Wound Healing (girlxgirl)

By neerfB

47.3K 2.1K 301

Becky is a Operating Theatre Nurse who loves her new job working in one of London's busiest hospitals after h... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40 Epilogue

Chapter 18

945 50 6
By neerfB

Happy reading :))

3 years later...

As the plane's tires collided along the runway of Heathrow airport, Becky's heart raced deep in her chest. This was it, the day she dreaded since leaving this miserable weather and starting fresh or at least to try.

She stared out into the mist of terminal in the far distance, no matter how much she was dreading coming back, it was still home.

It was still the country she was born and raised, her friends were here, family still settled in Brighton and Freen was here.

3 years is a long time being away. Becky had decided to leave London as soon as her divorce was finalized.

She needed to get away, maybe she was running away from her life, but it seemed the right thing to do at the time.

Before leaving she eventually made it back to work after breaking her foot, persuading Irin to let her work with her in the check in desk, it wasn't long before she was scrubbing back into surgeries.

Her relationship with Freen was strained. they were both clearly hurting and having to see each other most days wasn't helping, so after Freen got hold of her solicitor in Thailand they were officially divorced within a couple of months.

There was no hatred between them, they were civil as they could be, small talking and always polite to one another but there's only so much you can say to the woman whose heart you broke and ending any chance of happiness together.

Becky needed to get away, spread her wings and start living a life she could begin to appreciate again. As a divorcee hitting her late twenties what did she have to lose.

So, she packed up her job and booked a trip around the world. It was exactly what Becky needed. She travelled almost a year through India and Asia before finally making it to Australia where she settled for the next two years of her life.

Working in the Royal Melbourne hospital she found a new love for orthopedic surgeries, she had even undergone a managerial course and was now a qualified clinical nurse manager.

As much as she enjoyed the lifestyle in Melbourne, meeting new friends and women she still thought about everyone back home. She missed her brother who was now a father to a two-year-old boy called Luke, she missed Char so much.

It was hard with time difference, but they made it work with Skype dates. Whether Char was drunk and begging her best friend to come home or Becky drunk saying she would book her flights home the next day.

She never did end up booking flights though, not until late last year after Char had finally mucked up the courage to ask Engfa to marry her which brings us back to why Becky was finally back on home turf.

She couldn't wait to be a part of the wedding with Char asking Becky to be her maid of honor. Becky immediately put in for extended leave to return to London.

Becky didn't know if she would head back to Oz or not, but this was her life now, making her own choices and trying her hardest to get by and be happy.

Collecting her bags she pushed her trolley through arrivals her nerves were getting the better of her, she couldn't wait to see Char and Engfa. Char had been texting Becky on her stop overs ensuring Becky she would be at the airport at least an hour before she was due to arrive.

"There she is" Char squealed as she jumped up and down on the spot as Becky approached her.

"Ahhhhhhhhhh" Char squealed as she gripped onto Becky tightly squeezing her.

"I've missed you" Becky mumbled as she gave her friend one more tight squeeze and let her go.

"You look hot" Char blurted as she played with Becky's now highlighted wavy hair.

"So do you" Becky smirked back as she ran her fingers through Char's lightly gelled blonde short hair having chopped her hair out a few months back.

"Now, now, watch it my fiancé is over there" Char chirped as she pointed through the small crowd as Becky gave Engfa a goofy wave.

Becky's heart skipped a beat as she noticed those piercing dark eyes next to Engfa. 3 years, 3 years without seeing those eyes, that sexy smile and amazing body.

"Ex Wifey is here too, put your tongue back in your mouth" Char whispered to her friend as Becky gave her friend a dig of an elbow to her boob as Char squirmed with the pain.

Becky smiled at Freen as she gave her a quick wave, she remembered saying goodbye like it was only yesterday.


"Bloody hell" Becky groaned as she dragged her last box to the hallway of her flat. She has packed all her essentials in one rucksack she was bringing with her, and the rest of her stuff was being collected by her dad and brought back to Brighton for storage.

"Serves you right for leaving us" Char grumbled keeping her eyes firmly on the Telly, refusing to have any involvement in Becky's packing.

It was Becky's last night in London before she caught a flight to Delhi first thing tomorrow morning.

She wasn't exactly sure where was even going to stay when she got there but this was her new start, no planning or worrying was her new motto.

"You going to miss me babe" Becky mumbled as she gripped her friend between her arms from the back of the couch holding her tightly.

"More than you'll ever know" Char mumbled back gripping onto the brunette as they stayed silent holding one another.

"You could always stay, you and Freen could..."

Becky sighed as she let go of her friend. She wasn't going over this again with Char. Sure she debated at times she was doing the wrong thing. Leaving her life she had set up back up in London. her job, Char and most of all Freen.

The last time she left Freen it wasn't by choice.

Freen wanted her out of Thailand away from her but now she wasn't sure what was going on in Freen's head.

They had met with Freen's new solicitor last week with the final documents of the divorce from Thailand. Neither of them said much.

Becky insisted that Freen kept the earnings of their house and the cars the only thing Becky wanted was half of their savings she had lodged her salary in over in Thailand.

Freen insisted on giving her half of everything, but truth was Becky didn't want it. She didn't deserve it and that was final, so she sat in front of her soon to be ex-wife and Freen's Solicitor while she scanned over a newer version of the papers, she had signed over a year ago back in Thailand.

The solicitor had insisted Becky to call her own solicitor while she was here, but truth was Becky didn't have one. This wasn't a bitter divorce.

She loved Freen and needed to let her be free, she didn't need to pay some hot shot to try and haggle her wife out of half her earnings. She felt sick to her stomach as she read through the mountain of paperwork, this was really it.

The end of her marriage for real this time, she glanced at Freen who broke eye contact immediately. Part of Becky wished Freen would have stopped her by now, ripped those papers in two and fought for whatever they had left but then again it was Becky who ended things this time.

She knew Freen deserved a lot more than a cheating wife who couldn't even forgive herself and spent most of her time punishing herself for ruining their marriage. She signed the papers, shook the man's hand and gave Freen a weak smile, hugging her now ex-wife was the last thing she wanted to do so she darted out the door and never looked back.

Becky spent the rest of her evening crying over full bottle of vodka until Char and Engfa got in from work that evening, with Engfa carrying her into the cold shower telling her to get a grip on her life and forced her to puke up most of the Smirnoff.

"You know I need to do this" Becky warned as she checked over her packed boxes.

"I can't stay here and pretend that life is peachy, I can't see her every day in work when she's not mine anymore...she's going to eventually move on, and I can't be here to see that smile back on her face when it used to be me who made her smile" she sighed as Char now turned to face her.

Char's face softened as much as she was going to miss Becky, she knew the girl had to do what she had to do.

"I'm going to jump in for a quick shower" Becky said as she walked back to the couch and placed a sweet kiss on her friend's head.

"I love you" she breathed out as she headed for the bathroom.

"I love you too Becky" Char sighed quietly as she watched her friend disappear into the bathroom.


"Do you want to order some pizza, celebrate the last supper" Becky shouted out to Char as she wrapped her towel firmly around her body, racking her fingers through her damp hair as she made her way to the living room.

An awkward cough escaped Char's mouth as Freen's head whipped around from the couch and stared at a wide-eyed Becky who stood in her towel.

"Freen...er hi" Becky stuttered placing her hand over the top of her towel, Freen's eyes glanced at the length of her body before quickly diverting back around towards the Telly.

"I just came to say goodbye, if it's a bad time."

"No" Becky shot back her face flushing whilst Char sat amused between the pair.

"I'll just get changed. Give me 5 minutes" she added as she quickly dashed for her room...

"Hey" Becky said as she came back tying her hair in a messy bun after putting trackies and a t-shirt on.

"Hi" Freen smiled weakly as her eyes scanned over the brunettes now fully dressed body as she sat down next to her.

"Where has Char gone" Becky questioned as she glanced around her flat.

"She went to pick up the last supper" Freen replied trying to sound at ease, but her voice was as tense as her body. Becky nodded at a nervous Freen.

"So are you all set" Freen asked filling the silence in the room before it became awkward.

"Yep" Becky chirped "Who would have thought I could fit my whole life in one rucksack" she added.

"Wow...I take it your heels and dresses are staying put" Freen teased knowing her ex-wife's love for fashion had taken up most of their wardrobe in Thailand.

"Ha yeah" Becky replied silence filling the room once again.

"So, what about you, any plans to head back to Thailand" Becky questioned as Freen quickly shook her head.

"No, I think I'll stick around for a while...Irin is growing on me" Freen replied causing the brunette to chuckle as she soon joined in.

"I'm going to miss you" Freen blurted out as the atmosphere seemed more relax.

"I'll miss you too" Becky smiled as she leaned forward taking Freen in her arms to which the surgeon gladly accepted inhaling a deep breath as her arms wrapped tightly around the brunette.

A moment passed as they both reluctantly pulled away, before Becky knew she felt Freen's lips on her own. Their eyes fixated on one another as Freen's lips remained pressed against the brunette's.

Freen closed her eyes as she deepened the kiss, her tongue massaging Becky's slowly, there was no lust or urge in their kiss. As Becky's fingers brushed over Freen's soft cheek she knew this was a goodbye kiss.

Whether they would see each other in a week or a year or maybe never again. They both meant something to one another and were done with words this was their only way of showing it.

"Can I stay" Freen mumbled against Becky's lips as her hands snaked around the brunette's waist.

"I mean not for...I just want to stay with you on your last night" she stuttered.

Becky hesitated, God she wished she could go against her word and just take Freen to her room and make love to her. Cancel her flight and stay with Freen but she knew it would never work.

They still had issues that they both weren't over and leading Freen along wasn't going to help especially when Becky had to battle her own demons. Learn to love herself again before she could love anyone else.

"Ok" Becky nodded.

"You can sleep next to me tonight" she added making sure they were clear about what would happen tonight. Two ex-lovers sharing a bed for the last time, and so they did. They ate pizza with Char and chatted, felt at ease with one another since the divorce.

Becky climbed into her bed that night as Freen held her. They took turns in sobbing quietly, comforting each other and saying their last goodbyes.

Becky's alarm woke her at 6 the next morning as she brushed her fingers over the empty space beside her. This would be the first morning of the rest of her life.... a life without Freen...


"You never said she was coming" Becky gritted through her teeth into Char's ear as they approached Engfa who held a bottle of wine and Freen who held a bunch of flowers. Char gave a nervous laugh as she elbowed her friend forward.

"Well, well look at you Armstrong" Engfa chirped as she pulled Becky into her arms giving her a quick hug.

"Congratulations Engfa, I do hope you realize you are stuck with this one for a long time" Becky teased pulling back as she felt Char's hand clashed with her ass causing Becky to yelp as she giggled.

Becky's stomach fluttered as her eyes connected with Freen's yet again. She looked the very same as she did 3 years ago. Beautiful.

"Welcome home" Freen grinned as she stepped forward allowing Becky to snake her arms around her in a quick hug.

"It's good to see you Freen" Becky mumbled into the surgeon's shoulder and retracted her body.

"You too BB" Freen smiled weakly...BB...she hadn't been called that in 3 years. She gave Freen another smiles before turning her attention back to her trolly.

"Let's get you back to the flat, I'm sure the jet lag will come to visit you soon. Ah, ah allow me" Char insisted as she took hold of the trolly and began steering towards the car park. Engfa, Becky and Freen strolled through the car park as they small talked about Becky's flights. As they approached a black range rover, Char lifted to booth door as she began loading Becky's cases.

"Who owns the fancy car" Becky smirked as she heard a car door close. A tall brunette rounded the car as she approached the group.

"It's Faye's" Engfa chirped as Becky's heart sunk glancing at Freen who's eyes set firmly to the ground, she could sense the surgeon was nervous.

"Becky meet Faye...Faye meets Becky" Engfa said as both girls extended each other's hand...Faye, the beautiful brunette long legged Faye... The wonderful ex model Faye who Charlotte persisted to tell Becky about over Skype numerous times, Faye, as in Freen's girlfriend Faye.

oohh Freen have a new girlfriend! hehe :)))

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