Eye's Don't Lie

By pomumgranatum

55 0 0

To Sebastian, Kali was more than just a friend- she was someone who challenged him, inspired him, and made hi... More

chapter 1.
chapter 3.
chapter 4
chapter 5

chapter 2.

8 0 0
By pomumgranatum

Ominis and Sebastian made the decision to spend their summer at Hogwarts, both for different reasons. Ominis, having little bond with his family, found solace in the familiar surroundings of the castle. Sebastian, having lost much of his family, didn't feel the pull of returning home, preferring the company of his friend.

Moreover, with Anne's departure from Feldcroft and her reluctance to disclose her whereabouts, Sebastian opted to remain in place, deeming it the most prudent course of action in case Anne reached out to him.

On the other hand, Kali's summer was shaping up to be an exciting adventure. After a lifetime in the bustling city of London, her family decided to make a change and settle in Ottery St. Catchpole, a quaint village southwest of the city. While most children might have baulked at the idea of moving, Kali embraced it with enthusiasm. She saw it as a chance for new experiences and challenges.

Moreover, the prospect of living in a village where the Weasley family resided filled her with excitement. Perhaps, being surrounded by familiar faces and the warmth of a close-knit community would help her feel more at home in her new surroundings.

Ominis offered that he would meet her at the train station, which Kali politely declined at first but he still insisted. They were going to be away from each other for a while and Ominis wasn't going to miss the chance of saying goodbye to his favourite friend– in which the term prompted a dramatic fake hurt from Sebastian.

"Just come, Sebastian, it wouldn't hurt." Ominis offered, adjusting his shirt as he prepared to leave for the station.

"Uh, excuse me? It would hurt me, Ominis." He spat bitterly "Am I supposed to just stand there and watch you say a heartfelt goodbye to her when I can't? No, thank you."

There was a raw edge to Sebastian's voice, his frustration and jealousy bubbling to the surface. He couldn't bear the thought of witnessing Ominis bid farewell to Kali knowing that he couldn't do the same. The idea of being left behind, excluded from their final moments together, filled him with a sense of longing and resentment.

Weeks had passed since Sebastian's last conversation with Kali in the Undercroft, yet the ache in his chest lingered as if it had only happened yesterday. He missed her too much to admit, even to Ominis.

"I'll just be saying my goodbyes, and that's all."

Sebastian scoffed and his frustration was palpable. "Yeah, well, I don't have anyone to say goodbye to, do I? It's just me and you, stuck here at Hogwarts while everyone else moves on with their lives."

Ominis's expression softened. He knew that this is just how Sebastian coped "We'll stop by Hogsmeade after. You can have as much butterbeer as you want." Ominis attempted to persuade Sebastian one last time "On me, okay? What do you say?"

"Ugh, fine." He groaned and got up from his bed. "If you're so eager to take me out on a date, Ominis, you could've just said so."

"Shut up and let's go."

Under the clear azure sky, the path to the Hogsmeade station meandered through lush greenery, flanked by towering trees that swayed gently in the warm breeze. Sunlight filtered through the leaves, casting dappled shadows on the cobblestone path below.

Despite the picturesque scene, Sebastian's grumbling pierced through the tranquil atmosphere like a discordant note in a symphony. With each step, he muttered under his breath, his complaints echoing off the surrounding landscape.

With his patience wearing extremely thin, Ominis was forced to use a silencing charm on Sebastian.

Oh so this is how it's gonna be, isn't it? Sebastian muttered silently to his blind best friend, a futile attempt to convey his frustration. Ominis, oblivious to what's going on, remained unfazed as Sebastian resorted to expressing his annoyance through a series of ungracious hand gestures for the remainder of the trip. Their unconventional exchange drew a few curious glances from passersby.

When they reached, the Hogsmeade station bustled with activity as Hogwarts students eagerly anticipated the start of their summer break. The platform was a vibrant tapestry of excited chatter, punctuated by the occasional hoot of an owl or the screech of a cat carrier.

Kali spotted Ominis amongst the crowd and shouted "Ominis!"

Sebastian's heart raced at the sound of her voice. He noticed the change in Kali's expression when she saw Ominis wasn't alone. It was a mix of surprise and discomfort flashed across her face. Not wanting to spoil the moment for his friends, Sebastian excused himself, telling Ominis that he will be waiting just by the newspaper stand just to keep his distance.

Kali proceeded to run to Ominis and dropped her luggages before she jumped to give him a tight hug "I'm glad you are so annoyingly persistent because I don't think I could go without saying one last goodbye to you."

"Oh, I'll miss you, too." He chuckled

"Promise me you won't mess up our common room." She pleaded.

"You know, I can't." Ominis replied with a tad of frustration. It wasn't because Ominis was untidy, but rather due to the presence of the other boy he was sharing a room with. Kali's smile waned slightly as she understood the innuendo.

"I'll be eagerly waiting for your updates," Kali said, a hint of sadness in her voice as she pulled away to take a glance at Ominis

"Count on it," he replied, giving her a reassuring smile. "I'll make sure it's full of exciting stories."

"I'll hold you to that." Kali nodded, trying to push back the emotions threatening to overwhelm her. "Take care of yourself, Ominis."

"Hey, it's just a few months. We'll all be alright." He offered Kali reassuring comfort.

"It's just been so difficult lately, I–"

"I know." Ominis interrupted gently, understanding the weight of her unspoken concerns.

"Any words from Anne?"

'No." Ominis shook his head. "Not, not since the last time she informed us she's leaving Feldcroft for good."

Anne secretly sent her final letters to Ominis and Kali, keeping Sebastian in the dark. In her messages, she expressed her desire to seek a new home for whatever time she had left and reassured them not to worry too much about her.

"You'll take good care of him, too?" Kali's voice wavered as she gave a quick glance towards Sebastian.

"Of course." Ominis reassured her with a nod.

As Kali embraced Ominis for the final time, she pressed her face into his shoulder, seeking solace in their last embrace. Ominis returned the hug, enveloping her in a warm, comforting embrace, his hands gently stroking her back in a reassuring gesture.

"Do you want to say goodbye to–"

"No." She quickly dismissed it, knowing exactly what Ominis wanted to say. "I don't think I can."

"It's alright." He responded, "He misses you, you know."

Ominis was oblivious to the conflict swirling within Kali as she held onto him tightly. He couldn't possibly know how much she yearned to reciprocate Sebastian's sentiments. But despite her inner struggle, Kali remained resolute. The prospect of reconciling with Sebastian seemed daunting, and in that moment, moving on felt like the easier path to take.

As Kali stepped back, her expression softened briefly before settling into a determined resolve. "Well, there's nothing I can do about it," she repeated, her voice tinged with resignation.

"I truly wish there was." Ominis confessed.

Their moment was abruptly interrupted by Natty's voice calling out to Kali, signalling that it was time to board the train. With a final, fleeting hug for Ominis, Kali lifted her luggage from the ground. When she looked up, her gaze met Sebastian's, who was waiting in the distance. Despite the bustling crowd of passersby moving around them, their eyes remained locked in a silent exchange.

As their eyes remained locked in a silent exchange, a multitude of unspoken emotions passed between them, like a silent confession of each other's feelings. At that moment, time seemed to stand still. Her heart clenched forcing her to gasp for air.

For Kali, there was a longing in her eyes, a yearning to bridge the gap that had formed between them, to mend the fractured bond that had once been so strong. She wished she could convey the depth of her feelings to Sebastian, to let him know that despite their differences, she still cared deeply for him.

Sebastian, on the other hand, felt a surge of regret wash over him as he gazed into Kali's eyes. He wanted to reach out to her, to apologise for the pain he had caused, and to express the depth of his remorse. But the words remained trapped in his throat, unspoken and unresolved.

In that fleeting moment of connection, they both knew that things would never be the same between them.

Kali was the first to look away. She bid her farewell to Ominis and took her leave. As she stepped away, the feeling of being apart weighed heavily on her. Sebastian's initial impulse was to chase after Kali, his heart urging him to catch her before it was too late. However, a wave of hesitation washed over him, causing him to freeze in place, torn between the desire to pursue her and the fear of what might happen if he did. His heart raced as he watched Kali vanish into the crowd.

She was slipping away, moving farther and farther from him with each passing moment, and he was powerless to stop her. But still, he couldn't even say a single word of goodbye to her. 

As Kali settled into her seat on the Hogwarts Express, her mind was consumed with thoughts of Sebastian. Despite the chatter and excitement of her fellow students filling the train, she couldn't shake the image of his pained expression as she left him behind on the platform.

With each passing mile, memories of their friendship flooded her mind, tugging at her heartstrings and leaving her feeling torn between longing and regret. Try as she might to focus on the journey ahead, Sebastian's presence lingered in her thoughts, a constant reminder of the bond they once shared.

"Are you alright, Kali?" Natty asked.

"Yeah, I'm alright." She lied.

Natty furrowed her brows with concern evident in her expression. "Are you sure? You seem a bit off."

Kali forced a smile, hoping it would suffice to dismiss any further probing. "Yeah, I'm fine. Just tired, I guess."

Imelda, whom she also shared the train with, being the ever the outspoken one, chimed in. "You know, Haynes, I was rooting for you and Sallow." Natty shot her a warning look, but Imelda pressed on. "What? We all know that's what she's dozing off about."

Kali's cheeks flushed slightly at the mention of Sebastian's name, but she managed to maintain her composure. "I don't want to talk about it, alright?"

Imelda raised her hand in a sign of surrender. "Alright, I'm sorry," she conceded. "But if it helps, I truly believe you've made the right decision. Considering everything he put you through."

"We just want to be supportive," Natty added, her tone gentle and reassuring.

"And I appreciate your support, really. But I just need some time to figure things out." Kali appreciated their concern, but the topic was still too raw for her to discuss openly. "Thank you, though."

As the train rumbled along its tracks, Kali stared out the window, lost in her thoughts. The passing scenery blurred into a blur of green fields and distant hills, but her mind remained fixated on Sebastian.

Despite her attempts to push him out of her mind, Sebastian's presence lingered like a shadow, casting a pall over her thoughts. With a heavy sigh, Kali leaned back in her seat, bracing herself for the tumultuous emotions that awaited her.

This is going to be a long summer, isn't it? She thought to herself.


Chapter 3 and 4 coming soon!

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