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By Kayliewritesx

2.5K 47 4

๐‚๐ก๐จ๐ข ๐‡๐ž๐ซ๐š, A Korean-American firebrand ready to revolutionize K-pop. Fluent in English, she challen... More

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AceIcy Media

๐๐Ÿ“: ๐–๐ก๐จ ๐ฌ๐š๐ข๐ ๐›๐ž๐ข๐ง๐  ๐š ๐“๐ซ๐š๐ข๐ง๐ž๐ž ๐ข๐ฌ ๐„๐š๐ฌ๐ฒ?

64 0 0
By Kayliewritesx

Languages Coding:
Normal - Korean
Bold - English
Italic - Other languages

Have a good lecture!

Three weeks had flown by since my memorable visit to TXT and the intense discussion with YG PD-Nim about AceIcy's debut. Each day was a whirlwind of training, each one pushing us to our limits. Vocal exercises, dance rehearsals, and rap practice filled our days, leaving little room for anything else.

Despite the urging of Yeonjun and my other friends to take a break, to step outside and unwind, I couldn't afford to divert my focus. The pressure was mounting, and every ounce of my being was devoted to perfecting my skills.

The pressure is ascending as the debut date draws near, but there's no room for relaxation. Exhaustion weighs heavy on our shoulders, but it's a commitment we willingly hold in pursuit of our dreams. Each day presents new challenges, but we meet them head-on with determination and focus. It's a demanding path we've chosen, but one that we're devoted to seeing through to the end.

Amidst the demanding schedule, It had been too long since I last visited my cousin Yeonjun or caught up with my other friends. Yet, they understand the sacrifices I'm making, having gone across similar paths themselves as trainees. Despite the distance, their unwavering support serves as a source of strength, reminding me that I'm not alone and have positive people who have faith in me.

As I made my way through the YG convenience store, scanning the shelves for a snack, my eyes fell on a tempting donut. I reached for it, my mouth watering, but as I glanced at the calorie and fat content, I hesitated. With a sigh, I reluctantly returned it to its place, opting instead for a water bottle and a cereal protein bar. The constant pressure to maintain a certain weight in the K-pop industry weighed heavily on my mind, leading me to restrict my food intake more than I would like.

During a recent video chat with Wonyoung, she confided in me about the relentless pressure to stay skinny in the industry. It broke my heart to hear how she sometimes sacrifices meals just to meet unrealistic standards.

Lost in thought, I walked through the hall on my way to dancing training. Suddenly, I intensely bumped into someone.

"What the heck!" I exclaimed, momentarily taken aback.

"You crashed into me probably because of the sunglasses you're wearing in the interior, and you're the one saying 'what the heck'?" The voice retorted with a touch of irritation.

Instantly, my temper erupted, and I turned to unleash a harsh retort. "Excuse me? You're the one who bulldozed into me! The sunglasses are for people like you to not talk to me! " I shot back, my words laced with venom. "And who do you think you are to talk to me like that, you absolute imbecile!" I seethed, ready to release the full power of my irritation.

But as I spun around to face my unwitting adversary, I was met not with a foe but with a familiar face- To my surprise, it was Haruto, a member of Treasure, grinning at me. "Good morning, Hera!" he greeted with a mischievous smile. I playfully nudged his arm, feeling a mix of embarrassment and amusement. "Haruto, you cheeky rascal!" I exclaimed, channeling my inner savage demeanour. "I was this close to giving you a beatdown," I added, a playful glint in my eye. Haruto matched my energy, laughing along with me.

Haruto chuckled, "Beating up your bro? That's a new level of sibling rivalry." He playfully nudged me. Haruto accompanied me to the dance practice room as we exchanged banter and teased each other mercilessly along the way.
"How's the training going?"

I sighed, "Exhausting as always. But we gotta keep pushing, right?" We started walking together towards the dance studio.

"Absolutely. By the way, heard you had some intense encounter with Dispatch recently," Haruto remarked.

I rolled my eyes, "Yeah, they've been following us. It's frustrating, but what can we do?"

Haruto shook his head, "Crazy world we live in. Anyway, you got the moves ready for your debut?"

A spark of excitement lit up my eyes, "Of course! We're bringing the heat, Haruto. AceIcy's debut is going to be legendary."

He grinned, "Can't wait to see it. You better invite me to your debut showcase."

"Consider it done," I replied, feeling a surge of determination. As I entered the dance studio with Haruto by my side, the impatient tone of another trainee snapped me out of my thoughts.
"Hera! We're about to start, come on!" she exclaimed, irritation evident in her voice.
I shot her a quick glance before turning back to Haruto with a grateful smile.

"Thanks for coming with me, it reduced my stress," I admitted sincerely.

"Eww, why so kind, Hera?" Haruto teased, pulling a face of mock disgust.

I rolled my eyes in response. "Fuck off," I retorted playfully as he made his exit, laughter lingering in the air.

Turning my attention back to the impending dance session, I exchanged greetings with my fellow members. Soomin's silent message conveyed that we needed to discuss something later, a reminder I made note of. Shrugging off my oversized hoodie, I prepared for the practice ahead.

Clad in a stylish ensemble-a Slim-fit Crop Top with Contrast Neckline, paired with Drawstring Waist Ruched Parachute Pants and Christian Dior B23 Oblique High-Top Sneakers-I exuded confidence. My high ponytail and quick pink smoky makeup complemented the look, while my sunglasses added a touch of flair.

Crossing my arms, I awaited the arrival of our dance instructor. Despite the whispers of other trainees, I refused to engage in gossip. "She thinks she's a star, wearing sunglasses indoors," I overheard one girl whispering, followed by laughter.

As I passed her, I couldn't resist a retort.

"As if you could afford them, let alone pull them off. Stick to what you know-being cheap,"

I shot back with a pointed look before joining my group members, ready to focus on the task at hand.

"Hello! Let's continue with the 'Kick Back' by WayV that we learned during our last practice," our dance instructor announced, prompting us to stretch before assuming our positions. I found myself next to Nari, ready to dive into the routine.

As the music started, our synchronized movements began, each step executed with precision and energy. The choreography demanded intensity, especially during the leg sequences, which proved to be challenging for me. However, I focused and pushed through, determined to master every step.

After a while, our dance instructor announced,

"I'm going to leave you for a few minutes and will be back shortly. Please continue your practice!"

We all nodded in understanding as she departed, committed to making the most of our rehearsal time.

As we began practicing without our dance instructor, everything seemed to be going smoothly until Hyejin, The trainee that was criticizing me before piped up with her criticism once again.

"You're doing it wrong!"

We all look at her to figure out who she was talking to and as soon as her pointed finger singled me out as the alleged culprit of a wrong move.

"Okay, let me do it again, and you tell me what's wrong,"

I responded, attempting to take her critique constructively. I executed the moves once more, confident in my performance, but Hyejin remained adamant that I was incorrect.
"Wrong! You did it wrong again! I'll show you how to do it!" she exclaimed, her tone dripping with annoyance as she shoved me aside to take over.

I exchanged surprised glances with Nari, both of us bewildered by Hyejin's audacity.

"Um... Hyejin, what you did was a completely different dance move,"

I pointed out, trying to remain diplomatic despite my growing irritation.

"I'm sure it's better now," Hyejin retorted, rolling her eyes dismissively and brushing away her hair with a haughty gesture. My annoyance grew as she continued to ignore the instructions and push me further.

"That's not the movements our instructors showed us,"

I stated firmly, my irritation mounting with each passing moment. Hyejin's next words cut deep, her attempt to belittle me striking a nerve.

"You really think that because you hang out with a member of Treasure, you know better?!" Hyejin's accusation rang out, dripping with disdain.

"That's not the point of this conversation; we're talking about dancing!" I retorted, my irritation evident in my tone. Nari's glare mirrored my frustration, while Jiah discreetly recorded the escalating tension.

"And you are not a star! You will never be!" Hyejin's words stung, but I refused to let her get under my skin. "Jealous much?" I shot back, unable to resist a smirk at her expense.

As tension crackled between us, Hyejin lashed out, attempting to slap me. With a quick dodge, I narrowly avoided he.

"You see us with millions of views on YouTube and can't bear it?" I goaded, emphasizing the word "us" to remind her of AceIcy's collective success. Hyejin's response was swift and violent, her fingers digging into my hair as she hurled insults my way.

"YAAA, YOU WHORE" She shouted as she grabbed my hair.

"HEY, YOU KNOW HOW MUCH TIME I TOOK TO DO SUCH A PERFECT PONYTAIL!" I shot back, my patience wearing thin as I struggled against her grip. The other trainees attempted to intervene, their efforts to pull her away from me only adding to the chaos.

Realizing the situation was spiraling out of control, I made a decision to defend myself, delivering a punch that left Hyejin stunned and bleeding. The room fell into a stunned silence as my members rushed to check on me, concern etched on their faces.

Suddenly, the door swung open, revealing our dance instructor, her expression a mixture of surprise and disapproval. As she demanded an explanation, Jiah stepped forward, offering her phone as evidence of the altercation.

After a brief review, the instructor's verdict was clear. "Practice done for today," she declared coldly, her voice cutting through the tension. "Go back to your dorm or other practices."

But her directive wasn't for everyone. With a pointed glance at Hyejin, she issued a separate command. "Not you, Hyejin. Come with me," she ordered, her tone brooking no argument as she led Hyejin away, leaving behind a room fraught with unresolved tensions.

Back at our dorm, the tension from the earlier altercation lingered in the air, overshadowed only by Soomin's growing concern for my well-being. As we delved into a discussion about the incident, Soomin's frustration shifted toward my absence the previous night.

"Where were you?" she inquired, her tone betraying a mix of worry and irritation. I hesitated before answering, bracing myself for her reaction. "At the studio," I admitted quietly.

Soomin's expression softened momentarily, replaced by a look of incredulity. "You slept there?" she repeated, seeking confirmation. I nodded, my apprehension mounting as I anticipated her next words.

"Hera, you need to stop working so much," Soomin insisted, her concern evident in her voice. "It will affect your health."

As Soomin's concern washed over me, I couldn't help but feel a twinge of guilt. "I know, I know," I muttered, unable to meet her gaze. "But we're so close to our debut, I feel like I have to give it my all."

"That's not an excuse, Hera," Nari chimed in, her voice tinged with worry. "We need you to be at your best, both physically and mentally."

I sighed, realizing the weight of their words. "I'll try to take it easy," I promised, knowing that my dedication to our debut shouldn't come at the expense of my well-being.

Soomin placed a reassuring hand on my shoulder. "We're all in this together," she said softly. "We'll support each other through thick and thin."

Her words offered a sense of comfort amidst the chaos of our training regimen. With my friends by my side, I knew I didn't have to bear the burden alone. Together, we would navigate the challenges ahead, ensuring that we emerged stronger, both as individuals and as a group

2 hours later
Two hours later, during our break from training, I found myself on a video call with Yeonjun.

"So what happened then? Did she get kicked out?" Yeonjun inquired, eager for the latest gossip.

I recounted the earlier incident with the trainee. "I don't know, she probably just got reprimanded," I replied casually, my attention caught by approaching footsteps.

Quickly, I hid my phone, not wanting anyone to see who I was talking to. I hadn't disclosed to anyone, except my inner circle, that Yeonjun was my cousin. It seemed better that way, avoiding any hint of favoritism due to his status as an idol.

Once the person passed, I retrieved my phone. "You still haven't told anyone about us being related?" Yeonjun questioned.

"No, why should I?" I shrugged, unperturbed.

"Well, because I'm your cousin and we see each other regularly. It's easier to tell them so they don't jump to conclusions," he replied sarcastically, rolling his eyes.

As he scolded me for my secrecy, there was a knock on the door. "Oh, that's probably Heeseung! He told us he was coming earlier! I totally forgot," I panicked slightly.

Yeonjun welcomed Heeseung, and the rest of TXT joined in greeting him. They didn't notice I was on a video call with Yeonjun until...

"Oh, Hera!" Beomgyu's cheerful voice exclaimed as he spotted me on Yeonjun's phone. I quickly covered my face, not wanting Heeseung to see me.

"Hello, Beomgyu," I replied softly, trying to keep my voice low.

Suddenly, Kai grabbed the phone, eager to join the conversation. "Hey Hera!! Hera? I can't see your face!" he exclaimed, his enthusiasm evident.

Yeonjun swiftly retrieved his phone. "Heeseung, come! Meet my cousin, Hera!" he announced proudly, while I continued to hide.

"She'll soon be an idol too!" he added. "Oh, really? She's the one you've been talking about for so long!" Heeseung commented, approaching the screen.

"Hello! I've heard a lot about you," Heeseung said, trying to catch a glimpse of my face through the phone.

"Hi," I responded, still concealed. Yeonjun glanced at me, puzzled by my sudden shyness. "Ya! You good?" he asked.

"Umm, yeah, but I have to go. Practice is starting again," I quickly interjected, eager to end the unexpected encounter.

"Her voice sounds familiar..." Heeseung mused.

"Probably from her pre-debut cover videos!" Yeonjun chimed in, trying to divert attention.

I bid everyone a hasty farewell and ended the call with a sigh of relief. Dealing with unexpected encounters always left me on edge, especially when it involved Heeseung. Was it just nerves or something more? Either way, it was time to refocus and return to practice.

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