To The Ends of The Universe (...

Od Silverdawn284

632 118 1.1K

"When just being alive makes you a target, you learn to keep your head low." Being a nurse in an ER clinic, E... Více

Chapter 1: A Midnight Meeting
Chapter 2: The Gray Eyed Man
Chapter 3: The Truth
Chapter 4: Lyria
Chapter 5: The Council
Chapter 6: The Journey
Chapter 7: Crash Landing
Chapter 8: Lumanora
Chapter 9: The Plan
Chapter 10: The Cave
Chapter 12: Hybrid 393
Chapter 13: Aecor
Chapter 14: Disaster
Chapter 15: The Plesiosaur
Chapter 16: Break In
Chapter 17: The Final Battle
Chapter 18: The Aftermath
Epilogue: The Wedding

Chapter 11: The Hybrids

11 3 33
Od Silverdawn284

A pulsing heart echoed in her ears. Beep. Beep. Beep. Her eyebrows furrowed. Ursus? Her hands embraced air. Ursus! Her eyes flickered open. Light flooded her vision, causing them to snap back shut. A groan left her lips.

"You're awake." She turned to Etta who sat on the edge of her bed. "I was starting to worry."

"What happened?" Eileen glanced around. Where's Ursus?"

"He's alright." Etta's gaze flickered away. "He's resting."

The more Eileen stared at Etta, the more worried she became. She couldn't shake the feeling that something was wrong. "You're hiding something from me."

Her eyebrow rose. "What?"

"I know you're hiding something from me! I can feel it." Eileen, grunting against the pain, started to ease herself up.

"Easy, Eileen! You're going to get Ursus riled up if you don't stop!" What? Eileen froze. What did she mean by that? Shaking her head, Etta sighed. "At least tell me how you're feeling?"

"I'm tired and sore."

"It seemed Ursus protected you from most of the debris." Of course he did. Ursus would give his life up if it meant protecting Eileen. And yet...something was different about him. She had never seen him act like that before.

"Well to bring you to speed, most of the fungus was wiped out in the explosion." Something cool pressed against her forehead. "Here, this lizard skin will help you cool off."

Blinking, Eileen released a stressed sigh. "If I wasn't exhausted, I would lose it at the thought of lizard skin pressing against my face."

Etta's lips twitch into a smile. "Sleep human."

Too tired to correct her, Eileen closed her eyes as a wave of exhaustion washed over her. Rumbling, however, soon shook her awake. Is earthquake? Throwing the covers off, she pressed herself down to the ground. The rumbling intensified, startling dragonflies and knocking over objects. It's vibrations coursed through her body. And just as quickly, it was over.

What...was that? Knocking announced an arrival. "You alright?"

"Yeah." She stood up. "Was that an earthquake?"

"Yeah," Pavel frowned. "That fungus dug a lot deeper than we thought. I've been tracking them, and they won't hurt the village. That being said, it's best to stay away from the cave until it's settled."

"Fine by me." I wouldn't mind staying far, far away from that place. "How's Ursus?"

At his name, Pavel hesitated. "He's good."

Her eyebrow furrowed. "And why do I feel like that's not really good?"

"He's fine, Eileen." Pavel pulled up the hologram of his vitals. "I'm watching his vitals right now through the tracker and everything seems steady enough."


"Yes," Pavel sighed. "I...I need more data to be sure but there's something I want to talk to you both later about." She watched him clear the hologram. "But right now, he needs to rest more. You on the other hand should probably head out and explore. I know this place is much different from earth."

"Well, yeah we don't have giant dragonflies." She took a step forward and paused. Wait. She glanced down. A colorful scaly skin was wrapped around her ankle. "My ankle."

"Lizard skin works wonders when it comes to increasing circulation and decreasing healing time." She watched him pull out a small bag. A black drawing of what seemed to be sunflower looking seeds decorated the front. "Speaking of animals, I got you this. Almost every insect here loves the fern seeds. Feed some and they'll be your friends forever."

Uh...Her nose wrinkled as she slipped the bag into her pocket. "Thanks, but I don't know if I'll be feeding any creepy crawlies for a while now." Not when I was almost devoured by them.

Pavel shrugged his shoulders. "Hey, your decision. I need to head back with the others and continue planning for the celebration."


"Yes, the celebration of union. It's the festival each race hosts when they accept the new king." Pavel glanced at his watch. Something flickered across his gaze. "I need to get going."

"Wait, Pavel!" She grabbed his arm. "Please, take me to Ursus."


"I know something is wrong." She gripped her chest. "I can feel it. It's like a sinking pit in my stomach and it won't stop till I know he's ok." Pavel's jaw clenched. Confliction flickered across his gaze. "Please," she begged.

"Alright." He sighed. "But you have to promise not to freak out."

Eileen nodded. I'm coming, Ursus. Following Pavel out the room, they headed up to a second floor building. Entering the small hut, a gasp left her lips. Ursus layed in bed. His skin was pale and his eyes were unnaturally still. Even his chest didn't seem to move. Was he even breathing?

Her heart dropped. "Ursus!" She rushed to his side. "Ursus, Ursus, wake up!" Her gaze snapped to Pavel. "What's wrong with him?"

"As of right now, nothing." Pavel pulled up the screen. "His vitals are normal. He's some kind of stasis."

"Stasis?" Eileen stressed.

"Yes, and you freaking out is going to make it worse."

Sure enough, his heart rate started to increase. Eileen's eyes snapped close. Calm down, Eileen. Calm down. With a deep inhale in, she blew it right back out. "What's going on, Pavel?"

He frowned. "I'm not sure how accurate it is but it's been thought that bonds were known to unlock our true abilities. The idea of our bond being in trouble brings out the body's true speed, strength, and more."

"So you're saying when Ursus was in the cave to protect me, he activated his true strength?"

"Yes, but unfortunately those actions have consequences. The more you push the body, the harder it is to recover." Pavel frowned. "If Ursus were to push his body twenty four-seven then his muscles could tear as a result. His joints could break and his connective tissue would wear over time, making it easier for them to dislocate. This could affect his whole body causing gut, nerves, even spinal damage."

"So," Eileen hesitated. "What should we do?" Pavel sighed. "I have an answer but neither of you are going to like it." Approaching, he placed a hand on her shoulder. "Right now though, it's important that you both get rest." He squeezed it reassuringly. "Why don't you go check out the decorations? I'll let you know if something happens ok?" Knowing that was all she could do, Eileen reluctantly stepped back.


New, brighter flowers were being weaved into the roofs and vines around the homes and branched. Children raced by, decorated in them.

Wait, is their skin glowing too?

"Adorable huh?" A woman walked up to her. Green eyes glowed with warmth. "While every child starts out with a green glow, their colors shift and become unique to them as they age." Her eyes softened. "They say those that are fully bonded have the brightest glow among them all."

"So all Quies have glowing skin?"

"Yep." She smiled. "It dulls as they get older, but it's still beautiful during the moonless nights. You want to see?"

Eileen nodded. "Yeah." It wasn't everyday she got to see actual bioluminesce skin and Pavel did tell her to go relax. Maybe that was why her guard was too low to see the signs. Following her around a corner, the village got duller and darker as if someone stamped out the light. Her gaze scanned the woman's skin, waiting for the glow. "Are you sure-"

A hand snapped around her mouth. Eyes widened, a cool metal pricked the back of her neck. Instantly, Eileen's body went numb. Her legs buckled, sending her down to the ground.

"Well that was easy." The woman's voice drifted though. "How long will the neurotoxin work?"

"Ten minutes. We're going to have to move fast before the hybrid realizes something is wrong."

"Are you sure he's the one?"

"You saw what he did at the cave. He's the one."

The one? Eileen's thoughts raced as she was lifted like a sack of potatoes. What did they want with Ursus? Unable to move, all she could do was take in the blur of the surroundings around her, shifting from woods to the grass and roots and finally ground.

"There." Thud. A groan left her lips as leaves barely cushion the rough fall.

"Careful with her." The woman countered. "There's no use trying to bargain if she's already dead."

"My bad." The man remarked.

Grabbing her head, Eileen's eyes widened at the dagger that glistened in the light. "Alright, the neurotoxin should be wearing off any minute."

Pins and needles rushed over her body. Thousands upon thousands of invisible ants bit and stung her skin. With a cry, her fingers twitch. As the pain intensity, so did the jerks. Suddenly, Eileen was yanked to her feet. Nearly falling, she took a shaky step.

"I wouldn't move too far away if I was you." His hand grabbed her arm. "We can still kill you right here and now."

But didn't the woman just say they needed me alive? She frowned. Wait...Looking up, her lips parted in a silent gasp. Two eyes, one green and another gray, stared at her with annoyance. He's a hybrid. Wait, they mention the caves. Were they the ones that genetically modified the fungus?

His lips curled into a snarl. "What are you looking at?"

Instantly, she snapped her gaze away. "Nothing." Do not aggravate the deadly hybrid, Eileen! Still the last of her thoughts danced across her mind. Were these the hybrids Pavel was talking about? Why were they here? And why did they want Ursus?

Suddenly, the bushes shifted. Her eyes snapped up to see Ursus pushing through. His eyes landed on her. "Eileen," he mumbled.

Ursus. Her heart squeezed. His skin was still flushed and his eyes were red. Taking a step toward him, a hand yanked her back. She gasped as something sharp pressed into her spine.

"Ah, ah, not so fast." The man chuckled. "You didn't think we would let you go that quickly now would you?"

"Let her go!" Ursus snarled.

"In due time." The woman smiled. Reaching up, she fidget with her right eye. "But right now we need to talk." Eileen's eyes widened as she pulled out what seemed to be a contact. Instantly, that one green eye was now gray. They are the hybrids! Ursus's glare sharpened. If looks could kill, she would be twenty feet under.

"What a nice looking hybrid you are." She grabbed his chin. "Then again, they say the royal family always had the best genes."

Ursus tried to yank his jaw away. Nails dug into his chin. "I don't know what you're talking about."

"Oh, I think you do." Her thumb brushed against his chin. "Speaking of, do you know how much killing that portal orb cost me?" Her smile twisted. "Way more than you could ever know." Her nails dug in deeper, drawing blood.


"So, how were you able to escape me that night, huh?" She chuckled. "And don't say you teleported somewhere else. I had that thing track you to the end of our universe." Her eyes flashed. "You thought you were so smart, destroying that tracker." She chuckled. "Well, you're back here now aren't you."

Ursus refused to look at her. His jaw clenched in defiance.

"Fine." She stepped back. "Be that way." She snapped her fingers. A flash of silver before searing hot pain flushed down Eileen's face. She screamed, whimpering as the man yanked her still. His hand brushed the bloody dagger against his pants. Icy cold fear squeezed her chest. Ursus.

"That was just a scratch." The woman tilted her head. "Don't make me mutilate her beautiful face."

Ursus snarled in response. Just like in the cave, his eyes glowed as bright light. "What do you want to know?"

"You're the king's illegitimate son are you not?" She frowned. "Able to bond with someone when that trait was lost to hybrids years ago." Her gaze snapped to Eileen. "So what makes you different? What did the king do to make you so strong?"

She grabbed his chin again. Her eyes stared into his own. "Years and years of genetic breeding. Only the strongest of the Visutilis and only the stealthiest and agile of the Quies all brought together for this perfect moment." With a chuckle, she stepped forward. "You're not a hybrid, Ursus." Her eyes flashed. "You're a genetically modified weapon."


"Funny, how the very thing your dear dad created to protect his lineage will be the very thing that destroys it." Reaching up, she plucked a hair from his head. "Once you join us that is."

"I'd rather die than join you."

"Oh, honey." She smiled. "Don't push your luck." With another snap, Eileen cried out in pain. The dagger pressed sharper against her back.

"Alright, alright!" Ursus screamed. "Don't hurt her!" He took a trembling step forward. His eyes stared at her with pure desperation and panic. "Please." Ursus, no!

"And that's how you get a hybrid to behave." She smacked Ursus's chin playfully. "Now, why don't we get you two-"

Rumbled. Eileen's eyes widened. Another earthquake? Trembling rocks turned into giant cracks that split the earth with a terrifying groan. Eileen's gaze snapped around, watching the cracks grow larger and larger. They crawled across the ground, racing toward her.


That was the last thing she heard as the ground swallowed her whole. 

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