Ducktales Retold: The Life Of...

By Jozar143

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I made my own fanfictional character from the 1987 ducktales and the 2017 ducktales versions, a only eleven-y... More

Aiden Gets His Magical Powers/Aiden's First Adventure
Funso's Funzone Of Doom
Aiden Meets Lena
The Inventions That Turns Evil
Mark Beaks The Tech Billionaire
The Terra-Firmians That Live Underground
A God For A Day
Happy Birthday To Scrooge Mcduck
The Money Shark That Attacked Duckberg
The Only Child Day Adventure
The Young Mage And The Robot
Rescueing Agent 22
The Tales Of Sky Pirites
Scrooge's Parents
Aiden's Horrible Mistake
Aiden Vs. Magica

The Other Bin

68 2 1
By Jozar143

It was in the middle of the night and Scrooge was sleeping peacefully in his bed soon Lena sneaks very quietly into his bed and tries to take Scrooge's Number One Dime and Lena's shadow shapes into Magica and starts to maniacal laugh and Lena asks her to stop it finds it really annoying and Magica says "You're really annoying! I give you one simple task."

Lena: "Simple?" What about this is simple?

Magica: All you had to do is pose as Aiden's friend gain his trust, get in invited to a series of sleepovers, forge a Vesuvian demand dagger that can cut through anything, sneak into Scrooge's room while he sleeps to enact my grim revenge, and--

Lena: Cut loose Scrooge's Number One Dime without him waking up while you yell at me the whole time!

Magica: I'm not yelling, I'm whispering harshly! You want your freedom? You do as I order.

Lena: I'm not your puppet. You really want to hurt Scrooge, be my guest.

Magica: I would love to, but...

Magica shows her niece that as a shadow she can't actually hurt him and says "I miss carnage." She looks at the window and sees the lunar eclipse is coming and Magica's powers begins to grow but its futile without Scrooge's dime. Lena tells her Aunt to quite down she doesn't want to get caught suddenly the door was opening and Magica disappears and forms back to Lena's shadow and both Webby and Aiden comes in and asks her what was she doing then she was silent until Scrooge was talking in his sleep. Lena grabs Aiden and Webby out of the room and Scrooge was awake and finds something very suspicious later that night in Webby's room she and Aiden wants to what was going on with Lena.

Aiden: What were doing in Scrooge's room, Lena?

Lena: What were you and Webby doing there, Aiden?

Webby: Oh, nothing. Definitely not helping collect drool samples while Uncle Scrooge sleeps.

Somehow a bottle of Scrooge's drool falls out of Webby's pockets and Aiden says "Okay maybe I have helped her a little bit." Lena has a plan to trick Aiden and Webby get Scrooge's Dime.

Lena: No. You guys think it's silly.

Aiden and Webby: What?

Lena: Well, it's just Mr. McDuck's pretty cool. I may have caught a bit of the obsession bug from you two.

Aiden: Oh no! We're sorry you caught the greatest disease ever!

Webby: Ooh! Ooh! Let's start a fan club! Ooh! The fan club should start a blood oath! Oh! Let's take a blood oath! Come on, Aiden!

When Aiden and Webby were about to do just that Lena suggested that they check Scrooge's Number One Dime then Webby says "Oh, we wish. He keeps it to himself, that selfishly lovable genius. But... I do have an exhaustively researched presentation on the life and times of Scrooge McDuck!" Lena didn't expected this then Aiden requested some bean bag chairs because it was going to be long researched presentation and meanwhile Dewey was trying to beat world record for doing-slash-folding laundry but he only miss the record by two seconds then he gets frustrated complaining that he'll never get world record on anything until Louie gives him support.

Louie: Hey, winning the world record in literally anything is your dream, and I will always be there to support that dream with piles of dirty clothes.

Dewey was happy with tears of joy and starts to try the record again then Huey comes in with a cross face at Louie and says "Do you realize how mad Dewey will be when he finds out you've been taking advantage of him?"

Louie: Do you realize Dewey ruined my favorite hoodie in the wash? So who's the real victim here?

When Louie was about to fix his hoodie Huey steps up and says "Hey! No problem. How 'bout I darn it and rewash it for? 'Kay, bye!" When Huey walks out of the room Louie finds his brother very strange going on with him. Later on Aiden and Lena were asleep on the bean bag chairs and Lena doesn't know that she was cuddling him while sleeping and as Webby was telling them about the lecture Magica sees Lena and Aiden sleeping together and finds it disgusting but then she hears Scrooge McDuck saying "I'm telling you, something is off in the mansion."

Beakley: Mr. McDuck, I assure you, nothing strange is going on here.

Scrooge: Then how do you explain this?

Scrooge shows Beakley his Number One Dime has been tampered with and the filament is made from un-cuttable enchanted quadriamond the same one Aiden and Lena's is wearing with their magical amulets around their necks anything that could cut it would have to be supernatural. When Huey was fixing Louie's hoodie he hears Scrooge saying "Hmm. There's something afoot in this house, and I'm gonna find out what." And it made Huey run back to his room thinking that Scrooge was after what he's been hiding from him.

Scrooge: Until I get to the bottom of this, I'm putting the dime in the other bin for safekeeping.

Back in Webby's room Lena was waking and finds herself cuddling Aiden and then blushes and stops cuddling him as she straightened herself up the bean bag chair and Aiden too was waking up and stretched his whole body and gets back up from the bean bag chair and listens to the lecture.

Webby: Now on to the slideshow! Aiden, can you please help me get the projector?

Aiden: Sure thing, Webbs.

When Aiden and Webby get the projector, Magica says "Well, you messed up."

Lena: I literally haven't moved.

Magica: You didn't move fast enough before, and now our arch-nemesis is onto us. Scrooge went and hid the dime in something called "the other bin." This is all your fault!

Lena: Okay. You're mad. But at least the dime isn't on him anymore. We just got to find this mysterious "other bin" thingy. You're welcome.

Magica: You just had to waste your time with your precious level 1 mage boyfriend instead of sticking to the plan.

Lena: I'm not the kid's boyfriend and using him was part of the plan.

Magica: Then use him already!

As Aiden and Webby retuned with projector and Magica disappears and Lena asks them about the other bin then Webby gasps about what she just asked but Aiden didn't know about the other bin that Scrooge has.

Aiden: Scrooge has as another money bin?

Webby: Oh, no-no-no. The money bin is where the money goes. The other bin is for the other. The bad things!

Webby tells Aiden and Lena about the other bin where Scrooge puts all of his dangerous finds and artifacts to keep them from prying hands and then asks Lena "Why would you want to go there?"

Lena: 'Cause I just heard Scrooge say he put his Number One Dime in there.

Aiden: (gasps) No way! He almost never takes off the dime.

Lena: Then we better go check it out before he takes it back.

Webby: Uh, I don't know.

Lena: (sighs) Pink, you're telling me and Aiden there's a mystical room in your guys's home that you two never been to that contains Scrooge's greatest secrets, and one of you don't want to go there?

Webby: Uhh...

Aiden: Well, how about this Webby, I'll go with Lena and you stay here and cover for us. And if anybody asks we're out on our own adventure outside of McDuck Manor, okay?

Webby: You got it, buddy? You're gonna do your teleportation spell to get to the other bin?

Aiden: You know it.

Lena: Wait! You can do that, Aiden?

Aiden: I traveled back in time with this spell so anything is possible with magic, right.

Lena: Right.

Lena takes Aiden hand and Webby tells Aiden good luck and be careful with the other dangerous in the great bin and Aiden nods his head "yes" and soon they teleported to the other bin and they were awe in amazement.

Lena: Aiden.. is this...

Aiden: Yeah, the other bin.

Meanwhile Huey rushed in the room and Dewey, Louie and Webby in it and says "What? No. I didn't do anything. Nothing is going on." And he awkwardly laughs and Louie asks "So this isn't your Bigfoot?"

Then the Bigfoot does a greeting growl both Dewey and Webby finds him very cute and Huey says "I can explain. I was in the woods bird-watching. Little did I know, something was watching me." The Bigfoot had a thorn in his foot and wanted Huey to pull it out and when he did the Bigfoot's heart was as tender as his feet and decided to name him Tenderfeet.

Huey: What started as an anthropological find became a friendship for the ages!

Then Tenderfeet takes Louie's hoodie and tries to wear it like a person and he stretches the hoodie out and ruins. Louie takes the hoodie away from Tenderfeet and makes him cry.

Huey: Look what you did! He's so sensitive.

Dewey: You are family now.

Louie: Oh, come on!

Webby: We got to keep him a secret. Uncle Scrooge is on the hunt!

Louie: Which is why we should hand him over. The last thing I need is Scrooge snooping around and finding any number of my devious yet delightful schemes.

Huey: You mean all those schemes we know about?

Dewey: Sure would be a shame if Uncle Donald found out about that charity he's been donating to for the past three years.

Webby: What charity?

Louie: Hey, "Louie's Kids" takes Uncle Donald's donations for children in need. Children like me. Children exactly like me. It's for me.

Tenderfeet was pleading in a grunt and Huey says "I promise I'll fix your hoodie."

Louie: Fine. I'll do it for the children.

Then Webby shouted with glee and hugs Louie and says "Oh, thank you Louie! You're the best!" Meanwhile in the other bin Aiden suggested that they should teleported back with Webby and do some research in case of they get lost forever but Lena says "So it's a little bigger than we thought. It's still worth it to find the dime."

Aiden: Fine, but we need to take some time to figure out which door to open.

When Lena opened one door it was filled with raindbows, hearts, butterflies and one unicorn in a great pose.

Lena: Why is Scrooge hiding a frilly unicorn?

Aiden 'Cause that's not unicorn, that's a sword horse.

Then the angered sword horse charges at Aiden and Lena and was about to attack the children later Louie was in fridge trying to find something to calm his nerves with Pep Select but it was gone and when he heard munching and drinking from the pantry he knew who took the his Pep.

He opens the pantry and finds Tenderfeet eating his snacks and his Pep Select.

Louie: Hey! What are you doing?!

Webby: Tenderfeet! There you are! How do you keep getting out, big guy?

Louie: Quit drinking and eating the best snacks! That's my thing!

When Louie snatches the cookies away from Tenderfeet, he made him cry again.

Dewey: Not cool, Louie.

Huey: Relax, Louie. Tenderfeet doesn't know any better. He's a lovable, simpleminded beast.

Louie: Simpleminded? He's making a sandwich on a Panini press!

They both see him making the sandwich then Webby says "We gotta get him out of here before Scrooge sees him."

Huey: She's right, Scrooge will be here any minute.

Dewey tries to lure him out the kitchen bologna but he doesn't like it, Louie tries to lure him with cheese and it worked just before Scrooge was in the kitchen and they hide from him and crawls onto the floor away from and Scrooge finds a grilled cheeses sandwich that Tenderfeet made with Dill pickles and salted ham and when Scrooge eats it Huey, Dewey, Louie, Webby and Tenderfeet make their way out of the kitchen. Meanwhile back at the other bin Aiden runs away from the sword horse and climbs up the ladder, the sword horse breaks the ladder and causes Aiden to fall onto its back and he says "This is so dangerously fun. Quackaroonie!" And Aiden was riding the dangerous sword horse and Magica says "Someone's wearing his crazy pants today." The horse has Aiden down on his back and tries to stab him with it's horn but Aiden uses his magic to deflected it.

Magica: Let's ditch him and find the Dime.

Lena: We can't.

Magica: Hmm. If I didn't know any better, I'd say you valued your magical sidekick over your own freedom.

Lena: Oh, believe me, I would do anything to get you off my back. But without Aiden I could be lost forever.

Lena sees Aiden's forcefield is fading and he couldn't deflect the sword horses horn forever then she says "Aiden! Catch!" Aiden caught the dagger that Lena was using to get Scrooge Dime now Aiden is using to fight the sword horse and when the horse makes his strike into Aiden's heart, Aiden uses his levitation spell on the sword horse and throws it back to it's bin and both Lena and Aiden closes the door and they both were panting Aiden thinks that he and Lena should teleported back to figure out a system where to look safely but Lena says "A system? That could take months we gotta find the Dime now, before Scrooge decides to take it back!"

Aiden: Wait a minute! Why? What's the big rush? And another thing, where'd you get a diamond dagger from anyway?

Before Lena could answer that Magica doesn't want to her to tell Aiden about the Lena sees numbers on top of the door and she says "Hey, look! Mysteries!"

Aiden: 6-4-5-6. (gasps) Or 6/4/56!

Lena: Yes. Mm-hmm. Numbers.

Aiden: Lena, they're dates! June 4, 1956 the day Scrooge captured the sword horse. Webby told us about in the lecture and she did tell us about the date of Scrooge earned his Number One Dime was...

Lena was surprised that Aiden was actually paying attention what his other best friends lecture even he was asleep too but she couldn't remember then Aiden says "1877! Let's go! Meanwhile Huey, Dewey, Louie and Webby lost Tenderfeet again and they were looking for him.

Louie: How do you keep losing a giant monster?

Huey: Just because we like him better than you doesn't mean you have to hate him.

Louie: Wait, what? I am your brother! You met this thing, like, a day ago!

Dewey: Well, he never tricked me into doing his laundry. Yeah, I know about that.

Webby: We gotta split up to find him. Dewey you come with me.

And as the four children splits up and tries to find Tenderfeet Louie finds out that Tenderfeet is really Gavin, he talks, he even has his own phone and when you done with hid Bigfoot group chat he calls out to Scrooge then Gavin says "So, you figured out the Bigfoot in your house is scamming you. Problem is, the Bigfoot in your house is scamming you. And, yeah, bro, he lifes!" Then he flex his big muscles to show him that Gavin is not to messed with then Scrooge comes in the living room.

Scrooge: What?! Did you see something lad?

Louie: Uh, well...

Louie was about to rat out Gavin A.K.A Tenderfeet until he theatens Louie not to by scratching a picture of him, Aiden, Huey, Dewey and Donald which I made hurt them. Louie then says "No."

Scrooge: Wasting my time. And pick up this trash!

When Scrooge left the living room Gavin gives him a grin then Huey, Dewey and Webby comes in and acts scared of Louie.

Webby: Aw. Was mean ol' Louie mean again?

He nodded his head yes then both Webby and Dewey shoved Louie but Huey punches him in the arm and the three Duck children comes to Tenderfeet's aid and Tenderfeet gives Louie an evil grin.

Louie: Oh, Bigfoot, you just poked the bear.

Back at the other bin Aiden and Lena finally found 1877 Scrooge's Number One Dime Aiden lets Lena in first but she closed the Aiden before could get in.

Aiden: Hey, Lena, I think you accidentally locked me out.

Magica: Closer, fool. Closer! What are waiting for? An invitation?

Lena hesitates on taking Scrooge's dime and Magica shouts "Take the dime!" And when she did that Magica was free and so was Lena.

Magica: With the dime in my hands, nothing can stand in my way!

When Lena tries to run away Magica uses her levitation spell on Lena towards and says "You deserve a hug." She hugs her niece and Aiden cuts through the door with the with diamond dagger.

Aiden: Wow, this diamond dagger cuts through anything! [turns to Lena and Magica] What, what's going on? Who's that?

Magica: Hello, level 1 mage I'm the harbinger of your doom.

Aiden notice the dime is missing then says "Oh, no! The dime! Give it back!" He tries to swift her with the dagger but she was too fast for him and slivers back to Lena.

Aiden: Lena, run!

Magica: Why would she do that? You best friend's been working for me.

Aiden: Wait... Lena... you.. tricked me?

Lena: I'm sorry, Aiden.

Aiden felt betrayed by Lena and calls out to Scrooge suddenly Magica turns Aiden into a doll with his 1987 look with his hair style, purple long sleeve shirt with a black stripe on the center and two black stripes at the end at each sleeve, black pants, dark grey and white sneakers and a magical bracelet.

Lena: Aiden! No!

Magica: He keeps barging in. We've gotta put a bell on him or something.

Lena: What are you doing?

Magica: Exactly what you've been doing the whole time. Using him, pulling his strings. Here. Allow me to demonstrate the delightful irony.

Magica then uses Aiden like a puppet and controls him and imitates him too "Scrooge this. Webby that. Magic stuff. Hi, I'm Alfred!"

Lena: His name is Aiden!

Magica: Who cares? I mean, you don't. You were just using him, right? Like a tool. What's the matter? Do you miss your best friend, your magical buddy for life? Good times. Now, give me the dime.

Lena: I'm not doing anything until you turn Aiden back.

Magica: I'm sorry. I must have misheard you. Are you telling your master what to do? Because that doesn't sound like someone who wants her freedom, does it, Alvin?

She makes Aiden shakes his no then says "Let's try this again. Give. Me. The dime!" When she tries to take the dime of Lena's hand, Lena's magic deflected from her.

Lena: No! I'm not your puppet anymore!

Magica: Is that so? Luckily I have a spare.

Then she makes Aiden attack Lena and takes the dime out of Lena's hand by force she imitates him again "You're not my friend! You're a coward! A traitor!" Then he uses his telekinesis on Lena and throws her to the ground, Lena's amulet was about begins to glow.

Lena: No! Aiden, this isn't you!

Magica(imitating Aiden): I know who you really are a monster, just like your aunt!

When Magica made Aiden finish her off Lena's amulet was activated and destroys him and there was nothing left of him except his bracelet.

Magica: Whoops. He gone.

Lena: Nooo!

Aiden: Lena! Wake up, you snoring angel.

When Lena wakes up and sees Aiden not turned into a doll and being killed she was very happy and hugged her friend.

Lena: Where's the dime? Where-

Aiden: There is no dime. There never was.

The 1877 bin hold the dream catcher this whole time it sucked in to Lena's worst nightmare then Aiden says "I got the code wrong. This one is 1/8/77. We need 1877. Come on!"

Lena: No. I'm done. Let's get out of here before anything else bad happens.

Aiden: Oh, uh.. okay Lena.

When they walked back upstairs Magica says "What? No! No! No! No!" Later on Gavin was sleeping in the boys's room on some bean bag chairs then Louie in the room, turns off the lights and shaves his fur. He calls out to Huey, Dewey and Webby and they were in shocked

Webby: Oh my gosh! Tenderfeet, are you alright?

Louie gives the Bigfoot a mirror and he was almost exposed but keeps on growling and Louie "He's losing his hair. Without the majestic power the woods, Tenderfeet... he's dying.

Dewey: Stupid majestic woods!

Webby: He's right guys, we must take him back where he belongs before it's too late.

Dewey, Huey and Webby helps Louie takes Tenderfeet out of the McDuck Manor and suddenly Scrooge finally found him and says "Aha! A Bigfoot! I knew there was something strange... afoot."

Webby: Uncle Strooge, don't hurt him please! He's our friend.

Dewey: His name is Tenderfeet, but his soul is tender too.

Louie: We brought him out of the woods into the mansion and right into our hearts. We thought we were saving him, but in a way, he was saving us. You know what that's like, right? Maybe Tenderfeet is someone's nephew. And he must return home to his own uncle.

Then Scrooge spares him and lets the children say their goodbyes to Tenderfeet.

Huey: When we first met, there was a thorn in paw, but now...

Dewey: It's in here.

Webby: (sobs) We're going to miss Tenderfeet. We won't forget about you big guy.

She, Dewey and Huey gives him a hug first and Louie comes up to Tenderfeet and whispers "I win."

Louie: Now, go back from whence you came! This is for your own good. Go on.

Louie slaps Tenderfeet's face and when he starts walking away he adds "Bye, Tenderfoot. I love you. Have fun living in the gross woods and not our awesome mansion anymore!" Tenderfeet walks back into the woods and says to himself "Stupid duck with a hoodie."

Dewey: I wish Aiden was here in this moment and gotten to know Tenderfeet.

Huey: Besides, where is he anyway?

Webby: He's on his own adventure with Lena.

Dewey: Aiden's spends more of his time with Lena doesn't here? It's almost if it's like... ooh, Aiden's in love.

Huey: Dewey, he's eleven and Lena's thirteen. There's no way that our adopted brother will have a shot with a teenager. Will he?

Webby: Not a clue but I do have a feeling those a perfect for each other.

Dewey: Ooh, I call Aideena!

Meanwhile in the other bin Aiden and Lena were walking and Aiden says " You know, Lena, this was fun, but I'm kind of glad we stopped. I was a little nervous about the whole thing."

Lena: I know Aiden. And I'm sorry I forced you to do something you didn't want to do.

Scrooge: What the blazes are you two doing here?

Aiden and Lena were caught wandering in the other and the two children sees Scrooge with his Number One Dime and it was in the first bin this whole time.

Aiden: Of course! The Number One Dime was in the number one chamber. Guess we checked 1877 chamber for nothing then.

Scrooge: No one thinks to check the first one. But you shouldn't be checking at all! The other bin is far too dangerous for a sorcerer at level 1.

Lena: It's on me. We wanted to see your dime, and we overheard you were keeping it in here and--

Aiden: Sorry, Uncle Scrooge.

Scrooge: You should know by now that if you want to know something, all you have to do is ask. Be straight with me laddie. What if you were lost or hurt or eaten by the dragon?

Aiden hugs his great uncle and with a warm smile on Scrooge's face he takes his adopted nephew out of the other bin, Aiden says "Aw, man! There's a dragon in here?"

Magica: Now, listen to your aunt and grab the dime, have the mage as your replacement!

Lena: No! Family is supposed to help you, not hold you hostage.

Magica: They'll turn on you. Call you a monster.

Lena: You're the monster here. And I know just the hunter to take you down.

When Scrooge and Aiden walks up the stairs Lena says "Mr. McDuck, there's something I need to tell you. My aunt is ma.." Lena tries to reveal the truth of truth Magica stops her to give away the secret then she says "Mad that I haven't checked in with her. I got to go."

Scrooge: Well, come on then, lass. Let's get you home to your family.

When Scrooge and Aiden were out of the bin Lena suddenly couldn't move or speak. Magica was now processing Lena and says " Huh. I didn't know I could do that. Neat. As the eclipse nears, my powers grow. Guess I'll just have to get both the mage and the dime myself." Aiden's best friend was gone now and Lena's freedom was history.

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