apartment unit, "Jenny, don't you dare target my young cousin! You've already divorced twice! Come inside quickly!"

"F-flirting...." The young man turned crimson as he opened the door wider to let Jenny in.

Jenny removed her sunglasses as she stepped inside and came closer to the blushing guy. "Oooooh~ A shy one, aren't you? So cute! Rawr! Ahahaha!"


She rolled her eyes before yelling back. "Coming, Rosie! Stop being such a bitch! Ugh!" The she returned her attention to the young man and offered her perfectly manicured hand.

The guy looked at the hand in confusion.

She wiggled her fingers. "Escort me inside."

"Oh." He blushed harder but still took her hand awkwardly and led her to the small living room.

"What took you so long?" Rose Young grumbled on the couch. Sitting beside her was a pretty teenage girl.

Jenny handed her bag to the young man and removed her mink fur coat. She handed the coat to him and took back her bag before walking to her best friend. The two friends exchanged air kisses and a light hug.

"I always tell you stop acting like a bitch, Rosie. Being negative all the time makes you look older! Look at those horrible dark circles and big eye bags! We must go have a facial tomorrow! Oh, let's have your cute cousin accompany us!" Jenny didn't wait for Rose Young to reply before turning her attention to the unfamiliar teenager. "And this is?"

The teenager stepped forward and introduced herself. "Hello, Miss Tseng. My name is Jin Jiali. I'm Elder Brother Liwei and Big Brother Chonglin's younger cousin."

"Oh!" Jenny leaned closer and studied the teenager's face carefully. "So that's why you look somewhat familiar. You resemble Jin Chonglin a little bit."

Jin Jiali smiled. "Yes, many people tell me that."

"So why are you here, Jiali? You're close with Rosie?"

"Yes! I look up to Big Sis Rose. She's the best role model ever. I want to be like her and become a successful career woman. I've always wanted her to marry Elder Brother Liwei and become an official part of our Jin family, but that bitch Iris Long just had to steal him! Did you know that because of that hateful woman, Elder Brother Liwei made Old Sir Lu fire my dad from Jin Corporation's board of directors and disowned our entire branch family from the clan?! Argh! Just thinking about it makes me so mad. I hate Iris long so much! She's the reason why our branch family is suffering right now!"

"There, there." Rose Young patted the teenager's back and stroked her hair. "Don't get too angry, Jia'er. You're still young. As long as you work hard and focus on achieving your ambitions, you'll be able to reverse you family's bad fortune someday."


"Of course."

"But Big Sis Rose, you're in a worse position than my family right now. Elder Brother Liwei fired you and those...uhm, videos are still spreading everywhere right now."

Rose Young's expression turned ugly, causing Jin Jiali to flinch and step back from her.

"S-sorry. I didn't mean to...please don't get mad at me, Big Sis," the teenager mumbled.

Rose Young took a few deep breaths and forced herself to smile. "Don't worry. Your big sister will survive this and come out on top in the end."

"Well, that's true," Jenny interrupted the conversation as she sat on the couch and crossed her legs. "There are plenty of world-famous celebrities abroad who became known because of sex tapes and then ended up building super successful careers afterwards. Rosie is a smart girl, so I'm sure that she can capitalize on her sex videos and come out stronger in the end. Am I right?"

"Shut up, Jenny." Rose glared at her.

"Oh, don't be so mean to your own bestie, Rosie. Ahahaha!"

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Chapter 1008 - Most Loyal Friend

The women sat down in the living room while the young man gave Jenny Tseng a chilled can of orange juice. Both Rose Young and Jin Jiali who came to the apartment unit earlier than Jenny already had their own opened cans.

"Sorry, I don't have tea here," he said in a sheepish tone.

"Don't worry about it. I'll gift you some high-quality tea leaves, so how about you go on a date with me?" Jenny winked at him.

"Jenny! Stop flirting with my cousin!"

"Oh, come on, Rosie! I'm just admiring a handsome man. There's nothing wrong with going on a date. It's not like I'm asking him to marry me."

The young man blushed again.

"Look at him. He's so cute! Ahahahaha! I still didn't get your name. Come on, tell me. Don't be shy. Your beautiful and sexy Big Sister Jenny won't eat you up, I promise. At least not yet."

"My English name is...Luke. Big Sister Rose and I are maternal cousins."

"Hi, Luke! Come here and sit beside me."

Before Luke could react, Jenny had already pulled him down to sit beside her on the couch. All of his exposed skin turned red, causing her to laugh even more merrily.

She hugged his arm and pushed her big, fake boobs against him. Then she glanced at her scowling best friend and the curious Jin Jiali. "So Rosie, why did you call us in this pitifully tiny apartment?"

"Sorry that it's so tiny," Luke said in a small voice. "My family isn't rich like Big Sister Rose's maternal family. I'm renting this place on my own because it's near my university."

"Oh, Luke. Don't worry. Your new Big Sister Jenny isn't looking down on you! How about I sponsor your entire schooling and find you a better apartment? What do you think?"

"Jenny, stop it! My cousin isn't a beggar. He has me, his blood-related cousin, to help him!"

Jenny leaned her head on Luke's shoulder. "If you're really helping your cousin, why is he still staying in this place then? You even asked ME, the one and only Jenny Tseng, one of the most iconic Singaporean socialites of this generation, to come in such a squalid area! Can't we just meet in your condo or somewhere nicer? You even invited a teenager! What if some thugs attacked Jiali while coming here? What were you thinking, Rosie?"

"Thugs rarely come here," Luke mumbled.

"Just shut it, Jenny," Rose Young said, sighing. "I haven't really met any of my maternal relatives since I came to the country. That's why it's only now that I learned about my cousin's situation. And I asked you to come here because there are paparazzi camping outside my condo to ambush me ever since those...illegally recorded private videos of me were spread on the internet. Even the tabloids started attacking me. This place should be safer since not a lot of people know that Luke is my cousin. I was sneaking out of my condo when Jia'er called me to offer moral support. She wanted to meet me so I decided to just bring her along."

Jin Jiali stomped her foot. "Hmph! I bet that it's that bitch Iris Long who caused you to be humiliated in the media like this, Big Sis Rose! Previously, the tabloids were criticizing Iris Long for making Elder Brother Liwei fire you because of her jealousy. And then the next day, those shameful videos of you were spread all over the internet and the tabloids suddenly changed their aim to you. It's just too coincidental! How can she ruin your reputation like this? She's so despicable!"

Rose clenched her hand hard, causing her nails to dig into her palms. Indeed, she agreed with Jin Jiali. It must be Iris Long who caused all the troubles she was facing right now.

"Well, you have to admit that you were really wild and naughty in those videos, Rosie," Jenny interrupted, laughing. "Even I'm impressed by your libido. What's your secret? Are you taking some special supplements or something? Quick, tell your bestie. Don't be shy. Ahahaha!"

Both Luke and Jin Jiali turned red at her frankness.

"Shut up, Jenny."

"Ahahaha! You're still such a bitch, Rosie. I really feel confused why I'm still friends with you."

Jin Jiali tried to interject. "Miss Tseng—"

"Call me Big Sister Jenny."

"Big Sister Jenny, please don't call Big Sis Rose a bitch. It's Iris Long, that man-stealer, who's the real bitch here, not Big Sis Rose."

"Ahahaha! Girl, do you even know the definition of man-stealer? In the first place, Jin Liwei has never been Rosie's man, so how could Iris Long steal him away from her? It's actually Rosie who's in the wrong here because she's lusting after another woman's man. Oh, woe to me! Even though I know it's wrong, but since Rosie is my bestie, I have to support her no matter what. This is what a best friend is supposed to do. I'm ready to help her with anything. Oh, she's so lucky to have me!"

Rose's expression was now extremely ugly. She was trying so hard to control her anger and to restrain herself from slapping her friend's cosmetically-enhanced face.

It was at times like this that she often wondered how she became best friends with such an annoying person like Jenny Tseng. But she already knew the answer.

Jenny Tseng was the most loyal friend. She was the type of person who could make one's blood boil in anger by her careless words and superficial, condescending actions but would still help a friend bury a corpse without hesitation.

This was why Rose Young tolerated this annoying best friend of hers. She couldn't find anyone who was more loyal to her than Jenny Tseng.

She sighed and massaged her temples. "Just please stop for now. Okay, Jenny?"

"Alrighty, Rosie~"

After calming down, Rose looked at everyone with a serious expression. "You all know that the situation I'm in right now is the worst. I need your help. Will you help me?"

Jenny rolled her eyes. "Rosie, do you even need to ask me that question?"

"Big Sis Rose, I'll help! Just tell me what to do!"

"You're my cousin. Of course, I'll help you."

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Chapter 1009 - All Or Nothing

Satisfied by their responses, Rose Young told them about her rough plan.

"Whoa, Rosie dear! You're joking, right?" Jenny Tseng gave her friend an exaggerated once-over from head to toe, as if checking if Rose was still sane.

Similar to Jenny, Luke also expressed his hesitation after hearing his cousin's plan. "Is this really okay? Uncle Romeo said that Big Sister Rose should be more careful during this time, lie low, and follow his instructions. Isn't this plan...uhm, too reckless?"

Only Jin Jiali supported her plan without doubting it for even a second. "I'm all in, Big Sis! I might still be a teenager but I'll do my best to help your plan succeed in any way that I can!"

"Thank you, Jia'er." Rose was very pleased by the teenage girl's resoluteness in supporting her despite the current public beating that her reputation was taking.

Jenny sighed in a dramatic manner before leaning forward towards her friend. Her botoxed face might not move much but it was still able to express her seriousness. "Rosie honey, listen to your bestie, okay? You're a smart girl and should think up a better plan than this super clichéd stupidity. If this is a novel, the readers will be cursing the author for being so unoriginal."

Rose crossed her arms over her chest and sent Jenny a displeased frown. "You just said earlier that you're ready to help me with anything because that's what a best friend is supposed to do. Are you going back on your words now?"

"Sometimes being the voice of reason is also a best friend's duty especially if I know that my friend is planning to rush head first into something stupid. Rosie, you're usually super smart, but I swear to the god of botox that your IQ always falls to the negatives whenever it involves Jin Liwei."

"I know what I'm doing, Jenny."

"Girl, I would've believed those words if only you didn't copy-paste a stupid clichéd plan directly out of a trashy romance novel. I, Jenny Tseng, am not book-smart like you, but with two amicable divorces under my belt, at least I know that self-respect is important to live a happy and fulfilling life free of worries that can cause wrinkles, cellulites and sagging boobs!"

Rose glared at Jenny while both Luke and Jin Jiali stayed quiet and watched the two best friends' tense argument.

Jenny flipped her ash-blonde hair and continued lecturing. "Also, I don't understand why you're so hung up on a frigid man like Jin Liwei. I've always tried to support your obsession with him, but I'm telling you that a man who doesn't respect you is not worth your time and love. I'm already getting tired watching you chasing after him for years with no results. Aren't you getting tired? Please, girl! Even if it's just a little, have some self-respect, okay? I promise that it'll make you feel so much better than regular sex and masturbation!"


Rose grabbed her purse and threw it at her friend. Luke moved instinctively and blocked the small but heavy bag from hitting Jenny.

"You bitch!" Jenny jumped out of the couch and lunged at Rose but Luke hugged her and blocked her from attacking.

Rose looked startled at how things suddenly developed to the current situation. Angry tears started pouring out of her eyes. "I just love Big Brother Liwei so much, Jenny!!! I love him!!! I want Jin Liwei to be mine!!! I'll do anything to make him mine!!! I can't live without him, Jenny!!!"

Jin Jiali had already retreated to a safe corner. Her shock at what happened was clear on her face.

Jenny finally stopped trying to scratch her friend's face. She sighed while continuing to hang on to Luke's skinny arm. "Fine, whatever. Since I can't convince you otherwise, I'll support you. Happy now? We'll just have to make sure that you won't land in deeper shit than you're already in now."

Rose's sobs filled the entirety of the small apartment unit. It took some time before she stopped and calmed down.

Later, Jenny dragged Luke to buy dinner for all of them, using him as a guide in the area while she drove her eye-catching hot pink sports car. Meanwhile, Jin Jiali accompanied a swollen-eyed Rose in the apartment unit.

Rose was in no mood to chat with the teenager, so she locked herself in the bathroom. She washed her face with cold water and looked at her horrible reflection in the mirror.

Her best friend's words kept replaying in her head. What Jenny said to her was harsh, but deep inside, Rose knew that her friend was right.

Yes, her plan was indeed reckless. Even she knew that much. But she still wanted to try it no matter what. After failing to obtain the man of her dreams, Jin Liwei, failing to reclaim her CMO position at Jin Corporation, failing the mission her family appointed her with when she came to this country, and now having to suffer the public humiliation caused by the viral spread of those illegally captured sex videos of her, Rose was feeling extremely desperate.

She had decided to bet everything in this plan, no matter how clichéd. It was now all or nothing!

If she succeeded, then she would give the slut Iris Long a painful blow. Jin Liwei would also be hurt in the process, but he was a man. Society was always more forgiving to men of status like him especially in situations like the one Rose planned on creating. Even if her plan succeeded, it might still not be an ideal situation for her, but she would definitely gain an upper hand against that hateful woman, Iris Long, the cause of all her current misfortunes.

And if she failed, it would be as Jenny said. Rose would be in deeper shit than she was in right now. However, she didn't want to worry about it too much. Her father, Romeo Young, would surely be able to do something to save her and clean up after her mess, especially with the mysterious power backing their Young family.

She wiped the water off her face and looked at her reflection with pure determination.

"Go crazy, Rose. You have nothing to lose now but that slut Iris Long has everything to lose."

Then she smiled and laughed.

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Chapter 1010 - Document Of Doom

Jenny Tseng and Luke returned to the apartment carrying takeout dishes.

"Where's Big Sister Rose?" Luke asked Jin Jiali who was playing with her phone in the living room.

Jin Jiali gestured towards the bathroom. She heard the creepy laughter coming from there earlier and it freaked her out.

The bathroom door finally opened and Rose Young came out. "Oh, you two are here. Perfect timing. I'm hungry. Let's eat."

Later, the group was finishing up their dinner in the living room. Luke and Jin Jiali were both behaving in a very cautious manner around Rose.

Jenny dabbed her lips with a paper serviette before facing her best friend. "So Rosie, about your plan...."

"What about it?" Rose didn't look at her, continuing to finish her food.

"I still think it's a stupid plan."

Luke and Jin Jiali stiffened, not daring to breathe too loudly, afraid of triggering another meltdown from Rose Young or another fight between the two best friends.

Surprisingly, Rose remained calm and didn't react in a negative manner. "I agree that it's a...risky plan. That's why we need to work on polishing it to increase its probability of success."

Jenny sighed. "So you're still not giving up, huh? Oh well, whatever. I already said that I'll help you so I will."

"If we need more people, I can ask our other cousins," Luke said. "I'm sure that they'll all be willing to help you, Big Sister Rose."

Rose nodded.

"Should I ask my dad for help?" Jin Jiali asked. "Although my dad got fired from his position at Jin Corporation's board of directors, he still retained some of his old connections...."

"No! Don't do that, Jia'er. Uncle Chenggong already has a lot on his plate ever since your family got kicked out of the Jin clan."

The teenager pouted and sulked at the reminder that her family no longer belonged to the powerful Jin clan.

"Don't worry, Jia'er. My dad, your Uncle Romeo, and your dad, Uncle Chenggong, are working on cooperating with each other. Things will get better for all of us. You'll see."


Rose nodded and smiled in a comforting way. Her eyes, however, were a little cold.

Jin Jiali didn't notice. "Okay, Big Sis. I won't tell my dad."

"Rosie, just be honest to the girl," Jenny interrupted. "Tell her that the real reason why you don't want her to ask her daddy for help is because you don't want Mr. Jin Chenggong to inform Uncle Romeo about this stupid plan of yours. Am I right or am I exactly right? Ahahaha!"

"Jenny, I don't want to argue with you about this anymore," Rose said in a warning tone.

Jenny rolled her eyes before sighing. "Fine, whatever. Anyway, when are we commencing this so-called plan?"

"This Friday."

"What the botox?! Rosie, have you finally gone cray cray?!"

Both Luke and Jin Jiali looked surprised and worried as well.

"This Friday?! That's not enough time to make any proper preparations to ensure that your ridiculous plan will work!"

Rose looked at all of them with fierce eyes filled with determination. "We'll have to make it work even if it means that we'll have to forego sleep. This Friday is the best opportunity to execute our plan because Jin Liwei will be treating the other executives for dinner. As long as he's not in his home or at Jin Corporation where the security is the tightest, we can definitely find an opening and entrap him."

Jenny pressed the back of her hand on her forehead and groaned. "Oh, god of silicone implants, please guide us in this craziness!"


Dragon Palace Home #10.

Jin Liwei reviewed the document that he just completed on his computer with a grave expression. Satisfied at the result, he called for his AI son.

"Bacon, send this file to your Uncle Zihao. Tell him that if he needs more information, he can call me directly."

"Understood, Father." Bacon's golden eyes dimmed as he ran the errand. A couple of minutes later, the black cat AI's eyes glowed again. "Bacon is back, Father. Uncle Zihao looked satisfied by the information you provided him."

"Good." Jin Liwei leaned back on his chair and began massaging his temples.

What he just gave his brother-in-law was additional in-depth information about the traitors in the Jin branch families that Bacon listed in their family's virtual black notebook. He had to call and consult Grandma Li and his mother, Huang Yuyan, for some of them. Fortunately, both his grandmother and mother didn't ask too many questions about his sudden interest in those relatives. The two of them had complete confidence in his leadership and trusted his judgment as the head of the Jins.

He hoped that the document would make it easier for his brother-in-law and Shadow Winds to mete out whatever punishment they planned for those traitors. It was, in simple terms, a document of doom.

Sighing, he rose from his seat and walked towards the large windows of his home office to stare at the night sky outside and rest his tired eyes. He had been extremely busy ever since he returned to work after his honeymoon especially after everything that happened with Rose Young and the media mess her firing caused.

Still, he made sure to come home in time for dinner and spend enough quality time with his pregnant wife. This meant, however, that he needed to find some time whenever possible to complete extra work at home.

"Daddy, Mommy just finished her online lesson with Professor Hisakawa," Ketchup informed him, interrupting his silent musing by the window. "Mommy will come downstairs in a bit. Meow~"

"En." His exhaustion eased a bit at the mention of his wife. "Ketchup, go watch over your brother and make sure that he doesn't cause any trouble. He's still grounded."

"Aye aye, Daddy! Don't worry, macaroni! The cute and mighty Ketchup won't let my naughty little kitty brother steal anything from Mommy ever again! Meow!"

"Father, Bacon won't do it again because it's not classy."

Jin Liwei gave his AI son a stern look. "Good that you know. Don't ever upset your mom like that again."

"Yes, Father. Bacon knows."

"Darling, that incident is over," a melodious voice said from the top of the staircase. "Don't scold Bacon about that matter anymore. He already apologized to both of us."

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