
由 remlee42

27 0 0

is it cool that i said all that? is it chill that you're in my head? 'cause i know that it's delicate. 更多

this is me trying
late night talking
mother's daughter
be nice to me
the lucky one
outrunning karma
comfort crowd
just like heaven
the grudge

snow on the beach

3 0 0
由 remlee42

After that stupid day at the quidditch pitch, Draco hung around less and less, and Delia was angry. She wasn't sure how, but she knew it was something about her. It had been months of this, whatever this was, and Delia was sick of it. She'd done nothing wrong, and yet somehow, it was all her fault. Just like at home she'd thought quietly to herself. She missed cracking jokes, and with everything that had been happening to Potter, she wanted nothing more than to help Draco even his score. But that wasn't her place anymore. He'd decided that some brunette, her name was Daphne, was better than her. This had infuriated her to the point she'd almost written her mother, but she knew what would happen if she did. But she was closer to Blaise and Pansy than ever. After she'd listened in on their conversation that night, she'd entered and let them know it was okay. She wasn't angry and was relived more than anything. Blaise promised to invite her over more often. Draco had tried to listen in but saw her sitting at the end of the stairs and couldn't. He was a little angry Blaise knew what went on and he didn't but told himself it didn't matter. She was no longer a huge piece in his life. He couldn't help but steal glances at her whenever he got the chance even if his "girlfriend" was sitting in front of him. He didn't particularly like Daphne, but she was so different from Delia that he didn't care. Every so often when he stole his glances he could see her so detached from what was happening and she was angry. He wondered if he'd caused that but quickly reminded himself he didn't care.
"Delia, you're not even listening." Pansy whined. "Blaisey, make her listen."
Delia stopped thinking.
"Sorry, Pans, thinking you know."
"You're forgiven my darling." Pansy kissed her on the cheek and laughed when she grimaced and wiped it away.
"Ugh you're gross!" They laughed together and Delia almost felt right but someone was missing and it hurt her heart in a way she couldn't explain.  They continued talking and messing around as they ate but they were joined by someone. Delia spoke first.
"Are you lost, Theodore?"
"Only in your eyes, darling Delia." He gave her a wink and she rolled her eyes. Pansy and Blaise had finally convinced her Nott did like her, and they had something. It wasn't quite a relationship, but they flirted. She didn't like it when he called her darling.
"Oh please," Delia scoffed, "do better Theodore." He gave her a grin that would make most girls swoon but never a Lightwood girl.
"I'm trying my best here, Dels."
"I know. Do better." Pansy gave an exasperated sigh. She was worried Delia would never be a normal person. Here was Theodore Nott, a very attractive, wealthy, Slytherin and she refused to actually give him the time of day. Vivian would be pleased if she brought him home, but she couldn't. She wasn't sure why exactly, but she just couldn't bring herself to go fully in with him.
"Anyway, my darling Delia, I stopped by to ask you if you'd like to join me later to help me with this essay." She bristled a bit at the pet name, but quickly recovered.
"I suppose I could do that; what's in it for me?" She looked at him expectantly. He looked like he wasn't sure what to say, and that made her laugh.
"I'm only joking; I'll help you of course." He smiled then grabbed her hand and kissed it. "It's a date then, I shall see you later my darling." Draco picked the wrong time to look at her. Watching Nott kiss her hand almost made him lose his temper. She would have never given him the time of day before, and he wondered what had changed. He failed to realize it was him. Classes were boring; Delia excelled in them, but she was horribly bored by teachers. She did better on her own. And she was so tired of having to be escorted to each class; she actually wished Potter and co would fix things just to end this. She cursed herself in her head for rooting for them, but this was torture. Well, not torture but close enough. Delia was glad when the day was over so she could claim her sofa and not think about anything. She had only just flopped into her spot when Nott came in.
"Oh good, you're down already. I was going to go get you."
"It's your lucky day then isn't it?"
"Duh, you've agreed to hang out with me."
"Theodore, you must do better than your cheesy lines with me."
"I'll impress you one day, Lightwood."
He came to sit with her on the sofa.
"I don't really need to write an essay; I just wanted to spend some time with you." He'd confessed to her.
"I figured as much; you're not that slick." He chuckled.
"Looks like you've got a brain up there then,huh?" Delia almost froze as she flashed back to when Draco had made that exact joke; when they were still friends. She composed herself quickly.
"Looks like it. I can't imagine why you'd want to hang around with me though. Surely, you'd find easier company." He laughed.
"You're special though my darling Delia; I'm actually fond of you. I enjoy our banter." He grabbed her hand, and she almost pulled away but left it. Pansy had made her promise to try to be normal.
"So do I." She smiled at him and it almost reached her eyes; she did enjoy their conversations and flirty banter, but it reminded her of Draco. It hurt at the same time.
"Delia, I want you to know that I really do like you, and I know who you are. You're strong and regal honestly. I know you're not emotional, but I hope that maybe you could find a way to be that with me." She was shocked. No one had ever said anything like that to her other than Pansy. Her own mother had never said anything close.
"Oh I'm sorry did I upset you? I am so sorry, Delia."
She shook her head quickly.
"Oh no, it was actually so nice to hear something like that for once. Excuse my weakness, please." He laughed and she was almost offended.
"Anyone who would ever think to call you weak doesn't know the definition." She smiled at him.
"Can I kiss you, my darling?" The pet name didn't even bother her very much this time. She was about to say yes when the door opened. Delia was instantly agitated again when she recognized the person intruding on her moment.
"Sorry to interrupt, well, whatever this is, but I need to borrow Delia." She had to hold back a laugh and went with a scoff instead.
"You have some nerve, Malfoy. You practically ditch me and honestly never mind me, Pansy, and Blaise and you think you can borrow me for a second now?" She was absolutely raging. "You can go right on up to your room. I wouldn't give you the time if you asked." Draco hadn't thought his entire plan through. He'd just hoped he could interrupt them and maybe she'd just go to bed; he should've known she'd react. She was just standing there glaring at him now and he was frozen to the spot. He'd seen her this angry but never at him.
"Darl-"  She cut him off quick.
"No. You don't get to do that. You made it perfectly clear we are not friends. You don't get to play along with the jokes anymore. Now go to bed!" He knew he couldn't say anything else so he listened to her. Delia lost her temper; she knew better than to do that. At least her mother wasn't here to witness it.
"I apologize, Theodore. I don't usually lost my cool like that."
"No, no, from what I've gathered, he had it coming. I have to ask you though; were you and him together?" She scoffed.
"No. We were very dear friends, but I guess I did something to make him want to leave us."
"What could you have possibly done?"
"I've no idea actually. He just stopped coming around and it always felt like my fault."
"He's a real git for that; you don't deserve that."
"I know."
"I understand if you'd like to just go to bed now; it's okay." Delia didn't respond. She just kissed him.
Delia returned to her room around eleven that night. Pansy was waiting for her as she promised.
"Oh you've got to tell me what happened! I heard your little shouting match."
"Of course you did. Anyway, that was Draco being an ass. Wanting to ask me for something as if he has the right. But Pansy you'd be proud. He was so sweet to me and I couldn't help myself. I kissed him." Pansy squeaked at the news.
"You didn't!"
"I did!" Delia almost felt like a normal girl just getting to gossip with her best friend about boys and kisses. Pansy practically leapt from her bed to Delia's.
"This is so exciting! Are you together or what's happening?"
"I'm not sure. We didn't really talk about it, but I don't think I'd mind it. And you know my mother would approve of him. This could be good for me, Pans."
"Of course! Oh, I'm thrilled for you my love, but are you sure about this?"
"I honestly don't know; I'm just going to keep spending time with him and figure out if it's something I want. Truthfully, I'm a little worried my mother would try to change him if we were to be together. That's why I don't have new friends."
"Well, he's a good pick Dels. I think she'd have to love him. Like you said, take it slow. Can I sleep in your bed?" Delia giggled and opened her arms to embrace her friend.


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