seven ; walker scobell

By love_maexo

105K 2.3K 5K

'Love you to the moon and to Saturn.' MAYA FONTAINE is an ambitious fifteen-year-old, driven by her past and... More

prologue 0.5 ; premieres and things.
prologue 1.0; hello, goodbye for now.
PART 1 - in between
chapter one; talk too much.
chapter two; the blue
chapter three; jump then fall
chapter four; feels like
chapter five; ocean eyes
chapter six; so it goes...
chapter seven; read your mind
chapter eight; cornelia street
chapter ten; 21
chapter eleven; snow angel
chapter twelve; nonsense
chapter thirteen; i think he knows
chapter fourteen; fast times
chapter fifteen; too well
PART 2 - lover
chapter sixteen; cinnamon girl
chapter seventeen; the lakes
chapter eighteen; is it over now?
chapter nineteen; block me out
chapter twenty; full machine
chapter twenty one; off to the races
chapter twenty two; ivy
chapter twenty three; dark paradise
chapter twenty four; slut! x come back... be here
chapter twenty five; espresso
chapter twenty six; how many things
chapter twenty seven; last great american dynasty
chapter twenty eight; skinny dipping
chapter twenty nine; tell em
chapter thirty; video games
PART 3 - friend
chapter thirty one; down bad
chapter thirty two; i should hate you
chapter thirty three; the bottom
chapter thirty four; loml
chapter thirty five; all of the girls you've loved before
chapter thirty six; say yes to heaven
chapter thirty seven; in the kitchen
chapter thirty eight; the bolter
chapter thirty nine; this is what the drugs are for

chapter nine; deja vu

2.5K 43 221
By love_maexo

"trading jackets, laughing bout how small it looks on you... so when you gonna tell her (him) that we did that too?" deja vu; olivia rodrigo



sunster ☀️

leelee 💝
hey guys...

momo 🌸

xoch ❤️!
who's gonna bring it up

ari baby 💜
not me

i volunteer
please tell us why you were at
the beach with walker scobell in
the middle of the night?

may 💋
i wasn't...
where'd you guys see this

sunster ☀️
at this point it's just disrespectful
to lie

momo 🌸
yeah bitch fess up

may 💋
he came to my hotel room
and we went for a walk for
a few hours

xoch ❤️!

may 💋
and nothing

ari baby 💜

leelee 💝
all that and you didn't kiss
or nothing ?

this is wild
can yall just get together

may 💋
we're friends !
i don't wanna ruin our relationship
we've really connected
plus idek if i like him like that

sunster ☀️
girl COME ON
i've known you ur whole life
you've never liked someone MORE

momo 🌸
you didn't even act this way
about dylan

may 💋
you just love to talk abt him don't you

momo 🌸
i'm sorry!
i'm just happy to see you moving
on maya
it's been so long

xoch ❤️!
i feel like you and walker would
be elite tho
so much better than dylan
he was like...
he gave fuck boy energy

leelee 💝
i agree.
you were too sweet for him
he was too 'dude bro'
it was gross

maya 💋
let's stop talking about dylan 🙏🏽

sunster ☀️
actually while we're on the subject...
i do have something to tell you

maya 💋
i'm scared

sunster ☀️
dylan got cast in ysnitmb
i totally understand if you don't
wanna do it anymore
or i can ask my dad to find someone

ari baby 💜
i would die
sorry ! ❤️❤️

may 💋
yk what it's fine
we ended on good terms

sunster ☀️
i'm so sorry i literally found out 2
minutes ago

maya 💋
it's ok sun i promise

momo 🌸
anyways by the time you see him
you'll have another whole ass bf

ah yes the best revenge is being

maya 💋
ok im done byee

I WOKE UP the next morning to the sun beating down on my face, the curtains still open from the previous day. The warmth embracing the room made me smile. Among other things.

Walker and I had gotten back to the hotel at 2 in the morning. Time flew by as we sat by the beach, talking about everything and anything we could. It was perfect; he was perfect. I would remember that night forever, all too well.

When I finally got out of bed, I showered, dressed in a comfortable outfit, did my makeup and left my room. I had planned to go for a walk, as it was presumably too early in the morning for any of my night-owl friends to be awake.

Vancouver, in the morning, was bustling and alive. It was one of those rare, warm summer days, a light chill still in the air as the snowy mountains loomed over us in the distance in a protective manner. Sundays were my favourite day, the transition back into a schedule of a working week, the calming walks and the rejuvenation of organisation.

Rugged up in my puffer jacket to hide from the sea breeze, I entered a small cafe on the corner of the block. The walls were covered ceiling to floor with books of all colours and ages, candles of vanilla and cinnamon were burning and a soft tune of marjorie by taylor swift was playing in the air. I sat down at a small round table at the window and ordered cinnamon latte.

In those quiet, serene, moments, I found that thoughts came to me in more clarity. As I watched the world go by outside, fathers and daughters playing around, couples cozying up together, I realised that I wanted that more than I let myself think.

Momona was right. It was high time I moved on from my past relationship. But I wasn't sure I could move on from the big whole in my life that was my father.

My father and I never had a good relationship. To be fair, my father never had a good relationship with anyone. He was cruel and malicious, and when he was gone, it was then I discovered what I had missed out on. His actions had scarred me for life. I didn't like to think about him often, but every now and then, in moments like these, he consumed my thoughts. I hated to admit it, but sometimes I wondered what life would be like if he was still here, and he was different. Marina would be here as well.

I sipped on my coffee as I picked a book off the shelf beside me. Love and other words, it was titled. I'd recognised the book, I'd even had it recommended to me. Naturally, I began to read it. Soon, I was sobbing in a book store.

I bought the book and left, highly embarrassed that I had cried in public. I had barely began walking down the street when I heard my name being called. I knew that it wasn't Walker, but a girl could hope. I turned to be met with the friendly face of Charlie.

"Hey, Charlie." I greeted the boy, who wore a bright smile on his face.

"What are you doing out? Have you been crying?" He asked in sudden concern, causing me to laugh.

"I'm fine, I was just reading a sad book in a cafe around the corner." I explained to him. "What are you up to?"

He sighed, taking his hand through his hair. "I couldn't be cooped up in that hotel any longer. Dior had plans with her mom, Aryan's with Momona and god knows where Walker is, I think they went to pick up Leena from the airport. I was just going to look around town."

"Ah, cool. You wanna hang out? I'm free all day, we don't really get many chances since we're filming all the time." I asked the boy, to which he replied with a curt nod.

"Have you eaten yet? I'm starving."


After Charlie and I got some food at a Vietnamese restaurant, we went back to the hotel to change into bathers and get stuff for the beach. Charlie had found a really pretty cove hidden in one of the beaches in the area, and as one of the only hot days we'd had so far, we thought we'd take the opportunity to go swimming.

"Hey, May?" Charlie asked as we approached the beach. "What's the deal with you and Walker?"

I was shocked to hear the question. People generally made up their own minds without asking me.

"We're just friends. Why?" I questioned, smiling. Charlie shyly replied by brushing off the question, as we put our stuff down and stripped down to our bathers. I ran down into the water as Charlie climbed onto a rocky ledge, before jumping off right next to me. I screamed playfully, splashing him back. We spent the rest of the afternoon exploring the cove, laughing and enjoying each others company. By the end of the day, I had a different feeling about Charlie.

He wasn't initially what I thought he was.

And by the way he was looking at me now, I had a feeling he felt differently about me, too.

Charlie and I strolled back to the hotel at sundown, stopping at a small jewellery store on the way.

"Charlie. Oh my god, look at that necklace." I swooned over a golden chained emerald pendant hanging over a display. "It's so perfect."

The dark haired boy looked at me and smiled. "It's beautiful." I couldn't help but notice that he looked back at me when he said that.

(disclaimer !! charlie is 16 in this fic, maya is 15 ❤️)

I got distracted, wandering around the store aimlessly, eventually noticing that Charlie disappeared. Just as I'd reached the ring section he reappeared, a small grin on his face. "Hey. You ready to go? We're supposed to meet up with everyone for dinner." I nodded as we left the store, thanking the worker on the way out. Once we were outside, Charlie stopped me before revealing a little velvet box.

"Charlie Ray Bushnell. You didn't." I stared at him in shock.

"I did. I'm sorry. Don't kill me." he sighed, opening the box as I gasped, seeing the perfect green gem once more. He laughed at my reaction as he took it from the box and clipped it around my neck. I thanked him a million times over.

"You're so talented, you know?" Charlie spoke randomly, to which I giggled.

"Bro. Don't even." I rolled my eyes at him.

"No, seriously! You're more successful at your age than I've seen anyone be before! It's crazy."

I blushed slightly, lowering my head. "I have motivation, I guess." I stated while shivering.

Charlie frowned. "Are you cold?" Before I could say no, he removed his jumper and wrapped it over my shoulders. I had an all too familiar feeling. Sort of like... deja vu. Then, overwhelming guilt. I suppressed it before my discomfort grew on my face.

Vancouver was quieter, now. The sunset had settled the people, a few stragglers were wandering around here and there, cars all heading back home. It was peaceful. The city was soon becoming one of my favourites.

Charlie and I reentered the hotel laughing, me cozied up in his way too big jacket, the emerald pendant sitting warmly on my chest. I was content, until I saw a familiar, beautiful face.


"Hey, Walk." I said, nervously. He was sitting in the hotel lounge, which was on the way to the hall. The blonde boy looked between the two of us, me obviously wearing Charlie's jumper and both of our hair wet. If I didn't know any better I would have said that he was... jealous?

"What are you guys doing?" He asked, attempting to sound nonchalant. He failed miserably.

"We just came back from the beach." Charlie explained, happily. Not picking up on the awkward tension. Walker didn't even acknowledge that he had spoke.

"Just heading back to the hotel room to get ready." I said to him, smiling. He didn't smile back.

"Cool. I'm waiting for Aryan. See you guys soon." Walker said in the least enthusiastic manner Id ever heard. I merely nodded before walking off, Charlie following behind. Suddenly, the necklace around my neck burnt my chest, and shame consumed me.

I felt awful, as if I'd done something terribly wrong. Had I?

Charlie and I caught the elevator up to our floor, separating to go into our own rooms. I found Dior sitting on my bed, waiting.

"Hey babe! What's up - woah, why do you look so upset?" The girl seemed concerned at my lack of smiling.

"I feel awful." I cried, flopping down on the bed. "I had a great day with Charlie. Fantastic, even. And I feel so guilty because... Walker." I attempted to explain, but it made no sense. I had no commitment to either of the boys. It was insane for anyone to by upset in this situation, but for some reason, I was.

"Girl. You need to sort out your feelings. Haven't you watched enough movies with live triangles to know that you don't want to be in one?" Dior refrained from laughing at my melodramatic reaction. She slumped down beside me.

"I don't know how I feel. That's the problem." I whined, screaming into my pillow.

"Well then, figure it out!" Dior wasn't helping in the slightest. If I needed advice, then I needed to talk to Ariana. She was the only one in a committed relationship, if we didn't count Brady and Xoch who are so obviously in love.

Eventually, I willed myself to get ready for dinner. I pulled on a long white dress and did minimal makeup, rushing to get out the door. Charlie, Aryan, Walker and Momona were all already there, waiting for the two of us.

Taking one final look in the mirror, I prayed (I am an atheist but I needed all the luck I could get) that tonight would go smoothly.

Oh boy, was I wrong.

liked by adamsandler and 732,867 others
maya_fontaine prettiest traitor you ever did see 👀 @iamcharliebushnell

dior.n.goodjohn charlie's model face 💀
iamcharliebushnell fuck you 🥰
dior.n.goodjohn hate you ! ❤️
maya_fontaine k stop. not in my comments

momonatamada caption ?? 😓😓
maya_fontaine you're still the prettiest girl don't worry !!
masonthamesofficial so what am i
maya_fontaine not a girl 💀💀

ariana_greenblatt whos that dog
maya_fontaine he's a friend we made along the way
iamcharliebushnell my best friend
maya_fontaine excuse me ?!?

bradynoon girl stop switching up
maya_fontaine tf do you mean
bradynoon you know exactly what i mean.

_xochitl.gomez pretty galll
maya_fontaine you're the cutest
_xochitl.gomez i'm in love with you
maya_fontaine ugh your my wife
bradynoon ew stop
maya_fontaine jealous?
bradynoon ... no ?

walker.scobell i love my life !
user1 i feel for you bro.
leahsavajeffries ??
walker.scobell deleted a comment

user2 switching sides
view 1,347 replies

sunnysandler_ i'm struggling to keep up
leahsavajeffries you and me both bae

authors note
i'm sorry... in advance 💞💞💞

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