Academic Seduction (profxgirl...

By FruitInkWords

1.1M 15.9K 16.4K

Ivy Williams had always aspired to complete her university journey without any interruptions or complications... More

Characters & Info
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen (1)
Chapter Sixteen (2)
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty One
Chapter Twenty Two
Chapter Twenty Three
Chapter Twenty Four
Chapter Twenty Five
Chapter Twenty Six
Chapter Twenty Seven
Chapter Twenty Eight
Chapter Twenty Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty One
Chapter Thirty Three [ARRC]
Chapter Thirty Four
Chapter Thirty Five
Chapter Thirty Six

Chapter Thirty Two [ARRC]

19.5K 322 337
By FruitInkWords


As the days slipped by, the weight of my indecision hung heavy upon me like a suffocating blanket. What had started as a fleeting promise to "sleep on it" had stretched into a seemingly endless cycle of avoidance and uncertainty.

Thursday arrived with a bitter taste upon my tongue, a reminder of the tutoring sessions that awaited me, and the inevitable confrontation with Victoria. I couldn't help but resent the timing, wishing fervently for a different day of the week to bear the burden of our shared discomfort.

Avoidance became my default mode, a shield against the storm of emotions that threatened to engulf me. I skirted around Victoria's attempts at conversation, slipping out of lectures before she could corner me with her apologies and explanations.

Even at the cafe, I found solace in the presence of others, enlisting Ethan to act as a buffer between us, unwilling to subject myself to the discomfort of our shared space. I could feel her frustration simmering beneath the surface, a silent testament to the rift that had grown between us in the wake of our indiscretion.

But as the days dragged on, I couldn't shake the gnawing sense of uncertainty that gnawed at the edges of my conscience. Victoria's apologies rang hollow in my ears, their sincerity called into question by the ache in my heart.

With a Chai Tea latte in hand, I navigated the sweltering heat that enveloped the campus like a suffocating embrace. The scorching sun beat down upon me, leaving me feeling as though I were a desert traveler, parched and weary beneath its relentless gaze. Yet, the cool touch of the latte against my fingers offered a brief reprieve from the oppressive heat, a refreshing oasis amidst the arid landscape.

As I approached her office, a sense of anticipation gnawed at the edges of my consciousness. Would she be there, waiting for me with open arms, or would her absence serve as a silent rebuke to my avoidance? With a hesitant hand, I knocked on the door before entering, my heart hammering in my chest with each passing second.

A quick glance around her deserted desk brought a small smile to my lips, a fleeting hope that perhaps she had forgotten our tutoring session altogether. I made myself comfortable in the chair opposite her desk, settling in with a sip of my drink as I waited for her arrival.

But fate had other plans, as the door swung open with a soft creak, revealing her figure standing in the doorway. Her eyes met mine, surprise flickering in their depths as she took in my presence.

"Ivy," she exclaimed, her voice tinged with disbelief. "I didn't expect to see you here."

I couldn't help but raise an eyebrow at her, the question lingering unspoken between us. Why, then, had she bought me my favorite drink if she didn't expect me to show?

Her gaze dropped to the latte in her hand, a telltale sign of her intentions. "I got it just in case," she confessed, her voice tinged with uncertainty. "But I wasn't sure if you would come, considering how you've been avoiding me all week."

I accepted the drink with a nod of gratitude, a small victory in the midst of our tangled emotions. Score one for me, I thought, a wry smile tugging at the corners of my lips. With two lattes in hand, perhaps this tutoring session wouldn't be so bad after all.

As Victoria settled into her chair, a palpable tension hung in the air between us, thick and suffocating like a blanket of fog. I took another sip of my drink, the familiar coolness of the latte seeping into my bones as I tried to steady my nerves.

Her gaze flickered to me, a silent question lingering in the depths of her eyes. I could sense the words hovering on the tip of her tongue, a confession waiting to be uttered. But she held back, biting down on her bottom lip with a nervous energy that mirrored my own.

With a resigned sigh, I closed my book, frustration bubbling beneath the surface. "Spit it out," I urged, my voice edged with a mix of impatience and longing.

"Ivy," she began, her voice soft with remorse. "I'm sorry. I'm sorry I hurt you."

I nodded, the weight of her apology settling like a stone in the pit of my stomach. "You know," I murmured, my words tinged with bitterness, "if you had just been honest about this whole Aurora thing from the beginning, maybe I wouldn't be so angry with you."

Victoria sucked in a sharp breath, her movements betraying a sense of restlessness as she rose from her seat. Crossing the space between us, she reached out and took hold of my elbow, pulling me up from my chair with a gentle urgency.

"I know," she whispered, her voice barely above a breath. "And I'm sorry. I promise to be honest from now on."

A flicker of doubt danced in my mind, "You pinky promise?" I asked, extending my own pinky. I don't care what anyone says, pinky promises are sacred to me.

Victoria's gaze flickered to my outstretched pinky, uncertainty clouding her features. For a brief moment, silence hung heavy in the air, stretching between us like an unspoken question. I braced myself for rejection, the weight of her hesitation pressing down upon me like a leaden cloak.

But just as doubt began to creep in, I heard it—a soft, almost imperceptible utterance that shattered the silence like a thunderclap. "Fuck it."

My breath caught in my throat as I watched her drop to her knees before me, a surge of disbelief coursing through me like a bolt of lightning. No way in hell was she doing this again, I thought, my mind reeling with the realization of her vulnerability.

And then it happened, as if in slow motion, her hand reaching out to intertwine her pinky with mine. The touch sent shockwaves of sensation coursing through me, a jolt of electricity that seemed to ignite every nerve ending in my body.

"Ivy," she whispered, her voice raw with emotion. "I promise never to deceive you again. Your anger darkened my days. I miss your smile, your voice, your touch. I am begging you, forgive me. Please."

My mind was a whirlwind of conflicting emotions, desire and doubt warring within me as I stared into her eyes, searching for the truth buried beneath the surface. Could I trust her words? Could I allow myself to forgive and forget, to let go of the anger that had consumed me for so long?

In that moment, as she held my gaze with an intensity that threatened to unravel me, I knew that words would never be enough. So instead, I let my actions speak for me, my fingers deftly removing my pinky from hers with a sense of finality that hung heavy in the air.

She looked at me, confusion etched into every line of her face, but I remained silent, my gaze unwavering as I dared her to question my decision. Words may be overrated, but sometimes, silence speaks louder than any promise ever could.

With a surge of determination, I seized her by the collar, yanking her upwards until our lips collided in a feverish tangle of desire. The taste of her, so familiar yet intoxicatingly new, sent a thrill coursing through me as our tongues danced in a heated battle for dominance.

I pressed her against the wall with a sense of urgency, the heat of our bodies mingling in the confined space of her office. But even in the midst of our passion, a nagging voice in the back of my mind reminded me of the door, a silent witness to our illicit tryst. With a swift motion, I broke the kiss and locked the door, a precautionary measure born of my own insecurities.

"Pussy," she taunted, her smirk a silent challenge that set my blood on fire. I rolled my eyes at her bravado, a mixture of frustration and arousal coursing through me like a potent elixir.

As her lips found mine once more, I deftly set to work, my fingers nimble as they made quick work of the buttons on her shirt. With a swift motion, I discarded the fabric to the floor, leaving her exposed to my hungry gaze.

Next, it was her skirt, the buttons yielding to my touch as I peeled them away, revealing the tantalizing curve of her hips beneath. I insisted she remove her shoes, a silent demand for submission that she met with a begrudging compliance.

With a smirk of my own, I swatted her hands away as they reached for me, a playful reminder of my own desires. "Nope," I declared, shaking my head with mock severity. "You don't get to touch."

The words hung between us, charged with a sense of deja vu that sent a shiver of anticipation coursing through me. Yes, I was echoing her own words from our first time together, a subtle reminder of the power dynamics at play between us. And as she nodded in silent acquiescence, I couldn't help but feel a surge of satisfaction at the newfound balance of power between us.

My hands traversed the landscape of her body, tracing the contours of her curves with a hunger that bordered on desperation. With each touch, each caress, I felt myself drawn deeper into the abyss of our shared desire, lost in the intoxicating rhythm of our passion.

My lips left a trail of fire in their wake as they moved from hers to the delicate curve of her neck, tasting the salt of her skin with each fervent kiss. But it was her mouth, warm and inviting, that called to me like a siren's song, drawing me into a whirlwind of sensation that threatened to consume me whole.

I kissed her with a fervor born of longing, the heat of our bodies mingling in a symphony of desire as I pulled her hips closer to mine. The sensation of her teeth grazing my lower lip sent a jolt of electricity coursing through me, my heart stuttering in my chest as I surrendered to the pleasure of her touch.

"I'll never get enough of this," she whispered against my lips, her words a soft refrain that echoed the truth of my own desires. And how could I ever get enough of her, of the intoxicating allure that drew me to her like a moth to flame?

But just as I was poised to remove my shirt, a sharp rap at the door shattered the fragile bubble of our intimacy, sending us both reeling back to reality with a start.

"Victoria? It's Margaret," the voice called out, a chill running down my spine at the mention of the dean's name. Shit! Of all the times for her to interrupt, it had to be now.

I glanced at Victoria, panic rising like bile in my throat, but she remained calm, her finger pressed to her lips in a silent gesture of caution. With practiced ease, she began to dress herself, her movements swift and sure despite the urgency of the situation.

The dean knocked again, the sound echoing through the room like a death knell, a stark reminder of the precariousness of our situation. Locked inside her office with me, the evidence of our indiscretion plain for all to see, it was a wonder we hadn't been caught sooner.

Fuck this shit, I thought, desperation clawing at the edges of my consciousness. I refused to be seen, not now, not like this. With a swift motion, I sprinted to the other side of the office, my movements fueled by a primal instinct for survival. Beggars can't be choosers, I reminded myself, as I dove under Victoria's desk with a sense of resignation that bordered on defeat.

I held my breath as Victoria unlocked the door and greeted the dean with forced nonchalance, a facade of calm that belied the chaos raging within. "Margaret," she said, her voice steady despite the tremor of nerves that I knew lurked just beneath the surface. "Sorry about that, I was finishing up grading a test."

The dean's response was a blur of polite pleasantries, her words a distant echo that barely registered in my panicked mind. I pressed myself further into the shadows, willing myself to disappear as the sound of footsteps drew nearer.

"Why don't you take a seat, Victoria?" the dean suggested, her tone cordial yet tinged with an undercurrent of authority. "I have a few things to discuss with you."

I bit down on my lip to stifle a gasp as Victoria complied, her movements deliberate as she settled into the chair opposite the desk. This is actually happening, I thought, a sense of surrealism washing over me like a tidal wave.

As the dean launched into her praise of Victoria's work, I listened with bated breath, the weight of our shared secret hanging heavy in the air between us.

Victoria's risky move of leaving the door unlocked during our last tryst played on a loop in my mind, a daring challenge that beckoned me to embrace the thrill of the unknown. And if she wanted to play it dangerous, well, who was I to resist the call of temptation?

With a mischievous smirk, I allowed my hand to wander, trailing a path of heat and anticipation along the smooth expanse of her thigh. The sharp intake of her breath was music to my ears, a silent confirmation of the power I held over her in that moment.

"Is everything alright?" the dean's voice cut through the haze of our clandestine rendezvous, a reminder of the delicate balance we teetered upon. I hesitated, my instinct urging me to retract my hand, but before I could act, Victoria's fingers found mine, interlocking in a silent pact of solidarity.

"Things are fine, Margaret," Victoria assured her, her voice a calm facade that belied the tumult of emotions swirling beneath the surface. "What were you saying?"

The dean's words washed over me in a dull drone, the details lost amidst the throbbing pulse of desire that coursed through my veins. "Really?" Victoria's voice broke through the haze, a note of excitement lacing her words. "I'd be honored."

I blinked, snapping back to attention as I realized I had missed a crucial part of the conversation. Oh? I should've been paying attention, I scolded myself inwardly, a pang of guilt tugging at the edges of my consciousness.

Victoria's hand squeezed mine in anticipation, her excitement palpable in the air between us. Despite my earlier distraction, a wave of warmth washed over me at the sight of her enthusiasm. Maybe I should've been more attentive, I mused, a twinge of regret coloring my thoughts.

"Fantastic," the dean declared, the scrape of her chair against the floor signaling her approach to Victoria's desk. She took her seat on the other side, making herself comfortable.

As the minutes stretched on, trapped in the stifling confines beneath Victoria's desk, frustration gnawed at the edges of my patience like a relentless beast. Holy shit, how long am I going to be stuck down here? I wondered, a sense of urgency clawing at the recesses of my mind.

But then, like a bolt of lightning, a devious idea struck me—a wickedly tempting proposition that promised to alleviate the tedium of our confinement. It's not like there's much else to do with my sexy professor's crotch right in front of my face, I reasoned, a mischievous glint sparking in my eyes.

With a sly grin, I set my hands upon Victoria's knees, the touch sending a jolt of anticipation coursing through me as I teased my fingers up her thighs. I felt her entire body jerk in response, a silent plea for more as she eagerly moved her hands aside, granting me unhindered access.

Oh, she so wants this, I thought with a thrill of excitement, my fingers trailing a path of heat along the smooth expanse of her skin. With deliberate slowness, I began to slide her skirt upwards, the fabric bunching around her waist as she spread her legs wide in silent invitation.

Meanwhile, above us, the dean's voice droned on in a monotonous litany of bureaucratic chatter, her words a meaningless blur against the backdrop of our illicit tryst. Blah blah blah, I thought dismissively, my focus consumed by the intoxicating dance unfolding beneath the desk.

I heard Victoria's breath hitch as I brushed a feather-light touch over the seam of her underwear, her voice strained as she struggled to maintain her composure. "I think it will be a really... stimulating experience," she managed to say, her words tinged with a mixture of anticipation and restraint.

Stimulating indeed, I thought with a wicked grin, my fingers poised to unleash a torrent of pleasure upon her unsuspecting senses.

With a cautious and deliberate grace, Victoria shifted in her seat, granting me the freedom to pull her underwear down her legs, leaving her exposed and vulnerable to my ministrations. She bit back a low moan, the sound reverberating in the confined space beneath the desk, a testament to the raw intensity of our clandestine encounter.

"Ohh...nly if I have time," she managed to say, her voice strained with desire and restraint alike, a delicate balance teetering on the edge of oblivion.

"You should clear your schedule. I'll make sure the school covers all your fees," the dean interjected, her words a distant echo against the backdrop of our shared intimacy. With a sense of purpose, I flattened my palms against Victoria's inner thighs, urging her legs open a little further. She rolled her hips into the touch, a silent plea for more, her body trembling with anticipation.

"Th-Thank you," she gasped, her fingers clutching the back of my hand in a desperate bid for connection, a silent acknowledgment of the depths of her need.

With a sly smirk, I swiped my tongue against her, the subtle pressure eliciting a soft sigh of pleasure from her lips as she melted into the chair, the wood creaking beneath her weight. "We'd like you to take your TA to the ceremony with you," the dean continued, her voice a distant murmur against the backdrop of our shared passion.

"You mean-" I pressed my tongue against her with renewed fervor, my name tumbling from her lips in a breathless cry of ecstasy. "Ivy."

"Yes, Ivy Williams," the dean confirmed, her words punctuated by the subtle vibrations of my touch against Victoria's sensitive flesh. Heh, I don't think she would mind, I thought with a smirk, my focus consumed by the intoxicating dance unfolding before me.

"Please..." Victoria muttered, her voice a desperate plea for release as she surrendered to the overwhelming tide of sensation.

"Very well," the dean concluded, her tone tinged with a hint of concern as she clasped her hands together in a gesture of finality. "I'll let them know to expect you and Ms. Williams."

As the dean rose from her chair, concern etched into every line of her face, I held my breath, my heart pounding a furious rhythm in my chest. "And Victoria... Are you sure you're all right?" she inquired, her voice laced with genuine worry. "You look a little flushed."

"Oh, I'm.. All this work. Must be catching a fever," Victoria replied with practiced ease, her words a thin veil concealing the true tumult of emotions swirling beneath the surface.

"Well, take care of yourself," the dean instructed with a friendly nod, her voice a comforting presence in the otherwise tense atmosphere. With her departure, a fleeting sense of relief washed over me, the weight of her scrutiny lifting like a fog dissipating in the morning sun. As the door clicked shut behind her, I exhaled a shaky breath, my pulse gradually returning to a more manageable pace.

"Holy shit," Victoria gasped, her voice trembling with a potent mixture of excitement and anticipation as she pushed her chair back from the desk, granting me ample space to maneuver. Her body seemed to thrum with a silent invitation, her face flushed with desire and her legs spread wide in a wordless plea for more.

With deliberate intent, I crawled out from beneath the desk, the cool air of the room a welcome relief against the heat of our shared desire. Positioned between her open thighs, I could feel the magnetic pull of her presence, the palpable tension electrifying the air between us.

"Look at how excited you are, Vic," I remarked with a smirk, my eyes dancing with mischief as I surveyed the flushed contours of her face. With a hunger that matched my own, she swallowed loudly, her gaze fixated on me with an intensity that sent shivers down my spine.

As I dipped my head to taste her, a low moan escaped her lips, the sound echoing in the small confines of the room. "Oh.." she gasped, her voice a melodic symphony of pleasure as I teased her with tantalizing strokes of my tongue. With each caress, a tremor raced through her, her body arching towards me in a silent plea for more.

"Ivy...please.." she begged, her voice a breathless whisper that hung in the air like a promise of ecstasy. With a playful glint in my eyes, I glanced up at her, my own desire mirrored in the depths of her gaze.

"I want to hear how loud you can be when no one is around," I murmured, my words a seductive invitation to surrender to the intoxicating pleasure that awaited us both.

As my tongue trailed up against her folds, a symphony of groans erupted from the depths of her chest, each sound a testament to the intoxicating pleasure coursing through her veins. "Fuck.." she moaned, her body arching off the chair in a primal dance of ecstasy. With a fervent intensity, she slung a leg over my shoulder, her tremors reverberating through the very core of her being. "Ivy," she gasped, her voice a breathless plea that hung in the air like a whispered prayer.

The power I wield over her is nothing short of intoxicating. It's a heady realization, one that sends a thrill coursing through my veins with every moan that escapes her lips.

With her back arched and her head thrown back in abandon, she surrendered to the wave of pleasure I offered, her voice a symphony of desire that echoed in the confines of the room. My tongue moved in deliberate circles around her clit, each stroke a testament to the unspoken connection between us. And then, in a crescendo of ecstasy, she cried out my name as pleasure washed over her in relentless waves. I savored the taste of her essence, a heady mixture of desire and longing that lingered on my lips like a sweet promise.

As she caught her breath, I left a trail of feather-like kisses along her inner thighs, each touch a silent acknowledgment of the intimacy we shared. "You sound like you enjoyed that. How do you feel?" I inquired, my voice a soft murmur that hung in the air like a delicate melody.

"That was... incredible," she sighed, her voice a melodic chorus of satisfaction. I straightened up, leaning over her with a sense of quiet satisfaction, my hands resting lightly on the leather armrests of her chair. She met my gaze with a glazed expression, her face flushed with the aftermath of passion, her chest rising and falling in quick succession. "So, am I forgiven?" she asked, her voice tinged with a playful lilt.

A slight smile tugged at the corners of my lips, and I inclined my head ever so slightly. "Yes," I replied, my voice a soft whisper that hung in the air like a promise.

Victoria released a relieved sigh, her shoulders sagging with the weight of tension dissipating. "You have no idea how helpless your touch makes me," she confessed, her voice a melodic cadence that echoed in the quiet of the room.

"Hmm," I hummed, the sound vibrating through the air like a gentle caress. "I think our time at whatever we're invited to will be fun." As awareness returned to her expression and her flush receded, a flicker of realization crossed her features. "I forgot about that," she admitted, her voice tinged with a hint of sheepishness.

"Seriously?" I feigned shock, a playful glint dancing in my eyes. "How did you forget we're getting a free vacation?" I teased, a mischievous smile playing at the corners of my lips. "Oh wait, I know. I was distracting you."

As Victoria moved to stand, I stepped back to give her room, my gaze lingering on her with a mixture of amusement and curiosity. She smoothed her skirt and adjusted her underwear, her movements imbued with a sense of deliberation. "I don't know if it's such a good idea," she confessed, her voice laced with uncertainty.

My brows furrowed in confusion. "Uh, why?" I questioned, a note of incredulity creeping into my tone.

Victoria sighed, her expression troubled. "I don't think us going together is a good idea," she explained, her words carrying a weight of hesitation.

"Oh, for fuck's sake!" I exclaimed, frustration bubbling to the surface. "First of all, this is an awful thank you. Second of all, I'm hurt," I admitted, my voice tinged with disappointment.

Victoria reached out, her touch gentle as she caressed my cheek. "Darling, we have to attend in fancy dresses, and honestly, you wearing a dress makes it so hard for me to keep my hands to myself," she confessed, her voice a whisper that hung in the air like a secret.

"That's a lame excuse," I retorted, rolling my eyes in exasperation. She bit her lip, her expression tormented. "You have to understand, it's so fucking hard to control myself around you," she confessed, her voice filled with longing.

I gently grabbed her wrist, holding it firmly in my grasp. "Just keep it in your pants," I quipped, a playful smirk tugging at the corners of my lips.

Victoria nibbled softly on her bottom lip, her gaze meeting mine with a mixture of desire and restraint. "Fine," she sighed, her resolve wavering. "But don't look at me the way you always do, and don't touch me, otherwise I will tear off your dress in front of everyone."

"Deal," I agreed, a chuckle escaping my lips as I leaned in, capturing her lips with mine. As our kiss deepened, I couldn't help but think that this trip was going to be one hell of an adventure. All I needed to do was get the details, since I hadn't listened to a word the dean had said.

This is going to be fun...

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