Thread Of Fate

By WriterFrom_Hell

670 16 211

another slow burn!! More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12

Chapter 5

41 1 21
By WriterFrom_Hell

Lilith was currently sitting in a hospital room, reading a book when she heard weak groaning.  "Ow.. W-where am I?"  Eda groaned.  Lilith looked up and put her book down, standing by her sister's bedside. "Edalyn! H-hey how are you feeling?" Lilith asked.   Only another small groan was heard from Eda, then a small whine.  "Take it easy.. The doctor said you'd be alright in a few weeks" Lilith said in a sort of relieved tone.  "Okay.. " Eda muttered her voice already breaking. Lilith hated seeing her sister like this, realizing was not a good time to say I told you so.    

A few hours a doctor came into the room and saw Eda awake.  "Alright, how are you doing young lady?" The doctor asked.  Now it's known to Eda's family she already has a phobia of any kind of doctor, and the condition and vulnerability she felt made it worse.   "Is she not talking?" The doctor asked sympathetically. "Oh.. She has a phobia of the hospital" Lilith explained. "Ah.. Alright, well I just need to make sure she's stable, she can get home"   the doctor said.   

The doctor did a few tests just to make sure Eda could function properly. And she was indeed sent home. 

When Eda was taken home, Lilith already informed Gwen of the situation. Eda went to her bedroom, closing herself off from the world.  The next few days Lilith stayed home to help care for Eda who did nothing but lay in bed crying all day.  Nobody tried to get her out of bed because they had no right, and They knew she might heal faster in her own time.

As the days went on, to Gwen's surprise Eda spent most of the time in the shower.  She was sitting there, letting the steaming hot water she had up to the highest temperature. She sat there until the water got too cold for her to handle, then she slid into pajamas curled up in bed, and continued to cry. 

After about 2 months Edward was able to come back to visit. Eda did let her siblings stay with her, they'd sit on her bed, careful not to touch her, per Eda's request. The room was dark, and the only noise that was made was wind or a few quiet sobs.  Lilith and Edward looked at each other, having a silent conversation to put Collin in his place.  "I'm.. Sorry," Eda whimpered, grabbing both Lilith and Edward's attention.  "Hm?.." Lilith hummed quietly. "I should've listened to you.. " Eda whispered.  Now was a really bad time to say I told you so.  Lilith sighed. "Get some rest eda, we'll come back to check on you later,"  Lilith said, as she and Edward stood up. 

The next day Lilith took Edward to college with her and confronted Collin, and by that Edward pushed him into the wall. Alex saw and started to back up until Edward grabbed his as well pushing him into Collin and they both hit the floor. "Lilith, are these the punks that can't keep their hands to themselves?" Edward asked while cracking his knuckles.
"Yes that's him, and his friend," Lilith said.   Edward looked at him, then grabbed Collin by his shirt.   "You touch my sister again, and il fucking kill you" Edward threatened, then proceeded to beat him, until Lilith stopped him. 

(I would write it out, but I'm bad at it)

Meanwhile, Eda picked herself up and decided she did not want to live like this anymore. Grabbed a backpack she had, and emptied it.   She packed clothes, and a few snacks although she doubted she'd be in the mood to eat anything.  She put on a black T-shirt, a red flannel over it, dark jeans, and some black boots that had no heel.  Eda was in tears the entire time and thought about backing out.   "I'm okay.. I'm fine.. I'm fine.. I'm okay" she repeated to herself as she did this, and grabbed a hat, and some headphones. She then saw a hair tie on the floor, she picked it up and put her hair up. It made her feel a little close like a protective shell was around her.  She looked at herself in the mirror, hating the weak vulnerable person she was.

Who she thought she was.

Eda then wrote a note, left it on her bed, and Jumped out her window. She just started running and used her phone to Locate the nearest bus station. She had a good sum of money saved from her part-time job and was going not get as far away as possible.  While she was on the public bus she stretched her Money as far as she could go, and ended up in New York, in the city of Buffalo.  It looked risky and the bus driver did offer to take her back home for free because she noticed how young Eda looked.  Eda declined politely and got off the bus wondering if this was the right thing to do.

Eda looked at the time and it was 6 pm, then saw her brother and sister calling her.  She declined the calls and turned her phone off.  Soon a man who looked 4 times as age came up to her. "Hey pretty girl, need some help?" He asked with a perverted smile.  Eda stepped back nervously as tears filled her eyes. "No! Please get away from me!" Eda yelled, then back up realizing she bumped into someone.   Eda looked back, and saw some here age with short black hair, and brown eyes, wearing a T-shirt with a skull and knife, ripped jeans, and a tattoo on the side of their arm.  Eda jumped and fell backward. The person with short black hair pulled out a knife and threatened the man who approached Eda. He ran off, leaving Eda there. "You good?" The person asked.  Eda looked terrified, she'd never been around people like this, and freshly traumatized everything scared her.

The person held their hand out for Eda to try and help her. However, I ran away out of fear. Then a female with black hair and blue eyes came. "Noa who was that?" She asked. "No fucking idea, but she's not from around here, she ran into the back part of town, and it's almost crack hour" Noa sighed. The female chuckled. "Yeah, she's not from here, where's Esmeralda?"  She asked. "Hell if I know Erica! That girl is either getting boned or working" Noa yelled. "Chill out! Now we should go find that chick before she gets her ass kidnapped or something"  Erica suggested. Noa nodded, and they started going after Eda.

As they said, Eda found herself on the bad side of the city, Seeing things she'd never seen before.  She walked around seeing extremely high people angry and fighting, brown bottles everywhere, and people screaming at her and others. "What the hell is wrong with this place?.." Eda muttered eda herself.  A door opened near her, and tons of smoke came out, eda started choking.  "Ew what the hell!?" Eda yelled, and the terrible smell of the smoke. She decided to go back the way she came, until all the the smoke around made her dizzy, and she passed out.

About 10 minutes later, noa and Erica Found her passed out on the pavement and picked her up. "Yeah no, she's not from here" Erica sighed.  "No shit, she looks like she's fresh out of college," Noa remarked. They took Eda to their apartment, put her on the couch, and waited for Esmeralda to get home.  When she did she immediately spotted Eda. "Holy shit. Who'd you scoop off the street?"  Elshe asked. "Some random chick looks like she's been through some shit,"  Erica said. 

Eda slowly started walking up, groaning from discomfort.  Esmeralda smiled and sat next to her. "Hey! Are you alright?" Esmeralda asked.  Eda looked at her and then nodded sheepishly. "Awesome, what's your name?"  Esmeralda asked. Eda wasn't sure about the whole situation, then saw Noa and Erica which had her on edge more.  "Edalyn.." Eda muttered.  "That's pretty, where are you from?" Esmeralda asked, her entire being was nonthreatening.  "Connecticut.. I'm from Connecticut" Eda answered. Esmeralda looked at Noa and Erica and they nodded.   "Don't worry edalyn, we're not going to do anything to you"  Esmeralda assured which did make Eda feel better.   "Eda.. I go by Eda" she muttered.

Such as fate.. The thread of fate is said to be a fine line of your life story. May that be to live a life of crime or find love unexpectedly. Friends and so many other possibilities come along the way, and for Eda who knows what could happen next?

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