To The Ends of The Universe (...

By Silverdawn284

632 118 1.1K

"When just being alive makes you a target, you learn to keep your head low." Being a nurse in an ER clinic, E... More

Chapter 1: A Midnight Meeting
Chapter 2: The Gray Eyed Man
Chapter 3: The Truth
Chapter 4: Lyria
Chapter 5: The Council
Chapter 6: The Journey
Chapter 7: Crash Landing
Chapter 8: Lumanora
Chapter 9: The Plan
Chapter 10: The Cave
Chapter 11: The Hybrids
Chapter 13: Aecor
Chapter 14: Disaster
Chapter 15: The Plesiosaur
Chapter 16: Break In
Chapter 17: The Final Battle
Chapter 18: The Aftermath
Epilogue: The Wedding

Chapter 12: Hybrid 393

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By Silverdawn284

By all accounts, Eileen shouldn't be alive. No one survived a straight fall into a crevasse. Not even the hybrid who held her captive as his broken, bloodied body showed. Eileen wasn't sure if it was because of main character syndrome, something Loreen raged about during her rare novel reading days or the fact that miracles did exist. All she knew was that at that moment, she found herself sliding to a ledge below.

"Eileen!" Ursus's figure peered over the edge. "Are you alright?"

"Yes! A little bruised, but I'm fine!" And that was the best outcome for now.

"Hold on. I'm coming down!" As he moved, a piece of edge splintered. It fell into the crevasse below. Wait!

"No!" She yelled back. "The edge is too unstable. You could fall in!" Just then another piece of the edge cracked. She grimaced, using her arms as a shield as the debris pelted her.

"Eileen," his voice cracked. Her heart throbbed. The idea of our bond being in trouble brings out the body's true speed, strength, and more. Her hands clenched. Their connection was stretching Ursus thin. His body couldn't take much more of it.

"Hey." Her voice softened. "I'm fine, Ursus. I need you to go and get help." He hesitated. The thought of leaving her was clearly tearing him apart. "I promised I'll be fine."

His eyes softened at her words. "Stay safe."

"I will."

"I love you."

She smiled. Her eyes burned with unshed tears. "I love you too."

With that, he disappeared. Releasing a sigh, Eileen turned and eased herself onto the ground. Well, at least it couldn't get any worse. The sound of thundering snapped her gaze up. Oh, you have got to be kidding me!

The centipede crawled through one of the side cracks straight toward her. Its jaws parted as it inched closer and closer. Eileen's vision blurred as the tears escaped. Sure, go ahead! Kick me while I'm down!

She stood up. "You want a piece of me, you big insect! Come get it!" As it got even closer, Eileen picked up a rock. "I'll knock you off the wall and into the cavern below!"

The insect's head rose. Now inches from her, it eased its way onto the ledge. Eileen stepped back. Maybe I shouldn't have said that. Black eyes lowered. Closing her eyes, she waited for its jaws to tear into her.


She blinked. Wait. The insect watched her patiently. Was it not...going to eat me? Her gaze flickered across its skin. It's not glowing. It's not infected! A cry of relief burst from her lips. The insect clicked softly. Wait, what did it...the seeds! She pulled out the bag.

Jaws parted, allowing her to toss the small seeds into its gullet. WIth a single crunch, its mandibles parted again. Eileen glanced toward the top. Maybe I can use this to my advantage. Keeping the bag in her hand, she reached it out toward the insect. It didn't move as she eased herself onto its back.

"Alright." Gulp. "Alright, nice and steady now." She threw some of the seeds into the air. The creature lunged, nearly throwing her off as its jaws crunched the treats. Her grip held on for dear life. Ok, don't miss! She tosses the bag up. A scream ripped through as the insect shot after it.

Crumbling snapped her gaze to the tumbling ledge below. Her heart dropped into her stomach. That was way too close. As the centipede eased itself over the ledge, its jaws devoured the bag before it turned to her. Eileen hopped off it. "I don't have any more."

The creature leaned forward. Eileen tensed as its head pressed against her hand. Awww. She scratched its head. "I guess you guys are a little cute." With a soft click, it enjoyed the scratches for a second longer before it slithered off into the forest.

"Bye!" Eileen cried, waving after the centipede.

"Eileen!" A figure crashed into her. Her heart leaped into her throat before a wave of calmness washed over her. She rested her head on his shoulder.

"Ursus." Footsteps snapped her attention to the others rushing up.

"I'm glad you're alright, Eileen." Pavel sighed. "But we need to get away from this area. I don't want anyone else to fall in." No sooner than the words left his lips, another rumble stared through the ground.

"Run!" Pavel shouted. Holding Ursus's hand they booked it toward the tree's edge. Not again! Not again!


Eileen glanced over her shoulder. Cracks raced toward the fallen Donovan. Donovan! Her hands slipped from Ursus. With surprising speed, she grabbed his arm. His frightened eyes met hers. "Move!" She yanked him with all the strength she could muster. He sprinted to his feet. They raced toward the edge as the ground cracked and crumbled underneath them.

"Lunge!" They threw themselves toward the tree line. Arms wrapped around her, pulling her further from the crumbling edge. She turned back to the wide open gap below. That....was too close!

"Never do that again!" Ursus cried. His hold tightened. "You're this close to giving me a heartache!"

She met his panicky gaze. "I'm sorry."

Ursus huffed before he turned to Donovan. "Are you alright?" Pavel helped the man to his feet.

"Yeah." His gaze met hers. "Thanks to EIleen."

Eileen. Her smile softened. "It was nothing really."

"Thankfully," Pavel pulled up his map. "That should have been the last of the tremors." He glanced at the crevice then back among them all. "Come on, let's head back before anything else happens."

"Please don't jinx us," Eileen groaned.

As she followed the others through the forest, Donovan closed the distance between them. "Hey, can we talk?" His gaze flickered to Ursus slightly ahead. "Just us alone."

As if sensing her hesitation, Ursus glanced back at them. "Something wrong?"

"Donovan wants to talk to me alone." She wasn't going to lie about that. Not when Ursus was already strained. His gaze flickered to Donovan. "Why?"

"It doesn't involve you, hybrid." He spat the words. "You just run along after the prince."

Ursus's eyes narrowed to slits. "I'm going to-"

"Ursus," Eileen stopped forward. "Just...give me five minutes. That's all I ask."

Ursus's gaze flickered to Donovan. "Five minutes," he huffed before he disappeared into the forest overgrowth.


"You can thank me by calling him by his name," She huffed.

Donovan grimaced. "Right. I'm sorry." His eyes flickered to her worriedly. "Did you...did you see?"

She nodded. "I did."

He hesitated. "You're..not going to tell anyone right?"

"No, I'm not." Her voice softened. "But you don't need to hide it from us, Donovan."

His eyes darkened. "This world isn't like yours, Eileen. Don't get it twisted."

He pushed past her. Watching him leave, Eileen released a sigh. And I thought we were doing so well.

"You alright?" Ursus started toward her. Reaching out, she grabbed his hands and entwined their fingers together. His eyes softened as she leaned her head against his chest. "I'm doing just fine now."


The soft glow of the forest intensified by the time they arrived back at the village. People of all ages and glowing colors walked among the bridges, stopping at various carts to get food or try to win prizes. The festival was in full swing.

"Wow," Eileen whispered. A woman approached them. Pink glowing flower necklaces were dropped around her then Ursus's necks. As her finger touched the soft petals, a rumble snapped her gaze to Ursus. He clenched his stomach.

"You alright?"

"Yeah, I'm just feeling a bit...queasy."

His steps staggered. Eileen pressed against his side.

"Ursus?" Her gaze snapped to Pavel hurrying someone over. "Here, give him this." Helping lower him to the ground, Eileen pressed the small liquid filled flowers to his lips. She tilted it back as he gulped it down. A shaky breath left his lips. "Thanks." He licked his lips. "I'm feeling better."

"I'm glad." Both their gaze snapped up to Pavel. "Because there's something I need to tell you both."


Darkness fell over the meeting room as Pavel placed his watch in the center. "Computer, show Ursus's vitals during the cave run."

The hologram flickered. Vitals layed out in front of them, a heart for heart rate and lungs for respiration rate. They were getting faster and faster while his temperature shot upward and upward.

"Eileen, your planet has a creature called a cheetah correct? Well, comparing my brother's heart rate and breathing rate to this creature, he was moving the same speed in the caves to save you. His heart rate topped at two hundred and fifty beats per minute. His respiration rate was at one hundred breaths per minute."

EIleen's eyes widened. That's impossible unless..."You guys do move faster than me," Eileen countered.

"But even the fastest Quies have their limit." Pavel frowned. "And with the constant stress since the cave attempt, his body had been rapidly degrading from it."

"But those hybrids said something about Ursus being a weapon."

At his words, Pavel grimaced. Ursus's eyes narrowed. "What do you know, Pavel?"

A sigh left Pavel's lips. "Before dad passed, there was something he showed me." Typing onto his screen, new imagines pop up. "Certain fail safes to keep the races in check. A fungi that could wipe out the Quies way of life, a creature that could take the Aecorians down, and a super hybrid to protect the future rules from any harm."

"Me." Her gaze snapped to Ursus. "He wanted to use me as a weapon." His hands clenched. "He wanted to use hybrids as weapons!"

"There's something else." Pavel sighed. "A special code that, once activated, can subject all hybrids into submission." Eileen's eyes widened. Oh no. "Once I saw the plans, I knew they couldn't fall into the wrong hands. I told the council about them and they agreed."

"But?" Ursus raised an eyebrow.

"I think one of the council members had another idea." Pavel's eyes flickered to all of them. The intensity in them cut through the silence. "They're trying to use hybrids to throw the kingdom into war again."

"Why mess with hybrids?" Ursus's jaw clenched. "Why mess with the connection?"

Pave's frown deepened. "There's a rumor that Aruia, the king's fiancee, was fully bonded with Navo before the king ordered her death for being unloyal. It was the urge to protect her and the injustice of her death that made him have the strength to bring the kingdom to ruins."

"Just like how Ursus wanted to protect me in the caves," Eileen whispered. It's all coming back full circle.

"So this mess was started by our ancestors!" Ursus shot up. "Thousands of people suffered because the king wanted to get revenge on a runaway bride?" Fury radiated off of him in waves. "Are you serious?"


"And you knew!" His voice sharpened. "You knew the whole time!" He stepped toward Pavel. "My own brother!"

Donovan stepped in front of him. "Calm down, Ursus."

"You don't get to tell me to calm down!" He snarled. "The last thing I want you to do is tell me to calm down!"

"Well standing here throwing a temper tantrum like a child won't fix anything."

"Like a child?"

Pavel stood up. "Enough!" His hands slammed against the table. Gray eyes glared daggers at his brother. "Ursus, I'm sorry you had to find out this way. I really am, but I need you to listen to me. This connection between you and Eileen, it's dangerous. It's putting too much on your body." Pity softened his gaze. "It would be best if you unbonded with her."

Unbonded with me? Her heart squeezed painfully at the thought. It was like someone was using it as a rag, squeezing it until it held no more water.

"No." A sharp chill voice sliced through Ursus's words. "Not happening."


"No, Pavel." He stepped forward. "And brother or not, I will protect Eileen from you if I have too."

Silence fell over everyone. The tension flickered and shimmered like static, ready to spark at any minute. Now it was Eileen's turn to stand. "Alright, I think...everyone needs a breather." I can't let a fight break out now. She met Ursus's gaze. "Let's head to our rooms."

Without another word toward any of them, Ursus stormed out the room. Eileen followed behind, feeling the distance between them grow with each step. She closed the door behind them.

Thud. Her gaze snapped back to Ursus. Double over, he pressed his hands against his face as a heartbroken sob shook his body. Her chest tightened at the pain. "Ursus," she whispered. She knelt down in front of him. As more pained sobs shook his body, she grabbed his hands and pulled them away to reveal his tear stained face.

Another sob ripped from his lips. Cupping his face, she pressed a soft kiss against his tear stains. His body shuddered before he leaned forward, pressing his ear against her chest. Her arms wrapped around him, letting him get cozy as her hands continued to run through his hair over and over. As his sobs silently turned to sniffles, his body eased at her touch. Silence fell between them. There were no words that could communicate what they felt at the moment. No words would make any of it better. Instead, she continued to run her hands through his hair. It was at the moment she realized just how much she loved Ursus. How much she had wanted to spend her life with him. She had always thought her life would be to become a great nurse and help the world.

That if she didn't make a difference then did she really matter at all? But I do matter. She pressed a soft kiss against his hair. I matter to Ursus. Her eyes closed. And that's all that matters to me.

A strange, almost burning warmth started in her chest. Like a seed it grew until it almost threatened to consume her. A small gasp left her lips as a bluish-gray light glowed along Ursus's skin. Brighter and brighter it grew, until his whole skin reminded her of starlight.

A soft content sigh left his lips. His eyes remained closed as his soft breaths told her that exhaustion had finally taken its toll. As her fingers trailed down his arm, the glow shifted and flickered across his skin with beautiful splashes of grays and greens.

That hybrid woman was right. Elieen smiled. Those in love do glow the brightest of all.

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