The War for Gurbadin

By LizaEllis

286 51 357

The humans have been taking the mushroom people of the five tribes and they have had enough of it. People hav... More

Note from the Author
Prologue: The Tribal Meeting
Chapter 1: Getting Ready
Chapter 2: A pleasant, or not, surprise
Chapter 3: Shit, I fucked up
Chapter 4: Do I smell love?
Chapter 5: Sad Surprises
Chapter 6: New Friends
New Cover!
Bios for Characters (part 1)
Chapter 8: Pleasure to Meet you
Chapter 9: Fun with the Women
Chapter 10: Adventure Time

Chapter 7: More Surprises

17 4 33
By LizaEllis

(Garvan's POV)

 "For those of you who were not at the Tribal Meeting earlier this morning, I am here to inform you of a decision that myself and the rest of my colleagues came to," Shavia stated, her voice unnaturally sweet, but only Garvan seemed to notice this.

"We were planning to attack the humans tonight but it seems that not all of you are prepared for that," Shavia added. "For this reason we will have everyone continue training, till the majority of us are ready to go to war."

Revimus stepped forward, but Shavia didn't step back, she stood at the podium even though she should have let the RedCap leader have his chance to give his speech. Shavia looked at Revimus with what seemed to have been a glare.

"Before I let Revimus speak, I would like to add something," Shavia declared. Revimus shot Shavia a look, but stepped back. Everyones' gazes fell on Shavia, signifying their attention on her.

"A few troops will be changed before training continues in the morning," Shavia announced. All of the tribal leaders looked extremely confused, however Revimus looked a bit ticked off.

Garvan was a bit confused. How could the other leaders be confused by Shavia's statement? Did she say something that the other tribal leaders didn't know she would say? Garvan thought, looking around at the rest of the gathered troops. Karamaki had apparently been doing the same thing because their eyes collided for a split second before someone blocked their view of each other.

Garvan looked at Zigmund, who seemed to be staring at where his sister just disappeared. Garvan raised his eyebrow, Zigmund looked at him.

"What?" Ziggy asked.

"Just go ask her out," Garvan replied. He definitely liked Zigmund more than the damn Redcap for his sister.

"And what would she think of a Shadow Dweller who is six years older than her asking her out?" Zigmund inquired.

"Six years isn't too much of an age gap," someone said, butting into the conversation. "I knew a couple who had a nine year age gap."

Garvan and Zigmund looked at the speaker. It was a female that they had seen around the Shadow Dweller town.

"Traksy, right?" Zigmund questioned. She nodded. Zigmund and Traksy shook hands and properly introduced each other then Zig introduced Garvan.

"Garvan, pleased to meet you."

"I know who you are. You're Eldwyn's boyfriend, correct?" Traksy double checked.

"That would be me," Garvan answered. Revimus took Shavia's place at the front of the stage.


(Karamaki's POV)

"Shavia, why do you believe that changing a few members of a troop could be the correct course of action?" Revimus inquired.

"I have seen that there is a group of mixed tribes that seem to get along well. Troops should be close in order to excel in fighting," Shavia responded. This made sense to Karamaki. In the back of her mind she knew which group they were talking about.

Larkana seemed to have nodded in agreement. The other three other leaders stood up to speak beside the leaders of the Redcaps and Shadow Dwellers.

"That does make sense in that case," Larkana added. Shavia had a triumphant smirk on her face, but it disappeared quickly.

"Who are these mushrooms who are switching?" Palius asked politely.

"The names are," Shavia paused, taking out a piece of bark that probably had their names written on it. "Garvan."

Karamaki took a sharp breath in. I was correct... my group is the group to be switched. Karamaki thought.

"Cassian," Shavia continued, earning a deadly stare from Revimus, but it disappeared as quickly as it appeared. "Brea, Karamaki, Xoey, Zigmund, Lysandra, Syas, and Kirvorias. As well as Anwilla and Shainav. All of the names I have just called please stay after the meeting."

Why are the... Karamaki paused counting how many names were just called. Then she continued thinking. Eleven of us called to switch troops? I have never even met Anwilla or Shainav before.

"Kara and Xoey," Arella whispered. Xoey and Karamaki looked at the girl.

"What's up?" Xoey and Karamaki asked at the same time.

"I hope you like your new troops," Arella said quietly, with a smile.

"I wish we could stay, you and your sister seem so kind!" Karamaki replied. Xoey nodded in agreement.

"I wish you two could stay as well!" Arella commented, holding both of their hands tightly.


(Kirvorias' POV)

Kirvorias had heard the names called and he was now standing there dumbfounded, surrounded by his troop. He felt like his jaw was on the forest floor, so he picked it up and closed his mouth.

"Well that will be it. Those of you whose names were called, please come forward as everyone leaves," Revimus said.

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