And the rumors continue (Jake...

By Raw_Auror

1.9K 49 14


How close can we get?
Old memory
Heavy rain

Kiss marks, party and alcohol

494 12 3
By Raw_Auror

Johnnie was sitting on the living room minding his own business before he was interrupted by a call. Johnnie took his phone to see who was calling him, it was Tara. Johnnie picked it up to be greeted by Tara.
"Hey Johnnie! Wanna come to a party? I know you hate going out but please? Take Jake with you, at least he likes going out!"
Johnnie listened and he didn't get to say anything before Tara continued.
"It's Sam and Colby's party so you guys don't have any other choice but to come. Tell Jake, i'll send you messages to where it is and yada yada."
Tara hangs up after saying her bye-byes. Johnnie stared at his wallpaper and sighed. Moment passed by and Johnnie decided to go and tell Jake. Johnnie walked to the terrace of their house to see Jake sitting down and smoking a cigarette. Jake looked up and smiled.
"What's up?"
Jake asked his head tilted. Johnnie walked to sit besides Jake.
"Sam and Colby are having a party. We are forced to go there."
Johnnie said that last part with a joking tone. Jake nodded.
"Oh cool we'll go then."
Jake shrugs. Johnnie looked at Jake.
"Dude you smell like cigarettes."
Johnnie stated the obvious jokingly and Jake laughed.
"No shit sherlock."
Jake said and threw the half smoked cigarette on the ground. Johnnie's phone rang again, this time it was a message from Tara.

Tara: "The party is held at __________, at 7pm."
Johnnie: "ok🦇🤟"

Jake glanced over and chuckled.
"Dude what are all of those emojis for."
Johnnie laughs and nudged Jake on the shoulder.
"Shut up."
Johnnie decided to go get ready and so did Jake, both guys went to their own rooms doing whatever. Johnnie did his normal routine on his hair, he did black and purple eyeshadow. Johnnie put on a pair of skinny jeans with holes, fishnets underneath them, a white and black striped shirt with a black leather jacket on top.. Jake usually doesn't take long to get ready— as we all know— but he took slightly some more time this time because he wanted to put on eyeliner, nothing too crazy tho. Jake had seen those 'guyliner' tik toks and wanted to do it himself. Jake was the first one to get ready which didn't surprise anyone. Jake knocked on Johnnie's door.
"Come in!"
Johnnie yelled and Jake stepped inside. Johnnie was almost ready but he was struggling to put on his bracelets.
"Need help?"
Jake asks with a laugh and Johnnie nodded.
"Pretty much so."
Jake stepped closer to Johnnie to help him out. Jake ended up helping with Johnnie's necklaces as well. Johnnie sighed as Jake was standing behind him closing the necklace for him. Johnnie looked at the floor in thought. Jake tapped Johnnie's shoulder.
"All ready."
The two guys started heading to the party. Jake was driving and Johnnie was being the passenger princess like always. After a moment of driving they finally arrived to the place. Jake looked around as he stepped out from the car.
"You won't open my door for me?"
Johnnie yelled from the car and chuckled at his own joke. Jake rolled his eyes and marched on the other side to open the door for him, Johnnie actually didn't wait for that but whatever. Music was already blasting inside the house and it could be heard through. The house was surrounded by parked cars, there was going to be lots of people.
"Jakeee! Johnniee!"
Jake and Johnnie both turned to the door to see Tara walking over. Her hair was down and slightly wavy, she wore a black dress and she had gold jewelry. "You guys actually came."
She said in a surprised tone. "Of course we did." Jake said and looked down at Tara. "Your short even with those heels." He continued with a joke of his, Tara rolled her eyes and Johnnie laughed slightly. "Very clever Jake, now come." Tara said before marching back inside the house, jake and johnnie followed behind. Jake was immediately greeted by Sam with a hug.
"Long time no see!"
Sam said hugging Jake tightly, Jake hugging him back with a friendly smile. Johnnie stood behind Jake awkwardly before Sam hugged him afterwards. "Nice seeing you too." Sam chuckled. Jake looked around the room, there was balloons that said "11milj", it was obviously a party for them hitting 11 miljon in YouTube which was a lot. Jake turned around. "Hey congrats." Jake said with a chuckle. Johnnie congratulated Sam also. Colby walked towards the 4 of them to greet and hug them as well. They chatted for a little bit before Sam, Colby and Tara had left Jake and Johnnie together. Jake turned to Johnnie. "Well should we look around?" Jake asked his head slightly tilted, Johnnie nodded. There were bunch of people they knew beforehand such as Larray, Benoftheweek, JcCaylen, the sturniolo triplets, Trisha, Corey, Hansumfella and yada yada, but also bunch of people they had no idea who they were.

Johnnie stayed close to Jake not wanting to be lost in the crowd, while Jake lead the way. "Bro hold my hand we have to go through." Jake muttered to Johnnie grabbing Johnnie's hand in his. Jake made their way and ended up in front where you could get drinks for free. Larray was there chatting with Nick Sturniolo. Nick waved at them and Larray turned around to see them. "Holding hands? Doesn't help with the rumors." Larray said with a curious tone. "Thought, Jake kisses guys as fist bumps so is that like a high five or what?" Larray continues and Jake laughs. He looks up at Jake's eyes, his eyebrows raised. "Nice eyeliner." Jake felt proud that someone noticed, though Johnnie had noticed many times but didn't say anything about it. Johnnie let go of Jake's hand to get a drink. Nick and Larray walked off somewhere together and Jake took a drink as well. "Better get drunk before the anxiety hits." Jake said with a shrug taking a big sip from his drink. The song changed and it started playing Ayesha Erotica. Jake looked down to Johnnie. "Tara's definitely behind this." Johnnie laughs. From far away they could hear Tara yelling the lyrics, which just proved Jake's point.

Jake and Johnnie were pretty much clued together while everyone else just hopped and danced around the place changing person to person and chatting. Tara walked up to the couch where Jake and Johnnie sat. "Come on guys! Don't just sit there! We are about to do karaoke and you two need to sing." Tara said and stood in front of them hands on her waist. Johnnie and Jake had been drinking enough alcohol so they could do that easily without any hesitation. They went on the line waiting for their turn. Johnnie had picked his and Jake's song and it was going to be 'Ecstasy'. They both knew the words by heart at this point. Quickly enough their turn came and they ate that shit up. And what it seemed a lot of people were loving it, people danced and hopped to it. Tara was just in front of the small stage hopping up and down her hands up. Jake had a big grin on his face the whole time as he sang. As the song finished Jake grabbed Johnnie's hand and bowed at the crowd, getting a big applause from everyone. The party was a big blast at this point. Everyone had fun, even Johnnie. Sam and Colby gave a speech of their channel, what they have experienced over the years and how thankful they were for everything. Jake and Johnnie chatted to bunch of people and walked around the house.

Something eventually caught Jake's attention, there were people who started having red lipstick kisses around their faces— Jake got curious on what was going on and Tara tapped Jake's shoulder. After he looked down at her he frowned. Tara had kisses around her face too. "What's happening?" Jake asked curiously over the music, and Tara rolled her eyes. "You didn't hear? We are taking a group photo! And everybody will have some kiss marks around their face. Can be one— many— how many you want. Here! You and Johnnie need some." Tara handed out a red lipstick for Jake, which he took. Jake was slightly confused but he thought it would be a cool photo to say the least. "Go kiss Johnnie or whatever, but you guys need to be in the picture! Sam and Colby sent me here to tell you guys! They want you guys too." Tara laughs. Jake looked down to the lipstick and Tara sighed. "Give it here!" Tara took it opening it and putting it on Jake's lips. She pointed at Johnnie who stood still trying to process what was going on. Jake shrugged and pulled Johnnie closer to kiss him on both of his cheeks. Johnnie slightly blushed due to the fact that it came out of nowhere— or at least he thought to himself. Jake put some red lipstick on Johnnie's lip. "Kiss me dude." Jake yelled over the music and Tara laughed. Johnnie didn't hesitate much and went on his tippy toes to reach Jake's cheeks. Both boys ended up with kiss marks on their cheeks. "We kinda matching." Jake spoke to Johnnie with a laugh. Tara looked at them while clapping her hands. "Also just saying the one who has the most kisses gets a price!" She said and Jake took that immediately as a challenge. "Johnnie you have some work to do." Jake was determined to win this to get whatever the price was, but Johnnie didn't think much of it. Tara had left at this point. Johnnie grabbed Jake by his shoulders to bent him down slightly. Jake got kisses to his forehead, cheeks, nose, jaw and neck by Johnnie. "Period!" Larray yelled to two of them while Johnnie was kissing Jake's neck. "What an easy challenge." Jake muttered to himself, "Well you wouldn't win if I wasn't here." Johnnie said with a joking tone. Johnnie's hands were on Jake's cheeks as his gaze went around Jake's face and neck looking for empty places.
"I'm pretty sure it's filled." Jake said and looked at Johnnie's eyes. The emo shook his head. "I found a empty spot still." Johnnie said before leaning his head closer to kiss Jake on the lips. The taller man immediately placed his hands on Johnnie's shoulders to pull him closer to deepen the kiss.

Both boys were drunk as fuck so they didn't bother to move. Yes they have shared two kisses together in the past but they usually were a quick peck on the lips and that was it. this time was different, the kiss was way longer than they even thought and passionate. The Sturniolo triplets were slightly on the back and looked at the two of them. "Damn they really going for it." Nick said with a chuckle and Matt nudged him. "Jealous? You can't pull any men" Chris teased his brother.

"Everyone! We are going to do the group picture now! Everyone with kiss marks come to the front of the karaoke stage."
Colby spoke to the mic so the whole house could hear him.
Jake was surprised by that and their kiss broke. Jake looked at Johnnie for a moment with a slight blush on his cheeks that wasn't noticeable due to the kisses. Jake's lips were now smudged by lipstick as well as Johnnie's. "No homo." johnnie said as a joke before they walked to the front of the stage. By the looks of it Jake was right now the most kissed person in the whole house.

"How many people did you kiss?" Ben said suddenly teleporting in front of Jake. Jake laughs. "Only one." Jake felt like it was a trophy as he said it so confidently. People gathered around to be in the group pic. Jake and Johnnie were in front next to Sam and Colby. Just like that a white flash flashed and the pic was taken. As people started separating Tara walked closer to Jake. "Your definitely the winner, I have to say." Tara couldn't even believe what she was seeing, but laughed. "Well obviously i am." Jake said doing a hair flip. In fact Jake won. Not a surprise was it now? the price he got was a special picture of Sam and Colby with a signatures and some money. "A signatures from my friends? Great price! Love it." Jake said with a laugh.

The party continued once again. Some people had already left to their own houses, some were black out laying down on the floor and it was pretty messy everywhere you went. Jake and Johnnie were so drunk that they needed to stay over— eventually everyone had left (those who decided to leave and not black out there) Jake and Johnnie had fallen asleep on the couch pretty much cuddling up. The lights went out and Sam and Colby went to sleep....

When the morning came Jake woke up, head bounding and he felt like he had been hit by a bus. He looked down to see Johnnie sleeping on his chest. "Wake up." Jake muttered and yawned nudging him on the shoulder. "Mmhh 5 more minutes." Johnnie said sleepily and Jake sighed. "My god Johnnie.." jake whispered tiredly. He decided to check his phone and as he opened his instagram he saw the group pic and realized that he still had the lipstick everywhere— the comments were also full of just suspecting that Johnnie had done all of them, Jake thought it was obvious at this point. Every platform Jake went to he saw at least some people talking about him and Johnnie. "We popped off." Jake said with a tired laugh and Johnnie muttered something still his eyes closed. Suddenly Jake saw a video and clicked on it. It was Jake and Johnnie kissing passionately that night— someone had filmed them from the crowd but Jake couldn't tell who it was. "Hey Johnnie— I think we can never debunk the rumors anymore." Jake whispered in a voice that sounded more careful. Johnnie looked up at Jake. In return the taller man showed the video and Johnnie just groaned quietly and hid his face on Jake's chest. "They will never forget that for sure." Johnnie said tiredly and Jake just nodded with a empty chuckle.

Word count(this doesn't count): 2417
I'll do more chapters if people like this!
Also thanks for reading this lol

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