π•Ώπ–Šπ–“π•Ύπ–šπ–—π–†: π•Ύπ–Žπ–‘π–›π–Šπ–—...

By Minerva-El-tan

49.6K 1.4K 544

Summary: What if Satoru Mikami was reincarnated as the 8th Primordial Demon, the Silver King known as Argent... More

Spoiler - Character Introduction
Chapter-1: Primordial Silver, Argent
Chapter-2: Underworld & Silminia Kingdom
Chapter-3: Super-Magic Kingdom
Chapter-4: Evil God, Ivarage
Chapter-6: Partner In Crime
Chapter-7: Tenma War
Chapter-8: Silver Devil Emperor's Influence
Chapter-9: Masked Hero Chronoa
Side Story: Ariel (Edited)
Chapter-10: Three Demoness Trio
Chapter-11: Pseudo Rimuru
Chapter-12: Starting A Village
Chapter-13: Conqueror of Flame's & The Ogres
Chapter-14: Invasion of Orcs
Chapter-15: The Battle & Jura Forest Gathering
Chapter-16: Tempest & The Destroyer
Chapter-17: Visitors & Return?!?!
Chapter-18: Rimuru's True Body & The Rematch
Side Chapter-18.5: Space-Time Leap (Time Warp)
Chapter-19: Evil Creeps
Side Chapter-19.5: Fruitful Love
Chapter-20.1: Return
Chapter-20.5: Fear Me
Chapter 21: The Time Girl & The Queen
Chapter 22: The Rise of The Devils
[Short] Chapter 23: Helper? Who?
Information: Rimuru Tempest
Chapter 24: Arcadia
Chapter 25: Finally, Moving Forward!

Chapter-5: Devil Lords, True Hero & True Dragon?

2K 66 7
By Minerva-El-tan

Hundreds and Thousands of years had passed since the battle against Ivarage ended, and since Argent was named into Rimuru by Veldanava, Rimuru is currently in Guy's territory, the Continent in the North, called Ice Continent

Velzard the Second True Dragon, the Frost Dragon became Guy's partner, and because of Velzard's constant releasing of Aura, the Continent in the North became frozen thats why its called Ice Continent, no weak monster can enter there

"You called, Guy" Rimuru said to Guy who is infront of him, sitting on his throne with Misery by his side, Guy reply "Thank you for accepting my invitation, Rimuru, i called you here because of a certain people" Guy said and stand up

"What do you mean by 'certain people' Guy" Rimuru ask and suddenly the door burst open and someone entered, three individual entered while releasing a strong aura "Here we go again" Guy mutter to himself and sigh

"Hahaha we meet again, Guy" a human with blond hair said with a smile, along with him is the Scorch Dragon Velgrynd and another female human "Uh and who are you blonde" Rimuru said and Guy just smile "Uh Rimuru be kind to him, he may not look like it but his Veldanava's student"

Guy said and Rimuru's face was suprise, the blonde walk toward Rimuru with a sword "And who are you" the blonde ask and Rimuru answer "Rimuru, known far and wide as the Silver Primordial, Argent"

"Uh so your another demon, lets figh-"

"But first introduce yourself" Rimuru cut him off and he introduce himself "I am Rudra Nasca, the prince of the Nasca Kingdom and also a Awaken Hero, some would call me the Hero of The Beginning"

The next is the human girl "And i am Lucia Nasca, the princess of the Nasca Kingdom... and also..." she hesitate but Guy answer "She's also Veldanava's lover"

Rimuru was dumbfounded "What the actually God is happening in this world, oh never mind shall we fight now" and Rudra without a warning, appeared infront of Rimuru "I see" and Rimuru's claw appeared again

[Clang] Rimuru's claw and Rudra's God Grade Sword, Deva that was given by Veldanava collided creating a sparkle on the air and Rudra kick Rimuru and was push away for few meters "Kufufu interesting" Rimuru's gold eyes shine a bit

And [Thud] Rimuru's claw pierce through Rudra's shoulder "Argh!" and Rimuru instantly pulled his claw back "H-how... how do you have this much speed" and without a single word, Rimuru appeared behind Rudra "Shi-ne (Die)" Rimuru's claw was about to hit Rudra's chest when suddenly

[Bud] someone deflected the attack, it was Velgrynd, she then kick Rimuru who then was sent flying back destroying the barrier Guy just put up recently while fighting and hit the wall "Gryun why did you intervene" Rudra ask Velgrynd who was glaring at where Rimuru was sent

Smoke cover where Rimuru was sent "Kufufu hehe HUAHAHAHA!" Laugh was heard as the presence from Rimuru became dense and stronger, almost at the level of a True Dragon "Is this the certain people you said, Guy"

Guy just smirk and that smirk just answered Rimuru's question and Rimuru, blitzing the speed of a fired bullet, came out of the smoke and toward Velgrynd, Rimuru's claw was coated using Demon Lord's Haki

[Shing] Rimuru swung his claw toward Velgrynd who just dodge it [Thud] Rimuru didn't let Velgrynd escape, he kicked Velgrynd's left waist, that kick was enough to kill a Arch Demon, Velgrynd was then sent flying but was stop as Rimuru grab Velgrynd's hair and kick her face using his right knee

And then Velgrynd's abdomen, he punched it using his right fist that was coated by Demon Lord's Haki "No escape" And without hesitation, Rimuru piece Velgrynd's chest with his left hand claw



Rudra and Lucia was so worried that they went straight to Velgrynd "H-ho-how!" Velgrynd said as she slowly fell "Don't worry, i heard True Dragon's can be resurrected even if their soul is destroyed, similar to us, Primordial" Rimuru said coldly as the Claw disappeared

"Y-Y-YOU... Monster" Rudra was shaking out of anger meanwhile Velzard and Guy was shock by what Rimuru just did "we monster have rules... that is survival of the fittest, if you don't follow this rules then your good as dead"

Rudra, then went toward Rimuru at full speed and began attacking him, but Rimuru just keep dodging "DAMN YOU!!"

Rudra tried to piece Rimuru's chest but failed as Rimuru, without his claw, punch Rudra's abdomen so hard that it knocked him off unconscious "Humans" Rimuru mutter and went toward Velgrynd "D-damn you... don't... you dare... hurt Lucia... or Rudra" Velgrynd said slowly as she tried to stand up

"Ugh, seeing your Veldanava's younger sister, i will give you a reward for entertaining me" and with the help of Rimuru, Velgrynd's body healed almost instantly, as if nothing had happened, even the torn clothes was returned to normal

"Rimuru right, your truly a oddball demon, Guy said" Velzard said and look at Velgrynd "And thank you by the way, for sparing my younger sister" Velzard continue with a gentle smile

"Lucia right, Veldanava's lover, i know i may be cruel sometimes but its the truth, do whatever you can to protect your love ones, get stronger or suffer the consequences, go home for now and let the two rest" Lucia was crying

She may look weak but she's also strong, an Arch Demon level or higher, later the three then left to return to the Nasca Kingdom

Years had passed since that duel, Cruel Duel, Rimuru and Rudra became what you call, a frenemies, friends and enemy at the same time, they are like rival but actually on neutral side, Rudra doesn't want to fight Rimuru again and that goes for Rimuru too

"Wait, are you serious, Obera" Obera, one of the Seven Angel of Origin nodded to Rimuru's question "Damn, the four got a heavy duty, not gonna lie, i just knew something was happening when i didn't saw the four of them in the Star Palace" Veldanava has invited Rimuru years ago to the Star Palace for some some chat

"And not only that, the fourth True Dragon has just been born, the Storm Dragon Veldora" Guy said and sigh "Though, he acts arrogantly and only cause chaos" Guy continue and Rimuru felt a pity for Guy, because Guy is the mediator, meaning he got to deal with that dragon messes

"Milim Nava, that's elder brother's daughter" Velzard suddenly appeared and sat down beside's Guy, who is infront of Rimuru "Huh"

"Lucia-san has given birth to a child named Milim Nava, Elder Brother's child with Lucia, and elder brother's power was mostly taken at Milim's birth, brother is now severely weakend to a athetic human's level"

"Rimuru, you beaten Velgrynd in her humanoid form without going all out, and you will still Velgrynd even in her dragon form by going all out"

"Oh... you know" Rimuru said, and then stand up "Going for now, and by the way, i will be keeping the other Primordials in check, as its new Ruler of Underworld" Rimuru took Guy's position in the Underworld as the Ruler of Underworld

Even though there is only a few in number of the Silver Lineage, that doesn't mean they are weak, the Greater Demon from that lineage is almost and some is on par with Arch Demons mainly that "Certain" someone

To Be Continue
End of The Fourth Chapter

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