Illusory experience - ๐™๐™ค๐™ ...

By Deeznutswhere

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๊ง interests๊ง‚


446 26 15
By Deeznutswhere

Time skip to 2001

Over the past three years, you have developed a close relationship with Kokonoi and the Inui siblings. Your days are filled with enjoyable activities such as hanging out and having conversations with them. Akane, in particular, has grown quite attached to you and considers you her best friend. After school, you often spend time together, going shopping with you treating her using your dad's black card. Although she initially declines, you insist and eventually succeed in buying her whatever she desires.

With Hinata, you are still best friends and on every weekend and Friday, you hang out with her and sometimes with some of her friends.

Shinichiro and the other three are also fond of you and adore you. You sometimes go to his shop with Inupi to hang out or ride a bike, finally, you have learned how to ride a motorcycle which took you a year.

"Make sure to watch out for the fire now, it's the year where it happens." You hear Hades tell you in your head as you read a book about the human body. "I know, but when does it actually happen? In what month or day?" you murmur, loud enough for Hades to hear you, hoping for a more specific answer. You were focused on a particular book about the human heart and it's function. You have always been fascinated by the intricacies of the human body, and this book is a particular favorite of yours. In your precious life, you were fascinated by the human body and all those kinds of things.

Hades lets out a sigh, clearly not sure when but pretty sure that it can happen so suddenly. "I'm not quite sure but... it could happen at any time, so...better keep an eye on them."

You let out a puff in boredom, getting tired of reading books and doing nothing. "Then I better be careful." you stretch your arms out and yawn before resting your head on your arms and closing your eyes to take a quick nap. "I trust you can do this alone without my help then, I'll contact you another time, Adios amiga." And with that, they take their leave, leaving you to your nap in the quiet library, with no one around to disturb you.

Kokonoi's POV

After I finished writing the math exam that I missed yesterday, I make my way to the library where Rey told me that she would be waiting for me. Walking through the corridors, I reach the stairs and walk down the stairs so I can hang out with my Rey-chan and have some alone time with her without Akane, Inupi, or anyone else interrupting our moment. I have realized that I like, no, love her and will do anything for her.

Akane is no longer my crush; instead, she has become a big sister figure to me. Over time, I have lost my romantic feelings for her but developed romantic feelings for Rey. As the years have passed, Rey and I have grown closer, sharing many experiences, with Inupi by our side. Rey's beauty has only grown, making her even more stunning, and it infuriates me when other boys try to woo her, glance at her, or flirt with her. Her incredible beauty has attracted many admirers, even from older boys.

I am aware that Inupi also has feelings for Rey, but it doesn't upset me too much, as we've grown up together like brothers. Our bond is deep-rooted and unbreakable, so his feelings for Rey don't cause me any anger or jealousy. After all, Rey keeps saying "Sharing is caring."

Reaching the first floor, I walked straight to the library, where it was relatively quiet and less crowded. After walking for a few minutes, I entered the library and glanced around. My heart skipped a beat as I spotted Rey, her head resting on the desk, fast asleep. Sunlight streamed through the windows, casting a warm glow on her face, making her features even more stunning. Her lips looked so soft and inviting.

I hesitated for a moment, not wanting to disturb her peaceful slumber. However, the urge to be closer to her was too strong to resist. I carefully approached her, my heart pounding in my chest. As I moved closer, I couldn't help but admire her delicate features, the way her lashes rested against her cheeks, and the soft rise and fall of her chest with each breath.

I decided to take a seat beside her, careful not to disturb her.

I watched her sleep for a while, my mind spinning with thoughts of how beautiful she was. Her lips, in particular, seemed even more alluring in her current state, full and slightly parted. I found myself mesmerized by the sight, unable to look away.

As I sat there, lost in my thoughts, I realized how much I enjoyed Rey's company, and how much I valued our friendship. I hoped that one day, she would feel the same way about me.

As the minutes passed, I found myself leaning closer and closer to Rey, unable to resist the urge to explore the softness of her lips. My heart raced as I moved even closer, my breath catching in my throat.

Just as I was about to press my lips against hers, Rey stirred, her eyes fluttering open.

I froze, my face heating up with embarrassment as I realized what I was about to do. I quickly pulled back, sitting up straight and averting my gaze, my cheeks burning with a deep blush.

"Oh, how long have you been here?" she asked, her voice groggy from waking up. She yawned and stretched her arms, her eyes still adjusting to the light.

My heart raced as I tried to gather my thoughts, my cheeks still burning from the near-kiss. "Just a few minutes," I managed to say, my voice barely above a whisper. "I didn't mean to startle you."

Rey blinked a few times, her eyes finally focusing on my face. A soft smile spread across her lips, and she sat up straight, propping herself on one elbow. "It's okay. I must have dozed off for a bit."

I nodded, trying to regain my composure. "I didn't mean to invade your space like that. I just... I couldn't help but admire you," I said, my voice barely above a whisper. "You looked so peaceful."

Rey smiled gently, her eyes never leaving mine. "Thank you. I appreciate the kind words."

We sat in silence for a moment, the tension slowly dissipating. In an effort to change the subject, I asked, "So, what are you studying today?"

She grinned, her cheeks flushing slightly. "Just some Biology stuff for my next assignment. You?"

I shrugged, picking up my books. "Same here. I've got a big test coming up, and I want to be prepared."

We settled into our studies, the awkward moment from before fading into the background.

As we continued studying, my thoughts were filled with images of Rey. I couldn't help but think about how close I had come to kissing her, and how her lips had looked so soft and inviting. My mind raced with scenarios, wondering what it would be like to share a real kiss with her.

I felt a pang of sadness, knowing that I had to play it cool and not let my feelings show.

End of his POV

‚I know damn well he wanted to kiss me like in the scene where he was about to kiss Akane...but I switched places with her. Heheheheh- ok ok, but seriously, why did I wake up and not get the kiss? I could have pretended that I was asleep but the stupid I am interrupted it. Ugh damn you.' You mentally curse at yourself as you focus on studying with him, sometimes passing some notes to him and him passing to me.

You glance over at Kokonoi, noticing that he seems a bit lost in thought. You decide to strike up a conversation to help him focus. "Hey, Koko, do you remember the difference between prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells?" you ask, hoping to engage him in some biology discussion.

Kokonoi snaps out of his reverie and looks at you, a bit surprised. "Uh, I think prokaryotic cells don't have a nucleus, while eukaryotic cells do," he answers, sounding a bit uncertain.

You nod, encouraging him to continue. "That's right! And what about the structure of a eukaryotic cell? Can you name some of the organelles?"

Kokonoi looks thoughtful for a moment before answering. "Well, there's the nucleus, where the DNA is stored, and the mitochondria, which produce energy for the cell. And there's also the endoplasmic reticulum, which helps in protein synthesis, and the Golgi apparatus, which modifies and packages proteins for transport."

You smile, pleased that Kokonoi is able to recall some of the information. 'Damn, he's smart.'

"Excellent! You're getting the hang of it. Now, what about the function of the lysosomes? What are they responsible for?"

Kokonoi looks a bit stumped, so you decide to help him out. "Lysosomes are responsible for breaking down waste materials and cellular debris inside the cell. They contain enzymes that help in this process, and are essential for maintaining cellular health."

Kokonoi nods, seeming to understand. "Got it. So, they're like the cell's garbage disposal system."

You chuckle, impressed by Kokonoi's analogy. "Exactly! You're a natural at this."

Kokonoi's face flushed bright red at your compliment, and he stammered, "Thanks, I guess... I'm still getting the hang of this biology stuff."

You couldn't help but feel a sense of satisfaction, knowing that you had helped him understand the material better. "Don't worry, we all have our struggles. Just keep studying, and you'll get the hang of it."

As the study session came to an end, you decided it was time to leave. "I have to go now," you said, gathering your things. "I have promised Akane that I will be hanging out with her, and we are cooking together too."

Kokonoi's eyes widened, and he quickly stood up, trying to regain his composure. "Oh, uh, that sounds like fun," he managed to say. "Have a great time and uh..see you later."

You pull him into a hug before pulling away and grab your belongings. „Thanks, see you later then." you bid your goodbye and walked out of the library and then the school building. Still thinking about the Kiss- incident with Kokonoi and how upset you are to yourself.

"Man...I could have pretended to be asleep at least, ugh." You curse at yourself before you feel a hand on your shoulder. "Eh?!" Startled, you turn your head to look over your shoulders to see who it is and only to see Kisaki Tetta. The boy I saved from some thugs who were bullying him. Yep, you did save him and here he is, your friend now and your his second friend beside Hinata.


You were chilling at home eating snacks and watching Netflix. That is until you finish eating your favorite snack f/n and wanted more but there weren't any left. So you decided to buy some as you get off your bed groaning and went downstairs to put your shoes on. "I swear I had like a whole f/n package brought yesterday."

Arriving to the front door, you put your shoes on and head outside to see the sun already raping your poor eyes. "My eyes.." you rub your eyes slightly and walk down the sidewalk, passing by many buildings and shops.

After walking like 7 minutes you reach it to the convenience store and was about to walk in until you hear some kids laughing and some insults coming from behind you. You look behind you to see four boys bullying a boy with black hair and glasses on, looking down on the ground in defeat.

'Wait, he looks really familiar to me....' You thought before you walked over to them to help him.

"Hey, what do you think you're doing?" They all looked over at you and laughed.

"What's it to you pretty girl?" One of them said in a mocking tone while the others laughed at his 'joke'.

"We were just teaching that rat here a lesson, you wanna join us? It will be fun." another one said grinning at you and about to punch the helpless boy until you stepped forward and blocked it with your hand without any difficulties.

The bullies exchanged looks of surprise, clearly not expecting you to intervene. "What the hell?" the bully spat, his eyes narrowing with anger. "You think you can handle this, pretty girl?"

You smirked, your confidence growing as you faced the remaining bullies. "I think I can handle this just fine," You said, standing your ground.

The remaining bullies exchanged uneasy glances, but they didn't back down. They charged at you, fists flying. You dodged their punches easily, and with a swift kick, you sent the first one sprawling on the ground. The second bully tried to grab you, but you twisted out of his grasp and delivered a powerful punch to his stomach, knocking the wind out of him. The boy with glasses watched in amazement, his eyes wide with fear and admiration.

The third bully hesitated for a moment, but when he saw his friends lying helpless on the ground, he turned tail and ran, joining his friends who had already fled the scene.

You turned to the boy with glasses, who was still watching in amazement. "You alright?" You asked him, concern in your voice.

The boy, looked up at you, his eyes wide with a mix of shock and gratitude. "Um, yeah... I'm okay," he stammered, still seemingly in shock from the situation. "Thank you... I don't know what I would've done if you hadn't come."

You smiled at him, feeling a sense of satisfaction at having helped someone in need. "No problem," you said, offering him a hand. "I'm Rey."

He hesitantly shook your hand, his grip weak and sweaty. "I-I'm Kisaki... Tetta," he said, his voice barely above a whisper.

"Well, Tetta," you grinned, "you owe me one for saving you from those guys. How about we make it official? Friends?"

His eyes widened, and he stammered, "Me? Friends with you? I mean, sure, if you don't mind."

You chuckled. "Of course I don't mind. Friends it is, then." You smiled at him warmly. 'If I manage to be his friend, then maybe he will change his plan and stop chasing a girl and kill almost everyone.

"I've never seen anyone handle bullies like that before." he mumbled, his cheeks slightly flushed. "why did you step in? Not many people would've done that." Kisaki said, his voice still a little shaky.

You glanced at him, noticing the way his glasses caught the fading light. "Honestly?" you said, "I can't stand bullies. They prey on the vulnerable, and it just... ticks me off."

He nodded, seemingly lost in thought. "I've been their target for a while," he admitted. "They pick on me because they think I'm a freak."

"Well, they won't bother you anymore," you assured him. "Not while I'm around...and besides, I don't think you're a freak, you look really cute."

Kisaki Tetta's cheeks turned an even deeper shade of red, and he fumbled with the strap of his backpack. "Cute?" he repeated, as if the word had caught him off guard. "I-I mean, thank you."

You chuckled, appreciating his shyness. "Yeah, cute," you confirmed. "And don't worry about those bullies. They won't dare bother you again."

Kisaki's gaze shifted to the ground, and he kicked at a pebble. "I've never really had anyone stand up for me like that," he admitted. "Most people just ignore me or pretend I don't exist."

"Well, consider me the exception," you said, nudging him playfully. "We're friends now, right? Friends look out for each other."

His smile was tentative but genuine. "Friends," he echoed softly. "I like the sound of that."

"So," you continued, "since we're friends, how about this: Would you like to come over sometime? Maybe we could study together or something."

Kisaki's eyes widened, and he blinked rapidly. "Me? At your place?" His voice cracked a little, and you found it endearing.

"Yeah," you said, trying to keep your own excitement in check. "We can tackle those science projects together. Plus, I make a mean cup of hot chocolate."

He hesitated, then nodded. "Okay. I'd like that." His glasses slipped down his nose, and he pushed them back up absentmindedly. "But, um, I don't have many friends. People usually find me weird."

"Well, weird is good," you assured him. "Normal is overrated. And besides, I think you're fascinating."
Tetta's blush intensified, and he cleared his throat. "Thanks, Rey. You're... different too."

"Good different, I hope," you teased.

He nodded vigorously. "Definitely good different." And that's how you become friends with him.

End of flashback

You smiled, feeling a sense of camaraderie with Kisaki. "Hello Kisaki, how are you?" You asked, genuinely curious.

Kisaki cheeks flushed a bright pink as he replied, "I'm okay. I saw you walking alone, so I decided to accompany you. Where are you heading to?"

"I'm actually heading to a friend's house to hang out," you explained, glancing at your watch. "I think it's getting late, though. I should probably get going."

Tetta nodded, his cheeks still pink from our earlier conversation. "Well, if it's not too much trouble, I'd like to accompany you."

You considered his request for a moment before nodding. "Sure, why not? I don't mind."

You continued walking down the quiet streets, occasionally sharing stories about yourselves. As you neared Akane's house, Kisaki hesitated. "Umm, well, I guess I should probably head home now. It's pretty late, and my parents might get worried."

"Oh, right. Well, thanks again for your help earlier," You said, offering him a genuine smile. "I hope we can hang out again sometime soon."

"Yeah, me too," he replied, his eyes lingering on you for a moment before he turned around and walked away, waving goodbye over his shoulder.

You watched him go, feeling a mix of relief and unease. On one hand, you were glad that you could help him, but on the other hand, you couldn't shake off the strange feeling he gave you. Maybe it was just the adrenaline talking, but something about him seemed... different. 'Did I somehow...changed him?'

You wondered as you remembered that he was madly in love with Hina and now that you are here in this dimension, you can tell that he isn't interested in Hina anymore like he used to. 'Maybe I did change him....i think he won't be a problem in the future to deal with.' You thought as you smiled in relief.

You rang the bell to Akane's house, the sound echoing through the quiet neighborhood. The door opened almost immediately, revealing Akane's beaming smile. "Hey, Rey! I'm glad you could make it. Come on in!"

A/n: I apologize if this chapter is too short, I am quite busy with school stuff and such, have a wonderful day :3

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