Red White And Royal Blue

By MandyAmandaa

45.9K 701 123

After the election. Alex and Henry had to deal with an unexpected guest in their life. Angst with a happy end... More

The White House
The Next Morning
Morning at Austin
Kensington Palace
Kensington Palace part 2
Alex's House in Austin
Mine Only
The Call
The Roots
The Console
The Making Up
The Party
The Finale
Not a chapter

The Climax

1.8K 34 10
By MandyAmandaa

Alex was only half asleep when he heard a sharp sound from his phone. He takes the phone with his hand, his other hand wrapped around Henry, who is sleeping calmly. The first thing he noticed when he took the phone is the time. It's ten minutes past two o'clock, still he didn't get any peaceful sleep. He searched for the message, it's from an unknown number.

Unknown: I hope Hen is fine. I really miss my sweet pum.

He knows it's Luke. Alex blood flowed in the veins turned cold. He gets up from the bed and moved to the next room and called Amy. She takes the call at once.

"Alex? Is everything alright?" Amy asked through the phone.

"No. No. Luke send me a message." Alex tries to say it calmly as he could.

"What? We can track him with that. Send the details to me. It's only matter of minutes. I'll call you when we locate him." Amy says furiously.

"Ok. Fine." He hung up the call and send her the details.

Alex continues to stay in the living room, as he doesn't want to wake Henry up and walks around the room as his ass on fire.

It only takes a few minutes to get a call from Amy.


"Alex. We located him. We're going there. Don't need to worry." Amy says.

"I'm coming with you." Alex sounds like he already decided.

"What? No. We can't, you know that." Amy tries convince him. But Alex is clearly not going to listen her.

"I want to go. He threatened my boyfriend. It's my job to keep him safe." Alex says sharply.

"I know Alex. I know how you feel now. But, it's not safe. And Henry won't allow that too."

"Don't worry he is sleeping. When he wakes up everything will be fine. And we can keep Cash here, so he won't be alone."

"I'm still saying that it's not safe. But I know no one can change your mind in this."

"Of course. I'm coming."

He hung up the phone and gets into the room changed his clothes, walk back towards the door. Something very odd felt in his chest, he stops at the door and stares back at Henry who said him not to leave but Alex has to do this, end everything tonight. If he seeks Henry's permission for this, he knows how will end this. Henry is definitely not going to allow this.

Within few minutes Alex went to find Luke with Amy and with other agents. He lets Cash stay in their house in case of any emergency since Henry is alone at home.

They tracked the phone and reached the place where Luke was supposed to. But the place was empty. No sign of any people. It took several minutes to get them that was a false alarm.

"Fuck. What's going on?" Alex asks Amy furiously.

"I have no idea Alex. He is supposed to here." Amy says.

"Then where?" Alex starts to show his disappointment.

"I'm sure, he hide that phone somewhere here." Amy says to Alex.

"I'm not asking for the phone. I want that asshole." Alex screamed.

"Alex. Calm down. We can still find a way."

"How? I want it end today. I'm here leaving Henry alone there." Alex is in the verge of crying in the thoughts of Henry.

"Don't worry. He is not alone, Cash is there."

"I want to call him." He takes the phone to call Cash. "I think I should go back to Henry." He says to Amy.

He called Cash, but Cash is not picking up the call. Panick starts to gulp him alive.

"He..He is not answering the call." Alex says to Amy. Alex starts to shaky.

"What?" Amy asked confusingly. "Don't worry Alex, Henry will be fine. We are going back now." Amy confronts him.


Henry wakes up hearing a heavy thud from outside the room. He moved his head to find Alex beside him, but he wasn't there. Henry placed a hand on Alex' side, there is no warm.

"Alex?" He called out. But no reply. He has no idea why Alex isn't answering. Alex is supposed to be here, with Henry, beside Henry, yet he is not here. Henry finds himself sweating, the air-conditioning is not working, Alex might switched off it accidentally. Henry tries to switched on the lights, that's how he realized the power in the house is out.

"Alex?" Henry gets up from the bed with a heavy head. He rubs his forehead with his hand. "Where are you?" Still no answer. The silence in the house is terrifying Henry. "Alex? You are scaring me Alex." Henry' body starts to shake. "Are you in the bathroom?" He searched for his phone, but don't remember where he put that. He found a torch light from the drawers and went to the bathroom to find Alex. No one is there. He abruptly turned over and walked back to the room, in the process his right leg hit the table.

"Aaww." He cried out. "Alex?" He screamed pain. "I'm going to kill you asshole. You think this is funny?" Probably ghost in the room heard and perhaps laughed too.

Henry made his way out from the room and went to kitchen. He screamed Alex' name God knows how many times. Tears rolled down from his eyes as he bit down the sob. It feels like a worst nightmare, for Henry a moment ago he was cuddling with his love and next moment he wake up in the empty bed alone in the house. Henry closed his eyes tightly his right hand grips tightly in the torch light and left hand in his boxers, the only cloth left in his body. He hopes this is truly a nightmare, hopes he wakes in the bed against Alex' chest. Then when he says everything about this bad dream Alex will placed his lips on his forehead and says 'I won't leave you alone in my life.'

Henry opens his eyes at once when he heard a thud sound again. If it is Alex, why wouldn't he answered to Henry. A sweat bead from his forehead dropped to his right leg.

"Who...who is that?" Before he made any other move a dark figure appeared in the kitchen door. It is not Alex. It is definitely not Alex. The figure is taller than Alex. He is wearing a hoodie. And the face is not visible because of the darkness and Henry is holding the torch light downwards. He is too scared to make a move or scream, he has frozen. His heart is now shifted to his throat, he can feels it there. He wants to ask the man that who is he, but his mouth and throat are not cooperating with him now.

When the man takes further steps towards Henry, Henry involuntarily takes a step backwards but his back hits in the kitchen slab. He feels like he got trapped, that he is going to die. As the man takes two more steps, Henry saw the face of the man infront of him. He is here. Luke is here. Luke fucking Federico is here. Here with Henry, in their house, in their kitchen.

"Heyyy sweet pum. You look scared? What happened to you?" Luke's fucking mocking tone got Henry.

"Get...Get out from here. What do you think you doing here." Henry somehow finished the sentences trembling.

"Easy Hen. I'm here for you baby." Henry wants to throw up the moment he heard baby from Luke. It was supposed to Alex who call him that.

"Just get out. Or you'll regret your life decisions." Henry sniffs.

"Don't say that Hen." Luke made an attempt to touch Henry's face but he slapped him away. "You think Alex is here to save. He is not here baby."

Henry cocks his head. "What did you do to him? Where is he?"

"I didn't do anything to him. He just left you." Luke says and smirks. Henry's lips parted, he gasped and anger filled in his veins. Henry rushes towards Luke and placed his hands against Luke's throat and squeeze it.

"He won't do that you asshole. What did you do to him?" Henry screamed. Luke pushed Henry away and Henry fell on the kitchen floor.

"I told you I didn't do anything to your Alex. If he hadn't left you, then why a secret service agent doing outside the house, who I take easily. But don't worry, I didn't killed him." Luke grins at Henry.

"Where is Alex?" Henry asks him helplessly.

"Ohhh. Hen. Did you hear anything I said? I don't know man. Your man is not with me." Luke says dramatically.

"Then what are you doing here?" Henry says and gets up from the floor.

"I told you, I'm here for you." Luke takes steps towards Henry and placed his hands on Henry's naked waist.

"Get off me." He tried to push Luke away, but he is stronger than Henry thought, stronger than Henry remembers.

Luke spun Henry around his back against Luke's chest. He hooked his right hand around Henry's throat and squeeze it. Henry struggles to get away from him, but no use.

"Just calm down baby. I got you. I know you secretly love this, you're enjoying this, only I know how slut you are for this, not even your Alex know this. Right baby?" Henry cried out for the help. "I bet he treats you like a candy ass prince who is breakable in bed. Only I know how to treat you properly. Take it gladly Hen whenever you got an opportunity." Henry struggles to say something but Luke squeeze him tightly that made him choke. Henry stabbed Luke' eye with his fingers that made him loose the grip on Henry. When Luke groans in pain Henry pushed him away and ran from the kitchen. Luke followed him grabs him from the back and pushed him on the couch, his back against the couch and Luke crawled upon Henry'.

"You definitely not going to see your boy toy again alive." Luke says against Henry' face. Tears fell down from his eyes.

"Please don't hurt him." Henry says between his sobs.

"I have no intention to hurt him. You are one who making it hard." Luke bites on Henry's jaw and he flinches.

"Please let him go. Please don't hurt him. I'll do anything." Henry pleads as he knows he won't forgive himself if he lets something happen to Alex.

"Good boy. Now, stay with me and be a good boy for me." Luke brushed his fingers against Henry' lips. "You got that?" Henry nods hopelessly. "Verbal Hen."

"" He is barely audible between his sobs.

"Good." Luke says and licked Henry' neck. His one hand tightened against Henry' throat and other hand placed on his waist. His mouth reached on Henry' nipple and bite it down with all his power. Henry screamed out with pain that provokes Luke to tighten his grips on Henry' throat.

"Shh...Voice down baby." Luke licked the blood off from him. Henry couldn't do anything. All he want now is Alex. He closed his eyes tightly for several seconds, before he could open his eyes he heard a gun shot and Luke fell completely on Henry. He opened his eyes to saw Amy with a gun and his Alex- his Alex- rushing towards him to get him.

Henry can't saw and hear anything clearly. His eyes are filled with tears and banging sound in ears blocks everything else. But he knows Alex is here and he is safe now. Alex pulled Luke away from him and takes Henry in his arms.

"I'm sorry baby. I'm so sorry. You are safe. I've got you." Alex sobs.

"Al...lex. You.. you okay?" Henry placed his hand on Alex face. Alex nods. "You left me alone." Tears flooded on Henry' eyes and it is not a question.

"I'm so sorry baby. I wouldn't do that again. I should've say that to you before I left." Alex held him tightly like that he never wanted apart from him. "Will you forgive me Hen?"

Henry looked at him with his puppy eyes and placed a kiss on Alex' right cheek and smiles at him. Henry knows the only person in the world who would go to the brink of the planet for Henry is the same person who asked for forgiveness now. How could he beef with him.

When the power came back Henry saw horror. Blood is pooling all over his body. He didn't noticed or feeled it before because of the embrace of Alex.

"Alex?" Henry' vision blurred. Darkness starts to gulp him. Alex is saying something. But he couldn't hear anything. He can feel Alex is fading away from his vision.

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