Mine Only

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"Alex." Henry called him in a sleepy voice from the bed by struggling to get up. Alex was sitting on the chair with a laptop on his lap.

"Hen. You awaken!" Alex get up from the chair and came towards the bed and sit there. "You okay? How are you feeling now?"

"My head is burning." Henry says rubbing his head.

"Wait here. I'll get you a tea." Alex kissed him on his lips before disappearing from there to get the tea.

"What's the time now?" Henry asked when Alex entered the room with a cup of tea.

"Twelve thirty." Alex says casually.


"Yes. We can eat lunch now."

"Here." Alex says giving Henry the tea.
"Do you have any idea how many shots you had last night?"

"Actually no." Henry says and grins.

"Okay. Do you remember anything?" Alex teased.

"Yeah. I remember getting in the car to come back here. But I don't remember coming here. June helped...." Henry suddenly remembered that he went with June. "Oh my God. June. I forgot. June... is she okay? How is she doing?"

"She is fine. She woke up an hour ago. But still sleepy."

"Of course." Henry sighs.

Henry finishes the tea and went to take a quick shower. When he come back Alex is on the bed typing something on the laptop.

"So. Hen. You don't remember the things you said to me last night?" A wicked smile came across Alex's lips.

"What things?" Henry asks dropping the towel on the chair.

"How you love every parts of my body..."

"What? I said that?" Henry asked confusingly.

"Yes." Alex nodded.

"Okay. I might have said that because I like your every parts." Henry grins at him.

"Okay. I appreciate at least you agree that." Alex continues. "And you said how you hate every girls in America who looks at me as a fucking spicy meal."

"What?!" He exclaimed. "I'll not say such things."

"But you did. And you don't remember other things too... 'You're fucking mine. I love your eyelashes, I love your dick, I don't like when others looking at what is mine.'" Alex says mockingly.

"No way. You're completely made that up."

"I was right when I said you about recording that for the proof." Alex laughed, placed the laptop on the table beside the bed and rolls towards Henry who sits on the bed now.

"But you didn't have any proof. That means that's not true. I deny the allegation you have brought against me."

"Oh ho ho ho." Alex mocked him.

"And I didn't see any girl on the earth who laid eyes on you." Henry says with a straight face.

"Oh really! You have never seen that? Wait." Alex says, getting up from the bed and picked his phone up from the table and starts to type something.

"What are you doing?" Henry walks towards Alex and stopped infront of him.

"Just wait. You'll realise now why they call me the Golden Boy of America." Alex smirks.

"Show me the phone." Henry demands but Alex turns the opposite direction.

"So you are jealous."

"I'm not jealous. Why would I be jealous?" Henry asks.

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