RE Sapphic One-shots

By littleratremy

36.8K 1.3K 276

Men DNI. Do not add to g!p/f*ta lists. You will be blocked ASAP. More Sapphic One-shots! Although I'm using t... More

Intro/Request Page!
Birthday Special pt. 1
The Wolf and the Flies
Lazy Day
Tea and Trauma
[TW] Another Harasser
Birthday Date
Valentine's Day
a/n again sigh
Valentine's Day pt. 2
Blind Love
Possessive Jealousy pt. 1
Farewell II Flesh
Birthday Special pt. 2
Hunter's Birthday pt. 1
Possessive Jealousy pt. 2
Hunter's Birthday pt. 2
Sweet Gifts
Stolen Time
The Wolf and her Pack pt. 2
A Prayer Away [NEW]
Mother's Day Pt 1 [NEW]

The Wolf and Her Pack

1.5K 68 17
By littleratremy

tw: pedos

before we begin: okay, I can't believe I have to say this, but apparently people like KURO-WhiteCloud and my harasser (HaremxHentai69) need to be told this:


If you have to 'age up' a character to do anything romantic/sexual with them, you AS AN ADULT, should NOT be attracted to that character. You, AS AN ADULT, should not be writing smut about that character. You, AS AN ADULT, should not be around ANYONE under 18 if you 'age up' characters to write smut about them. If you write smut about an underaged character, You. Are. A. Pedo. If you consume smut about an underaged character, You. Are. A. Pedo. NORMAL PEOPLE AREN'T ATTRACTED TO UNDERAGED CHARACTERS. the post is still up if you want to report this person for misgendering me and being a pedo btw

also, get new content and stop misgendering me lmfao. I have a full time job AND I'm saving up for college while helping my pregnant sister with money since her job's not going to pay her for maternity leave when she has her baby (anytime between now and the beginning of next month) meanwhile these people stalk/harass me for months and write smut about underaged characters while trying to "justify" it with "we age them up" YOU'RE STILL ATTRACTED TO A MINOR ENOUGH TO 'age them up' AND WRITE SMUT ABOUT THEM. YOU'RE ALL PEDOS YOU CREEPS. STAY AWAY FROM ME AND MY FOLLOWERS.


Pairing: Alcina x Puerto Rican!Werewolf x Adina

Pronouns: She/her

Requested By: MoonGoddess45

I howled in pain before clawing at the lycan, growling at how odd the scent was. 'This isn't a natural lycan,' I stumbled through a fence that made the lycan pause and pace at the gate entrance. 'What's this all about?' I shifted back to my humanoid form, placing a hand on my wound before a woman ran over to me.

"Oh no, you're hurt!" She gasped before throwing a rock at the strange lycan. "Go! Get back to Karl!"

'Who is this human? Why does she smell so heavily of vampires? Does she serve vampires? Why haven't the vampires killed her?' Many other questions swarmed my head as the human locked eyes with mine, her emerald eyes captivating me.

"Can you walk?"

"Ye-yeah," I muttered and stumbled to my feet with her help, trying to keep my tail and ears hidden so she didn't know I was a werewolf. "I-I think."

"Once we're inside, I'll patch your wounds," The woman promised and helped me to the castle. 'It reeks of vampire! I don't want to go in there! This will be serving me up on a platter!'

I couldn't exactly argue, however, considering how deep some of my wounds were. Once we were inside, I swallowed my growl and let her lean me on the couch in the lounge. I hissed in pain when she accidentally touched a wound, making the woman apologize and promise to be back with supplies soon. When the woman left, my eyes drifted to a small child hiding behind a chair.

'She's a vampire...I see why this place smells so heavily of vampires now. There's a family of them living here.' The redhead slowly moved from behind the chair, nervously standing just out of my reach — as if afraid I would attack her. 'It's okay, little one, I hate the feud between our species.' The woman returned and lifted my shirt enough to see my wounds, a sigh leaving her before she started cleaning it.

"Not all of these were caused by those lycans I see," She frowned and glanced at the child, suddenly uncomfortable with having her so close. "Dani, what are you doing up? It's nap time."

"Not warm."

"...Your room should always be warm. Okay, stay here until I patch her up. She was hurt badly so I don't want to leave her."

"Where Mommy?"

"She's working, dear."

The girl's lower lip quivered before she sniffed. "Wa-want Mo-Mommy!"

"Go get her Mother," I winced, pressing against my wound to slow the bleeding. "We can't have a little lady crying, can we?"

"...If you're sure," The human sighed and stood up, opening her arms for the girl. "Come on, Dani, let's get you to Mommy."

The redhead ran over, jumping into the woman's arms before nuzzling into her. "Story! Want story!"

"We'll see, Dani," The woman giggled and rubbed the girl's back.

"You're not scared of her?" I scoffed before I could stop myself. "She's a vampire. She may be adorable now, but when she's older, she won't hesitate to kill you for blood."

"You stink!" The redhead sobbed and buried her face in the woman's shoulder, making me regret the words that left me — no matter how true they were.

"Says the one that reeks of death."

"That's enough!" The woman murmured and held the girl tighter. "...Once you're patched up, leave. You won't be safe here after making Lady Daniela cry. She's the youngest — the sweetest — and her Mother won't be happy to receive an upset child."

'...Why did I say all of that?!' I stared in shock as the woman left. 'I mean...I know vampires are never nice to us — even when we're pups — but we try not to be mean like them...'

"Thank you," I whispered as the woman — Adina — guided ne to the entrance of the castle. "Before I go...I do want to apologize for earlier. I'm...I'm a werewolf — the eternal enemy of vampires — so the words came out before-"

"It was the mutt that upset my daughter," I shuddered at the menacing voice, clearing my throat to make sure my tail didn't start wagging. "You never lie to me, Adina. Why lie for this mutt?"

"...My Lady-"


"...She...Was already hurt, my Lady, no need to kill her."

"She made Daniela cry."

"Vampires make pups cry all the time," I growled and turned around, expecting to come face-to-face with the woman who spoke, only to meet a long dress instead. 'What the-?!'

"...Not all of us want to," My head tilted until I saw the woman's face, my heart skipping a beat at her beauty. "Scared, mutt?"

'And a little turned on,' I glanced down and huffed. "...It slipped out. Years of bitterness... I hated it. I am sorry that I made her cry — you should read to her more often. I think she likes it."


I bowed and turned around, leaving the castle behind me. 'They're not a threat to the pack. No need to kill them.'

Three Years Later

'Every damn day,' I sighed while settling into my spot overviewing Castle Dimitrescu. 'I come back and see that the vampire got the human. I come back and see those triplets get slightly taller. I come back, but if I ever step foot on the property again, I'm out of the pack. All because I didn't kill the vampires — even after finding a family that could become a threat, unlike this one.' I sighed and fidgeted with my tail. 'Why do I torture myself like this?'

"You'd get a better view inside," I jumped at the sudden voice — having not sensed a presence — before turning and growling at the woman in a bird mask.

"I can't," My claws extended just in case. "I'm just supposed to make sure they don't-"

"Take your prey? Three of the four can't leave the castle. I pick who goes to them — they're all part of our village, not your prey. Now, you can leave, right? I'm sure with how long you've been watching them-"

"Wait," I frowned and turned my attention to the castle, my eyes widening at the pack of wolves stalking toward it. "...That's not my pack..."

"I have to go," The woman disappeared in a flurry of feathers.

My eyes darted to a window — one that Daniela was looking out of — before one of the wolves crashed through the window next to her. I pressed my ears down at the scream she let out, rushing to the castle. 'I don't care if this gets me kicked from the pack, I can't let those kids die.' I transformed before touching the ground, racing toward the castle, and jumping through the window the other wolf jumped through.

I bit and tackled the wolf before it could pounce on Daniela, growling while holding it down. Daniela slowly made her way around us and rushed out of the room. 'How old is she now? Six? Seven? She's getting tall,' I shook the thoughts away as the other wolf threw me off with a growl, snapping her jaw at me. I returned the action with a deeper growl, watching her rush out of the window again. 'Now to check-'

My body froze when I heard another scream — from Cassandra, this time. 'She's hurt,' I raced toward the sound before pacing at the entrance, watching the alpha of the pack growl at the girl. 'She is hurt,' My eyes widened at the bite on her shoulder, making me rush over and slam into the other wolf. 'This could get me killed, but if I-'

I yelped when fangs sunk into my shoulder, whimpering as the second wolf threw me off of his alpha. The two snarled at me before glancing at Cassandra — who was now behind me — and the alpha began trying to circle. I limped in front of Cassandra, baring my fangs at the wolves in the process. A cold hand was placed on my wounded shoulder, making me look back at Cassandra.

"Why are you helping?"

'She's terrified,' I whined and gently nudged her toward the door, not wanting her to get hurt again.

"You're hurt! If I leave-!"

'You'll be safe,' I growled at her, snapping my jaws at her in an attempt to get her to run.

"You saved me!" She huffed. "You won't hurt me!"

'...Smart girl,' I snapped at her again, watching her stumble back and sniffle.


'You're right, but I need you to leave,' I yelped when I was tackled again, making Cassandra scream. 'Go! Now! Before-!'

I tried to get free of the wolf when the alpha rushed at Cassandra, not caring about how many injuries I would have. Before I could get free, however, long, steel claws sliced the alpha with ease — killing him instantly. The wolf holding me down let go and raced to his alpha, angrily barking before he too was killed by the same claws.

"Mother!" Cassandra sobbed before she was lifted, my eyes fluttering shut in the process. "That wolf... Saved me..."

"Ah, she's waking," I groaned at the voice and tried to sit up, wincing in pain when I couldn't. "Stay still or you'll rip your stitches!"

"Who-?" My eyes opened to land on Adina — the human who saved and patched me up years ago. My heart skipped a beat before I glanced away. "Right, you... I have to leave. My pack will already be pissed that I came here. Knowing I interfered-"

"Will be a death sentence," I shuddered at the voice and looked up to the tall vampire. "If you return to your pack, you'll die."

"If I stay, they'll come looking and kill everyone here."

"I believe I can handle-"

"Maybe you can, but what about your daughters? The humans here? They'll be in danger. They won't just go after you," I sighed and shook my head. "I'm still on probation for not killing you and your daughters three years ago. This will be a slaughter."

"You can't go back if you'll be killed though!" Adina exclaimed and shook her head. "Alci, please?! She saved Dani and Cass."

The vampire sighed heavily before glancing at her sleeping daughters, her eyes softening before she spoke. "Until she's healed."

"Thank you," I glanced away before the human could kiss the vampire, ignoring the pang in my chest.

'I barely spoke to her, and she captured my heart. But she's with the vampire...granted, she's an extremely attractive vampire, but I've never heard of a vampire and a werewolf working out.'

The Next Day

"Why'd you save us?" I glanced up from my book to see the brunette frowning at me. "You're one of them, so why'd you save us?"

"They weren't my pack. I...Don't have a pack." 'Anymore.'

"Why not?"

"I...We lost our alpha, and no one had even come close to matching his strength and wisdom, so the pack disbanded. Others found a new pack, but others, like myself, haven't been so lucky."

"...You're lying..."

'Damned vampires and being able to tell when someone's lying based on their heartbeat.'

"Why don't you have a pack?!"

"...Because I interfered," I sighed. "I was given specific orders to stay away from this castle. I kept coming back to keep an eye on things because I felt bad for making Daniela cry the last time I was here... Stopping that attack — and attacking an alpha, no less — will get me killed when I return to my pack. So I have no pack. Once I'm healed..."

"You're on your own..." Cassandra trailed before pouting and dropping her head. "That's not fair!"

"It's how-"

"Then Mother was right! Werewolves are stupid!" Cassandra sobbed. "You shouldn't be killed for saving us!"

"Why is my daughter crying?" Alcina asked while entering the library.

"...I told her the truth of why I don't have a pack."

"We can't let her go!" Cassandra cried and clung to her mother's dress. "She saved us! She can't be homeless! Mother!"

Alcina sighed and picked her daughter up, rubbing soothing circles on her back. "...Cassandra..."

"There are a few packs I can go to," I sighed, not liking how upset Cassandra was. "I won't be-"

The young vampire sobbed louder. "No! Werewolves mean! Don't go back!"

"...There are some packs that-"

"If you keep arguing with her, she'll only cry more," Alcina chuckled. "Just...Stay. Even after you're healed. We could always use a guard dog."

"Don't call me a dog. I'm not domesticated."

The vampire opened her mouth to say something before deciding against it, conflict in her eyes as she left the room with her daughter. 'What was that all about?' I frowned slightly and shook my head. 'There's no way a vampire like her could possibly find me attractive. She's a noblewoman. I'm just a-' My thoughts stopped when Adina walked over with a tray of food.

"She does like you," Adina whispered and helped me sit up. "Alci usually doesn't care about those that aren't her daughters-"

"She cares about you," I mentioned, my eyes darting to the engagement ring on her finger. "A lot it seems."

Adina covered her ring and let out a nervous laugh. "Uh, ye-yeah... Look, it's not easy to get her daughters to like you — even if you do save their lives — so it means they sense something different about you. Alci letting you stay even after you're healed is partially for her daughters, and partially for her curiosity."

"...Doesn't that make you jealous?"

"Why would it? I've been curious about you since that first day we met. Alci says you visit every day — it started a few days after our meeting — but you never got close enough for us to question you."

"It's...A long story," I sighed. "If I go back to my pack now, however, I'll be killed for disobeying orders and saving the enemy. I always hated how old-school my pack was — I always wanted to meet a vampire and not fight them, but the pack would never allow it."

"...That sounds horrible," Adina murmured before sighing and opening my shirt. "You're bleeding again. These wounds are worse than I thought."

"I'll heal-"

"And I don't care," The human huffed and made me lean back. "I'll feed you after I fix these stitches."

"I can feed-"

"Dear Mother Miranda you sound like Alcina," The woman exclaimed before getting to work on my wounds. "...You were nearly dead when you shifted back and I could finally work on you. Stop trying to handle everything on your own."

"If we don't pull our weight in the pack-"

"You don't have a pack anymore," I glanced away when she spoke, clenching my jaw. "But you can make your own. A pack's a family, right?"


"We can be your pack!" My eyes shifted back to the human, taking in her beaming smile.

"...I can see why a vampire fell for you."


"Nothing," I murmured and shook my head. "Vampires and werewolves-"

"Don't always have to be enemies. You saved two vampire younglings — you're different. So is this village — these vampires. Maybe this is where you belong."

"...I need to think about it..."

Three Weeks Later

"Adina," Alcina's voice rang out, followed by a sigh and giggles. "[Y/N]!"

'What the hell did I do?!' I lifted my head and pranced back inside, shaking the snow off of my fur before running through the halls. 'What did those three do this time?'

"Slow down," Adina huffed when I stopped next to her, panting and wagging my tail until she petted me. "Let's see what those triplets did, hm?"

I barked and followed her toward Alcina's office, stopping and sitting in the doorway to take in everything. Daniela gasped and ran over to me, hugging me tight with a giggle as I read the sign the three made. '...I still don't know enough Romanian to read that,' I let the youngest vampire walk me into the room, wagging my tail as the other two pet me as well.

"...You don't know what it says, do you?"

I whined and dropped my head, causing relief to flood Alcina's eyes.

"Good," She hummed and glanced at Adina. "And you?"

"Yes," Adina smiled before locking eyes with Alcina. "We'll discuss it further later, my Love."

I bit back the pang of jealousy and nudged Daniela gently, making her giggle and hug me again. 'At least one Dimitrescu loves me.'

"When can [Y/N] take us hunting, Mother?" Cassandra pouted, her hand gently gripping my fur as if I'd disappear if she let go.

"...On your birthday, girls," Alcina promised, making her daughters purr.

"Shift back," Bela whispered, making me tilt my head. "We want to spend time with you!"

'Fun aunt, huh? Better than nothing,' I pranced to the bathroom before shifting back, groaning softly as I stretched and joined the others again. "Okay, you three, let's go."

Daniela giggled and held her arms out, making me laugh and roll my eyes. "You're getting too big for this."

"No, I'm not!" Daniela huffed, burying her face in my shoulder. "Don't be a meanie!"

"I'm sorry," I laughed and rubbed her back, following her sisters out of the room. "Are you three going to tell me what that sign said?"

"Not now!" They said in unison as I carried Daniela to the library.

I took my seat and let Cassandra and Bela snuggle into my sides before noticing the pile of books. "Reading time?"


"Okay, okay," I smiled and grabbed the first book. "Since you three went out of your way to gather books too, I'll do it. But you three need to tell me what the sign said."

"Mother likes you!" They giggled, making me frown slightly.

"Girls, we talked about this," I sighed. "Your Mother and Adina are getting married, she doesn't return my feelings — neither do."


"Bela. Cassandra. Daniela," I growled, sighing at their whimpered apologies. "I love all three of you, but you have to get rid of this idea that your Mother likes me." 'All it does is hurt me.'

"...We're sorry, [Y/N]," They sighed and snuggled closer to me, their tears soaking into my shirt.

"It's okay," I murmured and hugged them all, waiting until they settled down to kiss their heads. "Ready for story time?"

"Please?" They pouted at me, making me smile and start reading.

"I see they fell asleep," Adina hummed as she entered the library, picking Bela up with a soft hum to keep her asleep. "I'll be back for Cass."

"Okay," I yawned, my ears twitching while I tried to stay awake. 'If she didn't come in here, I would've fallen asleep too.'

"Sleepy?" Adina giggled. "Alci has left the castle on business, so you can nap in her room. I have to make sure the maids behave too, so no one will bother you."

"I can make it to my room," I chuckled softly, my ears twitching when she softly cleared her throat and turned away.

"...If you're sure..."

'...Was that a test? Did I just fail?' I waited until Adina returned and went to pick up Cassandra before I gently grabbed her wrist. "...Did you two want me to nap there?"

"...Only if you want to."

'Why does she smell so heavily of lust and hope?' I glanced down at Daniela when she shifted and nuzzled further into my neck with a happy sigh. "I...I think I will."

Adina's lips twitched into a smile briefly before she picked up Cassandra, the smile no longer on her face. "Just don't open her windows!"

I nodded and shifted Daniela before standing up, shushing her softly when she whined about the movement. Once the two vampires were settled down, we carried them to their room and I smiled at a half-asleep Bela when she sat up. I placed Daniela down before guiding Bela back down, kissing both of their heads and muttering for Bela to go back to sleep.

Adina placed Cassandra down and kissed her forehead, switching sides with me to do the same for Bela and Daniela. I smiled and kissed Cassandra's forehead, tucking them in after they scooted closer to each other. 'This is the last week that they have to share a room. We just need to finish a few things and they can go back to their separate rooms, but it's nice to see them not fight over the blanket.' The triplets purred after Adina kissed Daniela and Bela's heads, making us giggle as we pulled away.

"Enjoy your nap," Adina whispered when we left the room, her hand grazing mine before she gently grabbed it. "Alci's bed is extremely comfortable — I think you'll like it in human form. I know you're picky about beds for your human form."

I laughed softly and nodded. "Thank you, Adina. May I ask you something before you go?"

"Hm? Of course!"

"...What did that sign say?"

"I'm sure the triplets already told you."

"Okay, you got me there, so, what did you and Alcina talk about? The wedding's still on, right?"

"It is. Enjoy your nap."

'Why did she ignore my first question?' I frowned when she pulled away and left me in the hall. 'I guess I'm going to nap?'

I sighed and made my way to Alcina's room, glancing over to her vanity after shutting the door. 'A rose?' My eyes drifted to the bed where a note sat on one of the pillows, making my heart pound against my chest. 'Is this why Adina seemed to want me to take a nap in here?' I made my way to the bed and grabbed the note, sucking in a sharp breath when I opened it and saw Alcina's and Adina's signatures.

'[Y/N], if you're reading this, you were curious enough to accept our offer. We talked. We both like you. If you like us too, stay and nap here. When Alcina gets home, she'll check here first, and if you're here, she'll wake you up. I'll have a few maids watching the triplets and preparing dinner before I join Alcina and, hopefully, you.

Through the years you've observed our lives — kept your pack and others away — and now that we've gotten to know you more, we both have taken a strong liking to you. Not to mention how Alcina's daughters act with you — they adore you just as much as they adore us. They even sometimes refer to you as 'Mom' when they write in their diaries. We hope you'll consider our offer.

— Adina & Alcina.'

'...I owe the triplets a huge apology...' I smiled and snuggled under the blanket, holding the note against my chest. 'But before that, I'm going to take a nap and let them know how I feel.' My eyes fluttered shut, excitement causing me to continue smiling as I fell asleep.

Adina POV

'It's been quiet for a while and Alci's not back yet,' I glanced down the hall, contemplating my choices. 'Fuck it, I don't want to wait-'

"Alci!" I squeaked when I was lifted into the air, smiling at the kiss on my cheek. "She's in our room last I saw her."

"I'll go check then," Alcina sighed nervously. "And you're sure-?"

"I found her cute from the moment I saved her," I huffed and kissed her cheek. "You're the one who took your time admitting your feelings for her. Hurry, while the girls are still asleep."

First-Person POV

I woke to the sound of the bath turning on, a yawn leaving me as I sat up. My eyes landed on Alcina as she left the attached bathroom. "I uh, hope you don't mind having a mutt in your bed," I called out, suddenly very nervous that this was a test and I had failed instead of passed.

"Stop calling yourself that."

"Why? You used to-"

Alcina sighed and cupped my cheek, letting me see the regret in her eyes. "I was wrong for doing that. You're not a mutt, but you are a Good Girl."

My tail started wagging as I melted into her hand. "I-I am?"

"Mhm. You stayed," She murmured before leaning down, her lips grazing mine. "What reward should you get?"

"A-A kiss wo-works," I took a stuttered breath. "A-and what about A-Adina?"

"She wrote the note and convinced the girls to set that up in my office," Alcina chuckled. "For a while, she's been trying to get me to admit that I care about you the same way that I care about her... As always, she's right on these matters. It's so cute seeing her like this — she never takes the lead. I guess she was tired of me not admitting it."

"So are you two going to kiss and give me a show, or just stay like that talking?" Adina's voice arrived after the door opened and shut, making me glance at her. She was sitting at the vanity now, her eyes never leaving us as she made the walk from the door to the vanity. "Seal it with a kiss already."

I rolled my eyes when Alcina's eyebrow twitched and she went to speak, deciding to cut her off with a kiss. 'If they're both sure that they want me to join them, then I'll happily do it.'


When Alcina slowly broke the kiss, she sent a small glare to Adina. "I'm glad [Y/N]'s a Good Girl because you haven't been for a while."

"There's a reason for that," Adina giggled and glanced over at me, her cheeks turning pink as the scent of arousal filled the air.

"You want to be punished by us both?"

"...She does," I hummed and smirked, my tail continuing to wag at the thought. "Maybe tonight after we put the triplets to bed?"

Adina cleared her throat and shifted slightly. "I-I'm fine with th-that. Alci?"

"Fine with me too," Alcina mused and stood back up, returning to the bathroom. "You two are free to join me, but [Y/N]?"

"I know, I know," I giggled and shifted my ears and tail away, pouting at the odd feeling. "At least I get to join."

"Well, the maids are watching the girls and making dinner..."

"Which maids?" Alcina and I sighed nervously.

"Ones that adore them, don't worry. Only maids that we trust are allowed near them."

I relaxed before getting out of bed and offering a hand to Adina, the two of us joining Alcina in the bathroom as she began undressing. "Good. Now, join me?"

Once we were undressed and joined the vampire, we snuggled into each other, letting me sigh happily. "Mind telling me the stories of how you two ended up falling for me?"

Adina giggled and gently squeezed the hand she was holding. "With pleasure!"


part 2 of this showing flashes of adina's pov of the three years between first encountering reader and the end of this chapter then smut? after i get the other requests done of course <3

now, i'm gonna do a poll when i catch up on the requests in the new one-shot book, but what would you all like to see in an upcoming Alcina series (since i'll make it 2 books)

1) Adina x Alcina (The first book will be Adina helping Alcina raise the triplets, the second book will be her being reincarnated and being the timid/closeted lesbian that we all know her as)


2) Talking to the Moon from the first one-shot book (The first book will be Human!Alcina x Goddess!reader and the second book will follow the one-shot!)

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