Don't Walk Away My Raspberry...

By scorpionmisfit27

401 19 36

"Food speaks to more than just the stomach"~ Unknown. Michael J. Jackson and Prince R. Nelson are culinary g... More

1. Welcome To My Kitchen
2. Moving into the Fire
3. Home is Where the Heat is
4. Earning Your Stripes
6. I Won't Let You Fail

5. Blossoming Friends

55 2 2
By scorpionmisfit27

"Cooking is all about people. Food is maybe the only universal thing that really has the power to bring everyone together. No matter what culture, everywhere around the world, people get together to eat." - Guy Fieri

Michael's Point of View: 

As I settled into my seat in the crowded auditorium, my thoughts drifted back to the unexpected encounter with Latalia the night before. I watched with a mixture of pride and anticipation as the stage lights dimmed, signaling the start of my daughter's dance recital.

Despite the excitement of the moment, my mind kept returning to the conversation I'd shared with Latalia on our walk to her building. Her genuine concern and willingness to offer support had touched me in a way I hadn't expected.

As the music swelled and the dancers took the stage, I found myself stealing glances at Latalia seated nearby. I couldn't shake the feeling of gratitude for her kindness and the newfound sense of connection that seemed to have blossomed between us.

As the recital progressed, my heart swelled with pride as my daughter took the stage, her movements graceful and confident. But amidst the applause and admiration, my thoughts kept drifting back to Latalia, wondering what the future might hold for our burgeoning friendship.

As the final curtain fell and the audience erupted into applause, I couldn't help but feel a sense of optimism stirring within myself. Perhaps, I thought, the unexpected bond I shared with Latalia could be the beginning of something truly special. Or maybe because I have been so lonely it's nice to have a new kind face in the mist.

As we exit the venue, I spot my daughter Paris waiting for us, her face radiant with excitement from her successful performance. I can't help but smile at the sight of her, feeling a swell of pride in my heart.

"Hey, sweetheart, you were amazing up there!" I exclaim, wrapping Paris in a warm hug.

Paris beams up at me, her eyes sparkling with happiness. "Thanks, Daddy! I'm so glad you got to see the whole routine together."

Latalia steps forward, holding out a delicate pink rose towards Paris. "You were exceptional Paris, and this is for you. You were absolutely stunning on stage."

Paris's face lights up with delight as she accepts the flower. "Thank you, Latalia! It's beautiful and you remember these are my favorites."

I watch the interaction between my daughter and Latalia with a sense of gratitude, grateful for the bond they share. Paris could use more female role models in her life besides CiCi. 

"So, Paris, what do you say we go out to eat to celebrate your fantastic performance?" I asked her to see where she would like to go and have lunch.

Paris's eyes widen with excitement. "Yes, please! Can we go to that Italian restaurant we like?"

I chuckle, ruffling her hair affectionately. "Of course, sweetheart. Lead the way."

As we walk together towards the restaurant that wasn't too fall from the recital location, I can't help but feel a sense of contentment wash over me, grateful for the support of Latalia. And as we settle into our seats for a celebratory meal, this moment felt nice. 

I no longer felt like I was carrying a weight for a brief moment. Watching her and Paris chat and laugh although a beautiful moment my heart sinks a bit. I think about how this should have been Isadora and I spending our time together with our daughter, I think Isadora would have like Latalia for her nice nature and expertise in the kitchen.

"Dad, can you tell me more about Mom? I know she was a chef like you. What was she like?" Paris asked bringing me out from my reverie of thought about Isadora. They must have brought her up in conversation that I was not really listening to in order to bring about this question. 

My smile softens, a mixture of fondness and sadness crossing my features I realized as I saw the facial expression on both Paris and Latalia's face. They were waiting with earnest to hear about the best person I have ever met in my life, who captured my heart through her food and personality. 

"Your mom was amazing, Paris. She had a passion for food like no one else I had ever known. We actually met in the city of Paris, which is the reason why we chose your name. It was love at first sight, right in the heart of that beautiful city. She was in the culinary school I studied at, and she was an exceptional cook. Your mom was very traditional as well, so her cuisine always did the best for being instructor worthy. It took me a few weeks before she even agrees to a date and when we did go out it was amazing, we did a lot of laughing because as your dad, I am naturally so silly, and I just needed to hear your mother's laugh. You two actually laugh alike." I say thinking about a distant time in my life that will only be a memory for the rest of my life now. 

Paris's eyes widen with wonder. "Really? That's so romantic, Dad. Mom sounds so beautiful and smart. I miss her, I don't really remember much not even her laugh, but I do remember her long brown hair. I got hair like her Latalia, I seen the pictures, and our eyes are the same color too." Paris seems to smile comforted in knowing in a lot of ways she is her mother doppelganger. 

My gaze turns distant, lost in memories of my beloved wife, Isadora. 

"It was a romantic time. She brought so much light and joy into my life, just like you do. I miss her every day too. I know you were young when we lost your mom but just know I know she is very proud of you Paris and she is your own special guardian angel." I say trying to reassure her and hold back my own tears that threaten to break the surface.

Latalia places a comforting hand on my arm, offering me a reassuring smile. "She sounds like an incredible woman, Michael. And your dad is right Paris you have your own special guardian angel. And if she looked anything like you than your mom was a beautiful woman as well and you will grow into your own beautiful woman always carrying her with you."

I clear my throat, blinking back the tears threatening to fall. Latalia felt like a safe space in that moment, I never really let many people in for fear that their hearts are not as pure as Isadora's was. But in that moment, I felt a twinge of excitement that I may have found a new safe space where I could possibly go to let go of this weight that's been on my heart. 

I have talked to Prince and CiCi, as well as my other friends but it's hard to say to them I am lonely and want a companion but at the same time I am not ready to let go of Isadora and the sadness surrounding her death. Latalia seems so kind and understanding, she is sweet and even when others are a jerk to her, she still manages to take it with a grain of salt. However, I felt like it was still too early to tell besides I wouldn't want to burden her with my pain. 

"She was. But hey, enough about me and Paris's mom. Latalia, we are supposed to be working on a new menu for the restaurant this week. Anything exciting you'd like to add or do?" Latalia nods eagerly, seizing the opportunity to shift the conversation thankfully. 

"Yes, actually! I've been experimenting with some new ingredients and flavors. I thought we could try infusing some exotic spices into our dishes to give them a unique twist." Her eyes lit up when discussing food and cooking and it was refreshing to have another person who seem to love food and cooking as much as me. 

Paris perks up with interest into Latalia's ideas. "That sounds cool, Latalia! I can't wait to taste test it."

"Yes, and I can't wait for you to try it and tell me what you think. You have an impressive palette for a kid. I've been experimenting with some new flavor combinations. How about we incorporate some seasonal fruits and herbs into the dishes? It could add a fresh and vibrant touch to the menu." She suggests eyes beaming with the idea as if she has been sitting on that one all day.

As Latalia and I discuss the new menu she has in mind, her phone buzzes, it seems she tries to ignore it, but Paris notices the distraction.

"Who's texting you, Latalia?" Paris asks curiously, peering over at her phone. My daughter can be quite nosey, and we are actively working on that. 

Latalia hesitates, "Oh, it's just... nobody important, sweetheart. Just an old friend."

But I'm not so easily convinced, my brow furrowing with concern. "Are you okay, Latalia? You seem a bit... tense."

Latalia forces a smile, trying to reassure me. "I'm fine, Michael, really. Just a stupid notification, that's all." She goes from saying it's a text from an old friend to a notification, there is something bubbling beneath the surface for her, but I don't want to make her uncomfortable. 

I notice how this exchange between us is making her even more tense and decide to drop it and switch gears. "Paris, why don't you tell us more about your preparation for your dance recital? We'd love to hear all about it."

Paris's face lights up at the opportunity to share her excitement, and she launches into a lively retelling of the highlights of her performance and how they team decided how to put the routine together. As she speaks, Latalia's phone buzzes once again, but this time she tries to discreetly silences it, but I notice her actions.

As Paris finishes her story, and we give her praise I decided to hopefully offer a safe space back to Latalia. I turn to her with a knowing look. "You know, Latalia, if you ever need someone to talk to about whatever's bothering you, even stupid persistent notifications, I'm here for you."

Latalia meets my gaze, "Thank you, Michael. That's very nice of you, I will keep that in mind." Her soft smile let me know my olive branch was received well.

"Back to the menu, I was thinking of infusing black truffles into the dessert," she suggests changing the subject once more, her eyes lighting up with excitement when discussing food. "It'll add a rich, earthy flavor that pairs beautifully with the sweetness."

I furrow my brows slightly, a hint of apprehension in my voice. "Truffles in dessert? Isn't that a bit... expensive and unconventional because of the hint of garlic it can take on?"

Latalia nods eagerly. "Exactly the danger between getting the right flavor or a hint of something unusual! That's what makes it exciting. We can push the boundaries and create something truly unique that will surprise and delight our customers. Besides as a high-end restaurant I think you can get away with up charging on that particular dish."

Paris's eyes widen with excitement at the idea. I instantly realize she is enjoying Latalia's idea. 

"Wow, that sounds amazing! Can we try it out, Dad?" She asked. 

"We? when did you join my kitchen staff sweetheart?" I asked jokingly. 

"You know what I mean dad, so could you try it? Please!" She pleads. 

I hesitate, unsure of the unconventional approach. But seeing the excitement in Paris's eyes, I can't help but feel a twinge of curiosity myself.

"Alright, let's give it a shot," I say finally, a bit of excitement creeping into my own voice. "I trust your judgment, Latalia." I mean I should, she is an amazing chef, and she also did come from a five-star restaurant won't hurt giving it a shot to see if she is as good as everyone says. 

Encouraged by my daughter's eagerness, Latalia moves on to the idea for the main dish. 

"And for the main course, how about we use an exotic herb like lemongrass to infuse a delicate fish dish? It'll add a refreshing twist that's perfect for summer."

I furrow my brows even more, a hint of skepticism in my voice. She really likes pushing the boundaries with food. 

"Lemongrass with fish? I'm not sure... There are a lot of components when it comes to Lemongrass." Lemongrass if used wrong could ruin a dish. 

Only one-third of it is even edible and although it has great health properties if it is not cooked properly, it can overwhelm a person not to mention sometimes having dry mouth or if someone is allergic to it, we would have to make note of telling every patron about the lemongrass and the black truffles. 

"Yes Lemongrass, Michael there's a delicate hint of extra surprise you get with adding the lemongrass, the fish would taste the same but there will be this hidden element that people won't be able to pinpoint unless they are food nerds like us. We could use the other parts to make soup or broth, I even know how to make soap we could do many wonders to the herb and bring some new attention to the restaurant as well..." She begins her pitch to win me over.

"The healing properties of many of the ingredients I use will definitely impress the clientele the restaurant has. Besides this will increase how much wine or drinks are served it may seem a bit deceitful but it's not when we are only trying to push the envelope of flavor and diversity at the restaurant, the added revenue is just a bonus and if we use all parts of the plant, we are also being green as well." She says and I smirk, I am a foodie. 

She makes some great points, and this is all for the upward success of the restaurant, ideas which aren't bad and wish I had a few weeks ago. 

"And for the appetizer, how about a playful twist on a classic dish? We could combine spicy jalapeños with sweet mango in a refreshing salsa served with crispy tortilla chips."

"Alright we will try your menu this week, if we get any objections don't forget I told you so." I say shrugging. 

"Dad, can we go to the arcade today? Please?" Paris asked me as she changes the subject to more of a topic she likes. 

I smile at my growing daughter, grateful for the opportunity to spend more time together. "Sure thing, Paris. I'd love to." She knows I enjoy going to the arcades with her too, it's one of our favorite pastimes we started after her mother passed. 

Paris then turns to Latalia, her expression hopeful. "Latalia, will you come with us? It'll be so much fun!"

Latalia hesitates, glancing down at her phone as it lights up. She ignores it once more before she responds. "Of course, Paris. I'd love to join you guys."

Latalia offers to drive us to the arcade since she brought her car. She is never really going to get the hang of being a city girl it seems. Soon we're on our way, the anticipation of the afternoon ahead filling Paris with excitement.

As we drive, Latalia can't help but steal glances at her buzzing phone, sensing her distraction, I turn to her with a concerned expression. "Is everything okay, Latalia? You seem a bit... preoccupied."

Latalia forces a smile, trying to brush off my concerns. "Oh, it's nothing, Michael. Just some more notification stuff."

But I'm not convinced anymore by this deflecting excuse, my gaze lingering on her worried expression. "Are you sure? You can talk to me if something's bothering you, you know. I know you're here for me as a friend, but I can be here for you as a friend too."

Latalia's smile falters onto her face, her worried expression seeming to ease away, "Thanks, Michael. I really do appreciate it. But for now, let us forget this notification issue, alright."

"Okay." I say turning my gaze towards my child who was beaming through the window watching the scene pass her by. 

As we arrive at the arcade and Paris eagerly bounds out of the car, Latalia's phone buzzes yet again. I notice she takes a deep breath, frustration evident in her eyes, but I don't want to push her anymore. Whatever or whomever is annoying her clearly is something or someone she is desperately trying to avoid. I can relate when it comes to the mayor's wife and her unwavering desire for me, although I want nothing to do with her. She will not leave me alone or stop these stupid rumors about me.

As Paris rushes off to play on the arcade machines, and I keep an eye on her, I notice Latalia's expression change from annoyance to defeat a bit, she nudges my arm and I turn to face her. 

"Michael, I... I need to talk to you about something," she begins, her voice soft but determined despite her mood seemingly deflated since we left the table at lunch.

My concern for her deepens as I meet her gaze. "Of course, Latalia. What's on your mind?"

She takes a deep breath, before she meets my concerning eye, "It's about the persistent ringing and notifications on my phone, it's not really notifications its actually my ex... Theodore.  We broke up before I moved out here to New York because he cheated on me with my old boss's daughter back in Texas."

My eyes widen in surprise and sympathy as I listen to her confession. That is hard for someone to have to face and now I understand why she rushed out here to take Prince's spot so fast, leaving a five-star restaurant to come to our four star one. 

"I'm so sorry, Latalia. That must have been incredibly difficult for you. Then for him to keep bringing up the reminder of that pain is even more hard, I am sorry and if you want to vent to me, I am here to help anytime."

Latalia nods, her eyes glistening with unshed tears. I feel bad for her as heartbreak is hard and crushing no matter the type. 

"It was... devastating. I thought he was the one, but... I guess I was wrong. And thanks Michael this is nice, to have someone else to talk to. Especially a guy, all my girlfriends tell me the same thing, but it is refreshing to hear this from a guy. Other than you I have spoken to Jose, and I appreciate the friendship I have with both of you." She says as we watch Paris on all the different arcade machines. 

I reach out to squeeze her hand in a gesture of comfort. "You deserve so much better than someone who would betray your trust like that. And I am happy to help, I am known as the iron chef of the kitchen. But I am glad you can see past that, so I want you to feel like this friendship is an intersection and not a one-way street. I can understand heartbreak and unwanted attention more than anyone. It gets hard but it helps to have someone to talk to."

Latalia manages a small smile; she seems grateful for my words of comfort. "Thank you, Michael. I appreciate your support and help, and I don't think you are the iron chef of the kitchen but if you want to help in connecting with your staff more I can help."

"I'll take that in account next time I feel the need to connect but for now I am okay, our staff is great, but I feel like I have to push them to their best every time and I can't do that if I am friends with all of them." I comment. 

"I suppose." She responds smirking. 

As we sit in companionable silence, watching Paris play in the distance, I notice her tension shifted and she felt more relaxed than before. 

"I thought he was the one, you know?" she admits, her voice tinged with regret.

 "I thought he was going to propose. But then... everything fell apart. I've allowed that man to break my soul and I left feeling weak." Her voice filled with sadness, and it broke my heart to hear it. 

Latalia is a nice woman I have come to feel more comfortable with as a friend. And any friend of mine that has gone through turmoil makes me feel agony for them. I listen intently, my heart going out to Latalia as she shares her pain. 

"I can't even imagine how hard that must have been for you, Latalia. But you made the brave choice to leave all that behind and start fresh here in New York. That takes courage and strength." I try to encourage her as CiCi was right she is a sweet person and I think she needs to be reminded of her strength in this instance. 

Latalia offers me a grateful smile, appreciative of my words of encouragement, I guess. 

"Thank you, Michael. It hasn't been easy, but... being here in New York doing what I love, working at the restaurant and meeting all my new friends, it's helped me heal in ways I never thought could be possible." She says making flutters lightly float around in my stomach, I was able to help someone even when I feel numb more times than not, that was encouraging for me.

I return her smile, a glimmer of warmth I hope filled my eyes. 

"I'm glad to hear that, Latalia. You're a valuable member of our team, and we're lucky to have you...At the restaurant." I say hoping my statement didn't sound flirty or misleading.

Our conversation is interrupted by the sound of Paris's laughter as she races over to us, her face flushed with excitement from her time at the arcade.

"Latalia, Dad, you have to see this game! It's so much fun!" Paris exclaims, tugging at our hands in her eagerness.

Latalia and I exchanged a knowing glance of tabling this for now before following Paris back to the arcade machines, I am happy my daughter is enjoying herself. 

As we approach the Skee-Ball machine, a mischievous glint sparkles in Latalia's eyes. 

"You ready to lose, Michael?" she teases, a playful smirk tugging at her lips. She looked cute when she smiled like that, but I shake the notion off.

I chuckle, rolling up my sleeves with a competitive gleam in my eyes. 

"We'll see about that, Latalia. I've got some tricks up my sleeve. I am a Skee-Ball champion." I say getting ready to show her all of my moves.

Paris seems to watch with amusement as the two of us dive into the game, our laughter filling the air as we aim for the highest score. With each toss of the ball, our competitiveness grows, and soon we are both fully immersed in the game, determined to outdo each other. I have to make good on my promise of being Skee-Ball champion.

Paris giggles as she captures our antics on my phone, snapping photos of Latalia and me in the midst of our friendly rivalry. 

"Smile, you two! This is going on Instagram!" Paris says taking what felt like a million pictures. 

Latalia and I exchange a playful glance before redoubling our efforts, but as the game draws to a close and I glance over at Latalia, a moment of admiration flickers in my eyes. She is absolutely beautiful, and she makes this numbness and loneliness dissipate for a quick second before I have to quickly look away, a pang of guilt tugging at my heart. Thoughts of Isadora washes over me making this moment with Latalia feel suffocating. 

"You okay, Michael?" Latalia asked I guess caught off guard on why I had stop playing momentarily. 

I forced a smile, brushing off her concern. 

"Yeah, I'm fine. Just... reminiscing, I guess." I say quickly shrugging this feeling off. 

Latalia nods understandingly, deciding not to press further. 

"Well, it looks like I win this round," she declares with a triumphant grin, gesturing to the scoreboard where her name shines at the top.

I laugh, conceding defeat with good grace. 

"Congratulations, Latalia. You are the real Skee-Ball champion." I say bowing quickly as she does this cute little dance that makes me laugh and Paris cheers. 

As we gather our tickets and prizes, a friendship lingering between us and growing in a better direction than when we first met, our bond is growing stronger with each shared moment, and it scares me a lot of times. As we leave the arcade together, I can't help but feel grateful for the unexpected friendship that has blossomed between us. I wasn't looking for a new friend, but I guess it is what was needed for this constant state of loneliness. 

As Latalia drives Paris and I home, the gentle hum of the car's engine lulls Paris to sleep in the backseat, leaving us two adults to our thoughts. Suddenly, Latalia's phone rings, displaying Theodore's name on the screen. My jaw tightens in annoyance, but before I can say anything, Latalia hands me the phone with a resigned expression. That gesture surprised me as this is a new level of trust between us. 

"Could you...Get rid of him for me? If only for a minute so I can think." she trails off, gesturing to the phone.

I nod, taking the phone and answering it with a coldness in my tone.  

"Hello?" I could hear the breathing of the man who made my friend sad and that didn't sit well with me, how could he have the audacity to make her feel that pain all over again with every call. 

Theodore's voice comes through the line, and I can hear the hesitation in his tone. 

"Um, who is this?" He was definitely taken off guard to hear another man answer Latalia's phone.

"This is Michael," I reply firmly, my annoyance I hope is evident. 

"Latalia's new friend. Look, if you truly care about her, you'll respect her space. Let her call you if she wants to talk, let her decide what to do in this next step since you already made some decisions for her within y'all's relationship. She needs space to be herself away from you and you need to respect that my man. Now I think it will be best for you to hang up now." I felt my protectiveness taking over as I am a fearful protector and now Latalia is in my inner circle that protectiveness extends to her as my friend. 

There's a brief pause on the other end of the line before Theodore speaks again, his voice strained. "I just wanted to talk to her, my man. I don't need you butting in business that doesn't concern you..."

I cut him off before he can finish breathing that hot breath trying to exhale from the barriers of his mouth and make it through the receiver. 

"Well, she's not available to talk right now or ever. Don't make her have to block you and just so you know when it comes to my friends the minute they ask me for help, their business becomes mine. Goodbye, Theodore." With that, I end the call and hand the phone back to Latalia, who offers me a grateful smile. I was hoping my annoyance didn't overstep my boundaries with us as friends. 

"Thank you, Michael, that was amazing" she says softly. "I appreciate all of your help. I think that should leave him stewing for a few days before he bothers me again. I have blocked his number so many times, and then he gets a new one and I know it's him because he always texts me and say it's him, I am just tired of doing the blocking every single time."

I return her smile, feeling a sense of closeness and understanding between us.  

"Anytime, Latalia. Friends look out for each other. He sounds like a huge red flag and maybe it was best you see his flaws now. That's harassment and if he ever does it again, I can make him pay legally for that." I advised her. 

"You're right he was, and I am glad too. Thank you I know I can do that but if he comes back, I will definitely tell you." She says going back to focus on driving. 

As Latalia navigates the streets, I sit quietly beside her, my thoughts weighing down by these persistent rumors that have plagued me. Latalia has open to me and trusted me with a part of her vulnerability and I think it is time I reciprocate the same energy. 

"You know, Latalia," I begin, my voice tinged with irritation about my situation currently.

"It's frustrating how easily rumors can spread and get started, especially when they're completely untrue." I try to find the words to say. How do I even tell her about something I haven't fully dealt with.

Latalia glances over at me, concern etched in her features. "What rumors are you talking about, Michael?"

I sigh heavily, my frustration I hope is evident. "It's about that ridiculous rumor circulating about me and the mayor's wife. Supposedly, she is saying I made advances on her while I was cooking for them, and now people are whispering about some affair. All those high society people and potential clients are all inquiring or talking about it in hushed tones. I know clients are looking at me in weird ways too."

Latalia's eyes widen in surprise and disbelief. "That's absurd! I can't believe people would even entertain such nonsense. It clearly sounds like some kind of fantasy, when would the iron chef even have the time to socialize let alone make a pass at someone." She tries to make light of it, and it made me smirk before I take in her words.

"Believe me, it's been a headache trying to squash those rumors. But the worst part is knowing that someone out there is spreading lies about me. Thanks for believing me and saying that because see even you know I take my kitchen duties very seriously and you are just getting to know me." I say smirking.

Latalia's grip tightens on the steering wheel, her expression one of fierce determination. 

"Well, I know the truth, Michael. And I won't let anyone's gossip affect how I see you. I been working with you closely in the kitchen these last few weeks and you definitely are very professional. Don't worry Michael as my friend I definitely believe you and I won't allow that kind of slander in the restaurant."

My eyes meet her gaze, grateful for her unwavering support. "Thank you, Latalia. That means more to me than you know. It feels nice to have support especially coming into this as a stranger and being seen for who I really am, it is refreshing. You're a friend of course."

Latalia's expression softens with sympathy as she reaches out to squeeze my hand reassuringly. "I'm so sorry you're dealing with this, Michael. It's unfair and unjust. And no problem this is what friends are for to support you and have your back when you need it. To be a refreshing light in your life from time to time."

"So true, thanks I am glad to have a friend like you." I say watching her side profile which I find so amazing to look at lately. 

As we pull up to our destination, Latalia returns a smile, her own gratitude shining in her eyes. "Of course, Michael. I'll always be here for you."

We share a moment of quiet understanding before Paris stirs in the backseat, blinking sleepily as she wakes up. "Are we here already?" she mumbles, rubbing her eyes.

Latalia turns to her with a warm smile. "Yes, sweetheart. We're here. Ready to go inside?"

Paris hops out of the car, her energy renewed at the prospect of being home. She turns back to Latalia with a bright smile. "Thank you for the ride, Latalia! Today was so much fun."

Latalia returns Paris's smile, "You're welcome, Paris. I'm glad you had a good time."

I stepped out of the car after Paris, offering Latalia a grateful nod. "Thanks again for everything, Latalia. I really appreciate it. Looking forward to trying the new menu this week."

Latalia nods in return, her smile genuine. "Anytime, Michael. Take care, both of you. And I am glad you are excited for the new menu. I hope you like it."

With a final wave, Latalia drives off into the night, I smile as I watched her car turn the corner. She is an interesting, kind, sweet, and talented woman and I never thought finding a friend like her would leave me feeling less lonely and feeling actual bursts of excitement and happiness. Closing the door, I prepare to help Paris get ready for bed before I set sights on my own bed. 

-A/N: I know this chapter is long overdue and I am sorry, College and Life has been pretty hectic. I have other chapters I am working on for this book and others as well, please bear with me as I get my ducks in a row and when I get more free time to write and edit. I hope you enjoy and stay tune for more. 

Thanks for all the support Misfitgang, 

Xoxo, ScorpionMIsfit27

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