Cocoa's Sweet Boy

By prettyygurrll

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I'a always be yo sweet boy Cocoa More



85 6 5
By prettyygurrll

January 2nd
Los Cabos

The water splattered on Cocoa's face as she stood at the end of the Yacht. Tank had booked them a Yacht day where they would go out deep in the beach and swim in the water

Cocoa was debating in her mind if she would rather stay on the Yacht or get off and go in the water like everybody else. Wiic swam in the water splashing her anytime he would make his way around towards where she sat at

He had been trying to get her inside the water for a minute now but she was scared. The last thing she wanted to do was drown. Drowning in the water in vacation was not on her list

"Come on ma it ain't that bad." Wiic said as he leaned on the floater

"If I get in this water you gotta make sure I don't drown." She told him while standing up

"I ain't. Come on baby." He said keeping his arms out for her

Holding onto the man's hand she slowly inched her way inside the water. She eased real carefully shivering in the midst as her back got hit with with the cold water

Letting one hand go she gave both her hands to Wiic. Taking her into his hold he listened to her shiver in his ear as he pulled her father into the water where they all were

Cocoa kept her arms firm around his neck with her legs around his waist tightly. The only thing going through her mind was him letting her go

"I thought you was never going to come off that boat." Peach laughed as Cocoa sat on the blue float

"I wasn't till he asked me to." She said sliding fully up

"It's so cold." Sadie mumbled as she lifted up on the smaller boat

"It's cause we in the water. When we was just on the boat it felt good." Mocha told them as she swam up towards them

Cocoa sat there and tried to warm herself up as the wind blew a little. She watched as Wiic played around with Samar and Tank. A smile was on her face as he attended to his siblings

"If you give the five hundred I'll jump right off that boat. Right this second." Sadie told Mike with her and out

"Aight go jump." He said pulling the money out his pocket while he sat on the jet ski

Cocoa turned and watched as she slid out the boat. As she swam to the other side Peach and Mocha shook their heads as she really went to go jump

"Don't hurt yourself Sadie." Peach yelled out as she climbed onto the Yacht

"I'm not." She yelled

"What she finna do?" Tank asked as he leaned up towards Cocoa

"Jump off the boat." Cocoa said

"Jump off the boat?" He jerked his head back

"Yup. Mike said he was gone give her five hundred if she did it." Mocha laughed watching as she walked to the edge

"She really finna do it too." Peach leaned up and said

Without another second she ran off the boat fully forced and jumped. A big splash of water went off hitting Samar and Wiic a little

"She really did it." Peach laughed and said

"Run me my money in cash." She yelled and said wiping off her face

Wiic mugged her as she started to swim back over towards them. She was too busy trying to get back towards the boat to even tell that he had a mug on his face

"She then made him mad now." Mocha pointed out making Cocoa turn and look at Wiic

"He'll get over it. She's enjoying herself just like we are." Cocoa said as she helped Sadie up on the float

"You should've did a backflip off that shordie." Tank laughed as he took the money from Mike and handed it to her

"I was thinking that." Sadie said putting the money in her bag

"Aye fa' a band go do a backflip fa' the rest this stack I got on me." Tank whispered making her smirk

"Alright. You betta' really give me a band too." She fussed getting back down

"He about to come over here and fight the both of y'all. For paying her to jump off that boat." Peach told the two of them

"Ain't nobody worried about folks. She my lil sista." Tank said as he ducked Wiic

"Stop tellin' her to jump from thea'. She hurt herself that's on me." Wiic fussed and said

"Let her live nigga. This he first time out the country and you ruining it." Tank smirked

"Like I said. Sadie get down." He yelled out

"Leave her alone Dayvon. Let her do it she's going to be fine." Cocoa said softly making him look at her

"Is she finna do a backflip?" Samar asked making Tank nod his head

"I told ha' fa' a band she gotta do a backflip off the boat." He said to Samar making Wiic turn and mug him again

Standing at the edge of the boat Sadie counted down in her head before she flipped off the boat. As she did so Tank laughed as she went back full speed

"Nigga tryna tell me what ta' do with my child." Tank said loudly clowning Wiic

"She really did that." Peach said shaking her head

"Yeah cause ain't no band gone make me get on no boat and flip that high." Mocha told her

"That flip better be rated a ten too." Sadie said floating on the side where Wiic was

"Stop jumpin' onnat boat Sadie." He told her making her smack her lips

"I didn't hurt myself. And I came up fifteen hunnid." She told him

"I would've flipped too fa' that." Samar said making tank agree

"Y'all he just trying to protect her. He's your older brother understand where he's coming from." Mocha said making Tank stale face her

"Nigga worst than her daddy." Tank joked

"You really are. I'm cold now I'm going back to the Yacht." Sadie told them as she got down from the mat

"I'm coming with you. It's starting to get cold." Cocoa said sliding down

"You just came out here." Peach said to her

"I know. I can't do it though." She let them know

Sitting in the sun under the Yacht Cocoa laid up against Wiic as they made their way back to the dock. she had noticed that he had barely spoken to Mike the whole day

Usually he could hold a whole conversation with him even without Tank having to be there. But she noticed Tank barely talked to him as well which was weird

The only thing that came across her mind was he had talked with them the other night. Of course she wasn't going to bring it up as they were having a fun family outing day. She just wanted to know what happened for them to be like this with one another

No matter how they all felt about one another it never made them be like this at all. If they did ever argue you could never tell. They were all to stubborn and too private for anyone to notice

Especially Wiic he could keep something a secret for years and wouldn't care to speak up or mention about it. Until you found out and confronted him about it for yourself

It was crazy how wanting to distance yourself away from something that could take you back under the rug. And everyone who knew what you went through could be the one's who didn't even support the decision

The closes ones to you should be the ones that care the most. But if you was making them money to their speed and over their speed than why wouldn't they not care

"You look beautiful." He whispered in her ear making her look up

"Thank you." She said kissing his cheek

"We gone go somewhea' when we get back ta' the house." Wiic told her

"Go where?" She asked lifting up

"You gone see." He said leaving it alone

"Why you can't just tell me?" Cocoa questioned

"Cause." He said making her stare at him

Looking back at the t.v in front of her she let her mind roam on what he had planned for them this evening. With him it was always a surprise. Literally

"As long as it doesn't contain what we did in Jamaica. I don't have time for my hair to mess up cause of this wild wind." Cocoa told him

"We gone go ATV ridin' tomorrow. Might gotta show y'all lil niggas a lil sum sum." Tank said plopping down on the seat

"Y'all going Atv riding I'm not." Samar turned and said

"You did what I ask you to?" Wiic asked as his face was deep in his phone

"Yeah I did. Gotta tell it when we alone." Tank let him know

Nodding his head he sent the text back to Dee lettin' him know what he was now doing on his end. Wiic didn't speak for nobody else. Just like he was grown enough to speak his peace the other two could as well

He knew eventually Tank was going to do it. But it was vacation time he didn't handle business when it came down to that. Vacation was for peace and to bond with family

They were both too big on family to sit there and let a altercation ruin or get in the way of them enjoying each others time amongst one another

"Aye I gotta tell you sumn else lata' on to." Tank said lowly making Wiic look up

"What is it?" He asked questioning the look he gave him

"Somethin' that might make a change on how I really gotta move. Somethin' that gone make me up and leave Miami." Tank said with uncertainty

"Ten thirty." Wiic leaned up and said

Nodding his head Tank put his attention back on the t.v in front of him where Higher Learning played. Him, Sade and Samar sat all around the big square couch laid back

Wiic made his way towards him and Cocoa's room. He walked out and sat with the three for the time being till Cocoa time came and ran out. The time he had given her to get everything together

Pushing the room door opened he seen her standing over the opened suitcase with her hair flowing down her back. Standing between the crook of the slightly opened room door he watched her move around

He knew she was thinking about a lot the way she had her face in the particular way. She was throwing her things back inside the suitcase as she pulled out all that she needed

"I gave you a hour and a half. Why you ain't ready yet ma?" He asked her as he stayed leaned up on the door

"I couldn't find what I needed. So I had to do a run around, but I'm ready now." She told him as she lifted up and walked towards him

"Come on ma." Wiic said reaching his hand out for hers

Placing her hand in his she let him lead her out the room. Thinking they were going to walk out the front way Cocoa watched as he led them over to the back patio doors

Pushing the door closed Cocoa walked off from behind him. She could already tell that he was about to lead them somewhere along the beach. By the way he dressed

"Why couldn't you just say we were going along the beach?" Cocoa asked him as she slowly walked through the sand

"Cause ma it's a date. You don't always say what the date gone be." Wiic said as he caught up to her

"Aww not you taking me on a date for the first time. Kind of took you along time though." Cocoa told him laughing

"You coulda left that at the first sentence ma." He said with a slight mug

"I'm just playing baby. I love it." Cocoa said as she leaned up and kisses his lips

"You really like it?" He whispered into her ear

"Yes I really like it. I just hope it's food out here somewhere." Cocoa said pulling back

"It is fat girl." Wiic told her

"I'm not fat I just love food." She weighed her shoulders and said

"Yeah I know. You stay wit a fork and plate to yo face." He clowned

"Ok keep it cute." She waved him off

"Ain't nothin' wrong with that ma." he said putting her inside as they continued to walked

The two walked along the beach quietly nothing was being said. Just the clash of the water and the trees swinging back and forth against each other

Qiutness was exactly what was needed at this moment. It was too much going on since they had came back from Jamaica that two had yet to discuss

"You always wanna have me out walking on the beach when the wind start to kick in." Cocoa spoke up making him snap from his thoughts

"Cause when we go out the country we do stuff during the day ma." Wiic said as he followed her down the small walkway

"I'm not complaining about the date. It's just how cold it is. Why you wanted to do this with me again anyways?" She turned and questioned him. Placing her hair back over her shoulders

"Cause I wanted to be wit chu' alone. That's a problem ma?" He asked her pulling her back by then ends of her hair

"No it's not. You mess it up you're paying for it." She pointed her finger in his face

"Like I paid for it to get done this time. Imma pay fa' it again." He said pulling her into his chest

"And the other times that's to come too." She smirked making him mush her head

Cocoa melted into his embrace and wrapped her arms around his waist. Her face was tucked into his chest as she stood there and watched the waves clash against one another

Sitting there at the edge of the bed Her finger set at the tip of the contact waiting to click it. Everything in her was telling her not to bother Him. But at the same time everyone around her was pushing for her to get in contact with him

It's crazy how everything can change when you get back in contact with a familiar person. Old feeling you thought you lost came back. New emotions and feelings formed

What she did was wrong and she understood, but how was she to resist him and she had just came in contact with him. Knowing he had a girlfriend didn't stop her

If she could take it all back she would, but it was too late the eggs was already in the basket

Now she would be having time soon not just worry for her own safety anymore. Life was meaning more and more by the second as she had just gotten the news. Did she want to go and speak with him and tell him everything that was going on ?

Yes she did. But she just needed more time. In her mind she could do it all on her own with no help. But could she really?

Eventually everything was going to come out and catch up with the two. How long did she really feel like she could keep going on without him knowing?

Who do y'all think the last part is about?

Imma give y'all a hint. It's not who you think it is. And it's not who you least think it is. They all are gonna get dirt shown on them

Wiic not the only one with dirt on him

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