The Demon King's Paladin Part...

By Bigwill236

573 198 6

Didn't know there was a chapter limit on Wattpad. This is continuing on from chapter 180 of my original story... More

Chapter 182. Some People Forget The Plan
Chapter 183. Goodbyes and First Meetings
Chapter 184. Tea And Names
Chapter 185. Rewards For A Job Well Done
Chapter 186. Steepness Inspires Climbing
Chapter 187. Alliance's Tea Meeting
Chapter 188. Noisy Departing
Chapter 189. Mailmen Can Have Unexpected Difficulties
Chapter 190. Awkward Reporting
Chapter 191. Business Deal Developments
Chapter 192. Alice's Explanation
Chapter 193. Nightmares and Questions
Chapter 194. Taste Testing Dinner
Chapter 195. Married Night Talks
Chapter 196. First Day Back, Opportunity Knocks In Strange Ways
Chapter 197. Angela's Answers
Chapter 198. Special Ability
Chapter 199. Martial Arts Class
Chapter 200. 1st Anniversary
Chapter 201. Morning After And A Meal
Chapter 202. Lucas Arrives
Chapter 203. A Letter Arrived In Alfheim
Chapter 204. Dirty Sheets
Chapter 205. Honest Communication
Chapter 206. Ms. Vox
Chapter 207. Hand-To-Hand Training
Chapter 208. Holy Martial Arts
Chapter 209. Ruby's Reward 1
Chapter 210. Ruby's Reward 2
Chapter 211. Ruby's Reward 3
Chapter 212. On The Way To Emily's House
Chapter 213. Emily's Reward 1
Chapter 214. Emily's Reward 2. Two's Too Many
Chapter 215. Emily's Reward 3. Evolution
Chapter 216. Sarah's Testing And Mary's Answers
Chapter 217. Untethered Sheets
Chapter 218. To Zana With Optimism
Chapter 219. Carriage Explanations
Chapter 220. A Book Review In Traffic
Chapter 221. Small Talk During Traffic.
Chapter 222. Meeting In The Middle Of Traffic
Chapter 223. Entering Zana
Chapter 224. A Group Without Rooms
Chapter 225. Candid Discussion
Chapter 226. 2nd Day In Zana
Chapter 227. Dinner Party
Chapter 228. Leaving For The Party
Chapter 229. Entrance To The Party
Chapter 230. A Feeling During A Speech
Chapter 231. A Conversation Amongst The Party
Chapter 232. Counts And Cycles
Chapter 233. Drunk Counts
Chapter 234. Countesses And Their Daughters' Curiosity
Chapter 235. Drunks and Invites
Chapter 236. Sharing In The Presence Of An Enemy?
Chapter 237. Flirting Before Dessert
Chapter 238. Dessert Punishment
Chapter 239. Public Debut Of A New Business
Chapter 240. A Conversation Between 2 Ladies
Chapter 241. A Punishment Arrives
Chapter 242. Hanging Sheets
Chapter 243. Ghosts In Gaia
Chapter 244. Snooping And Questions
Chapter 245. Conjectures About Baron Fracks
Chapter 246. Hallway Fight 1
Chapter 247. Hallway Fight 2
Chapter 248. Scouting And Experimenting
Chapter 249. Captured Princess
Chapter 250. Rescue Operation
Chapter 251. Rescue Operation 2. Giving In
Chapter 252. Rescue Operation 3. Transformation
Chapter 253. Rescue Operation 4. FUBAR
Chapter 254. All For Nowt
Chapter 255. Scrambling But Captured Again
Chapter 256. Anna's Quick Thinking
Chapter 257. Sarah's Message
Chapter 258. Big Sis Is Worried!
Chapter 259. A Method and A Name
Chapter 260. Sarah Stokes A Fire
Chapter 261. Anna and Sarah Speak To The Nobles
Chapter 262. Waking Up And Talking To Your Wives Is A Top Priority
Chapter 263. Acting? Testing? Planning?
Chapter 264. Final Walk And An Arrow For Your Thoughts
Chapter 265. Weak Or Strong, Is That Really The Question?
Chapter 266. Confusion, Reunion
Chapter 267. Calm Before A Charge
Chapter 268. Popping Plants
Chapter 269. 4 Vs A Forest

Chapter 181. Truth And Tea Parties

23 4 1
By Bigwill236

In case someone clicks on this story thinking that it's a new story. I, the writer of this story, reached the chapter limit on the original story. This is the 181st chapter of The Demon King's Paladin. If you'd like to read that so you know what is going on, please click on my account and look for the original story.

Sincerely, Redlight.


                                                                Sarah Ericsson's Point Of View.

Anna and I waited patiently for John to awaken after we helped to replenish his mana with our preferred method. With a feeling of his warmth still on our lips, Anna and I continued discussing plans for Charlotte.

" Ah!"

John finally awoke after around an hour-long nap. He looked around the room, unfamiliar with the room as it's only our 2nd day here. His demeanor relaxed as his eyes fell on Anna and me. His relaxed face caused Anna and I to smile as his feelings of trust and feelings of safety with us by his side became so easy to see.

" Good morning. How was your nap, My Love?"

He stayed quite for a few moments before responding to my question.

" I lost."

He was somewhat irritated, but I could already see he began to review the mistakes he made during the sparring match. 

" My Love, you'll need to wait for the review later. For now, we need to get ready for your meeting with the King. You can finally fulfill the reason we came here for soon. For now, let's get you washed up, shall we?"

" Ah, right. I'll be explaining before dinner. I guess I should go bathe, shouldn't I?"

" As much as I like your scent right now, My Love. Yes, I think you should."

" I guess I'll head to the bath."

" First drink this, Darling."

Anna handed John a special drink. John drank it without even thinking about it.

" This tastes like apples?"

John commented on the drink.

" The fruit that drink is made from is known as the " Rainbow Fruit". It's something grown here in the Shadow Forest. It's great for revitalizing someone's energy after physical activity."

" Ah, like a sports drink."

Anna informed John about what it was he drank. Really... He almost trusts us too much. I'm happy he does, but I can't help but think "what if a shapeshifter came after our family?", it causes me some stress. Thankfully that fades as I remember his access to Holy Heal. The spell that brought us together. I started to smile as he left to bathe.

" With that, he should be fine. Are you sure about what we should do next?"

" Yes, the Queen has already asked for us. We can inform John when he comes back. For now, we just need to make sure our priorities are in order."

" We always will, Sarah."

Anna and I spent our time relaxing as we waited for our husband to return. With the time we've spent alone together, it's no surprise how close we've become. My time spent with Anna passes by as comfortably as when I'm with my blood family or Asha and Sharon. It's strange to think that in order to meet one of my closest friends, we first needed to marry the same man. While I thought about this curious twist of fate, time passed, and John returned.

" That guest bath is really nice; we should really think about building 1 for guests in our home. I think that'd be nice."

" That sounds like a great idea, Darling!"

" I don't see a reason why we can't, I think it may not be a bad idea to just create the main bath on a smaller scale."

" That wouldn't be bad either."

John took a seat on the chair Anna and I were facing. We talked about a few ideas for a guest bath. In time, our meetings were about to begin. I remembered that John didn't know that Anna and I wouldn't be joining him for the Elf attack retelling. It's not as if we could add much anyways, we only arrived after the fact after all. I looked at him as he looked at me.

" My Love, Anna and I won't be joining you for the discussion with the King."

" What are you going to be doing instead?"

John figured we would be doing something else. His questioning face made me rush to answer him.

" The Queen has asked for Anna and I to join her for some " before dinner tea", we decided to oblige her. I believe Princess Charlotte will also be joining us as well."

" I see. Well, since I could only signal you guys after the fact, I guess it makes sense for you both to do something else, rather than sit and listen to me talk for an hour."

" But I like the sound of your voice, My Love."

" As do I, Darling."

" Thanks, but you guys can sit this one out. The sooner this is all done the sooner we can gather Ned and the rest and leave."


Anna and I nodded to his words. With that, the time had come. The sound of a maid knocking on the door, no doubt it was 2 maids waiting to bring us to our separate destinations.

" Have fun, Sarah, Anna! I'll see you both in a bit!"

John was happy as he left and gave us a smile before walking out the door. Indeed, just as I thought, there was an extra maid out there, she waited for Anna and I as we closed the guest room door. From there we walked until we made it to a pale-yellow door. We opened it to see a few tables filled with pastries. My eyes traveled to the center of the room to see the Queen and Princess Charlotte sitting at a table and already enjoying some tea and cake. It didn't take long before the Queen noticed us.

" Sarah! Anna! Welcome!"

She greeted us and motioned for us to join her. Anna and I took our seats and the teacups in front of us were filled with hot fresh tea. After the maid who filled our cups placed the tea kettle down, she returned to the hallway. With that, only the 4 of us remained in the room. It seems the Queen wishes for our following conversation to be between us only. I welcomed this. It'll be much simpler to speak directly with each other.

" I hope you both aren't too upset with Charlotte winning the sparring match."

" Not at All, Crystal. It's been a while since we've been able to see our husband enjoying a fight. We've been so used to only seeing him fight against the local game recently. It was nice to see him really testing himself."

" I see."

There was a bit of silence as Anna and I waited for either Charlotte or Crystal to begin the conversation. In time, after swallowing a piece of cake. Charlotte began to speak.

" I need to apologize to you both... As well as to Marquess Matthew."

" Charlotte, we're at a table, there's no need to use formal titles. Sarah called me by name already anyways."

Crystal asked for Charlotte to use names instead of titles.

" I need to apologize to you all. Sarah, Anna... And John..."

" If it's about the sparring match it's fine. But, if you truly wish to apologize, we'd like to know what these requests will be."

" Ah!"

Charlotte started to blush. I'd give a side glance to Anna if not for the fact she had better eyesight than me. Crystal looked at Charlotte then back at us.

" Well, as much as I'm sure this doesn't surprise you. The 2 requests aren't for me. They were for my children."

" Yes, Crystal, I assumed as much. I imagine, Prince Delcan wants to form some kind of connection with my husband? My guess is a business relationship to grow their friendship naturally?"

" Well, well. You'd be right. Can you guess what Charlotte wants?"

" Marriage to our husband is the end goal, right?"

Crystal smiled and Charlotte looked horrified by my words.

" Wait, Sarah, Anna... I don't want to steal him from you or anything!"

" Calm down, Charlotte."

Anna spoke calmly to Charlotte as she reacted to my words. Crystal took a sip of tea as she seemed to finally realize we saw the end point of all of it.

" Our husband will reject a formal marriage proposition. Even with the request we've allowed you to make. Mostly out of respect for us, but also because he would find it bothersome."

" He loves you both so dearly, doesn't he? It takes a lot of love for someone to reject my cute daughter. How would he go about finding a reason to reject an official Royal Marriage Proposal?"

" If you're too persistent, I doubt fanning the flames of patriotism and continually addressing your Noble families about how " A Human is being asked to marry a Dark Elf Princess.", wouldn't be out of the question."

" I see. He sure would have no issue making my life difficult for a while, would he?"

Crystal smiled at us as she spoke. Despite the smile it seems she now started to realize just how hard it'll be to make John fall for Charlotte.

" B-B-b..."

Charlotte however... How exactly are we going to make her act normal around John?

" If you've brought us here for our opinion on Charlotte marrying our husband... Well, we don't really mind. Do we, Sarah?"

" Not at all, Anna. But we do have a condition for Charlotte."

" What might that be?"

Crystal wore a face befitting of a Queen when I mentioned having a condition on marrying John. Anna and I simply smiled and drank our tea. It seems she's quite protective of her children. But she had no real reason to feel threatened by our condition. If anything, we want the same thing if it means she'll help make John feel happiness.

" It's very simple, Crystal. Charlotte just needs to make my husband fall for her first."

" WHAT!?"

Charlotte yelled at my explanation.

" Why are you shocked? I'm not saying to jump his bones right here and now to prove your love for him. Currently our husband views you as just a Princess he's met."

" He looks at me like a Princess? Even though I did all of those rough movements and attacks during our match?"

Charlotte got lost in her own thoughts.

" Charlotte, come back down to Gaia."

Crystal began to reign in her daughter. Charlotte eventually focused back on the conversation.

" Continuing on. He views you as a Princess he's met in another country, an attractive Princess but just a Princess that he'll interact with for the remaining time he's here in Darkheim. After that, he'll never see you again. That's the extent of his thoughts about you currently."

" Huh!"

Her reactions are kind of cute. She reminds me of Anna before she realized that John viewed us not as Princess and Maid, but as both of his wives on an equal playing field. Well, the best he could since he still follows my edict of making me his number 1. Perhaps after Anna and I train her, she'll be able to make John fall for her.

" That's why it's important that you join our alliance."

" Alliance?"

" Alliance?"

Crystal and Charlotte both parroted that word back at me.

" Yes, alliance. It started as an alliance to protect John but now... It's more or less evolved to be an alliance of the women who wish to be John's wife. I started it as I felt John needed true allies and personal connections in Gaia. And I found that the fastest way to that was by bringing in Anna who at the time was in love with him. Even if she didn't fully realize it herself at the time."

" The count has reached 8. 7 of which wanted to marry him at the time of their joining of the alliance. So far only Sarah and I have married John due to the sensitivity involved with the other 5."

" Who are the other 5?"

Charlotte already began to show some jealousy as Anna informed her about the number of women interested in John. It seems Crystal is curious as well, but it's not our place to tell them the names.

" The hidden feelings of maidens are not up for me to just disclose to anyone, Queen or not. I'll inform you after you've joined the alliance Charlotte, and we've returned to Paradise. That is, if you will come with us?"

" I will!"

" Charlotte... Maybe don't answer them that quickly."

" But Mom! I'd have to join regardless. After all! I'm going to use any advantage I can! I'll make him fall for me no matter what!"

Crystal sighed at Charlotte's enthusiasm.

" it's good that you're determined to join. Now that we have that worked out. How do you plan on using that request you won, Charlotte?"

Charlotte looked at Crystal after I asked my question. She seemed to be looking for approval from her mother. Thankfully Crystal nodded to Charlotte. With that, the next hour passed with us sharing details about what to do now. Apparently, Prince Delcan will spring his request to John during his recounting of the Elves's attack. I couldn't help but smile at the thought of how my husband would react to Charlotte's request. His reaction may just be to die for. I need to make sure Anna and I don't miss it! 

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