To Save A Life (Loki X Reader)

By MLorane

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Loki is sentenced to either be executed or stay on earth without his magic until he has a change of heart. Y... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15

Chapter 3

145 7 9
By MLorane

You stumble back and sprint towards the washroom. Wasting no time in yanking open the door and rushing in.

"Y/n!" Frantic calls of the Avengers come from behind you as you emptied your stomachs contents.

But you couldn't hear them, not over his screems.
Not over his desperate cries for help that went unheard.

You could see him lying in a pool of his own blood.
Could hear the voice of the Mad Titan, mocking.

You shudder at the memories of things that had shaken you so thoroughly.

Memories that weren't yours.

"What did you do, Reindeer Games?" Tony, who had been awfully quiet, spoke up.

"I assure you, Stark, I did nothing." Loki said, looking as surprised as the rest of the Avengers.

"You want us to believe that." Natasha said, walking towards Loki looking ready to kill.

Thank god you had locked the door. Clint was trying to get it to open. Asking if you are okay. Asking about what happened.

"I am fine." You replied in a voice that sounded like shit. Like you had swallowed coal.

Must be because of all the screaming.

No, you weren't the one who had been screaming.
He had been the one who was ripped apart.

You knew you were crying.

It hurt like hell.

Not physically, no.
But you now knew why he hated everyone.

At least the hate wasn't particular to humans.

He had been hurt badly.
Even before Thanos.
So he took to keeping away from everyone.
With his tricks and lies.
To try and protect himself.
Showing them he wasn't worth the time, so he would be left alone, so he would be spared from more pain.

It was kinda hard to do the next part.

Acting tough when you knew he was just as hurt and just as alone as you were not a month ago was going to be one of the hardest things you had done.

Keep up appearances. It wouldn't do well if he knew that you knew about... everything.

Who would know that better than you? It was always a bad idea to know someone's secrets, especially someone like Loki.

His pride always came first.

So you wiped your tears. Gathered all your courage and energy and walked out without thinking anymore.

"He didn't," The first thing you did after coming out was try and defend him, but you were still dizzy.
So you held on to the doorframe for support. "He really didn't do anything, Natasha. I..."

"Feeling a bit under the weather, are we?" Loki asked. Supporting his idiotic grin.

You could see he was just trying to keep everyone away. To make you think he was a lost cause. So that no one would care for him, and in turn, he would have to care for no one.

Everyone chose to ignore him. Except for you. You looked at his stupid grin and couldn't suppress your horror.

How could he stand and smile and talk?

All you wanted to do was curl up and cry, preferably, die.

Maybe he was too good at hiding it.

Like you were. Stop that. You snapped at your brain.

"I am fine." You repeated again.

"That's what you said before Y/n." Natasha said softly. "But how can I believe you when you are crying."

You didn't know you were still crying. Huh.

You knew she wanted Thor to be happy. So what she said next shocked you and made you realise that she truly cared for you. "It's okay if you don't want to be here."

"No. It's fine. I am fine." You said, again, brushing the tears off.

"I will need to do this every two days or so." Y/n continued as she walked towards Loki, determination in her eyes. Ignoring all others. Ignoring everything that had just happened.

"That's how he managed to escape Asgardian prisons all the time Thor, his magic grows. And you people put him in chains that can only bind a particular strength of magic." You said, turning to Thor.

Loki snarled at you.

"That's how he had the dagger. He's getting some of it back as his magic continues to grow."

"Oh!" Thor was absolutely taken aback.
You had thought living ones' entire life with magic would ready one for that kind of information. Turns out it didn't.

"Can you please hold him? I don't want to end up with a knife in my gut, too."

"Yes, lady Y/n of course."

Thor went ahead and held Loki's hands behind his back. You tried to touch your fingers lightly to his temple. He was so tall.

"Umm... Thor, can you please."

"Yes, sure. Lady y/n." Thor said as he pushed Loki forward. So that he was on his knees in front of you. Someone snickered at that behind you.

It was easy from there on. You knew what to expect this time. You tried not to overthink it.

In silence, that was broken by you grunting once, you worked on weaving together a barrier to stop him from using his magic. Not entirely, but also not leaving enough for him to teleport away.

"Done." You tried to announce enthusiastically. It came out as forced as it actually was. You wanted to sigh and run back to your room.

You looked towards the Avengers, sure that you would find them looking at you strangely and mistrustingly . But they all had the same concerned expression.

Natasha gave you a reassuring smile. And said, It's okay. You did well.

You were allowed to smile a little at that. Right?

"You sure, kid?" Clint asked, still looking defensive.

"Yup, he only has a little bit of it as per our deal."
You gave Loki a pointed look at that. He sneered right back.

Ignoring him, again, you continued.
"If he doesn't behave, he will have none of it. Thor you can take of the chains, we don't need them now."

"Loki stays here, with the chains, for now," Tony said, looking at Thor.

"And you all in the living room. Now." Steve added in his Captain America voice.

The minute the metal doors started closing behind you. You felt eyes staring holes at your back.

You looked back over your shoulder to see verdant eyes staring right back at you, a conflicted expression on that beautiful face.

He knew.

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