Ducktales Retold: The Life Of...

بواسطة Jozar143

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I made my own fanfictional character from the 1987 ducktales and the 2017 ducktales versions, a only eleven-y... المزيد

Aiden Gets His Magical Powers/Aiden's First Adventure
Funso's Funzone Of Doom
Aiden Meets Lena
The Inventions That Turns Evil
Mark Beaks The Tech Billionaire
The Terra-Firmians That Live Underground
A God For A Day
Happy Birthday To Scrooge Mcduck
The Money Shark That Attacked Duckberg
The Only Child Day Adventure
The Young Mage And The Robot
Rescueing Agent 22
The Other Bin
Scrooge's Parents
Aiden's Horrible Mistake
Aiden Vs. Magica

The Tales Of Sky Pirites

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بواسطة Jozar143

In the Sun-Chaser Scrooge, Launchpad, the triplets, Aiden and Webby were on their way back to Duckburg from their another excited adventure, Aiden was working on his new spell so he can reach level 2 a flight spell that he can be able to levitate himself and fly around for fun even in combat it might be useful but was having trouble but keeps on trying. Louie is seeing how much treasure was worth when they founded back wherever they visited and Webby was writing her book.

Suddenly Dewey spilled some Pep and almost got into Webby's book and the treasure.

Louie: Careful! Good thing you didn't get any in the treasure.

When Dewey tries to clean it up with a priceless Andean ceremonial blanket that Aiden bought he says "Dewey! No! I bought that blanket as one of my souvenir and now it's ruined."

Dewey: Where'd I get this flatteringly colorful headpiece, you ask? The place? Pato Pisco. The time?

Aiden: Ugh, thanks a lot Dewey, now I have to wash it when we get back home.

Aiden then walks away from Dewey and then Dewey climbs up the to see Huey and Launchpad wants to know about his hat.

Huey: We are beyond lost and... is this compass a sticker?

Launchpad: (laughs) Stickers are for kids. Grownups call them decals.

Huey: Then how do you navigate?

Launchpad: Instinct. A keen eye, quick thinking.

Then he almost crashed into a mountain and Launchpad adds "And a cool head."

Dewey: A cool head? Needs a cool hat. Ooh. Not unlike this bold and daring chapeu. And the story behind it is equally bold and daring.

Huey: Do you mind doing whatever it is you're doing later? I'm trying to get us home safe and... this radar is an ant farm?

Dewey climbs down and sees Scrooge on the phone with Beakley and Dewey tries to tell him about his hat but Scrooge says "Not the time, Dewey." Then Dewey tells the story himself and climbs up the pile of crates and accidentally drops one of them and Aiden and says "Ow! Dewey!" Scrooge comes to Aiden's aid then turns to Dewey and says "Go and take that seat and stay put before something else goes wrong."

Scrooge: Are you alright, Aiden?

Aiden: Yeah, but I'm not badly hurt or anything, I'm okay, Uncle Scrooge.

Suddenly a big grappling hook made a huge hole in the plane and their was a bigger flying towards and pilot says "This is your fearsome Pirate Captain Don Karnage, welcoming you to our friendly skies. Prepare to be boarded."

Aiden: Pfft... "Captain Don Karnage" what kind of a pirate name is that?

Louie: A ridiculous one that's for sure.

Scrooge: Stand your ground. We will not give in to these rapacious raiders.

Scrooge got his action cane, Huey with a mop, Dewey with a shovel, Aiden with his spells, Louie with his fists and Webby with her material arts and when they were to fight they heard a pitch pipe and the whole pirate crew started to sing "♪ Yo-ho-yo. ♪ Yo-ho-yo. ♪ Yo-ho-yo. ♪" Suddenly more planes were coming out of the Captain Don Karnage's big plane and surrounded the Sun-Chaser while they were singing "♪ Avast ye lads who be faintheated. ♪ We rule these skies uncharted. ♪ Cruel and vicious hearties we. ♪ Who sail upon the skies and not sea? ♪"

Captain Don Karnage: ♪ Tis I who lead this fearsome crew! ♪ With dagger, swagger, derring-do. ♪ Handsome and fearsome and suave! ♪

Pirate Crew: ♪ He's the famous pirate Captain Don Karnage. ♪ Hoist the flag and weigh the anchor. ♪ Circle the ship and pull to the flank 'er. ♪ Hi-ho! ♪ He lives to plunder. ♪

Captain Don Karnage: ♪ It's true, I live to plunder. ♪

Pirate Crew: ♪ High up in the sky amidst, a sea of storm and thunder. ♪

Captain Don Karnage: ♪ Now back to me, the main event. ♪ A pernicious, vicious, rakish gent. ♪ A frustratingly, charming blaggart. ♪

Pirate Crew: ♪ He'll steal all of your treasure and your heart. ♪

Captain Don Karnage and his crew were in the Sun-Chaser and steals Scrooge's treasure with a song and dance. Scrooge and the children were confused on what's happening right now one of the crew steals both Dewey's hat and Aiden's amulet and all the pirate left the plane and flew away.

Scrooge: What the blazes was that?

Aiden: I think we just got robbed by a band of singing and dancing pirates.

Launchpad: Bravo [clapping] Bravissimo.

Launchpad was next to Scrooge and the kids and they all shout "Launchpad!" For not flying the plane and as usual they flew down to a jungle and crashed into a giant tree and survived. They didn't get hurt or anything but the Sun-Chaser was damaged.

Scrooge: My Treasure.

Launchpad: My plane.

Dewey: My hat.

Webby: (gasp) The pirates also took Aiden's amulet too! Now he'll never be a sorcerer of Duckburg!

Aiden: It's okay Webby, let them keep it. Because I got a better one.

Aiden reveals his magical amulet to everyone and they were surprised that those pirates didn't actually take his amulet.

Scrooge: You clever boy. But how!

Aiden: When those were invading us, I switched out my real amulet so they can take the fake amulet the one I was wearing the whole time when that Don Karnage was singing.

Huey: So what they have is a fake amulet they stole?

Aiden: That's right! I swap amulets on those scurvy dogs.

Louie: That was pure genius little brother. The greatest scheme that you could ever pulled off.

Aiden: Gee, thanks. But I'm not your little brother Louie, I'm just younger.

Scrooge: Launchpad, see if you can get this plane out of this tree and follow those thieving pirates so I can get me treasure back.

Dewey: And my hat.

Launchpad: Right away Mr. McD!

When Launchpad was trying to get the plane in the air, the engines were tangled up with vines and Dewey thought of a better idea he decided to go after the pirates who stole his hat by himself.

Launchpad: We're not going anywhere.

Scrooge: Huey, you and Launchpad start in on those plane repairs. [turns to Louie, Aiden and Webby] The three of you can inventory our supplies. Who knows how long we'll be stuck in this jungle. And Dewey. Dewey?

Scrooge didn't realize that Dewey was gone to look for his hat, then Huey got sprayed by blue ink and mistaken as Dewey.

Scrooge: Dewey, you be lookout while I search for any treasure those kleptomaniacal corsairs may have missed.

Later on Dewey was walking on the jungle floor talking to himself about being killed by pirates and his family will pay attention to that story then he had second thoughts of rooting for that and suddenly he heard one of the singing pirates practicing his big entrance and until it was about to take off Dewey hitched a ride thinking it was a bad idea.

When the plane enters in the bigger plane Dewey jumps off the little plane and lays low from the other pirates and then he spots his hat and tries to take it until a spotlight was shining on Captain Don Karnage.

Captain Don Karnage: Was everyone satisfied with performance?

Pirate Crew: Yarr...

Captain Don Karnage: Even though your flybys were out of sync, the harmonies were all off, and someone was late.

The pirate who boarded hid and the other pirate said "Yarrr...?"

Captain Don Karnage: Wrong, you made me look like an amateur out there.

Pirate 1: But we got the treasure, Cap'n. And isn't that what really matters?

Captain Don Karnage: You're right. You can't all be so rhythmically gifted as Don Karnage. May I give you some pointers on your pirouette?

Then he kicks one of his pirate crew to the ground, he drags him and throws him overboard while holding Dewey's hat.

Captain Don Karnage: Anyone else want some pointers?

They all said nothing and saluted their captain and as he throws the hat into the treasure, Dewey rushed in a gets his hat but was caught by the pirates and Dewey's only respond was "Arrr...? The pirates tied Dewey up and holds him hostage.

Captain Don Karnage: Well, well, what have we here?

Pirate 2: A stowaway.

Captain Don Karnage: (sighs) Yes, obviously. I meant it as rhetorical menacing. We have a special punishment for stowaways. Peg Leg Meg, how are those sky sharks coming?

Peg Leg Mag: Not great, Cap'n.

Captain Don Karnage: Does Don Karnage have to do everything himself? You two watch him while I concoct an appropriately dramatic demise.

So Captain Don Karnage and the other crew walked away while Peg Leg Meg and the other pirate watches Dewey, and he was explaining to them that he's no threat and that he was trying to get his hat back and one of the pirate ask him that it was Dewey's and his response was "Yerp...?"

Ugly Mug: Would ye look at this, Peg Leg Meg? This hat will not be flyin' off yer head as we sail the skies.

He proved his point with big gusty wind was blowing on them and made Peg Leg Meg's hat blown away by some pirate that let the window open and the pirate asks "Tell me where you got it?"

Dewey: Um, the place: Pato Pisco. The time...

The pirates were very interested of Dewey's story so much that made Dewey think that finally someone was actually paying attention to him and then he says "I was climbing Mt. Peligroso, the wind whipping at my face, rocks crasking down around me." Meanwhile back at the Sun-Chaser Webby and Aiden were gathering of their rations and Webby says "Good news. If we limit our rations, we can go nine whole days before we go mad of hunger." Louie hids behind a crate and takes out the sapphire of souls from his pocket and says "I should tell Uncle Scrooge the pirates left this behind." Then his alter ego appeared of his reflection and says "No. You saved it. It belongs to you now."

Louie: Huh. Yeah, you're right, me.

Aiden: I just can't believe the Sapphire of Souls is gone.

Webby: Me too.

Louie: The what now?

Webby: Big blue gem? Priceless beyond all imagining? Reflects your innermost thoughts and desires?

Louie: Yeah, but Scrooge probably won't miss one measly piece of treasure, right?

Aiden: Louie, Uncle Scrooge has been searching for that gem for decades. Man, I would not want to be those pirates when he finds them.

Louie talks to the gem and says "So Scrooge can't know that I have you. But if I can sneak you back the other treasure and find you for him, he'll let me keep you." But he's alter ego says "I don't know, that sounds a little farfetched."

Louie: Don't you go soft on me evil Louie, do you hear me? It'll all be fine.

Aiden: What was that?

Louie: Nothing crazy.

Aiden didn't know what was going on with Louie but he didn't care so he went back doing his business while Louie hids the gem behind his back. Later on in Captain Don Karnage's plane the pirates freed Dewey while he tells his fascinating tale about how he ever got his hat from Pato Pisco.

Dewey: When I ran across a rainbow-colored alpaca who told been waiting decades for the chosen one. And guess what?

Ugly Mug: (gasps) What?

Dewey: I was the chosen one. Then she knit me this hat out of her wool.

Peg Leg Meg: Shiver me timbers, what a tale.

Dewey: See, it's not just some dumb hat when you've heard the whole story. And it's all true.

Ugly Mug: Wish we could be the chosen ones. But here we are, stuck in the chorus.

Dewey: Aw, hey come on. I thought your dance number was great.

Peg Leg Meg: Ugh, thanks. But we're really just there to back up the Cap'n while he provides the distraction.

Ugly Mug: How will anyone see my beautiful arabesque sitting in a plane?

And when Ugly Mug did his arabesque it amazed Dewey and says "Ooh. I love it. You know what? Flip that into a jazzy fouette and you'll be center stage for sure. [turning to Peg Leg Meg wearing a Aiden's fake amulet he made] and Peg Leg Meg that amulet holds magic powers.

Peg Leg Meg: It does? That we little pink fleshed face child was wearing it.

Dewey: Actually but you took it and now you have the magic powers but don't use them now save it for combat.

Peg Leg Meg: Right! Don't want to waste any energy on this thing.

Ugly Mug: Aye but the captain'll never go for it.

Dewey: Why does that jerk Don Karnage get all the attention and not us? I mean, you guys.

Peg Leg Meg: Well because he's... the Cap'n?

Dewey: Well, what if he wasn't?

Peg Leg Meg and the other pirates thought about what Dewey said and decided to throw Captain Don Karnage overboard and the Captain says "You dare mutiny against The Don Karnage. You are nothing without me."

Then one of the pirates took Don Karnage's hat and did a arabesque fouette and pointed the sword at him and made Don Karnage fall and screams "You bit players haven't seen the last of Don Karnaaaaaaage." He got out his parachute and was on the ground safely and figures out a way to retake his plane and get his revenge against Dewey who stole his crew.

Suddenly he heard Huey telling Launchpad to try starting the engine again. He climbs up the tree where Scrooge, Launchpad and the children were trying to get the Sun-Chaser back to flying, but fortunately he didn't see Aiden's real amulet around his neck.

He didn't seemed interested in the amulet now he just wanted to take back what was his and after the trouble he put Scrooge and his family through they'll never help Don Karnage so he needed a disguise to gain their trust and get his plane back.

Don Karnage: Oh thank goodness you have found me.

Aiden notice Don Karnage in disguise and hid his amulet under his jersey and Scrooge says "Bah. Where'd you come from? Way to be a lookout, Dewey.

Don Karnage: I am Dr. Tom Kar...naaaage? An attractive and charming plant scientist.

Huey: You mean a botanist?

Dr. Tom Karnage: You dare correct the fierce Captain... of the Plant Scienceing Committee? That dashing scoundrel, Don Karnage, no relation, stole my vital plant research. You must take me to his ship and get back what is mine. For the good of plantology.

Scrooge notice it's Don Karnage in disguise and he says "Excuse us just a moment." He huddles with his family and asks them "We all know that's Don Karnage, right?"

Aiden: It's kinda obvious, he might have realized that the amulet he stole was fake and comes back to take my real one. But I hid it under my jersey before he saw it.

Launchpad: I don't know, he seems to know a lot about plants.

Huey: He might be able to help us find that pirate ship faster.

Dr. Tom Karnage: Yes, I will lead you to the ship so I can kill... lect that flower? Oh look, leaves.

Scrooge: (sigh) Just get on the plane, and don't steal anything this time.

While the engines were fixed the Sun-Chaser was ready to fly and Aiden was having some trust issues with this Dr. Tom Karnage character that he met 5 minutes ago and meanwhile Dewey was dancing with the other pirates and says to them "Woo. Great job, everyone. Listen this has been great, but I should take my hat and go. Everyone will wanna hear about where I've been."

Ugly Mug: Or you could have this bigger hat... Captain Dewey.

Dewey: Wait, what now?

Ugly Mug: You've taught us to be our own pirates and stand out. Now it's our turn out... behind you.

Peg Leg Meg: So, Cap'n. Who will be the first to witness the talents of the Dread Pirate Dewey?

Dewey took a moment and then an idea popped out of his head and knows who to witness and he puts on the pirate hat with an evil grin in his face meanwhile Dr. Tom Karnage was telling Scrooge and the others about the iron vulture usually anchors up there that he assume and Scrooge says "Set the course Launchpad." And Launchpad tells Scrooge that the giant plane was coming to them and they reprise the song " ♪ Yo-ho-yo ♪ Yo-ho, yo ho, yo ho ♪"

Aiden: This day just keeps getting better and better.

Ugly Mug: ♪ Prepare thee lads to be surprised ♪

Pirate Crew: ♪ The same old shanty now reprised ♪ Cruel and vicious hearties we ♪ Who occasionally like to get jazzy ♪

Launchpad: ♪ Tu ru tu tu tu tu ♪ It's so catchy.

Dr. Tom Karnage: Who would dare steal my big showstopper?

Suddenly Dewey comes up and sings " ♪ Tis I who lead this fearsome crewy ♪ With dagger and swagger and daring ♪ Everyone was in shock seeing Dewey joining a gang of pirates and they shouted "Dewey!"

Captain Dewey: ♪ Yes, look at me, the main attraction ♪ With stories full of daring action ♪ Perhaps you finally won't ignore us ♪ So bend your ear and hear some from the chorus ♪

Stinky Boot: ♪ Ahoy to you I'm Stinky Boot ♪ Me pride and joy be plunderin' loot ♪

Ugly Mug: ♪ Me mateys call me Ugly Mug ♪ But I prefer to go by Jitter Bug ♪

Captain Dewey: Alright, that's enough guys.

Peg Leg Meg: ♪ I'm Peg Leg Meg the ship's First Mate ♪ My high kicks truly are first rate ♪

Captain Dewey: OK.

Hard Tack Hattie: ♪ Thar she blows I'm Hard Tack Hattie ♪

Captain Dewey: Maybe just let me take the lead here.

Hard Tack Hattie: ♪ My dancing skills they just might drive you batty ♪

Pirate Twins: ♪ Bonjour we're the twins with a rhythmically knack ♪

One-Eyed Linda: ♪ One-Eyed Linda ♪

Two-Toed Jack: ♪ And Two-Toed Iack ♪

Intern Pirate: ♪ I'm just an intern for the summer ♪

Captain Dewey: Common.

Pirate Intern: ♪ But it feels like this song has gone forever ♪

Captain Dewey: OK, just wrap it up.

All the pirates has now got the Sun-Chaser into the bigger airplane and has captured Scrooge, Launchpad and the children and Captain Dewey stepped forward to them and says "Eeeeeeeehhh? How do you like my hat now?"

Scrooge: I don't even know he was gone. Did you?

Huey: I thought he was on lookout.

Aiden: So did I.

Louie: Yeah, he was definitely there when we went back to the plane, right?

Webby: Yeah, I think so.

Captain Don Karnage: You didn't even notice I notice I was gone? That's it, I'm staying here.

Scrooge: You ran away, joined a pirate crew, and you're mad at us?!

Aiden: Not smart Dewey.

Captain Dewey: Let them go and give them back their tainted treasure. If they can't remember me, I don't want to remember them.

Ugly Mug: Give the treasure back?

Louie: Probably won't be all the treasure. Not all of it, a jewel or something, you know, could have been lost forever during that dance number.

Peg Leg Meg: Don't you want to ransom them? Or make them walk the plank? Or, you know, something piratey?

Captain Dewey: Really, Peg Leg Meg? First you cut me off during the big number, then you give me notes?

Peg Leg Meg: He sounds a lot like Don Karnage.

Ugly Mug: But with less treasure.

Aiden: Uh, Cap'n Dewey? You do realize that these pirates are still pirates, right?

Peg Leg Meg: Thee fleshy boy's right we may be singing and dancing pirates.

Ugly Mug: But we still be pirates.

The pirates crew takes the children, Launchpad and Scrooge to the plank and they all gave Dewey a mad look and he says "Great, now everyone pays attention to me."

Ugly Mug: It's into Davey Jones' Upper Cabinet with ye.

Captain Dewey: Come on, mateys. Remember how we all hated Don Karnage? Good times, right?

Peg Leg Meg: We actually hate you more than...

Dr. Tom Karnage: Me?

Ugly Mug: Who be you? Some sort of plant scientist?

Don Karnage takes off his disguise and says "It is I. The Master of Disguise in De Skies, Don Karnage, ha-ha."

Don Karnage: The pirates of Don Karnage deserve better than this two-bit bilge rat.

Peg Leg Meg: Awww, Captain.

Don Karnage: I only push you because I believe you can do better. And those that can't, I kill. You may be talentless backups, but you are the talentless backup of Don Karnage.

Ugly Mug: Bring it in, guys.

While the crew welcomes Don Karnage back with a warm hug Louie says "Come to push us off the plank yourself, Captain Dewey?"

Dewey: Uh, so, listen, things got a little out of hand. Sure I wanted attention, but I don't know...

Aiden: We're sorry Dewey, we've should've payed attention to you from the begin.

Scrooge: And if we'd have listened to your story earlier, you wouldn't have fallen in with this lot.

Huey: Though you should really communicate your needs more clear...

Scrooge elbows Huey then says "I mean, we're all sorry."

Dewey: No, I'm sorry. With many people it's easy to... wait, where's Aiden?

Suddenly they heard Don Karnage screaming in pain because Aiden's biting his arm and he screams "Get it off of me! Get it off!" Then he grabs the boy and throws him overboard.

Aiden: AAAAAHHHH!!!!

Dewey: Aiden!

Huey and Louie: Aiden!

Scrooge: Bless me bagpipes!

Webby and Launchpad: NOOOOOOO!

Dewey: (sobs) No! Aiden, what have I done?

Don Karnage: Oh, don't worry young duck you'll be joining your little friend right now!

He took back his hat from Dewey and grabs him from the shirt and says "No steals the crew of Don Karnage and lives!" Suddenly Aiden comes up out of nowhere and says "Let my brother go, Karnage!" Everyone surprised to see Aiden alive and he was flying.

Webby: Aiden, you're alive?!

Aiden: So far, yeah.

Louie: And you're fly too?

Huey: I guess you're not a level 1 mage anymore.

Don Karnage: Impossible.... how?

Aiden: I am... Aiden Fauntleroy.. a level 2 mage. Oh by the way Peg Leg Meg that amulet you have around your neck is a fake.

Peg Leg Meg: A fake? The duck boy tell a lie, let's throw him overboard!

Aiden then lifts Peg Leg Meg up with his levitation spell while hovering and says "Not while I'm around." Then he throws her to the rest of the crew and acts like bowling pins, he hovers down to Scrooge and the rest of his family and frees them and tries to figure out a way to get out of this piratey situation.

Louie: How are we gonna get out of here?

Aiden: Gee, I don't know with this many people it's easy to... [looking at Huey's blue inked shirt and hat] get lost in the shuffle!

Don Karnage: On guard! Young sorcerer!

Aiden uses powerful magic beams at Don Karnage when he was trying to slice him then he, Scrooge, Launchpad and the other children went inside the plane and Aiden used his beam to break the light switch and make everything all dark to confuse the pirate crew. But when the stage lights were turned on Don Karnage sees Dewey and duals with him.

Dewey beats up to the ground and runs away from him then Don Karnage gets back up and tries to find then he sees Huey disguised as Dewey and thinks it is him, Louie and Webby were doing the same thing and plus they have been paying attention to Dewey and it made him choked up and felt appreciated.

But later on Don Karnage found out this was a trick and everyone was retreating and Dewey says "Everybody in the Sun-Chaser. I'll hold them off."

Aiden: Dewey are you crazy?

Scrooge: How are you gonna distract them an entire crew of bloodthirsty pirates?

Dewey: With an old pirate shanty.

Then Dewey blows the pipe and all the pirates were singing and dancing, Don Karnage tells them to stop but they kept singing and dancing.

Dewey: Bon voyage, Don Karnage.

Everyone was on the Sun-Chaser and Launchpad starts it and flies away from the pirates, Don Karnage says "No one escapes the villainous me. Stop dancing! Man the cannon! Who's steering the ship?!" Suddenly they crashed towards a mountain.

Captain Don Karnage: This is why only I get the solo. [turns to the Sun-Chaser escaping] Curse you, Dewey Duck!

Meanwhile back in the Sun-Chaser Aiden comes up to Dewey and says "Well, I don't think that would be the last time will ever seen Captain Don Karnage again." Then he looks at his adopted brother looking sad and he sits right next to him.

Aiden: Listen, Dewey I'm very sorry about your hat and all.

Dewey: It's okay, Aiden I'm just happy that we're going home and I'm really happy for you leveling up to a level 2 mage.

Dewey rustled up Aiden's hair and Scrooge comes up to his nephews and gives Dewey his hat back.

Scrooge: It certainly is... unique. How'd you come by it?

Louie: Everyone listen up. I am a hero. At great risk to my personal safety, I have rescued Scrooge's most valuable piece of treasure. The Sapphire of Souls.

Scrooge: Never heard of it.

Louie: It's a priceless gem that reflects your darkest desires?

Scrooge: This is priced at $29.50.

Louie: What the... I didn't even steal a real treasure?!

Aiden: You sure didn't! (laughs) We got him Webs.

Louie: Wait, this was all a setup and you two were in on it?

Webby: Ha-ha, yeah we were. I bought that at the airport. Ha. Tell me not to make treasure about learning. Everything's about learning.

Webby tackles Louie for fun and Dewey was telling Scrooge about about how he got his hat. Aiden walks up to Launchpad and says "Hey, LP, wanna race back to Duckburg?"

Launchpad: You're on!

Aiden gots out of the plane and uses his flying spell and raced the Sun-Chaser all the way back to Duckburg.

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