By rosestoashess

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⋆.ೃ࿔*:・⋆.ೃ࿔*:・⋆.ೃ࿔*:・⋆.ೃ࿔*:・ i could've died right there, cause he was right beside me he hurt me but it felt... More

Character Cast
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight*
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve*
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen*
Chapter Eighteen*
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty One
Chapter Twenty Two
Chapter Twenty Three
Chapter Twenty Four
Chapter Twenty Six
Chapter Twenty Seven
Chapter Twenty Eight
Chapter Twenty Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty One*
Chapter Thirty Two
Chapter Thirty Three
Chapter Thirty Four
Chapter Thirty Five*
Chapter Thirty Six
Author's Note

Chapter Twenty Five*

63 2 0
By rosestoashess

Waking up the next morning for Katrina was a blur. She woke up around eleven, still in her clothes from last night except for her shoes. She was in Rafe's bed, yet there was no Rafe.

She sat up, rubbing underneath her eyes to not smear her leftover makeup. Her head pounded violently, nausea kicking up in the back of her throat. She also didn't remember much of last night at all, the last thing she did recall was walking downstairs with Rafe.

Katrina slouched over on the bed, her head in her hands as she collected herself. Standing up, she walked over to his stand up mirror and looked at herself, seeing that her hair was a mess. She ran her hands through it to try to fix it, hearing the bathroom door open across the room.

She turned, seeing Rafe coming out with a towel in his hand and black sweatpants on, the waistband of his boxers visible. She raised her eyebrows, looking to the side and pulling her eyes from him.

"Morning Kat. Sleep well?" Rafe started, rummaging through his drawers for a shirt to put on. She shook her head, crossing her arms and walking to sit at his desk. "I don't even know, like seriously. I think I blacked out last night." Katrina mumbled, shivering from the cold atmosphere that was the Cameron house.

"Yeah, you definitely did that. I'm surprised you're even up right now, I had to force you to bed at like four o'clock." Rafe smiled, throwing his shirt over his head. Katrina shook her head, looking down at the floor. 

"That's crazy. I should probably go home then, right? Fuck, I have work at twelve." Katrina sighed, completely forgetting that she was supposed to work today. Rafe raised his eyebrows, nodding.

"That's rough." Rafe commented, breathing out through puckered lips. "Yeah, tell me about it. I feel so bad right now, like actually. I don't wanna miss out though... Ugh. Can you give me a ride home please?" Katrina asked, standing up and grabbing her phone.

"Of course." Rafe said, walking up behind her and wrapping his arms around her waist. He pulled her into him, resting his head in the side of her neck, above her collarbone. Katrina smiled, putting her hands on top of his as she leaned back into him.

"Rafe, I gotta go. Come on." Katrina carried out, smiling yet pulling away from the boys grasp. "Will you scream at me again if I come see you today?" Rafe asked, and Katrina shook her head girlishly.

"Why, so you can give me another two hundred dollar tip? You got me up to five hundred that day in cash." Katrina teased, bending over and grabbing her shoes from the floor. Rafe grinned, his mouth slightly opened at her remark.

"You liked it. Gave Kie a hundred too. C'mon, I'm making your job worthwhile." Rafe told her, grabbing his keys and sliding on his sneakers. Katrina shook her head grinning, taking out her weed pen from her purse and hitting it. Weed usually did cure a hangover for her.

"Well, thanks. But you don't have to do that. I don't know why you did, honestly." Katrina shrugged, exhaling her hit of the dab pen. Rafe pursed his lips, opening the door as Katrina walked out in front of him.

He shut it behind her, finally responding to what she said. "I felt bad. Thought a tiny bit of cash would make you feel better." Rafe answered, opening the front door for her. Katrina rolled her eyes, the statement reminding her that Rafe was indeed just a man.

"I don't want money, Rafe. I have enough of that. I want respect." Katrina explained, getting into his truck and pushing her hair out of her face. It was a little windy today, the temperature cooling down slightly. 

The two of them sat in silence as Rafe drove down the road to her house, one hand on the wheel. Katrina looked around, her eyebrows furrowed as she tried to remember last night. Maybe Rafe would know.

"What'd we do last night?" Katrina asked, putting her feet up on the dashboard. Rafe looked over at her with a raised eyebrow, only letting her put her feet there because she was Katrina.

"We partied. You got shitfaced, did a bunch of my coke, smoked a bunch of my weed, and then I had to put you to bed. You actually wanted to keep going until the sun came up." Rafe explained, taking a right turn.

"Yikes. So was it like old times then?" Katrina asked, twirling her rings around her finger and looking over at Rafe. He licked his lips, a small smile coming across his face. "Yeah, little bit." Rafe answered, slowing down as he pulled into her driveway.

Katrina frowned as he stopped the truck, unbuckling her seatbelt. She turned to face him, taking in his features once more. She had to say, he looked pretty good with his hair grown out a bit.

"Two weeks?" Katrina asked, grabbing his hand and holding onto it as she looked at his side profile. He turned his head to face her, leaning his head back on the headrest of the driver seat.

"I promise. I'll make it all up to you. My beautiful girl," Rafe said sincerely, running his free hand through her hair and pushing it behind her shoulder. She blushed at his motion, a small smile creeping up on her face. 

"Okay. I'll hold you up to that." Katrina told him, leaning over the center console and kissing him quickly on the cheek. She grabbed her bag and shoes, opening the car door and hopping out. Katrina turned around and waved at him, blowing him a kiss before she got inside.

He didn't pull off until after she was in the house and the door was shut and locked. Part of him was sad, missing the feeling of her in his bed, her lips moving against his perfectly. Rafe really did adore her, and he was happy that she actually did give him time last night to just talk to her.

Inside, Katrina headed upstairs to get ready for work after talking to her mom and dad. They asked her the usual things, where she'd been and how her night was. She hurriedly showered and put on her work clothes, wanting to eat something and drink some water before her shift.

After she brushed her teeth and rinsed her mouth really well, she went downstairs and ate some leftover Thai food that her parents had last night. It wasn't her favorite, but she didn't hate it. It just wasn't her first choice, but it was seemingly the only thing that was already prepared to eat.

She ate quickly, drinking water as well. On her way out, she hugged her mom and dad goodbye and then headed to the car out front. She had about twenty minutes to get there which was plenty of time.

Starting the car, she felt kind of giddy inside. Rafe had made a promise to her that she hoped he'd keep. Spending the night with him- well, waking up next to him felt amazing. It felt like how things used to be, the good feelings she missed so much coming back to the surface around him.

She remembered the feeling of his lips last night before everything went blank, igniting a feeling of yearning inside of her. She kind of understood why she had to wait until her birthday to have him officially, but it still didn't help her short patience.

Parking the car, she sighed as she got out of the car, grabbing her purse and throwing it over her shoulder. She hadn't washed her hair, deciding not to because it'd be up all day anyways. 

On hey way in, she said hey to Kiara and Brooke at the hostess stand, clocking in a few minutes early for her shift. The Wreck wasn't outrageously packed, but there was a good amount of people there for the brunch they had on Sundays.

She tied her apron around her waist, putting on lip balm before going to see if there were any tables for her to take. Brooke sat her with two three tops, putting her to work right away. Kiara had tables of her own, along with Tristan.

She got into the flow of things pretty quickly, just focusing on taking care of her tables and making tips. It helped the time pass a little faster, which was common when she worked because she was usually doing so much at once with no down time.


Katrina rubbed her eyes in the servers pass, setting her notebook down on the counter and leaning against it. Kiara walked in, a tired look on her face. 

"I'm so exhausted. Last night was a lot, and today has been a lot." Kiara sighed, taking down her hair and running her hands through it to relieve some tension. "Trust me, I know. I've felt kind of shitty all day and have had to put on my best face and act like I'm all good. I shouldn't have drank so much last night, I don't remember anything at all." Katrina ranted, agreeing with her friend.

"You don't remember anything?" Kiara asked, furrowing her eyebrows and crossing her arms as she leaned back onto the wall. "Nope." Katrina answered, popping the 'p'.

"That's crazy. You were like, really visibly drunk. You fell on Topper, Rafe had to help you up, and then you also fell on the steps. Rafe had to take you to bed because you just kept drinking and doing all of his blow." Kiara told her, and Katrina raised her eyebrows. None of that resonated with her what so ever.

"Hmm. Interesting. Oh well." Katrina shrugged, walking to the computer and closing out her tickets. She had no more tables and it was six forty five, so The Wreck was closing in about fifteen minutes at seven. 

"Yeah, so what's up with you and Rafe?" Kiara asked, changing the subject. Katrina blushed at the mention of him, smiling to herself as she clicked away on the computer. "I don't know. Nothing right now. He's sweet though, I don't think he meant to hurt me. It just was the wrong time for us I guess." Katrina explained.

"Makes sense. I kinda figured that he still liked you after he brought Sophia out to dinner the other night and the guys and Sarah told me that he didn't even touch her until you came around. And the two hundred dollar tip he gave you." Kiara responded, hitting Katrina's weed pen that she'd been holding onto for a little.

She handed it to Katrina, giving it back to her. She took a hit, holding it in and nodding. "Yeah. Fuck her, I hate her. I hate her so much actually. She's a cunt." Katrina ranted, shaking her head in disgust at the thought of the girl.

"She's quite insufferable. I think she'll fuck off though, Sarah gave her a piece of her mind and told her that Rafe didn't actually give a shit about her and he was just using her." Kiara told her, and Katrina smiled at that. 

"Welp, that's what she gets for being a stupid slut." Katrina shrugged, turning away from the table and stapling her closed tickets together. She pulled out the cash she'd accumulated from today's tips, starting to count them out.

"Any love interests for you Ms. Carrera?" Katrina asked teasingly, still counting the cash. Kiara pursed her lips in a smile, looking to the side. "Kind of..." She trailed off, putting her hair back up in a bun.

"Kind of? Spill the beans, Kie." Katrina said, looking away from her money and at Kiara. Kiara had a girlish smile on her face as she shook her head, directing her gaze to the floor.

"I mean, you know JJ right... He's cute. And I like him, he's sweet to me. We hang out a lot more these days." Kiara confessed, and Katrina raised her eyebrows at that. "JJ. JJ Maybank. Interesting. So that's where you're at when you're not with any of us and not answering your phone. I thought you were just sleeping at home or something." Katrina shrugged.

"I mean, yeah pretty much. It's not so bad over there, they do whatever just like we do just without all of the luxury. I don't really mind it. Don't tell anyone I told you, but they're hunting down some sort of old cross made of gold. It's fun to go on adventures with them." Kiara told her, and Katrina nodded.

"Hunting treasure. Why am I not surprised?" She responded, smiling at her friend with her hand on her hip. "Yeah. And they have like, some of the best weed I've ever smoked. The only downside is they drink shitty beers most of the time. It's different though, I like it. A step out of the bubble wrap that Kook life is." Kiara explained.

"I guess if you say so. I love it here though, I couldn't imagine being a pogue. No shade to them, it's just not how I was brought up. I'm so used to the 'bubble wrap'." Katrina responded honestly, hitting her dab pen.

"Yeah, I get you. Some people are just different." Kiara shrugged, counting her cash tips from today. "Yeah, you're right. It's okay to be different. Do what makes you happy, Kie. You'll always have us though." Katrina told her, pulling her hair out of the bun it'd been in all day.

Kiara smiled at her friend, glad to know that she didn't judge her like her parents did. They'd kind of been on her ass lately about hanging out with JJ, John B. and Pope so much, but she worked her ass off at The Wreck hoping that they'd ease up on her.

"Alright, well I'm gonna head out for the night. I'll see you sometime this week, yeah?" Katrina asked, grabbing her bag and hugging her friend. "Yeah. Get home safe Kat, I love you." Kiara said, waving at her friend as she headed to the double doors out of the servers pass.

"Love you too Kie, get home safe too. Night." Katrina said, heading out of the doors and to the front entrance of the restaurant. She rubbed her eyes, tiredness washing over her as the day was beginning to come to an end.

Outside, the sun was setting, leaving an orange and pink hue on the sky. It was pretty, the sunsets always were in the Outer Banks. She started her mom's car, getting in and buckling her seatbelt.

Katrina quickly got home, walking in and heading upstairs. She took off her work clothes, sitting on her bed in a bra and shorts as she checked her phone. She saw a text from a certain boy, not expecting it but quickly opening it with eagerness.

Rafe Cameron

hey kat

ru off work yet

yes why

sneak out or sneak me in?

lol wym

I mean I wanna see u

thought u couldn't till im 18

I mean its fine if no one knows right?

its just cuz of my dad and rose


sneak u in

ok bet

ill be there in 20 leaving rn

Katrina shut off her phone, smiling to herself. She quickly went to the bathroom, snapping out of her thoughts and starting the shower. She'd been gross from working all day, and she didn't want to be gross around Rafe.

After her shower, she did her skincare, brushed her hair and put on a cropped tank top and matching shorts. It was a sleep set she'd gotten a little while ago from Brandy Melville, and she wouldn't usually sleep in it but she wanted to look cute. Afterwards, she sprayed herself with Good Girl Extreme by Caroline Herrera, a heavy floral, fruity yet airy scent.

She put her hair in two French braids, pushing them in front of her shoulders. While she was scrolling through instagram on her phone, she heard a knock at the door on her balcony. She turned, seeing Rafe standing there.

She quickly got up, walking over to the door and letting him in. He wrapped his arms around her, hugging her tightly and kissing the top of her head. "Miss me?" Katrina asked, looking up at him as she pulled away.

"Too much." Rafe said plainly, walking over to her door and locking it. If he was sneaking in, he didn't want her parents opening the door and possibly telling Ward or Rose that he was here with Katrina.

"I missed you too. I didn't expect you to text me." Katrina told him, plopping down on her bed with her feet dangling off the edge, her arms holding up her weight.

"Really?" Rafe asked, walking up to her and sitting next to her on her bed. "Mhm. I'm glad you did though." Katrina answered, swaying her feet on the edge of the bed. He nodded, taking off his backpack and pulling out two blunts and a lighter. 

"Wanna smoke?" Rafe asked bluntly, and Katrina's face lit up as she looked at the boy. "Definitely. Come on, we can on my balcony." She said, grabbing her water bottle and standing up.

She opened one of the double doors, sitting on the couch that faced the railing, a pretty view of the sunset as it reached its lowest point, almost fully down. Rafe sat next to Katrina, handing her a blunt and lighting his first. 

She laid her legs across his lap, propping her head up on one of the pillows that sat with the couch. He passed her the lighter, his blunt being lit. She lit hers, inhaling slowly and tasting the flavor of weed and grape tobacco.

He put his hand on her leg, his cold rings touching her skin causing goosebumps in the area where they made contact. She looked at him with adoration in her eyes, her pupils dilated and irises seeping through her eyelashes.

He felt her eyes on him, turning his head slowly and leaning it back onto the sofa cushion as he watched her. He blinked slowly as he hit the blunt, inhaling the smoke then exhaling shortly after.

"You're so beautiful, Katrina. I could fall in love with you." Rafe confessed, licking his lips before hitting the blunt again. "Rafe..." Katrina trailed off, looking out at the last orange bit of the sky. The waves crashed onto the shore roughly, the sound relaxing her mind along with the weed.

"What?" He asked sweetly, his dimples showing as he smiled at her. Katrina was silent for a moment, debating on whether she should tell him how she really felt. After hitting the blunt two more times, she made up her mind.

"I um, well. I think I do love you. Even if you don't love me, that's okay. I love you though. And I realized it last night. It's why I was so heartbroken when you left, it's why I acted out towards you out of pain. It was all... out of love." Katrina confessed, looking away from the boy. She hit the blunt again, nervousness filling her up.

Rafe looked away from her, blinking slowly at the horizon as he held his blunt in his hand, bringing to to his mouth and taking another puff. "I mean, how could I not, right? I get why Sophia acted the way she did around you. You're Rafe Cameron, any girl could love you. I'd be crazy if I didn't. There's no way I couldn't." Katrina continued, rambling at this point.

She felt kind of embarrassed, and kind of worried because he'd been silent ever since she said those three words to him. His hand still rested on her thigh, rubbing it lightly, his rings warming on her skin. He finally looked over to her, licking his lips.

"You love me, hmm? So that's why you trashed your room over me, and screamed at me at The Wreck, and pushed me away at that party on Labor Day weekend. I get it." Rafe said sarcastically, and Katrina scoffed and rolled her eyes.

"I'm joking, chill. I just don't know what to say, I've never had a girl actually.. love me, like you say you apparently do, or do the things you've done for me. You're different, it's part of the reason why I can't keep myself from you." Rafe explained, trailing circles on her leg with his thumb.

Katrina's heart dropped a little at his response, but not too much because she didn't expect him to say it back. She just wanted him to know. She looked back at the horizon, blinking slowly as she ashed her blunt.

She sat up, climbing on top of him. Her legs rested on both sides of his body, one hand around his neck and the other holding the blunt he'd given her. She looked down at him intensely, her eyes captured with passion and lust.

"You know I'd do anything for you. I mean it Rafe, God I missed you so much. You're all I ever wanted and more." Katrina confessed, running her hand along his jaw, the blunt being held with her two fingers as she was careful not to let the cherry touch him.

He licked his lips, looking up at her as his hand laid on her thigh, the other holding his blunt. His eyes were low and slightly red as he looked at the girl on his lap, a feeling of infatuation coursing through his mind.

"I know, Katrina. I know." Rafe mumbled, hitting his blunt and holding onto her thigh. She hit hers as well, putting it out in the ashtray and putting her hands in his lap, next to both of their centers.

He moved his hand from her thigh, running it up the side of her waist, then down again slowly. She readjusted herself on his lap, knowing what she was doing, or at least trying to do. He clenched his jaw, holding his blunt to the side as he watched her movements. 

Her nipples had hardened underneath her shirt from the cool breezes that came and went, Rafe taking notice of that. He took one last hit of his blunt, putting it out in the ash tray then bringing his other hand to her waist. 

He looked into her slightly reddened eyes, licking his lips as he held onto her was it tightly, readjusting himself underneath her. Katrina grabbed his jaw, leaning down to his lips in the heat of the moment.

She kissed him softly as first, their lips moving against one another's in sync. Rafe moved his hands down her waist to the sides of he ass, rubbing and squeezing her there. She leaned further into him, slightly arching her lower back and running her hand into his hair, wrapping stands in her fingers.

He licked her lip, their tongues meeting in an opened mouth kiss. Heavy breathing and swift motions of their hips went on, Katrina becoming flustered on top of him. His hands grabbed her ass harder, causing her to gasp out into the kiss.

Katrina pulled away, looking down at him with big, lustful eyes. He ran his thumb over her bottom lip, pulling it down. She grabbed his hand, holding it in hers. "Rafe..." She started, moving against his hips slowly. He raised his eyebrows as if asking her what, Katrina taking the hint.

"I want you." She said sweetly, bringing his fingers to her mouth. She wrapped her lips around his middle and index fingers, closing her eyes as she ran her tongue over the pads of his two fingers. He slacked his jaw, watched her movements as he felt himself harden underneath her.

"Yeah?" Rafe asked lowly, pulling his fingers away and bringing his hand to her breath, squeezing it lightly. "Yeah." Katrina breathed out, rolling her hips slightly along his hardening member.

She got off of him, standing up and walking behind him, wrapping her arms around the top of his shoulders. She trailed her lips along the side of his neck,  just slightly touching his skin. Rafe grabbed her hands, taking them off of his chest and standing up.

He walked past her, grabbing her hand and pulling her inside, shutting the door behind them. "You sure you wanna do this?" Rafe asked, trailing his hands down her body as he backed her into the bed. Katrina nodded wordlessly, looking up at him, her attention fully on him.

She sat back on the bed tucking her hands in the waistband of his pants and tugging on it, her eyes never leaving the sight of him. He licked his lips, running his thumb down her lips before gently pushing her back onto the bed, and getting on top of her.

She kept one hand in the waistband of his pants, moving the other to the back of his head and tugging lightly on his hair as he went down onto her, kissing her neck harshly. He sucked and bit the sensitive skin, Katrina biting her lip at the sensation.

She palmed him through his boxers, his dick hard against her hand. Rafe stood up, taking off his shirt and tossing it across the room. He leant down onto his knees, pulling Katrina to the edge of the bed and looping his fingers in the waistband of her shorts, pulling them down with her underwear.

She sat up on her elbows watching him, her lip tucked between her teeth as she felt the cool air hit her sensitive heat. He looked up at her, his eyes dark and low, going down onto her heat and putting his tongue fully on her, wasting no time.

Katrina threw her head back, putting one hand on top of his head and holding onto his strands, her breaths picking up as he flattened his tongue against her. He grunted into her heat as she pulled harder on his hair, sending vibrations throughout her body.

He rubbed two fingers against her slits, getting them wet before pushing them into her, his rings chilled against her hot folds. She moaned out at the sensation, Rafe sucking on her clit and pushing his fingers in and out of her at a blissful pace.

He grabbed her thigh with his other hand, holding onto it tightly helping her keep it up. He let go of her thigh soon after though, unbuttoning his pants and pulling them down slightly, enough to where he could stroke himself at the sound and taste of her.

He rubbed his hand up and down his length, his fist wrapped around himself as he kept up what he was doing with his mouth, his fingers still plunging into her walls. She arched her back off the bed, pushing herself further into his face as she felt herself getting close, her stomach clenching at his movements.

She held onto his hair tightly, moaning out profanities and heavy breaths as he sucked softly, yet a bit harshly on her clit giving her the perfect feeling. Rafe moaned as he felt his cock twitch in his hand, taking it off and bringing it back to her thigh. 

He knew she was close by the way she was clenching around his fingers, and how her body was relaxing, Rafe holding her leg up for support. "Focus, Rafe you're gonna make me cum," Katrina breathed out, arching her back once more. He kept his movements up, not changing a thing as he felt her pulsate around his fingers.

He pulled them out, lapping his tongue against he as she came onto it, sucking up her cum. He pulled away, licking his lips to savor the taste of her. As she caught her breath, Rafe came down onto her, pulling off his pants and rubbing himself against her wetness.

"Fuck," He moaned out slowly, his breaths heavy as he tapped himself against her. "Come on, baby. Fuck me." Katrina breathed out, looking up at his current state. His jaw was slacked open as he looked down at her, pushing himself into her walls.

She moaned at the initial feeling of him pushing into her, feeling herself fill up with his length. Her mouth gaped open, her eyes shutting as he moved inside of her slowly.

Rafe came up, propping one of his knees up onto the bed and holding one of hers back, allowing himself to go deeper inside of her. He watched her pleased state underneath him, his eyes trailing down to himself pushing in and out of her as her wetness coated his length.

"God, I missed you so much." Katrina breathed out, putting her hand on the bottom of his stomach, almost unable to take all of him. "Did you?" Rafe asked lowly, slacking his jaw as he felt her soaking around him. "Fuck, yes." Katrina moaned, holding her hand in between his toned v-line.

"Stop running then." He told her, pushing her hand away and leaning down on top of her, wrapping a hand around her neck. She bit her lip at the sensation, being forced to take all of him. She felt pleasure rush through her veins as he held her neck tightly, rolling her eyes back into her head.

"Good girl," He breathed out, feeling himself plunging into the deepest parts of her. She licked her lips, grabbing onto his arm and digging her fingernails into the skin, needing something to hold onto.

She grabbed his hand, pulling It away from her throat and taking a deep breath from the lack of air. Rafe grabbed her face, his fingers resting deeply into her cheeks as he came down on her lips, sloppily kissing them. She kissed him back, their mouths moving against one another as he continued to fuck her restlessly.

He pulled his lips off of hers, resting his head in her neck as he held her legs up, his eyes rolled back from the feeling of her. He lips met her neck, Rafe sucking harshly on the sensitive skin. He took one of his hands off of her leg, running it underneath her shirt and playing with her hardened nipple, Katrina moaning at the added sensation.

He pinched lightly, his lips moving along her neck and kissing different areas. Katrina's hand gripped onto his hair, the other holding onto his strong bicep as she tried her best to take all of him.

Rafe grunted on top of her, pulling his bottom lip between his tweets before slacking his jaw in pleasure. He stood up, putting his hands on either side of her waist, squeezing her there. "Fuck, Kat. You're so good." Rafe groaned, feeling himself getting close.

"No, you." Katrina said sweetly, trying to help him cum. She ran her hands down his abdomen, Rafe's toned stomach clenching underneath her touch. He threw his hand back, mumbling profanities as he felt his high taking over. "Shit," Rafe breathed out, his length twitching inside of her.

Katrina moaned at the feeling of his cum inside of her, at her deepest point. He slowed down soon after, pulling out of her. Katrina sat up, watching as Rafe grabbed his boxers and pulled a pair of sweatpants out of his backpack he brought.

He slid them on, turning to Katrina with a smile on his face. He walked over to her, grabbing her shorts and underwear and handing them to her. She smiled cheekily, a blush resting on her face. She felt on top of the world right now, as if everything was perfect.

"Ugh, I needed that. I feel amazing." Katrina sighed happily, sliding her underwear and shorts onto her legs. She stood up, pulling them up all the way ask Rafe looked at her with a smirk. "Am I really that good?" He said cockily, grabbing her water bottle from the balcony and giving it to her.

"Psh, don't flatter yourself." Katrina teased, taking the water bottle from Rafe and having a few drinks. He chuckled, laying down on the bed and checking his phone. Katrina grabbed hers too, getting on the other side of the bed so she was next to him.

Rafe rested his head on the headboard, not fully laying down. "You look so good after I fuck you." Rafe mentioned, and Katrina raised her eyebrows. "No way. Don't you men get post nut clarity or something?" Katrina asked, laying on her stomach and looking up at Rafe as she swayed her feet in the air.

"I mean yeah but like, that's only if you don't really like the girl or don't think she's cute or some shit. I like you and I think you're gorgeous. I've never had it with you." Rafe told her, and Katrina nodded. She supposed that was actually a good thing.

"Mm. Good to know." Katrina smiled, sitting up and on her knees as she looked at Rafe. His face was blushed, his hair sort of messy, and his skin was glistening, but he looked amazing as ever.

"Come here." Rafe said sweetly, holding his phone in his hand. Katrina moved over to him, sitting right next to him now with her head on the headboard as well. She bent her knees, not wanting to lay down fully.

"What for?" She smiled, looking over at the boy. "I want pictures of us together. We haven't had any since AC." Rafe explained, and Katrina smiled, taking his phone and leaning her head on his shoulder.

She held it up, snapping a few pictures of them together, some of Rafe kissing her, some of her head on his shoulder. Katrina smiled girlishly, kissing him on the cheek and snapping a photo. "So you really love me, huh?" Rafe asked, taking his phone and closing it. 

"Yup. I'm, like infatuated with you. I have never, loved anyone romantically. But I know that I love you." Katrina told him, and he nodded. "I'll love you. Time will tell." Rafe said, wrapping his arm around her.

"I don't care if you do or don't, Rafe. You don't have to. Being around you is enough for me." Katrina pleaded, grabbing his hand that was around her shoulder and holding it. 

"Mm. Whatever you say, Kat." Rafe muttered, kissing her on the top of her head. Katrina laid next to him peacefully, wanting nothing else in the world but to be by his side forever. It was enough for her, just being with him. In his presence.

Katrina rested her hand on his abdomen, laying her head on his chest. Rafe played with her braid, looking down at her in adoration. He adored her, really. Her sweet aura, her loyalty to him. How she didn't think twice about being with anyone else, how she'd stayed to herself until he came back around.

Part of him felt like he didn't deserve a girl as good as Katrina, but part of him felt like she was everything he needed. Laying in her bed, with her on top of him, he just didn't have any other care in the world except for her.

Of course, she'd do anything for him and Rafe very well knew that. Now he kew that she loved him, something he'd never felt from many people at all except for their group of friends. She made him feel special, like he was worth more than what his dad and Rose made him out to be.

She didn't see him for a drug addict, or a bad brother, or a lazy son. She saw him as Rafe, she saw him for who he really was. That comforted Rafe a lot, knowing that he could be his full self around her without fear of judgement or backlash.

Rafe reached over to turn off her lamp, the room going dark except for the moonlight that shone through the balcony door slightly illuminating the room. He carefully moved down into the bed so he wasn't on the headboard anymore, careful not to wake Katrina.

He fell asleep with her in his arms, never feeling as content or satisfied than he did right in that moment. The night was kind of perfect, and Rafe was glad that his dad wasn't around to fuck it up this time. Two weeks, and they could be openly together, and no one would be able to say anything about it.

The two of them yearned for that moment in time, her birthday. Katrina didn't care that she was turning eighteen, or that there'd be a big party, she only cared that she'd be back together with Rafe. More exclusively than the last time, too.

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