On A Night Like This

Por byzanthiumm

108 23 1

When two opposing bands are forced into a collaboration most hungered for by the school; Malakai, a classic r... Mais

Creator's Note I.
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen (Pt. I)
Chapter Fifteen (Pt. II)
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One

Chapter Sixteen

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Por byzanthiumm

“After that fuckery, I went home with a hasty goodbye to Luke. I couldn’t look him in the eye, already paranoid that he already knew what he knew.” she muttered with a bleary sigh.

Ambrose frowned. “What did he do?”

Dyana smirked bitterly. “The Sagars knew better than air their dirty linens in public. It didn’t matter if they were family. I knew that after I’d left that house he had a full-blown argument about me with Maya.”

Ambrose’s fingers traced the delicate line of her jaw. “Didn’t he warn you about his sister?”

“He did.” She replied with a solemn nod and a faint bitter smile. “But I didn’t listen.”

“Dyana, I need to talk to you.” Luke announced grimly, practically plucking her from her group. He didn’t say anything until they got to a private spot.

“What’s up?”

“I think it’s best if you stop whatever it is you’re doing with my sister.” He said bluntly.

Dyana shot a brow with a confused laughter to mask her panic. “Relax, dude. We’re not dating.” She made to leave but he held her arm in a tight grip, stopping her.

“You know what I mean. Stop being evasive.”

“I’m not being evasive. I’m simply stating a fucking fact! ” She snapped.

Luke didn’t back down. “Maya doesn’t care –”

“Oh my God. It’s the same bullshit again.” Dyana cut in.

“She doesn’t care about anyone. Maya’s a stone-cold bitch and you know it. You’ve kept your distance all this time, why now?”

Dyana gave a disbelieved laugh. “Wow.”

“Think about it, Dyana. For once.” He said softly. “Has she ever voiced her feelings?”

“That doesn’t fucking prove shit! It doesn’t mean anything.” She shot back, green eyes wild. “Not everyone is terrific at expressing themselves.”

Luke’s expression turned peeved, irritated, and he tried to contain it. Barely. “Dyana. Don’t let you incessant hunger for love blind you into seeking it from Maya. She’s a dead-end. Maya will hurt you. I’m telling you from experience.”

Dyana gave him a long hard look. One of hurt and anger, before she turned and walked away.

“Luke persuaded me on multiple occasions to an extent I finally snapped. Our friendship suffered during that period. The fights. The cold war. I didn’t speak to him for a while.

The relocation didn’t work out as my parents had planned, so we remained put. And every moment of everyday I dedicated my all to Maya, taking our not moving out as a sign to make the best out of what we had. It was so bad, our parents began to notice. Little by little.

Maya and I had to act detached towards each other when everyone was present. But once alone, we were a fire that consumed everything our bodies had to offer. Our façade didn’t fool Luke, but he wasn’t a snitch even with our ongoing cold war.” She muttered with a soft laugh. “It was sinful, adventurous…reckless even, and I loved it. Loved being with her. Loved the hidden smiles she always gave me; the warm fuzzy feeling I get every time our bodies accidentally touched, and the melting heat I felt whatever our eyes met. The way she looked at me; calm, cold, and a little distant – that was her nature, but there was heat and hunger in them.

Later, I cursed myself.

It turned out that Maya had made a video of the two of us. I was on top so you couldn’t see her face from the direction of the camera. The resolution wasn’t all that great, and it was dark. No one could tell it was me, but…I knew.

When I saw that video circulating among the seniors, and to the seniors who had younger siblings, shit practically exploded in my face.

"I-I felt numb, then so cold even in the hot weather. It was a chill that came from within. Fear followed. I couldn’t look anyone in the eye without seeing the sneers and awful remarks and comments that floated around me only to land like a spit ball on my face.

The video it seemed, was so supposed to be shared between a few. But it was too hot to pass up.” she turned to Ambrose with a tight smile. “The video got posted on online. Someone tweaked the resolution and my face got caught. If I could deny it wasn’t me earlier, I couldn’t now.

You can check it out if you want. The link should be somewhere.” Tears welled up her eyes and slid free without much restraint. “You should see the comments, the memes. God, Ambrose…it was horrible.”

“Where your parents aware?”

She scoffed. “No parent knows the life of their child in high school. I never talked so it was swept under the rug. Maya’s popularity and all. Her parents didn’t know either. However generically fucked they were, The Sagars were strict on certain things. That was one of them. The scandal was only popular among the student body.
I was angry beyond words. The very fact Maya had made that video without my knowledge, my consent, had shame crawling my body.

The final straw was when I confronted Maya. Naturally, she didn’t confirm or deny. She just watched me with calculating eyes and a thin smile.

“What the fuck were you thinking?! Filming us while we had sex? What the fuck’s wrong with you? SAY something you mouth-breathing cunt! How could you do this to me?! To us?!” Dyana yelled, choking on her sobs, fighting the pain, panic and irrational fear clawing at her.

“There was never an us.” Maya stated calmly.

Dyana turned cold. She raised stunned eyes to the older girl. “What? W-what are you talking about?” she whispered in a low, disbelieved rasp.

“You allowed a girl who you’ve never talked to since childhood, a girl who gave you a necklace to touch you. A piece of jewelry was all it took to open your legs for me.”

Dyana staggered backwards slightly, dazed into speechlessness. “Why are you being cruel? Wha- what did I do…, what have I done to deserve your cruelty?”

Maya shrugged, cold and indifferent. “You’re just too naïve that’s all.”

Angry tears burned her eyes and throat. Hot rage, vast and infinite made her crazed and almost manic. At that particular moment Dyana wanted to drag Maya to the hell she currently stewed in.

“I never saw Maya after that except during her graduation. I had to go or my parents would be suspicious. She tried apologizing. But God, how do you expect me to forgive that? Her remorse was nothing. I wanted at that time to bash her face against an anvil until a tiny part of me felt better.”

Ambrose fingered the necklace that rested perfectly against pale skin of her neck, then glanced at the girl sprawled on his abs with a haunted, distant aura about her. Haunted by a past of regret and pain. Of a thirst for love. The pain in her eyes was crushing.

“That’s the genesis of anger sex. I first did it with Luke.” She muttered detached. “I didn’t step into Luke’s house until the first month after Maya left for college. Eventually we moved out. With both parents completely oblivious.” She completed with a weary, relived sigh, reaching for his long raven tresses once again.

“Why wear this, if you hate her so much?” He hooked a finger under the thin silver chain with tiny ornaments then let it drop.

Dyana stared into space. “I don’t know. I’ve tried throwing it out, believe me. I just…couldn’t.” she whispered defeatedly.

He pulled her into his arms and held her close. Silent tears coated his chest. There was nothing he could do than offer comfort and silence.

Dyana wiped her eyes and gave him a watery smile. “I’m sorry…for this.”

He watched her. “Don’t be. You’ve done nothing wrong.”

“You want gummies?” Dyana asked a little too brightly before leaving the bed, taking a pack out from her drawer. “I have about half left.” she sat next to him and dug a handful of the clumpy bears before passing the bag to Ambrose.

Ambrose tossed a few into his mouth, tucking some wisps of hair behind his ear. “Exams are around the corner.” Topaz eyes flashed to her. “Are you ready?”

“No.” was her dour reply.

Ambrose moved the last of his stuff back into the room and closed the door quietly. Somehow it felt good to be back; even if his roommate was an asshole. After he straightened his bed, he dropped to it with an exhausted sigh, flexing his strained shoulders with a groan.

Jared hadn’t called him ever since the shit-show from before which didn’t make things easier since his guilt quadrupled every time he remembered, ashamed of how he treated him. Ashamed of how he still wanted Kai. Even now.

Idly flipping his phone between his fingers, Ambrose debated whether or not to call Jared. Finally gathering morale, he dialed the number only for it to go into voicemail. Twice. Four times. Then finally, the sixth.

With an angry snarl, he threw the phone at the door which opened simultaneously, hitting Kai squarely on the chest before dropping to the floor with a dull thud.

Kai picked the phone with a scowl. “You okay?”

Ambrose nodded, walked up to Kai and took his phone back. “Yes.”
Kai held him by the wrist, dark eyes peering at him with concern. “You don’t seem so.”

“I said I’m fine!” He snapped, snatching his hand free then strode angrily to his reading desk with a soft sigh. He was drained; physically and mentally, and Kai being here wasn’t so much of a help. “I’m sorry for my outburst. Now that we are roommates – what do you think you’re doing?” Ambrose asked, squelching alarm and pleasure as Kai’s hand snaked under his shirt, and Kai’s body heat warmed his back.

“You need to relax.” Kai muttered softly against Ambrose’s neck, his hand climbing higher.

“Let go of me.” Ambrose hissed, annoyed at the warmth flooding his body; annoyed at Kai’s audacity. Annoyed at the way his useless body reacted with the alacrity of lightening despite struggling against Kai who held him pinned easily, and cursed as two fingers reached for a puckered bud. “I don’t have time for this.”

“Liar." He nuzzled the side of Ambrose's neck, whispering hoarsely, "Your body tells a different story.”

Ambrose’s grip on the edge of the table tightened as he battled internally against Kai’s assault on his body, the lips grazing his skin, the way Kai’s lashes grazed his neck. The fingers rubbing relentlessly on his nipple, shooting honeyed warmth deep in his belly.

He moaned, pushing against Kai as heated pleasure assaulted him. He felt helpless against him as his world came crashing down.

Kai reached for Ambrose’s face and pressed soft kisses against his lips. Ambrose made to turn fully to face him but Kai’s fingers tightened, pushing Ambrose’s lips closer to his.

Ambrose’s fingers got lost into the dense mass of hair and gripped hard for balance. His phone rang, and he reached for it blindly then swiped left without breaking the kiss, turning fully to face Kai and deepen the kiss.

They backed the table, shedding their shirts and jackets, leaving them on the floor. Ambrose pushed Kai to the bed and straddled him as their kiss turned frantic, the fusion of their pants echoed between them and all over the room.

Ambrose withdrew from Kai’s relentless lips and sat fully on his thighs, settling against the heavy erection, his raven hair fell like a curtain over his face, shrouding them in shadows, lending a certain appeal to his eyes. He braced both hands on either side of Kai’s broad shoulders and stared at the man under him.

Kai reached up to tuck the heavy strands of Ambrose’s hair behind his ear and stared at the topaz eyes above him. “Did Jared ever love you like I do?”

Ambrose chuckled, lowering himself until their chests almost touched. “Don’t ruin this.” He whispered against Kai’s lips biting hard on Kai’s bottom lip, brushing his tongue against the bruised flesh then sucked it into his mouth in a kiss.

Kai’s hands clasped over Ambrose’s hips as their tongues clashed and internal heat collided; every sweep and tangle of tongues and breaths, every sensation of Ambrose’s hair on his skin made him loose sanity. “I’ve missed you.” he whispered with closed eyes when the kiss broke.

Ambrose totally unresponsive, trailed his lips over the light stubble of Kai’s jaw and nipped hard on it eliciting a soft groan from Kai. He repeated with the same measure for his neck, this time licking the hurt away.

With a muted curse, Kai switched positions, flipping Ambrose to the bed in a rough, deep manner, smashing their lips together.

Ambrose dug his fingers into Kai’s back, scoring his nails over the thick, dense expanse as Kai rode him roughly through the thin barrier of their jeans.

Kai unbuttoned his jeans, then Ambrose’s; wielding both cocks, he pumped hard and fast, the other hand hooked Ambrose’s legs over his waist before wrapping over the already hickey-blemished neck. “Did he do this? Answer me.”

Ambrose bit the back of his hand hard at the fierce movements of Kai’s hand pumping furiously. He couldn’t think. Couldn’t breathe. The hand on his neck tightened. He glanced up and saw the enraged face above him and wondered when it had gotten to this. Kai’s eyes seemed wild.

“Did he love you like this?” he questioned harshly, rubbing hard at the crowns spilling and oozing out more wetness which Kai used to his advantage.

He was so close. Poised high at the pinnacle of unsurmountable pleasure and agony, his skin singed with heat and his vision dimmed. “O-obviously.” Ambrose choked.

Kai chuckled and let go of Ambrose’s cock then climbed higher, inching up to stare into the dim, dilated topaz eyes to whisper. “I missed this.” He kissed the bruised dark rose lips softly, moving to the sensitive pink ear, “And I’ve missed you.”

Ambrose stared at him with an unreadable expression and snaked a hand to the coarse curled tips, yanking Kai down for a fierce kiss, sliding his hands over the smooth muscles of Kai’s back that rippled under his touch. Hating how much Kai's words affected him. And how badly he wanted to believe them.


Ambrose collapsed hard on the bed with an exhausted sigh, dragging the sheets to his waist with the last shred of strength he had left. Everywhere in his body ached and felt sticky. Judging from his reddened, thoroughly bruised skin and sore throat, he’d take weeks to heal.

Rolling to his stomach, he watched the deep orange glow of the late evening sun that infiltrated their room idly in slow yet multiple sweeps of his lashes as he tried to clear his somewhat hazy vision. Patting around him tiredly, he found his phone and turned it on as Kai returned to bed, lying next to him with a satisfied sigh.

Kai felt Ambrose tense and glanced his direction with a slight frown as Ambrose shot up with sudden panic. “What is it?”

“Jared called.” He answered pushing his hair from his face, his thumb scrolled rapidly through his phone screen with increasing fright.

Some of Kai’s anxiety left him. “So?”
Ambrose turned stricken gold eyes to him. “He called and I cut the call. I’m sure of it, but see –” he shoved the phone to Kai’s face, “the call went on for good 15 minutes, which means...”

“You didn’t disconnect.” Kai completed grimly. “Well, fuck...” He glanced back to Ambrose after a moment of silence. “What are you gon’ do about it?”

Ambrose shot him a venomous glare.

Kai held his hands up in surrender with an innocent expression. “It didn’t happen in my phone, it happened in yours.” He countered with a playful smile, dropping back to the bed.

Ambrose buried his face in his palms with an exasperated groan of misery. Two of his fingers parted in time to watch Kai bring the canister to his lips for the next, obvious thing. “Kai, I’m serious. And you know how I get about smoking in the room.” He said watching Kai fully.

Kai scoffed offhandedly. “Relax, boy. It’s electric.”

“And still bring cancer.”

Kai grinned wolfishly. “With an enjoyable scent.” He sat up abruptly and brought his face close to Ambrose’s worried one. “I am being serious, Alonso.” He whispered, bringing the canister to his lips for a drag then stole a deep kiss from him, releasing the scented smoke between their lips.

Kai withdrew with a smile at the dazed look Ambrose had on his face and snatched the phone to his nerveless fingers, replacing the pen to his lips. He went through the call log with a slight frown on his thick black brows and murmured after a long time. “Well, that’s just rough. But why ‘cheat’ on Jared if you truly love him?”

Ambrose glared at him again. “Do I need to remind you, my dear, that you came on to me first? Thank you for being the distraction I badly needed from my thoughts.” He plucked his jeans off the floor and cursed softly at the pain on his waist before putting it on with a determined zip of his fly.

Raking his hair into a presentable manner, he moved to his bed and was startled when he bumped unceremoniously into Kai.

“A distraction?” Kai asked with a quiet menace, stalking him.

Ambrose shoved hard at him. “Get the fuck out of my way. I’m not taking back what I said.”

Kai gave him a long look with a slow nod. He grabbed his discarded shirt on the floor and left the room.

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