Chapter 12

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Her days were more conflicted than ever now, while pacing in her room.  Her hair was down because she couldn't be bothered with putting it up right now.  It was dark in her room so that ment so no shirt. 

While she was pacing Raine owned her thoughts.  Their smile, their voice their laugh, all the stupid little jokes they told her.  She then heard someone knocking on her door, eda froze, then grabbed a random sweat shirt and threw it on.   "Come in!" Eda answered.  Noa walked in and turned on the light. "You good? Youve been in the dark for a while" he asked. "Y-yeah.. I'm good just.. Thinking" eda answered. "You sure? Is.. This about who ever you've been seeing lately?" Noa asked, then knowing he was right when eda started blushing.  "I-.. No! Well Maybe.."  Eda muttered. Noa started snickering. "It's not funny!! Shut up!" Eda yelled. 

Noa shook his head, then looked at eda up and down. "Girl your a mess, but seriously you need to chill out because your going to give yourself a complex" noa said in a playful tone.   Eda blushed harder then covered her face. "Ughh!!! Why is my life so complicated!?" Eda groaned.  "Because your making it complicated, your thinking about everything like it could possibly end your life" noa explained. "What do you mean?" Eda asked in a soft tone. "I mean, calm down, and take a in the moment, and stop being scared about the future" he said, and opened edas door.  "How.. How do I do that?" Eda asked desperately. "Girl I can't give you all the answers, theres no fun in that"   noa said with a chuckle, and left. 

Eda whined, then leaned against her door, slowly sliding down it until she was sitting on the floor.  She then pulled out her phone and looked up.

How do I live in the moment? 

She found very good information, which said to start with learning to step out her comfort zone. Eda took some time to think, her big1est boundries were being touched to long, and being somewhat exposed. At that moment she chickened out, and turned the light off in her room. She layed on the floor, hating herself. She hated being afraid, she hated the memories,she hated the fact the thought of raine holding her was the only thing keeping her from going completely crazy.   She had a tiny crush on Collin  before he had assumed her, which destroyed and and all trust, care and admiration she had for him. Other than that she's never had to deal with these feelings other than seeing a few very attractive women while minding her business.  Oddly enough those women were older then her. Much older.  

Meanwhile, raine was at home, literally breaking the sanity of social media trying to find anything on eda.  they didn't know she didn't have any time of social media account.   They sighed, and fave up, unable to get the ginger banned woman out their mind. Yes she was highly aggressive, but in the perfect way she was so soft.    They remembered the way they got to hold her, and kiss her cheek just once. Although now it was an addiction. They wanted to kiss her everyday, they wanted to be able to call her theirs.  

Darius walked in the apartment, and looked at raine. "Oh hey, what's new with you?" He asked. "Oh, nothing.. But i-im.. Friends kind of with this girl I like" raine muttered. "Oh really? Finally" Darius chuckled. "What!? Hey, what's that supposed to mean!?" Raine asked. "It means it's pathetic your still single, ask her out or something" Darius scoffed.  Raine blushed, and pouted. "I can! I'm just waiting for the right time! She's special!"  Raine argued. Darius laughed, then asked. "She could absolutely kick your ass, couldn't she?" He asked with a smirk. Raine knew that eda absolutely could, and probably might if provoked meaning if they teased her enough. 

Raine scoffed. "N-no! And you don't know anything about her!" Raine argued. "Mhm, well I saw her once, I'm positive she could absolutely kick your ass" Darius teased. "Oh shut up.. " Raine muttered.

It really made them wonder about her, all the different ways to ask out such a special girl.  Maybe they could just blow her away, or maybe she'd appreciate something more simple. They wouldn't know, but one thing is for sure, they wanted to do it, and felt like backing lit wasn't an option

Sorry for another short chapter! I'm working on my first novel! And lost track of time! Also working on 2 sides of the same coin and a dark romance

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 16 ⏰

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