
By laft100

192 47 8

When technology fulfills every dream, reality is a nightmare. But where can one rebel hide when even her thou... More

Codex 15111
Codex 15111
Codex 15111
Codex 15111


4 2 0
By laft100

He wanted the rebel to return.

She would, right? She had to.

Should he reveal what his mom had explained? He wasn't a normal New State citizen, and now he knew why. That information alone put his entire family in danger. Even if it was in the name of science, his mother had gone against New State. They could be imprisoned or put in the Phantom program.

Even though his mother had gone against New State, he was unsure if he should tell her what he'd done. Conversing with a rebel seemed a lot worse than testing her hypothesis.

He accessed his CHIP and did a deep dive into the worst New State rebels.

At school a few hours later, he settled into his desk and plugged in for the lesson. He was ready to learn about the causes of the Great Decimation when a message scrolled across his vision.

Please go to administration room 5. The ominous words repeated on a loop until Codex unplugged and stood to exit the class.

Meeting with an administrator was bad. Codex wasn't sure what he'd done, but so much had recently changed. While not a stellar student, he wasn't a slacker by any means and remained average, not garnering attention either way until today. He doubted this conversation would be about his studies or his future. He couldn't stop the chill from running through him but fought to control the tremors threatening to break loose.

Had they found out he'd not hooked up at curfew? Were they here to arrest him?

He had to remain calm and answer precisely and simply like his parents had practiced with him.

Codex entered Room 5. The administrator sat behind the long table. It was huge, the computer interface took up almost the entire rear wall and held the information on every student attending the school. It uploaded and monitored data everyday on every person in the building.

He sat and plugged in, connecting himself and the administrator.

"Welcome Codex15111. How are you today?"

"Fine, Administrator."

"Do you compute the reason you've been called to the administration offices?"

"No." Codex squirmed in his seat and peered into the machine. The large screen reflected the benign face of an older gentleman, someone's beloved grandfather. He smiled sweetly.

"We've reviewed your recent downloads, and you have spent abundant time researching the rebel faction. We'd like to understand why."

"I found it interesting."

"How so?"

He had to be careful. "They are such a blight on our society. I wondered how they came to be."

Have you ever held any negative thoughts for New State? Don't worry, the school understands it is normal to question the world at your age."

"No. Why would I question New State or the Supreme Leader. I enjoy a quality of life that has never existed before."

"Do you harbor thoughts of hurting yourself or your fellow citizens?"

"Absolutely not."

"Do you obey New State laws?"

He hesitated, but only for a second. "Of course." Please don't catch my lie.

"You understand the rebels are soulless monstrosities unable to accept CHIP at birth."

The question slipped from his lips before he thought about it. "Can someone reject a CHIP implant later in life?"

"Is this something that worries you, Codex?"

He should not have asked, but his research hadn't provided an answer. He shrugged his shoulders and thought of a way to frame the question to his benefit. "A little. I want to ensure there is no chance I'll ever lose my chance to hook up in the evenings or lose my connection to New State. I cannot compute what I'd do without it."

"There are no cases of CHIP rejection. You need not worry."

Codey nodded. "Thank you for the information."

"You will be monitored closely for the remainder of the year. Do not let another transgression such as this occur. Research about the rebel faction is not appropriate for the developing mind. The official curriculum provides suitable information. It is all you need."

"Yes, Administrator."

"You have earned a demerit for your research. In the future, please switch to more appropriate topics. The demerit will be reflected on your permanent record and might impact your career choice when you enter the adult arena. Do you understand?"


The computerized voice turned smooth and silky. "We are done here. Have a lovely day, Codex15111 and enjoy your studies."

Codex slunk back to class. 

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