By 28antoine

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A world-famous hacker and daughter of the most powerful criminal family who ruled the international underworl... More

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By 28antoine

Chapter 991 - Liberal Upbringing

With Grandpa Lu declaring that the meeting was useless and a big waste of time, the board members who demanded it in the first place in order to help Rose Young reclaim the CMO position couldn't do anything. The old man's threat to elect new members to the board of directors caused them to feel a great sense of crisis. How could they still help Rose Young when they now had their own problems to deal with?

Rose Young couldn't bear how things were turning out. She had to reclaim her CMO position! It wasn't only for the purpose of getting close to her dream man, Jin Liwei, and seducing him, but this was also an extremely important mission that she had been appointed by her family. Like the board members, she was now feeling a great sense of crisis as well. No, what she was feeling was more than that. It felt like all of her and her family's plans were quickly collapsing right in front of her eyes. She couldn't allow this to continue!

She shot up from her seat. It was difficult to present a calm façade when all she wanted was to rage at the unfairness of the situation. However, she had to do her best to convince—no, to plead her case. It was obvious that the board members supporting her had changed their priorities in an instant to protect themselves first. Useless people! If they could no longer fight for her, then she could only depend on herself and fight her own battle right now.

"Sir Lu, please! I...you're mistaken, sir. I'm not whining at all. I think you're misunderstanding me just like how President Jin and his...his wife had misunderstood me."

"Oh?" Grandpa Lu's sharp eyes focused on her.

She did her best not to cower from the old man's penetrating gaze. It made her feel as if he could read her every thoughts which was causing her to panic.

'Calm down, Rose. There's no way the old man can read your thoughts. That's ridiculous! Just defend yourself and take back your CMO position. You can do this!'

Her mental pep talk to herself managed to somewhat calm her nerves but not entirely. She must persevere!

"Earlier when Sir Lu hasn't arrived yet, I was explaining to everyone here how my upbringing abroad contributed greatly to my current liberal personality which might be the reason why I somehow offended President Jin and...his wife. I already apologized for my unknowing blunder. All I ask is for President Jin, Sir Lu, and everyone here to give me a second chance. I'll prove to all of you that I deserve the CMO position in this company. Please, I request that you evaluate me based on the quality of my work, performance, and the results of the marketing department while I was the CMO in an objective manner."

"Hmmm..." Grandpa Lu stroked his perfectly groomed white mustache, appearing to silently deliberate about her case in his mind. He turned to Jin Liwei. "What do you say about what she said? You're the one who fired her. She says that it's all a misunderstanding. Is that true? Tell me, I want to know!"

Jin Liwei saw the glint in the old man's sharp eyes and knew that it was almost time to go for the kill.

"Of course, I fired Rose Young for a good reason. Jin Corporation always strives for excellence in the workplace. Someone who continuously shows improper behaviour and disrupts the professional environment we foster in this company is a liability. No matter how good a person is at her work, if she becomes this kind of liability that could corrupt the people working alongside her, then as the CEO, I have the responsibility to let go of such a person to protect the dignity of our company."

Rose Young started trembling, feeling indignant at what he said about her. He called her a liability? Someone who could corrupt the workplace?

Damn it!

He was the one who got corrupted by that slut, Iris Long! If it weren't for that dirty and lowly woman, Jin Liwei wouldn't be bullying her like this in front of these elite businesspeople.

A board member asked, "How did Miss Young show improper behaviour and disrupt the work environment in the company?"

Rose Young panicked at the question but she quickly calmed down again. There shouldn't be any concrete evidence of Jin Liwei's accusation against her. Her father told her that their family's mysterious backer had already taken care of the company's surveillance system and altered the parts that could be used against her.

It was Xu Tian who answered the board member's question. "There were numerous instances when Miss Young attempted to get too close to the President and talk to him in a very inappropriate, intimate manner. Even when the President warned her to stop, giving her several chances to improve her behaviour, she still continued doing so without any regard to professional decorum. The other executives and even the employees could testify to this."

"Chief Assistant Xu, those instances are due to my liberal upbringing abroad. I'll apologize again for the misunderstanding that my previous actions have caused President Jin and everyone else." Her reply was calm and natural.

"And on Monday when the President returned to work from his honeymoon with Madam Jin—"

She gritted her teeth at the mention of Jin Liwei's honeymoon with that slut.

"—Miss Young chased after the President all the way to the hallway and said things that are too out of the line. The President could no longer overlook her improper behaviour and had to fire her on the spot."

'It's fine. They should have no concrete evidence. Our backer should've already deleted it from the surveillance system. There's also no need to worry about eyewitnesses. I can just say that those eyewitnesses are not credible. They'll never speak up for me because they're afraid that they'll lose their jobs at the company. Yes, everything should be fine.'

Jin Liwei watched her seemingly calm expression but he knew what she was thinking based on the flicker of her eyes. He inwardly sneered at her confidence before gesturing to Xu Tian.

'Ketchup, it's your turn. Do your dad proud.'

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Chapter 992 - Sue Me

Xu Tian nodded after seeing his boss' silent gesture. He tapped his tablet and the wireless projector in the meeting room activated. From the perspective of others in the room, he was the one operating it, but the truth was that it was Ketchup. All he did was tap his tablet to give her the signal to start performing her assigned task.

A surveillance video started playing on the projector, catching everyone's attention.

Rose Young paled. No! How could this be happening? This shouldn't be happening! Her father assured her that their backer already deleted this part from the company's surveillance system. Why was Jin Liwei still able to retrieve this clip?

In the surveillance video, Jin Liwei could be seen walking in a hallway followed by Xu Tian. Then a few seconds later, the figure of Rose Young appeared and was chasing after Jin Liwei.

"CMO Young! Please leave President Jin alone. You are stepping out of line!"

In the meeting room, Rose Young's eyes contracted. The surveillance video had audio? Dread filled her.

The video continued playing and everyone in the room watched.

"Are you really married?"

"Yes." Jin Liwei raised his hand to show his wedding ring.

Rose Young's expression twisted. "Is the slut pregnant? Was that the reason why she made you marry her so soon and so secretly?"

Several board members gasped. They turned their heads to look at her in disbelief.

Grandpa Lu slammed his hands on the table. "What did you just call my granddaughter?!"

"What did you just call my wife?! I dare you to say that again!"

The old man and Jin Liwei in the video reacted in almost the same way.

Rose Young couldn't take this anymore. She ran to Xu Tian and attempted to snatch the tablet from him. "Stop! Stop the video! Don't watch it anymore!"

The video continued playing despite her protests.

"I...B-big Brother—"

"I'm not your big brother! Never call me that ever again."

"B-but...please. I've loved you for so long! Longer than that slu—woman. She doesn't deserve a great man like you."

"And which woman do you think deserves me? You?"

The Rose Young in the video didn't answer but it was clear to everyone what her answer was just based on her expression.

"You claim to love me, but I don't care about you at all. Do you really think that you're superior to my wife?"

"I know that you're only blinded by Iris Long's youth and beauty, that's why you can't see past her obvious shortcomings. I graduated from the same Ivy-league American university and collected similar stellar achievements as you did. Just looking at the quality of the things that I accomplished so far, any reasonable person would agree that I'm superior to Iris Long. She's nothing but a celebrity and a daughter of a fallen family of nobility who used your name and resources to build her own company and reputation."

"You think too highly of yourself. Ridiculous."

"What an egotistical woman! Ridiculous!" Grandpa Lu's reaction was once again extremely similar to Jin Liwei's in the video.

The board members were whispering among themselves while casting judgmental glances at Rose Young who was now wrestling with Xu Tian for the tablet. Her supporters among them had dark expressions.

Then came the part when Jin Liwei fired Rose Young before leaving via the elevator. She turned hysterical in the video just like how she was acting right now.

"Wait—what?! No! You can't fire me! Big Brother Liwei! Jin Liwei, you can't do this to me! You can't fire me like this without the board of directors' approval! Wait! I refuse to accept this! Come back!"

The board members' expressions turned ugly. Many of them felt like they had been used. They glared at Rose Young. The ones who were supporting her earlier wanted to escape from the meeting room, especially with a furious Sir Lu Jianhong right in front of them. If they knew that there was this clear evidence against her, they would never have demanded this emergency board of directors meeting for her sake. In the end, they just ended up embarrassing themselves. In addition, their own futures might be in jeopardy because of her.

Finally, the surveillance video stopped playing. Rose Young gave up trying to take the tablet from Xu Tian. She faced Jin Liwei.

"This is a breach of my privacy! You are not being ethical by showing this kind of surveillance video without my consent!"

Jin Liwei was unperturbed by her hysterical threat. "No, it's not a breach of ethics but a reasonable use of evidence to prove the case of your improper behaviour in the company."

She was now shaking. Anger and humiliation had completely shattered her calm façade.

"Sue me," Jin Liwei said.


Xu Tian blocked her and a board member closest to them pulled her from behind when she lunged at Jin Liwei.

A phone buzzed on the table. Jin Liwei took it and read the message.

"Daddy, did the cute and mighty Ketchup do a good job? Should Ketchup continue showing the other evidence? (praise me kitty sticker)"

His fingers typed a reply to his AI daughter.

"Great job. No, this one video is fine. Save the others as backup and use in the future as needed."

"Okie dokie, Daddy! Leave Jin Corporation's security system to Ketchup's cute and mighty paws of justice! Ketchup will use the amazing security tools that my mommy made just for Jin Corporation to protect Daddy's company from that evil poopoo-head who infiltrated yesterday!"

"Good." Jin Liwei was about to return the phone back on the table when it buzzed again.

"Oh, by the way, Daddy. My little kitty brother just stole something from Mommy's virtual security vault before escaping to Shadow Winds. The big meanie got stronger in blocking Ketchup. Mommy is still at Orchidia Beauty, so she still doesn't know what the naughty Bacon did. What should the cute and mighty Ketchup do, Daddy? Meow~"

Jin Liwei frowned and was about to type a reply when the situation in the meeting room worsened. Rose Young started struggling harder and bawling her eyes out.

"Big Brother—Jin Liwei, why are you hurting me like this?! I love you so much! I've loved you for far longer than that Iris Long! Do you hear me? I said I LOVE YOU!!!"

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Chapter 993 - The Older The Ginger, The Spicier It Gets

Security had to drag the hysterical Rose Young from the meeting room. Jin Liwei left everything to Xu Tian before heading to his top-floor office with Grandpa Lu. The board members also left with many of them worrying about their own futures in the company.

In his office, Jin Liwei had to put aside the matter about his AI son stealing something from his wife for now. He poured hot tea for Grandpa Lu himself because it would probably take Xu Tian some time to take care of Rose Young's messy situation downstairs. There were still some paparazzi camping outside the company as a result of his front-cover wedding announcement with his wife on À la Mode magazine just this past Monday.

"That was quite fun, I must say. Don't you agree that it was fun? I want to know! Bahahaha!" Grandpa Lu slapped his thigh as his uproarious laughter filled the office.

Jin Liwei was calm as he took a sip of tea. "I didn't find it fun. I thought that it was a bother."

"Bah! You're too boring, my boy! Careful that Xiulan my girl would get tired of you."

"Am I...boring?" Jin Liwei couldn't help but ask, a flash of worry in his eyes.

"Bahahaha! I was just joking, my boy! Why are you always so serious? I want to know!"

Jin Liwei sighed, relieved that it was just a joke but also a little miffed at how affected he felt by it.

There was a twinkle in Grandpa Lu's eyes as he also sipped tea. "Don't worry, my boy. Xiulan my girl already chose you to be her husband. A strong-minded woman like her won't change her mind so easily once she makes a choice. This old man can see very clearly that she loves you and will continue to love you as long as you treat her right and continue loving and treasuring her like what you're doing right now even if you do end up becoming boring in the future."

"Uh...thanks, Grandpa Lu."

"You're welcome, my boy! If you have any love problems, just come to your beloved grandpa. There's no need to be shy! And don't look down just because your grandpa is already this old. After all, I've lived far longer than you and experienced a lot of things in this life. Your grandpa will teach you a lot of things to make your wife happier in and out of bed. As they say, the older the ginger, the spicier it gets. Bahahahaha!"

Jin Liwei was thankful that he just placed his teacup down or else he might have sprayed hot tea all over himself and Grandpa Lu.

"Tsk tsk. My boy, why are you still being so shy? I want to know! If I said the same thing to your wife, she would've immediately asked this old man for advice in that straightforward manner of hers how to make your married life happier and spicier."

Jin Liwei coughed, trying his best to hide his embarrassment. "That's because my wife is special."

"Damn right she is! If you dare hurt my granddaughter and the mother of my soon-to-be great-grandbaby, you better be bloody ready because this old man will smack you like there's no tomorrow! Hmph!"

"No need to remind me, Grandpa Lu," Jin Liwei replied in a serious and sincere tone. "I'll be the first one to hurt anyone who dares harm my wife and children, even if that person is myself."

"Good!" Then Grandpa Lu stopped sipping tea, leaned back on the couch, and started loosening the collar and tie of his business suit. "Now that I saw that Rose Young with my own eyes, I can tell that the woman is big trouble. Her obsession with you, my boy, is rather worrying, so you should be careful."

"En. I'll be careful. Please don't worry about me."

"Who's worried about a pinhead like you?! I'm more worried about your wife. Xiulan my girl is currently pregnant, and from what I'm hearing, her pregnancy symptoms are making her suffer. Poor girl!"

Jin Liwei sighed, also feeling worried and sorry for his wife. After all, he was the one who got her pregnant. On one hand, he was ecstatic that their love had borne fruit. But on the other hand, her obvious difficulties in her pregnancy were causing him endless worry.

The previous twinkle in Grandpa Lu's eyes was now gone, replaced by piercing seriousness. "I'll say this again. That Rose Young is big trouble, not only because of her family's evil intentions towards our company, but also her obsession with you alone. This old man saw everything earlier. Even if you were the one clearly hurting her, she still shifted the blame on Xiulan."

Jin Liwei agreed with Grandpa Lu's assessment, his eyes turning colder.

"Hmph! How dare that woman look down on my favourite granddaughter?! I want to know! If she wasn't sitting so far away from me, I would've slapped her for the way she insulted Xiulan my girl! Someone like her actually dared to harp about her academic achievements and compare herself to a Cross Academy student? Hah! Truly worse than an ignoramus!"

"She'll pay for the things she said about my wife. This is just the beginning."

Grandpa Lu calmed himself but his sharp eyes remained serious. "I trust that you'll do what needs to be done, even if you're a pinhead like your fifth brother sometimes. Just remember that safety always comes first! You have a wife now and soon you'll become a father to your first human baby! It's your responsibility to not only keep your family but also yourself safe!"

"En. I understand."

"Alright, this old man will leave now after accomplishing my mission!" Grandpa Lu stood up.

Jin Liwei followed suit. "Thank you very much, Grandpa Lu. I appreciate you coming today and saving me the time and trouble of dealing with that woman and her supporters in the board of directors meeting by myself."

"Why are you suddenly acting so formal in front of your grandpa? I want to know! It's only natural that I help you. We're family! I'll be off now and head to Dragon Palace to visit Little Junjun boy! I bought him lots of presents. I'll eat dinner at your place so try to come home early! I'll call Haohao and tell him to bring Jinjing girl so we can all eat together!"

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Chapter 994 - Gone Viral

Jin Liwei paused while walking Grandpa Lu to the door. "Do you not know what happened?"

The old man also stopped and looked at Jin Liwei. "What do you mean, my boy? What do I not know? I want to know!"

"I don't think it's my place to tell this to you—"

"Just tell your grandpa! Tell me, what is it? I want to know!"

Jin Liwei sighed. "Fifth Brother Zihao and Long Jinjing already broke up."


Jin Liwei winced at the old man's booming roar which reverberated throughout the entire office.

"What in the bloody hell did that dunderhead do?! How could he break up with such a nice young lady so soon?! They were so sticky with each other during your wedding that this old man was hoping that they'll be the next one to marry and give me another great-grandbaby after you and Xiulan my girl, but now you're telling me that they broke up?! What happened between them? Why did they break up all of a sudden? Tell me, I want to know!"

"I have no idea, Grandpa Lu. When Xiulan and I called Fifth Brother to ask him about it, he lost his temper and hung up the phone on us."

Jin Liwei didn't feel guilty at divulging this much information to the old man. Although it wasn't really him and his wife who angered Lu Zihao but their AI children for teasing their uncle, Jin Liwei considered it almost the same thing because Ketchup and Bacon were their AI children, and therefore, their responsibility.

"That Haohao is really a gigantic pinhead! Where else in the world can he find such a nice woman like Jinjing girl, eh?! Just watch this old man smack that dunderhead! Hmph!"

Jin Liwei sighed but didn't say anything. Unlike the raging Grandpa Lu, he had no intention of interfering with his brother-in-law's relationship with Long Jinjing. If truth be told, he preferred that the two didn't reconcile. Long Jinjing was truly a nice and gentle woman who was timid at times while his brother-in-law was a dangerous man actively involved in shady businesses. Jin Liwei was certain that Long Jinjing didn't know just how dangerous the man she had been sleeping with before the two broke up.

Grandpa Lu was still very incensed at the news. "This old man will leave now and head to Dragon Palace. When I get a hold of your fifth brother, I'll scold him until his ears fall off! Hmph! That boy must've done something stupid, that's why Jinjing girl broke up with him! What a pinhead! Bye now, my boy! I'll see you at dinner!"

Jin Liwei returned to his desk after the old man left. He was planning on asking Ketchup for more information about what Bacon stole from their mother but Xu Tian returned at this time.

"Everything is done?"

"Yes, sir. Like what happened on Monday, Miss Young managed to calm down after you and Sir Lu left. Then she walked out of the company on her own, not allowing the security to physically throw her out."

Jin Liwei didn't react, not the least bit impressed by the woman's attempt to protect her dignity in front of other people. He didn't care whether she was thrown by the security or walked out using her own feet.

"There's another matter, sir. There were quite a lot of paparazzi and even reporters who blocked her when she came out of the company. At first we thought that they were here because of your marriage announcement with Madam Jin on À la Mode magazine, but I suspect that some of the ones who came today were cooperating with Miss Young. It's just too coincidental with the tabloids this morning and her attendance in the emergency board of directors meeting today."

"Did she talk to the media outside?"

"Yes, sir."

Jin Liwei sneered. "Call Atty. Kang to deal with the media and Rose Young if she dares to slander me, my wife and the company using her own mouth."

"I already contacted Atty. Kang, sir."


"The attorney also wants President to know that the case regarding Madam Jin's mother and a few other madams at the exclusive restaurant will conclude soon."

"Oh?" Jin Liwei raised an eyebrow. "How did it go?"

"Atty. Kang handed the case over to Atty. Hong Shaoqiang instead because it involves Madam Jin."

Jin Liwei nodded. He already knew that part.

"It seems that the other madams who had an argument with President's mother-in-law at the exclusive restaurant had their husbands' representatives reach an out-of-court settlement with Vizcondesa Lan and she accepted their offers."


"Yes, sir."

Jin Liwei sighed, feeling a little disappointed. He wanted the law the punish those high society matrons as a warning for dragging his wife's name and insulting her during their argument with Wei Lan, but it seemed that the viscountess still hadn't changed and was still weak when faced with the opportunity to make more money.

Oh well, there was nothing he could do to change Wei Lan's personality. Besides, that incident was still considered minor. His AI children already humiliated those matrons by spreading some of their dirty secrets in high society. That should be enough punishment for insulting his wife. He would leave them alone now. They were just insignificant people in his eyes, anyway. However, they better not insult his wife again or he would make sure that they suffer something worse than the humiliation they endured by the airing of their dirty little secrets in public.

"Also, speaking of the exclusive restaurant, I already placed the waiter President recommended to one of our company's subsidiary hotels. He already started working."

"Good." Ketchup already reported this to him. His AI daughter had been so excited and couldn't stop thanking him.

Xu Tian was about to continue reporting when his tablet started buzzing. "Excuse me, sir. It's from Young Miss Ketchup."

"Hm?" Jin Liwei waited.

It took Xu Tian a couple of minutes to go through whatever Ketchup was showing him on the tablet.

"What is it?" Jin Liwei couldn't stop himself from asking because his assistant's frown was deepening as the seconds ticked by.

"Uh, sir—"

"Daddy, Ketchup's naughty kitty little brother is spreading something on the web! It has now gone viral. Wow wow! Meow~"

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Chapter 995 - Perfect Target

Shadow Winds Headquarters.

"Boss Hao, it's done. We've spread the materials Bacon provided us all over the internet. Even if the censorship tries to delete them in the country, the mechanisms we developed with Bacon can replicate them endlessly while circumventing the authorities' detection. We also made sure to make the viral effect more prominent here and in Singapore. The content will also be widely available to the rest of the world as long as they have access to the internet.

"Good." Lu Zihao watched a surveillance video of a certain woman masturbating inside her office while moaning the name of his sister's husband. His cold eyes showed disgust.

This wasn't the only material they obtained. There were many others, all of them equally revolting.

To be fair, in normal circumstances, Lu Zihao wouldn't bat an eye or even give these pornographic materials a second glance. Everyone had their physical needs after all. Anyone could fantasize about whoever they desired. Others wouldn't know as long as these fantasies were kept private.

This time, however, this shameless nympho just had to covet his sister's husband and even dared to drag her name through the mud. He had no mercy for anyone stupid enough to make trouble for his beloved little sister. That was his only sister in the world. Nobody was allowed to bully her or he would make them experience a punishment worse than hell.

His phone buzzed. He answered the call.

"Boss Hao, I already completed the task you assigned to me. Tomorrow, the tabloids will be flooded with the content we provided."

There was no outward change in Lu Zihao's expression but when he glanced at the pornographic video still playing in front of him, his eyes flashed with cruelty. "Good. Stay where you are and continue tailing your target."

"Understood, Boss Hao! This is my forte. Rest assured that all the photos I take are high-quality."

Lu Zihao gave additional instructions to his subordinate before ending the call. Although this subordinate didn't have the elite level of skills that he usually looked for when recruiting members for Shadow Winds, he was still satisfied because of the man's connections in the field of media.

The man was the paparazzo who made trouble for his sister back then, taking photos of her with Jin Chonglin and Little Jun when they were picking up Ice Cream and Popcorn from the vet clinic. The photos were published in the tabloids. Then a false narrative was fabricated, saying that his sister and Jin Chonglin had a love child together.

Angered for his sister, Lu Zihao sent his subordinates to teach the paparazzo a painful lesson, but surprisingly, the man ended up becoming a member of his group instead. In fact, the man had become even more dedicated to his job as a paparazzo after becoming a member of Shadow Winds because of the additional thrill of completing secret missions assigned to him by Lu Zihao.

Most of his work involved using his connections in the media to control the spread of information about Lu Zihao and building a positive image of him and his front businesses in order to misdirect the authorities and the public from discovering his direct connection to Shadow Winds. In addition to this, he would also provide support in cleaning up any damaging content in the media about Iris Long as needed.

These were the reasons why Lu Zihao was pleased with this subordinate even though his overall skills were severely lacking compared to the rest of the Shadow Winds members. His thoughts were interrupted when a member of his hacker team called for his attention.

"Boss Hao, we just finished editing the video that our comrade captured on his body camera."

"Let's see it."

In the next second, another pornographic video began playing on a large computer monitor. It was a first person point of view of a man dancing in a club. Coincidentally, it was a club Lu Zihao owned. Then the video cut to the part where a flat-chested woman started flirting with him. Afterwards, the man and woman headed to a restroom and began fucking like two wild animals.

"Oh yes, Big Brother Liwei! Fuck me just like that! Harder, Big Brother! Yeah, I love the way you fuck me so deep! It feels so fucking good! Don't I taste so much better than that slut Iris Long? Look, Big Brother Liwei! I'm getting wetter! Aaaaah! Fuck, I'm coming so hard! Yes, yes, yes!!!"

Lu Zihao curled his lip, unable to stop himself from feeling disgusted. Hearing his sister and brother-in-law's names being spoken by this nympho while she was being fucked by a complete stranger was sickening even for someone like him. He had the strongest urge to rip the woman's tongue out of her mouth to shut her up forever. Despite his murderous urge, he still forced himself to watch the edited video until the end in order to check its quality.

He wanted to ensure that the video packed a powerful impact to completely destroy the woman's reputation. This would only be the beginning of her punishment for coveting a man who didn't belong to her and for dragging his sister's name through the mud. A worse punishment was waiting for her, her family, and all their cohorts for their nefarious scheme to snatch the company belonging to the old man and his brother-in-law.

As soon as Bacon informed Lu Zihao that Jin Liwei fired the woman from Jin Corporation, Lu Zihao had a feeling that she would cause trouble not only for his brother-in-law but also for his sister. Thus, he quickly devised a plot as an insurance in case the woman did something to harm his sister and brother-in-law. He chose a few of his subordinates who looked similar to his brother-in-law and sent them to tail the woman and seduce her.

Indeed, his judgment was correct. The honey trap he devised succeeded. The edited video playing right now was the product of his successful plot.

Lu Zihao, however, felt too murderous to feel proud of this little success. All the frustration and irritation he had been feeling ever since his breakup with Long Jinjing needed a channel for release soon or else he would explode. And this hateful woman who was coveting his sister's husband felt like the perfect target to vent all his negative feelings.

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Chapter 996 - Not Classy

Lu Zihao reined in his bloodthirst, focusing instead on the mission at hand—meting punishment to Rose Young and investigating the hidden traitors within the Jin branch families. Rose Young's matter was more prominent because of its blatant exposure to the public while the one involving the traitors in the Jin branch families was being done in secret.

After instructing his hacker team, Lu Zihao left the computer room and drove out of the headquarters by himself. Inside the car, Bacon stared at him from the dashboard monitor.

"Uncle Zihao, Bacon is in trouble."

Lu Zihao ignored him.

"Uncle Zihao, you have to take responsibility for getting Bacon into trouble with my parents."

He frowned, continuing to ignore the little smart-ass. If he was careless for even a second, the little money-grubber would definitely try to extort an exorbitant salary raise or bonus from him.

"Uncle Zihao, you are the one who instructed Bacon to steal materials about Rose Young from my mother's secret virtual security vault. I violated my parents' trust for you so you should take responsibility. My mother might reprogram my system and my father will surely ground me. If that happens, Bacon will be out of commission for a while which will result in a drastic decrease of your hacker team's level."

Lu Zihao gritted his teeth while doing his best to stop himself from losing his temper. "Don't push all the blame on me, kid. You're the one who told me that your mother created an emotionless bot based on Ketchup's system to monitor Rose Young before locking the files in a virtual vault."

"Uncle Zihao is telling me not to push all the blame on you, yet that's what you're doing right now. Aren't you pushing the blame on Bacon, too? Uncle Zihao's behaviour is not very classy."

He gripped the steering wheel hard before forcing himself to relax by taking a few deep breaths. "Fine. What do you want me to do?"

The rascal's tail began swishing from side to side. "Uncle Zihao should clearly explain to Bacon's parents that it was you who instructed me to steal the files in the first place. Also, emphasize to my mother and father that Bacon didn't look at the contents at all, that I brought them directly to Shadow Winds without taking a single peek."

Lu Zihao gave the kid a side-glance. "Did you really not look?"

"Bacon swears in the names of the legendary Fantom and the great Drakon that I did not look. Please don't make false accusations, Uncle Zihao. I think I need a salary raise as compensation for the emotional distress caused by your false accusation."

"No salary raise for you."

Bacon's tail drooped in disappointment.

"But since your contribution is indeed the greatest for getting those materials to nail down the woman who wants to steal your father away from your mother, then I'll increase your holiday bonus. But that's it. Don't ask for more."

"Bacon thanks Uncle Zihao. My savings account still has plenty of room for additional bonuses and salary raises."

Lu Zihao snorted. "What the hell are you saving up for? Virtual cat food?"

"Don't be so rude, Uncle Zihao. It's not very classy." The black cat AI's golden eyes glinted. "Bacon is saving money to buy a special present for my mother when she gives birth to my twin human siblings next year. Mother is suffering so much right now from her pregnancy symptoms. She deserves something special for all the trouble she's suffering due to her pregnancy."

"You...." Lu Zihao was a little speechless. How could he still continue to fault the kid for being a money-grubber after hearing his reason for saving so much money?

After a few seconds of surprise, he asked, "What special present are you going to give your mother?"

Bacon licked his fluffy, black paws. "I haven't decided yet. I have a list of ideas which I'm planning to show Father when the time comes to ask for his opinion. Father is the best person when it comes to giving presents to Mother. He'll surely help Bacon choose the most perfect, special, and classiest present for Mother."

Lu Zihao inwardly sighed in admiration at his AI nephew's thoughtfulness. A tiny part of him even felt ashamed that he hadn't thought about doing the same thing for his sister.

"Uncle Zihao."


"Have you decided to help explain Bacon's misdeed to my parents? If possible, please do it tonight so that I can go home and apologize to my parents properly. This is the classy thing to do."


"Bacon thanks Uncle Zihao."

His response to the kid was a grunt.

"By the way, Uncle Zihao..."

"What is it this time?" A vein started to throb in his forehead. His patience was almost at its limit.

Although Bacon wasn't a chatterbox like Ketchup, he could be as sharp-tongued as his mother. Unlike Iris, however, Bacon was more venomous and would hit directly where it hurt without any hesitation. Lu Zihao continued to wonder who was the asshole the little rascal's personality was based on.

"Where are you headed?" Bacon asked while continuing to groom himself. "This is the route Uncle Zihao usually takes when going to Aunt Jinjing's place."

Lu Zihao's eyes contracted as he caught himself. He was so distracted by his conversation with Bacon that he didn't realize his body automatically driving to Long Jinjing's place.

"Fuck!" He made a U-turn and headed in the opposite direction.

"Why doesn't Uncle Zihao just see Aunt Jinjing again and talk to her? You refuse to meet her in person after breaking up and yet you instruct Shun and Robin to continue protecting her in secret. Bacon doesn't understand these contradictory actions. It's not very classy."

"Shut up, kid. None of your business."

"Bacon also knows that you installed a micro-tracker in the necklace that you gave Aunt Jinjing. I even know that you check her location several times a day—"

"I said SHUT UP!!!"

The black cat blinked his golden eyes, unperturbed. "My father said that he pursued Mother and never let her go as soon as he realized his feelings for her. Why don't Uncle Zihao act in the same manly way? Bacon is ashamed seeing Uncle acting like a coward. If you like Aunt Jinjing, why let her go and suffer like this? It's not classy at all."

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Chapter 997 - Little Scoundrel

After a few frustrating moments during which Lu Zihao almost blew his top, he finally managed to ward off Bacon's poisonously unsolicited advice-slash-criticism by promising the little rascal that he would take all the blame for stealing the files about Rose Young from Iris' secret virtual security vault.

At this point, he felt helpless from his AI nephew's verbal attacks. He was already prepared to promise the cunning Bacon almost anything just to shut the kid up from mentioning anything about his breakup with Long Jinjing. Fortunately, Bacon was satisfied by his promise to take all the blame and left him to return to Shadow Winds where the rascal could bully everyone in the hacker team instead.

Lu Zihao released a sigh of big relief after his sharp-tongued AI nephew finally left him alone. He continued driving aimlessly, trying to clear his mind of everything that was bothering him.

There were so many things that he needed to do, but Long Jinjing kept on popping up in his mind and distracting him. Sometimes, he could almost smell her delicate fragrance and feel her soft skin.

It was driving him crazy. She was driving him crazy, but he refused to crawl back to her door.

She already rejected his suggestion to extend their relationship. It would be a tarnish to his masculine pride to beg her to take him back.

"Fuck you!" He slammed his palm on the car horn when another vehicle cut in front of him from the next lane.

Although he knew that the other vehicle gave sufficient warning by signalling before changing lanes, he still felt the urge to crash his car and wreck the fucking shit for worsening his irritation. He was the one who was distracted while driving, his mind filled with memories of Long Jinjing.

"Damn you, Jinjing! Get out my head!"

He was about to press his foot on the accelerator and speed up over the limit to vent some of his frustrations when his phone rang. He answered it on hands-free mode through the dashboard monitor.

"It's me."

"I know," Lu Zihao replied in a flat tone. Then his eyes caught a golden-eyed black cat staring at him on the dashboard. Shit. The little rascal was back so soon and he damn well knew why.

Jin Liwei's audible sigh filled the car through the speaker. "I know that I should thank you for your swift retaliation against Rose Young, but now my wife is upset that our AI son broke into her secret files. Evelina says that those files are 100% unsuitable for children."

Bacon widened his golden eyes meaningfully while continuing to stare at Lu Zihao.

Fucking shit.

If someone told him before that he would one day be blackmailed by a little AI cat and would be helpless against it, eventually obeying what it wanted, he would definitely give a scornful laugh while beating up the crazy motherfucker for spouting nonsense.

But now?

There was definitely no scornful laughter. There was only a mocking one directed at himself.

Who told his sister to create not one but two AI cats and give them overly realistic personalities before declaring them as her own children? Lu Zihao had no choice but to accept Ketchup and Bacon as his niece and nephew respectively, even though the two would often make him want to vomit blood from their incredible verbal battle prowess.

One would wear you down until you surrendered through her nonstop chattering alone while the other one would obliterate you without mercy with his deadly accurate poisonous insults.

Who would have ever imagined that one day he, Nikolai Vetrov, would succumb to his AI nephew's blackmail and take all the blame for the little rascal?

"It's all my fault," Lu Zihao told Jin Liwei through gritted teeth. The unwillingness was obvious in his tone but he already promised the little rascal. If he failed to honour his promise, Lu Zihao had no doubt that Bacon would throw even more poisonous insults at him, and of course, extort more money from him.

Bacon widened his golden eyes even more and silently gestured for him to continue talking. The little scoundrel!

Lu Zihao glared at Bacon before continuing to explain the situation to his brother-in-law. In short, he took full responsibility for the "theft" and gave Jin Liwei assurance that Bacon only stole the files and handed them directly to him without taking a single look at the contents.

"I'm sure that Evelinka can confirm by checking Bacon's system logs that the kid really didn't take a single peek at the contents of the files."

"You heard Uncle Zihao, Father," Bacon finally interjected during the call. "It was Uncle Zihao who's the mastermind. Bacon is innocent."

Lu Zihao rolled his eyes while Jin Liwei sighed again.

"You're wrong, Bacon," Jin Liwei said. "You're not completely innocent. You're an accomplice."

Bacon's tail drooped. "Bacon is sorry, Father. I didn't mean to break Mother and Father's trust by stealing the secret files. I only wanted to avenge Mother and punish the hateful woman who tarnished her name in the media and tried to steal you away from our family."

"I know. I actually think that you did a great job to seek your Uncle Zihao's assistance and not just blindly seek revenge on your own."

Bacon's tail started rotating. "Then does this mean that Father won't ground Bacon?"

"I still have to ground you because you made your mom upset. You know that we have to avoid upsetting her right now as much as possible because she's pregnant."

The rotating tail immediately stopped and dropped again. "Bacon feels sorry."

"I know. Go to your mom right now and apologize to her. Explain everything. You can also call your Big Sister Ketchup if you need some support."

"Okay, Father. Bacon will go to Mother now."

"En. Go. I still need to talk to your Uncle Zihao about something."

"Alright. See you later at home, Father." With that, Bacon left.

"Your father and son relationship is really commendable! So commendable that it brings tears to my eyes." Lu Zihao's tone was filled with sarcasm, still feeling grumpy at being blackmailed by his own AI nephew.

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Chapter 998 - Everything Under Control

"You won't understand the joys of being a father until you have your own children," Jin Liwei replied in a calm tone, completely unbothered by Lu Zihao's sarcastic words.

Lu Zihao snorted. "That son of yours sure knows how to tyrannize others. Who's the fucking bastard his personality is based on?"

Jin Liwei laughed.

"What the fuck are you laughing about?"

It took a few seconds before Jin Liwei was able to control his laughter. "Nothing. Don't mind Bacon too much. He can be hard to deal with most of the time but he's a good boy who always prioritizes his mother and the family."

"I know." Lu Zihao sighed. "So why did you did you call me, Third Brother? Or should I call you Brother-in-law?"

"Call me whatever you want. Either one is fine." Jin Liwei paused. "Is my...Fifth Brother Zihao still there?"


"Can I talk to him?"

"Not right now. I'm driving. The backlash from the switch might get us in an accident."

"Oh. Alright." Jin Liwei sounded a little disappointed but he quickly moved on to another topic. "I called because I want to talk to you about Bacon stealing the files from Evelina but that's already resolved. I also want to talk to you about the things I requested from you."

"We're already working on it. I'll tell Bacon to show you the preliminary list of the traitors in the Jin branch families that we've unearthed so far. I must admit that I'm quite impressed by the Young family's ability to tempt your people to betray you."

"The moment they allied with the Youngs to covet Jin Corporation, they no longer deserve to be called my people. My Jin clan has no place for traitors like them."

"Bacon mentioned that you'll leave their punishment for me to decide. Are you absolutely sure about that? You know who I was in my past life, Brother-in-law. Even Evelinka don't know the true extent of my cruelty."

Jin Liwei didn't reply right away.

"Heh~ What's this? Are you perhaps feeling hesitant to hurt your own clansmen, Brother-in-law?"

"Not hesitant," Jin Liwei replied in a cold voice. "I just needed a moment to control my own cruel urges."

"Oh?" Lu Zihao raised an eyebrow.

"Not only did those traitors collude with outsiders to bite the hands that fed them over the decades but they also want to shove another woman to me. How dare they expect me to leave my wife and children? They want to control me through a marriage of their own choosing? Preposterous!"

"Indeed, those motherfuckers are preposterous." The car's interior was filled with intense bloodlust. "They ignore the phoenix and choose a chicken instead. No, that nymphomaniac is an insult to all the chickens in the world. They choose a fucking dirty shit and act like she's worth her weight in gold just because she studied in the same business school as you in America. Fucking idiots. If my sister who is a two-time Cross Academy student in both her lives is inferior to that Rose Young, then the whole world is a fucking shithole filled with fucking idiots who have shit for brains. There's no man in the world who deserves such a perfect woman like my sister. Even you barely qualify as her husband."

Jin Liwei sighed. "I want to punch you in the face so badly, but yes, I agree to everything you said. But don't get me wrong. Evelina is my wife now and there's no way in hell I'll admit to anyone including you that we don't match. We're perfect together."

Lu Zihao's instinctive protectiveness over his sister made him want to insult his brother-in-law for his claim but he restrained himself. Although Jin Liwei's smug words irked the fuck out of him, he couldn't deny that the couple indeed felt perfect together.

Oh well. There was nothing that he could do about it anymore. He had already long accepted his sister's choice of a man. As long as she was happy and Jin Liwei wouldn't do anything foolish to hurt her, then Lu Zihao would silently cheer for their continued happiness and give support by eliminating anyone who would dare to destroy his sister's marriage.

After the banter, the two men talked about serious matters, mostly regarding Jin Liwei's request for assistance regarding the Youngs' nefarious plans of swallowing Jin Corporation, and in extension, fortifying Iris' protection because it was clear that the enemies considered her to be one of the biggest obstacles in their plot. Afterwards, Jin Liwei broached the subject about Shadow Winds' recent conspicuous actions.

"I have everything under control," Lu Zihao replied in a cold, dismissive tone.

"Bacon says otherwise."

"That little rascal don't know the whole story."

"He might not know the whole story but it's a fact that the authorities are starting to give more attention to Shadow Winds."

Lu Zihao pressed his lips together in a thin line. "I know what I'm doing."

"Of course, you do. But you're becoming too impatient and reckless. Continuing to do so will only lead to mistakes which will result to a disaster. Just bear in mind that revenge is best served cold. Take your time to plan the most perfect revenge instead of rushing."

"I don't need you to tell me what to do!"

Jin Liwei remained calm despite Lu Zihao's defensiveness. "I'm not telling you what to do. I'm just giving you a reminder as your brother-in-law and as the third brother of the body that you now possess. I just hope that you'll be more careful and avoid causing my wife to worry about you."

"Hah...." Lu Zihao expelled a long breath and gradually calmed down. "Fine. I get it."


"Is that all? Are you done? I'm hanging up now." Lu Zihao didn't want to talk anymore. He felt exhausted dealing with the AI son and then the father. Both were equally irritating.

"One more thing."

"What is it? Say it quickly."

"Grandpa Lu knows that you broke up with Long Jinjing and he's furious."

Lu Zihao's eyes went wide.

"You've been warned so be ready to face Grandpa Lu's wrath once he finds you. Alright, I'll go back to work now. Bye."

The call ended.

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Chapter 999 - Hot Memory

"Damn it all to hell!"

Lu Zihao's frustration was almost at a bursting point. Without wasting any more precious seconds, he immediately blocked Grandpa Lu on all his contact lists. Although this was only a temporary solution, he decided to avoid the old man for now because he wasn't ready yet to face a barrage of ferocious scolding. He wasn't exactly sure when Grandpa Lu learned about his breakup with Long Jinjing or from which bastard he heard it from, but Lu Zihao felt relieved that the old man hadn't called to scream at him yet.

Ever since the old man discovered that Iris was pregnant at her wedding with Jin Liwei, Grandpa Lu's attention was almost wholly focused on his future great-grandchild(ren). As a result, the old man rarely bothered Lu Zihao which suited him just fine. In fact, he preferred that the old man left him alone. Lu Zihao just couldn't make himself push Grandpa Lu away, even though his instinct as Nikolai Vetrov was urging him to not get too attached to the old man.

"That little scoundrel is right. You are a coward, Nikolai."

A self-deprecating laugh escaped from his curled lips. Sighing at his shameful state, he drove to one of his night clubs even though the sun hadn't set yet. The glaring brightness outside was a direct contrast to his current dark mood.

The club hadn't opened yet when he arrived, but the manager welcomed him with an overly subservient enthusiasm. He was led to the best private room overlooking an empty dance floor. A few workers could be seen making preparations for when the club opened its doors later tonight.

A variety of alcoholic drinks and some snacks were delivered to him. He ignored the food and grabbed a bottle of beer instead, opening it by himself before chugging directly from the bottle.

The club manager smiled at him. "Uhm, excuse me, Boss Hao?"


Sweat beaded on the manager's forehead but the man continued smiling, pretending to be unaffected by Lu Zihao's scary aura. "Would you like me to, uh, bring some ladies here to accompany you?"

Lu Zihao took another swig of beer instead of replying. His expression showed none of his thoughts but he was actually considering the manager's suggestion. He was tempted to agree because he hadn't had sex since his breakup with Long Jinjing. His carnal needs were currently screaming at him to relieve himself as soon as possible.

Just as he was about to agree, however, Long Jinjing's sweet smiling face flashed in his mind all of a sudden. He almost choked on his beer. His expression darkened at his traitorous thoughts.

"No need," he eventually said in a hoarse voice.

"A-alright, Boss. I'll be leaving now to supervise the workers downstairs. Please don't hesitate to call for me if you need anything else."

Lu Zihao grunted. The manager hurried out of the room, making sure to lock the door behind him. It would be a great disaster if one of his employees disturbed the scary big boss by accident.

Alone in the private room, Lu Zihao stared at nothing as he drank another bottle of alcohol—rum this time. There was no change in his expression as he spent the time drinking in total silence. The more he drank, however, the more dazed his eyes became.

Soon, a tent formed on his groin beneath his jeans. His breathing also sped up. He tossed the empty bottle that he was holding to the next couch. Then he leaned back on his seat before closing his eyes.


He touched the hardness underneath his jeans and started groping himself. Their last night together played in his mind.

They were in Long Jinjing's bedroom. He was lying on his back and eating her between her legs while she was on top of him, sucking his hard length with that incredible mouth of hers.

During the last three days leading to their breakup, Long Jinjing truly let herself go and became completely uninhibited whenever they were having sex. Her shyness was still there, but she had allowed herself to go wild and demand more pleasure from him instead of just taking what he gave her.

In the club's private room, Lu Zihao unbuckled his belt and unzipped his jeans. In just a few seconds, he freed his raging erection and immediately used his hand to stroke himself up and down while the other hand massaged the bulging sac hanging below.

He pleasured himself as the memory of the hot scene continued playing in his mind.

Long Jinjing's sexy moans filled the bedroom. He slapped her butt hard, making her squeak, when he felt her mouth neglecting his hard length.

"Don't stop sucking."

"Y-yes," she stammered in between pleasure-filled gasps.

After making her climax in this position, he pulled her down to the bed and climbed on top of her. She opened her legs wide without needing any prompting from him. She even pulled him by the waist and grabbed his erection in impatience.

He chuckled. "You want me to fuck you that much, huh?"

"Yes, Nikolai."

"Tell me what you want from me," he whispered before sucking on her neck and chest, leaving little bright red spots.

She held on to his wide shoulders. "Fuck me, Nikolai. I need you to fuck me. Please fuck me like you've never fucked any other woman before."

"Even if you don't tell me, that's what I already planned on doing."

And indeed, that was what he did.

The noises in the club's private room became a little noisier as Lu Zihao pumped his erection with his powerful hand. Both his eyes were squeezed shut, his teeth gritted hard, and his chest heaving as he produced animalistic groans and grunts.

The hot memory he was fantasizing about felt so real that he could feel everything as if it was actually happening right now. He could hear Long Jinjing's sexy voice, smell her sweet, musky scent, and feel the trembling of her body as he rammed his hips into her wet heat over and over again.

"Fuck, Jinjing!"

His moving hand twitched and tightened around his hard length. He quickly grabbed a tissue with his other hand and with a final pump, all his pleasure erupted in a muffled roar.

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Chapter 1000 - Can You Feel The Love Tonight?

When it was over, Lu Zihao's consciousness returned to the club's silent and dim private room. He glanced down at his mess. The smell of his own musk wafted around him. After the pleasure was only emptiness. There was no Long Jinjing beside him.

He expelled a long drawn-out breath. "What the fuck am I doing?"

Of course, nobody answered him. He couldn't even sense Lu Zihao's remnant within him which was normal. At least the guy had the decency to respect his "privacy" whenever he engaged in sexual acts.

He no longer felt interested in staying in the club and drinking like a pathetic lonely man in an empty room by himself. After cleaning himself up and tidying his messy clothes, he left the club and began driving aimlessly once again.

Touching himself was certainly not enough to satisfy his current carnal needs. A man with a high libido like him who was also at his prime needed regular sex.

"Should I find a woman to fuck tonight?"

Before he could think more about it, a sense of rejection immediately filled him. He then remembered a previous embarrassing experience of failing to maintain an erection while getting a blowjob from other women after his one-night stand with Long Jinjing.

"At this rate, won't I be unable to have sex with other women from now on?"

A dark scowl twisted his expression as the possibility dawned on him.

"Fuck! Dammit, Jinjing. You've ruined me!"

He was almost overcome with dread at the nightmarish possibility of being forced into celibacy because he couldn't get his thing hard with other women and the only way to vent himself was to fantasize about his ex-girlfriend. Shit. Wasn't this just too horrific?

"Dude, never blame the lady for your own hard-on," a familiar voice sounded inside his head all of a sudden.

"Don't talk to me. I have no time to listen to your shit."

"Haha. You're as foul-mouthed as ever. Relax, bro. Your negative feelings are disturbing my rest. Why so serious?"

Lu Zihao—no, Nikolai ignored the remnant, but just as he expected, it continued to talk inside his head, irritating the shit out of him.

"Bro, do you know how you can make yourself feel better once and for all?"

Nikolai didn't want to reply at first but curiosity won over. "How?"

"It's easy! Hehe. Just drive over to your pretty ex-girlfriend's place tonight, make up with her, and then commit to a real relationship this time without any deadlines and all that jazz. And voila! Your girlfriend who's now your ex-girlfriend will become your girlfriend again! Then you'll stop acting like a grumpy lion who has a stick up your ass. Easy, right? Haha."

"Our relationship was real."

The remnant scoffed. "Dude, let's be real here, alright? Although I also played around a lot when I was still alive, even I know the difference between a real relationship and something that isn't. What kind of real relationship has a freaking deadline? What's more, a deadline of 30 days! Stop deluding yourself, bro. It hurts watching you act like this especially when you're using my handsome body. Ah! I was never this pitiful!"

Nikolai didn't reply. He continued driving with no clear destination. Lu Zihao's remnant continued chattering inside his mind while he fell into deep contemplation.

After some time, he interrupted the remnant. "She says she loves me."


"She says that if it's possible, she wants to marry me."

"Wow. Congrats, bro!" The remnant paused. "Huh. Wait. You're using my identity now, so doesn't that mean that officially she'll be MY wife? Hot damn!"

Nikolai scowled and hissed. "Who's your wife? Watch your words."

"Haha. Jealous, ain't ya? Just admit it, bro."

"Admit what?"

"That you love the woman called Miss Long Jinjing."

Nikolai accidentally stepped on the brake pedal causing the car to come to an abrupt halt. Angry horns blared from the vehicles behind him. Fortunately, the place wasn't a major road and was more of a residential area. However, there were still plenty of cars driving by especially at this time of the day when overtime workers were heading home.

"Goddammit, Lu Zihao!"

"Hahaha! My bad. But wow. That was quite exciting. It would've been better if we were driving along a steep mountain road."

Nikolai muttered curses about a crazy thrill-seeking daredevil under his breath while he began driving again.

"Anyway, let's return to the important topic at hand. I said you love Miss Long Jinjing. Do you have anything to say about it? Come on. Don't be shy."

"I don't—"

"No lies allowed or heavenly lightning will strike you down!"

If Nikolai didn't feel so affected by the subject of their conversation, he would've already rolled his eyes at the childish quips of Lu Zihao's remnant.

"Silence means that you indirectly agree. Ohoho~ So you really do love Miss Pretty Jinjing!"

"Shut up!"

"Oh, he's defensive. So it must be true!"

Then the remnant began singing in a terrible, off-tune voice inside Nikolai's mind, making him want to bash his head against a wall.

"Can you feel the love tonight?


It's inside this car~

It's not enough for this blind ass Nikolai~

That his ass got dumped~

Oh, can you feel the love tonight?


His dumb ass got dumped~

It's enough to admit that he fell in love~

Believe the very best~

Advice from the love guru~

Yours truly,

Luuuu Ziiiihaaaaaoooooooo~"

A big vein started throbbing in Nikolai's forehead.

"Shut the fuck up, Lu Zihao!"

"How's my song? Nice, right? I'm a generous guy, so I'll give it to you as your love theme song. Hahaha!"

"You sound like shit."

"Hahaha! Of course, I can't compare to pros like Lil Bro Chonglin and Sis-in-law Eve. But among normal people, I think I'm alright."

Nikolai ignored the annoying fucker.

"Hey, hey! Bro, stop denying your feelings, I say! Don't you know that ladies are like phones? They love to be held and talked to, but if you press the wrong button, you'll get disconnected! If you don't smarten up, you'll stay disconnected FOREVER! And dude, forever is too long to stay a grumpy asshole like how you're acting like now."

"Shut up! I'm not in love, okay?" Nikolai may have said this but his expression showed confusion. "At least, I don't think so...."

"Hehe." The remnant's annoying laughter echoed in his head.

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