A Bird and her Dogs

By sugerplumbabe

13.1K 751 59

Sang Sorenson a woman with power. A ghost. A legend. A myth. Many think she's a just an old wives-tale in the... More

Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20

Chapter 1

1.1K 42 2
By sugerplumbabe

When I was found by Dr. Roberts, I was 16, I just got the worst punishment from my stepmother and was taking a walk outside to clear my head. I was covered in black and blue bruises and long jagged nail marks were littered all over my skin. I stopped behind a diner that wasn't too far from my home. I sat by the dumpster and quietly cried, think over and over again if my life will get any better. If I'll be stuck being with my stepmothers punishing forever.

While I was lost in my thoughts, a voice rang out '' Hey, Are you ok?'' looking up startled by the older man. He did a little wave as his eyes were darting over all the marks across my body. ''Sweetheart, are you ok? Do you need any help?'' He asked again.

I open my mouth, but nothing came out. I tried again but gave up knowing my voice won't be coming back not for a while at least. I shook my head, desperately hoping he would walk away.

''Well, sweetheart it's cold out here, why don't you come inside and have some hot chocolate with me?'' He told, rather than asked.

He gently grabbed my hand in his and pulled me up. A first I was scared when he grabs my hand but at the same time a weird sensation came through me. I just knew I could trust him. I don't know if it was the warm way he talked to me or if it was the offer of hot chocolate. But I gave him my hand and had him lead me into the diner.

That night I told Dr. Roberts and his friend Uncle everything my stepmother and so-called dad did to me. I told them how I had the perfect family, but it all changed when my older sister Marie was killed in a car accident with her boyfriend, and everything changed after that. My mother or rather my stepmother changed after the accident. Blamed me for killing her daughter and how it was my fault my father got another women pregnant. How she started to hit and punish me for everything I did. Blamed me when my father left. How my father left and never once looked back. How he left me with her and all of her torment.

I told them everything.

I was shocked that night when they both told me they wanted to help me. I couldn't believe it. They told me about the Academy and how they can help and how I will never have to live with her again. That the only thing that they need from me was I had to ask for it. Ask for the help. Tell them to help me.

And so.....I did.

That night Dr. Roberts helped me. He saved me and I'll always be grateful.

He got me into the Academy and was ecstatic when he found out I was a Ghost. Not only happy that I could help to Academy in more than one way but also so that my so-called parents would never find me. 

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