Flames Of Seduction- Book 1

By LauraEBrown

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***This story contains mature scenes*** ------------------------------------------------------- She doesn't g... More

Before Reading
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty One
Chapter Twenty Two
Chapter Twenty Three
Chapter Twenty Four
Chapter Twenty Five
Chapter Twenty Six
Chapter Twenty Seven
Chapter Twenty Eight
Chapter Twenty Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty One
Chapter Thirty Two
Chapter Thirty Three
Chapter Thirty Four
Chapter Thirty Five
The Bonus Chapter- Part One
The Bonus Chapter- Part Two
After Reading
Wattys 2016 & Second Book

Chapter Twelve

11.7K 451 5
By LauraEBrown

This looks harder than it sounds. I realize then that I can't stay here for another second so I decided to have a run and brush out this. Wearing my running shoes and a skinny jeans and a plain jewel neckline sharp bite top with long sleeves, I jump out of the building and take off running to the Kenneth Hahn Park, although it's way too far, but I've got money and my clothes are decent enough to go to a fast food and eat something for lunch and who knows, perhaps dinner.

After about an hour or so walking to my destination, I get to the Park and start to walk aimlessly until I reach the lake, this is the peace I'm looking for.

This is where I should decide. I shut my eyes and forget about my surroundings as I just listen to the sound of birds singing. What am I going to do?

Andrew Martinez, a billionaire who seems just the right person for being my prince turned out to be the one who wants me for sex. He's been well known all his life, I accept the billionaire life got him to be a playboy, but even a playboy falls in love. Even a playboy gets married.

All of a sudden, I remember my past, things happened before. How I was brought to my knees and how I'm standing here now, like nothing happened.

Every single day was a torture for me. Frankly, without my friends, I wouldn't be standing here now. After years of avoiding men, I opened up to a person and he turned out to be the wrong one. Or is he?

I'm standing here for like two good hours when a male's voice snaps me out of my thought,

"What a pleasure to meet you here," At first the voice is completely unknown, but when the face comes to view I see Craig is standing next to me,

"Hey, how are you doing?" I smile,

"Now that I see you, I feel indeed great," He grins in a silly way.

When I look at him, I say to myself why can't I feel something for someone real? Someone less demanding, a person who accepts me as the way I am. Conceivably, it's because I've never given them a chance or even myself to fall in love.

His smile vanishes as he looks at me, "You seem distressed. Wanna talk about it?"

"Can we walk?" he nods as he poses for me to walk first.

We walk a little, but he is the first one to break the silence,

"Laura, I know that I shouldn't ask you, but umm... Does this have anything with that billionaire?"

Swirling my head, I look at him shocked. How does he know it?


"I saw you, getting into his car the day we had coffee," he answers me.

I sigh tightly as I shove my fingers into my hair,

"Should all the relationship be so confusing?" I ask out of nowhere.

"I don't know. You know it's really awkward for me to answer your question because I kind of like you, and advising about your relationship with someone else is not something I can do," the confession gets to me. He likes me. Why the hell, just why the hell can't I feel the same way?

"I'm sorry, I didn't know you..."

"It's okay, but I'm going to tell you what every guy usually tells their crush, I know you are happy with him and I totally respect that, but I'm always here if you need me," he chuckles and I chuckle too.

The rest of our talk is about how some employee and co-workers embarrassed themselves and some gossips at the end. By the time we are almost done and walk the whole park more than twice, he asks me to join him for lunch and I accept, but I insist on paying, however, he says if I don't stop insisting he's gonna let me by myself so I can have lunch alone. A total thread if you ask me.

We order pizza and eat it with some soda, while teasing other customers. After lunch we both grab a taxi, considering we are almost in the same area. When the taxi parks in front of my apartment building, I turn to Craig and thank him for the wonderful time. My time with him was something I've never had. He made me forget about everything and remind that there's still life out there.

I saunter back to my apartment. The dress is still sprawled on the bed. Want it or not I should face him, even if I don't want to sign his contract. Seeing that it's four p.m., I should probably get dressed.

After a shower and drying my hair, I let them fall over my shoulder. Afterward, I dress and apply some basic eye line and mascara and some lip gloss. When I look at myself in the mirror, I see a brown hair girl, simple, and plain. Unlike some skinny girls who look like they jumped out of the magazine, I don't carry such a grace. Why does he want to be with him? Why does he want me to be his? What does he see in me?

I am so drawn to my questions that I didn't notice the passage of time. Until a knock on the door brings me back to life. It must be him. I walk to the door and my hand is almost on the knob but I hesitate. Should I open it? Is this what I want?

"Hey," I greet Andrew after I open the door, he's wearing a fine and expensive Armani suit and his hair has the usual form I like. He's like a Greek god who is being worshiped by women all his life.

Hell, this man looks like fire and this fire will burn me.

"Hey, you look beautiful," He leans in and kiss my cheek, "Are you ready?" Am I?

My heart stands there as it puts its forefinger in its mouth in a very sexy way. My mind, all the same, stands there while its face is full of agony.

I nod and step out of my threshold, I close it behind me. We ride silently down to the lobby and to his Maserati. Once he opens the door for me and I get in before he gets behind the steering wheel, we speed through the now-gridlocked road.

"You really like your cars,"

"Why do you say that?" He asks me as he glances at me,

"Well, you seem to enjoy driving luxury cars around the city," That earns him a chuckle as he shakes his head.

Apart from our little chit-chat, the rest of the ride is complete silence. That is as far as we arrive at our destination, by then I'm restless inside. What am I doing?

You are doing what your heart telling you to do, my mind decides to come out of its hidden bury and speak up. But the changed conduct in its face is what gets my attention; it seems it finally accepted me being stubborn. Perhaps it knows, despite all things it says, I will do what I want. So maybe this is what I want. I want to be with him.

Again, I am so dozed off that I haven't noticed we walked to the elevator and then to his penthouse, so now I'm standing here now.

"The dinner is ready, let's have dinner first," He shrugs off his jacket and put it on the end of the couches.

We walk to the dinner table which is in the corner of the living room where it can be connected to the kitchen and at the same time has the living room view. The dinner table is a long twenty chairs, which I believe is a little too much for someone who lives alone. To think of it, everything in this apartment has the giant size or form of it.

The dinner, which is probably mistaken with the king's ball party is including, a Hot Tamale Pie and Paprika Chicken with freshly prepared vegetables and potatoes and Clos des Mouches from as a white wine that is written on its bottle. Damn, why should this man prepare so much food while we are just two? Then, when I back to every time we had a meal, there are always two different dishes on the table.

"Why do you always order two different foods?" I ask curiously,

"Well, that's because I want to know which food you like." He says as he helps me to sit on the chair like a gentleman.

"Any investigate so far, Mr. Martinez?"

"Oh, believe me, Ms. Brown, you don't like meat," He smirks as he reveals his investigates and I'm shocked how he found out, "In fact, you do really like chicken,"

"That's really good to know,"

With that, I take in he's really keen to details and not to mention so astute, no wonder how he made it to the twenty top the richest men. This empire would've been there now if he wasn't so.

And then we start eating. During the dinner, he asks me about my college and even asks me about some funny memories I had. This makes me forget who we are and why I'm here. This makes me feel as if we are normal people.

After dinner, I'm about to put the plates in the sink and wash them, but Andrew stops me and grabs my hands. Frankly, I rather wash them than to get back to our subject.

To my surprise, we don't go to his office, but we sit on the couch as he lays the now-edited contract with a pen.

"So, this is the contract. Read it again,"

This time, I don't hesitate or shake when I grab the papers. That's because I've already made my decision. And no matter what, nothing can change it.


This contract is concluded between Mr. Andrew Collins Martinez and Miss. Laura Elizabeth Brown, willingly and no use of force. This contract contains very specific rules and details that both partners should agree with them and follow them as the time expires or is canceled in any circumstances. The rules are negotiable before the contract is concluded.


1) This contract only includes two persons as named above.

2) This contract and anything happens between them should not be discussed with others, other than whom the man wants to. If the female partner fails on this, the other has all the rights to use punishment or on the high level, use this contract against her in the court of justice.

3) This contract is only for two months, which is agreed by both partners. Furthermore, they can rearrange the time if they both agree to. The period is three nights each week, mentioned as Tuesday, Saturday and Sunday. During this specific time, the woman should be under the man's commands and obey them without hesitation.

4) None of the partners can be in any other kind of relationship. Not even with the permission of the other partner. If the woman enters with or without other partner's permission, she should be punished or on the highest level, the contract may be broken.

5) If any of the partners wants to enter other relationships, he/she should tell the other partner and break the contract between them before starting another relationship.

6) The woman should be able to obey any instructions and rules given by the man without complaining or hesitating. Otherwise, he can punish her as he pleases as the man is in complete control of her.

7) This contract does not contain any sexual activities except those mentioned below:

- Spanking

- Binding

- Restraining

8) The woman should be serving the man any time he decides and wants her. She also should agree to any sexual intercourse activities the man expects her, except some activity which can injure her or was not mentioned.

9) The man should be able to make her comfortable and make sure that she is safe and doesn't injure her sexually, mentally or physically. If she is injured, the man should make sure that she is in the process of healing and has necessary medicine. This amount of time that the woman is healing they should not have any action involved sex or any other activities she may not have the ability for.

10) The aftercare of the any role-play, scene or any sexual intercourse performed by the parties should be applied by the man. He has the full obligation to take care of the woman and spend a good amount of time attending to her needs.

11) Anytime the woman cannot stand in the situation she is in, she can tell the man to break the contact.

12) After the contract is broken or the time expires, any partner cannot involve in the other's life afterward. Revealing things that happened during the time they were in a relationship, is against the rules and the partners has the right to defense on their behalf of their privacy invaded in the court of justice.

13) The man and woman are mentioned as partners in this relationship; however, in the public, they are to be called the girlfriend and the boyfriend or any other terms they both agree on. Their relationship is not getting further under any circumstances on this contract.

14) The woman must make sure of her own health and sleeping time. Intentionally or not, if she does not obey on health care issue the man provides her or demands her, the man has the right to force her into.

15) The woman must keep herself clean and waxed for the matter of time she meets her partner.

16) The man shall take responsibility for the well-being of his party. He must make sure no act is involved bleeding, marking on the skin, or hurting the woman's body. If any of the above happens the man must take care of her health and if he does not, she can break the contract.

17) The woman should have control birth in any way, including pills and shots or other things. If she fails on the subject, the man has the rights to break the contract and abandon her whether she is pregnant or not, though he has all the right as the father of the child, therefore, all the cares and needed attention is provided. For further more, the details must be agreed on separate agreement.

18) The woman can have her release from the contract anytime she requires, under the condition she makes the man aware of her leaving. If she leaves without making him aware, the contract is not only valid but, also the man can punish her due to his pleasure.

19) The man should not loan the woman to any other partner, dominant, submissive or any other man.

20) During any sexual activity that demands the limits, one should endure, the woman shall choose her safe word and get the man aware of it. The man should accept her safe wording and stop the process instantly; otherwise, she can break the contract.

21) Bondage is included:

- Hands in front, back

- Hands and ankles to furniture

- Tying up knees, elbows and ankles.

22) The type of bondage is included; rope, leather straps or any other thing that their safety is proved.

23) Both partners should make sure of their health status. None should take drugs, smoke or any dangers like so.

24) The punishments, though may not be frequent, are determined by the man, but he should make sure of the woman's safe states. During the punishment none of the rules should be broken or bring serious harm; otherwise, the contract is broken. For further agreements, they must put their boundaries on each action before happening.

25) The man and the woman should be clear from any life-threatening illnesses including HIV, Herpes, and hepatitis.

26) The man should provide proper and beneficial clothes, communications devices, and transportation.

27) During this period partners regularly meet each other in Mr. Martinez's penthouse. On any other occasion, his decision makes the final intention.

28) The woman should accompany him to Galas, parties, ceremonies, charity functions and many others, although, the rules are still applied. This rule accompanies by a date per week, which is decided and agreed between the both parties, as likely.

This contract is accepted by both partners;

Andrew Martinez.                   Laura Brown.

Date:                                   Date:

"I see you put the date thing as a rule, does it count on 'getting punished if not obey'," I giggle softly,

"Yes, that can actually be true," Andrew answers as he places a smile.

"Good to know then,"

After that, my gaze drop to the contract now is the time for my decision. Now is the time to choose my way.

"Are you sure of your decision Laura?"


"There's no way back and you may regret it,"

"I know,"


well that's what i call a cliffhanger... hahaha!!!!

don't worry, i'm going to update soon and you will all know if she signed it or she left! until then tell me what you think? and vote...:D

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