Crestwood Murders

By DovePublishing

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On the campus of Crestwood University, a long time friend group loses one of their own to a mysterious murder... More

Character Arts
Chapter 1: Introduction
Chapter 2: Tangled Emotions
Chapter 3: Fractured Bonds
Chapter 4: Unveiling Secrets
Chapter 5: Mystery Decision
Chapter 6: Reveal Mystery?
Chapter 7: The Truth & Storm
Chapter 8: Surprise Surprise!
Chapter 9: Missing Brick in a Brick Wall
Chapter 10: Notes & Files
Chapter 11: Bloody Mess
Chapter 12: Red & Blue
Chapter 13: Whispers On Campus
Chapter 14: Highly Suspicious
Chapter 15: Secrets Open
Chapter 16: Bonding
Chapter 17: 9 Suspects
Chapter 18: Track Star
Chapter 19: Home run
Chapter 20: Blues & Sorrows
Chapter 21: Extra Extra Read All About It
Chapter 22: Karma & Fury
Chapter 23: Finish the List
Chapter 24: Only a Transfer
Chapter 25: Simple Beginnings
Chapter 26: What is Love
Chapter 27: Baby Don't Hurt Me
Chapter 28: This Changes Everything
Chapter 29: Double Trouble
Chapter 30: What Matters Most
Chapter 31: A Deeper Look
Chapter 32: Lies Lead To Demise
Chapter 33: Code Blue
Chapter 34: Tied Up
Chapter 35: Tackling The Situation
Chapter 36: The Long Wait
Chapter 38: Can You Fix The Broken
Chapter 39: Where Fate Takes Us

Chapter 37: A Night To Remember

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By DovePublishing

The hospital waiting room became a refuge for the exhausted group as they sat in anticipation. The dim lights cast shadows on the plain white walls and the atmosphere grew heavier with each passing moment. Seconds ticked into minutes and minutes stretched into seemingly endless hours.

The fatigue of the night began to take its toll  and one by one, they found themselves drifting into a fitful doze.
Taking turns with their uneasy slumbers.

As they took turns falling asleep dreams and fragments of the night's events danced in their minds.

Suddenly a doctor emerged from the treatment area breaking the restless peace of the waiting room. He approached the group with a serious face.

"Are you all here for Tyler?" he inquired glancing at each of them.

Hannah, Emma, Michael, and Joshua, still rubbing the sleep from their eyes, nodded in unison.
Emma speaking first
"Yes we're all here for Tyler."

"Follow me" the doctor said gesturing for them to come closer.
"Let's all head to his room in the back."

They exchanged glances, a mix of anxiety and anticipation lingering in the air.
Slowly rising from their seats where they were resting in the waiting room, the group followed the doctor into the operating room finally leaving the restless ambiance of the waiting area behind.

As they walked through the bright white halls of the hospital, Emma couldn't shake the worry in her voice.
"I hope Tyler is okay i don't know how I'll handle myself if anything bad happens."

Michael assured her
"Hey Tyler is tougher than he looks he'll be back here waiting for us."

Joshua nodded in
"Yeah you gotta hand it to him."
He playfully joked pointing at his hand

In an attempt to lighten the mood further Emma began to share a story from four years ago about a week after Michael's surprise birthday party was thrown by Kayla.
She recounted how after a movie outing with Kayla, her and Tyler started talking online a lot sharing their dreams and fears.

She continued
"He would talk about his programming and computers, and I would talk about my soccer games, we would stay up late until the sun came up and we would both pass out on the phone together a lot."

She went on more as they walked and In the story it became evident that there was an unspoken connection between them a mutual liking that never materialized into a relationship due to their shared shyness of the situation and fear of jeopardizing their friendship.

She delved into a moment when she got injured tearing her ACL and how Tyler and Kayla were the first ones there for her.
Kayla's words of encouragement in the hospital echoed in her memory, "Don't ever let a speed bump in the road wreck your car, you have many miles ahead."

Kayla was the first one to show up, and was there hours before the rest, she always knew how to be early.

Tyler's support during that tough time was highlighted with him staying all night even after everyone went home, playing board games like candyland and monopoly throughout the night together and Emma nostalgically smiled remembering how Tyler had said
"This isn't the end of your book it's simply the beginning of a new chapter." as he fell asleep by her bedside, she laughed remembering how he woke up in confusion.

As they continued walking toward Tyler's room led by the short elderly doctor, they finally were met by Tyler's room, the doctor spoke
"Right in here if you all will, in an orderly fashion please."

The group hesitated for a moment staring at the door sharing a collective glance filled with mixed emotions.
Slowly they entered the room.and the atmosphere shifted from the clinical hallway to the more personal space where Tyler was receiving care.

The room was dimly lit with medical equipment softly humming in the background, and a TV playing some rerun show from who knows when.

Tyler laying in the hospital bed his eyes opening as they entered a weak smile appeared on his face.

Emma couldn't help but feel a mixture of relief and concern.
"Tyler" she began
"how are you feeling?"

Tyler managed a small grin
"I've been better but I've had worse thanks for coming guys it means a lot to see all of you here."

The doctor motioned to the chairs in the room. "Please have a seat Tyler is stable and we'll discuss his condition."

As they settled into the chairs the doctor began explaining Tyler's injuries to his stomach he suffered and how they gave him several stitches.

He told Tyler and the rest of the group the expected recovery time and assured Tyler would live a great healthy life as long as he avoids any more knives in the abdominal area.

Amid the medical talk Tyler looked at each of them gratitude in his eyes.
"I know I already said it, but I really appreciate all of you being here it means a lot, but I need to ask, what happened with Kevin and Matt, were they caught?"

Emma nodded her expression serious yet relieved
"Yes, they were caught Kevin and Matt won't be causing any trouble for a long time."

She then turned to Joshua and Michael asking, "Mind sharing the story again?"

Joshua began retelling the events
"So first off, let's say Hannah here is a bit of a ball buster as me and Michael agreed on."

Hannah interrupted with a protest
"Hey! We don't have to start out with that!"

The group shared a laughter and Tyler definitely a bit confused joined in saying
"Okay I'm definitely behind on the know let's get me filled in."

They all continued to talk recounting the events
Joshua mentioning the police, Michael telling the story of Hannah vs Matt, Emma telling Tyler about the entire wait in the hospital.

The hospital corridors were now hushed with the night settling in and most of the group having gone home to find solace in sleep. Only the soft hum of medical equipment and the distant echoes of occasional footsteps remained.

In the dimly lit hospital room Emma still sat by Tyler's bedside her unwavering presence a testament to the connection that had grown and her ever shown loyalty.

Tyler broke the comfortable silence and glanced at Emma and couldn't help but address the obvious.
"Aren't you tired?"

With a playful glint in her eyes Emma responded
"I could just sleep here like you did years ago with me."

Tyler chuckled memories flooding back.
"I didn't think you'd remember that passing out on your only not hurt leg was so embarrassing."

Emma with a grin argued playfully
"Hey I thought it was pretty cute and thoughtful of you to stay by my side."

As laughter filled the room the mood shifted and they found themselves caught in a moment.

Tyler his gaze sincere took a moment to express his sentiments.
"Hey if I'm not wrong I think I heard you tell me you love me is that so?"

Emma blushed her gaze shifting downward caught off guard by the directness of the question.

Tyler, with a warm smile added
"Well, if that's so I love you too, and I'm thankful to have you in my life."

The words lingered in the air creating an intimate space where unspoken feelings finally found expression.

Emma with a mischievous smile broke the silence. "Well maybe that secret would still be with me if somebody didn't decide to almost die and scare me!"

She then became serious.
"But yes Tyler I do love you I think I always have if I'm being honest it's crazy what it takes sometimes to admit it."

Tyler smiled reaching up from his hospital bed sore.

Emma exclaimed
"Are you crazy, mister! You need your rest" as she went to push him back down.

Tyler gently grabbing the back of her head pulled her in kissing her as the two embraced in the night.

Emma and Tyler shared a moment of romance sealing their unspoken bond with a kiss.

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