this is me trying

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Delia Lightwood had been waiting for her Hogwarts letter for as long as she could remember, and the day she got it, would be a day she never forgot. She had smiled all day long and had been so excited it had even made her mother smile at her, a real smile. Vivian Lightwood was an exceptionally regal woman, the image of perfection, and it seemed to be Delia's mission to cause her mother stress. The Lightwoods were a very prominent family in the wizarding world, and Delia's innate desire to be noticed did not sit well with her mother. Their family couldn't be seen acting the way Delia wanted to. Loud and obnoxious were not words to describe them.
"I suppose we'll have to go and get your school things then, Delia." Delia's eyes lit up as she shrieked with glee which made her mother frown at her. Delia quieted down; she knew better than that and wished she could stop making her mother sad. Vivian was sad too often.
"Go get dressed, princess." Delia walked up the stairs, her sandals thumping against the marble as she went. Getting dressed to be seen by the public was one of Delia's hardest tasks. Somehow, she was just never presentable enough; there would always be something out of place and something for her mother to criticize. Scouring through her racks and racks of clothes, she finally found a decent ensemble and proceeded to make her auburn hair perfectly pin straight. Her mother gave her an approving nod when she came back downstairs.
The Lightwoods mad their way through the shops of Diagon Alley, Delia picking her books and getting her things, and Vivian making polite chit chat with the other women accompanying their children. Delia tried her best to be the perfect child, but sometimes she just really couldn't help it. How could she be expected to stand while her mother talked to Ms. Zabini when she could be admiring gowns instead? Her mother was furious when she realized she had gone and made sure her daughter knew it when they returned home. Delia couldn't wait to go to Hogwarts; really, she just couldn't wait to not have to be perfect all the time.
September had come and the Lightwoods made their way to King Cross station. She'd never say or show it, but Vivian was a little sad to see her only child, and real company she's had, leave her. But Delia was meant for great things, and Vivian made sure she knew it. Delia, though a little wild, had an aura that just radiated confidence. She knew who she was, and she knew who wasn't worthy of her. The whistle blew and Delia hugged her mother.
"Be good, and write me often, princess." Vivian smoother her daughter's hair. Delia scowled.
"Of course, mother. I'll see you over the holidays." They embraced and Delia strutted onto the train to find her compartment. Delia did know a few children her age, the wealthy, Pureblood children. If she couldn't claim a space to herself, she at least looked for one of the people she could be bothered to talk to.
"Hey, Lightwood." Delia whipped her head preparing to curse whoever dared address her that way, but smirked when she saw it was only Pansy Parkinson. Pansy was a rather bubbly girl and one of Delia's dearest friends. They only spoke at their families' boring galas, but those were held often enough.
"Parkinson, where have you been hiding?" Pansy grinned at her friend and giggled a bit.
"Well, you walked right past me, and I found that to be rather rude of you, darling."
"My apologies, Pans. To right my terrible manners, please, allow me to accompany you back to your compartment." The girls giggled some more, Pansy took her friends arm, and they made their way to sit.
"Look who I've found!" Pansy sing-songed as they entered the space. Delia's gray eyes scanned the space, making sure, these were people she could be near. Her gaze softened when she found it to only be Draco and Blaize inside.
"Hello, boys. Nice summer?" Delia was finally comfortable. No Vivian to tell her to "be seen and not heard." She could finally relax and be someone not so perfect. She enjoyed catching up with her friends, until it was time to change to arrive at the castle. Delia was never scared, but the idea she might not be sorted with her friends made her stomach turn a bit. And what would her mother say? She could heart it all now; 'Delia, how could you be the first Lightwood in ages to not be a Slytherin? What went wrong with you?" She had to forcibly restrain a groan at the thought. It wasn't long enough, in Delia's opinion, before they reached the school and were lined up to be sorted. She smoother her already perfect hair out of habit as McGonagall led them all inside after a rather amusing incident between Draco and Potter. Delia didn't take note of many of the students; none of them worthy enough to be in a Lightwood's presence. She did, however, notice how the hat was barely on Draco's head before he was announced a Slytherin and felt a stab of envy at how easy things came to him. "Delia Lightwood! "Her name was called, and the brief thought of fleeing the room crossed her mind, but nobody would know. To everyone else Delia was confident and graceful as she took her seat on the stool. She put on her best 'I'm better than you look' as she waited. "Slytherin!' Delia felt relief; she wouldn't disgrace her family name today. She stalked to her friends waiting for her and suddenly couldn't wait to eat. Draco noticed the hint of relief showing through her mask, and almost scoffed. What could perfect Delia Lightwood have to worry about? Draco and Delia's friendship was a bit complex. They were friends, of course, and had spent their childhood at galas and other events with Pansy and Blaize, but they couldn't be left alone together for too long. They liked to prove they were better than the other, all-in good fun; but Draco made Delia a little wild and she did the same to him. Somehow whenever they were left alone together something happened that made Vivian's mostly permanent scowl deepen and Lucias pinch his nose in frustration. Pansy and Blaize were their voices of reason. Delia smoothed her hair; Draco saw.
"Is your hair not perfect today, Delia?" Draco smirked at her, trying to make her speak; he thought she'd been quiet too long.
"My hair is always perfect, Draco dear." He knew she was right; he couldn't imagine her hair in any other state. Truthfully, he couldn't imagine her in any other state.
"I'm only joking, darling; how could it be anything but?" Her smile actually reached her eyes. She'd missed them; it had been too long since they'd all been together, and it felt like coming home.
"Enjoy getting dissed by Potter out there? "Delia giggled after asking; Pansy joined in, but Draco rolled his eyes.
"Potter clearly knows nothing about good company; maybe you should teach him some manners."
"For you, my dearest Draco, I will make sure he learns something. You know how well-mannered I am." All four of them laughed together, it felt nice; this time, it was too soon before they were led to their dorms.

(the attached photo is what Delia is meant to look like in case anyone reads this and was curious)

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