OH! DARLING | joey tribbiani

By stylantour

104K 3.3K 446

Quinn Sullivan moves from Montreal to New York after a high fashion magazine discovers her work and decides t... More

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thirty four

1.5K 61 12
By stylantour

Quinn was sitting on the floor of Rachel and Monica's living room with her round table mirror standing on the coffee table as she straightened her hair. Ross had some fancy benefit event at the museum that he had invited the entire friend group to and the redhead was in the mood to straighten her long red curls, even if it took almost two hours to do so.

That's how she found herself sitting on her friends' living room floor; she had to borrow Rachel's straightener for her task and stayed at her apartment since the waitress also needed it, albeit for much less longer than her. So while Rachel did her hair, Quinn took the time to do her makeup, which basically consisted of filling in her eyebrows, applying a light layer of mascara and a transparent lipgloss, the natural tint of her lips was a much better match with the dress she was planning on wearing.

Chandler walked in the apartment when she was about halfway through her last layer of hair to straighten. He greeted his ginger friend as he made his way to the fridge, looking for something to drink. His eyes fell on a glass with a strange liquid in it and he took a sip only to place the glass back in while he scrunched his face in disgust. "I think I just drank fat," he said, repulsed.

Quinn laughed at him while her eyes remained focused on the small mirror. Other than the fact that she loves her curls, the main reason why she rarely straightens her hair is because she needs it to be perfection. One slight wave is enough to piss her off for the next hour.

"Why are you straightening your hair?" Chandler asked her as he took a seat in the armchair.

"Why not?" Quinn counter asked.

"But your curls are so pretty."

The redhead looked at him with an adoring pout. "You're so cute, thanks Chan."

Chandler beamed at her compliment and the front door opened as Joey let himself in.

"Hey– Quinn?! Darling, what are you doing to your hair?" Joey started to greet the two but the sight of his girlfriend with straight hair surprised him.

"Do you not like it?" Quinn frowned, interrupting her task.

"No, no," Joey was quick to rectify. "It's so pretty, I think it looks like silk." He complimented as he crouched down next to her. "I just wasn't expecting it, that's all," he reassured her and when he saw her frown morph into a small smile, he leant closer and kissed her softly. "I wonder if the grip will be the same when, you know, I pull your hair while I fuck you into your mattress after Ross' thing," he lewdly whispered in her ear.

Quinn's breath hitched in her throat, not having expected his comment. She felt a pleasant tingle travel down her body and settle at the bottom of her stomach and quickly regained control of herself. Two could play that game. "You naughty, naughty boy," she murmured as she smirked at him. "I bet you won't even be able to wait until Ross' thing is over."

"Challenge accepted darling," he said and they both shook hands on it.

Joey stood back up and went to the fridge, on the search for a snack. "Since when does Monica have an almost empty fridge?" He wondered aloud.

"I don't know, what do they got?" Chandler asked him while sending a wink to Quinn, asking her to keep quiet about the glass of fat, to which she winked back with a silent giggle.

"Alright, they got water, orange juice and what looks like cider," Joey answered, pulling the glass out of the fridge.

"Taste it," Chandler said.

Joey did as he was told and gulped down quite a big sip of the drink before putting it back in the fridge. "Yup, it's fat. I drank fat!"

Quinn tried to muffle her giggles as she continued straightening her hair.

"Yeah, I know. I did that two minutes ago," Chandler announced, unbothered.

Before Joey could argue with either his roommate or his girlfriend for letting him drink fat (because he picked on by the way that she's not so subtly laughing at him that she knew about it), Ross entered the apartment, dressed and ready to go. "Hey," he greeted his friends.

"Hey, Mr. Tux," Chandler said.

"Why aren't you guys dressed?" Ross asked them.

"We have a half hour," Joey argued, getting comfortable on the couch.

"No, four minutes ago you had a half hour," Ross retorted back as he made his way towards Rachel's room. "We have to be out of the door at twenty to eight."

"Relax Ross, we'll be ready," Joey said. "It takes us two minutes to get dressed."

"For you yeah, but not for her," he pointed at Quinn on the floor.

"Hey!" Quinn cried, offended. She turned around to face him as she spoke. "I've got my makeup on, I'm almost done with my hair and I've got my dress already picked out. All I've gotta do is pick out what jewelry to wear and put some hairspray so my hair doesn't get wavy through the night."

"Then I'll let you finish," Ross conceded, not wanting to start an argument with her that would end up making them late.

Quinn did as she was told, straightening the last strands of curly hair while Rachel came out of the bathroom and greeted her boyfriend. The redhead ignored them and, once she was done, gave the straightener back to Rachel before grabbing her table mirror and makeup pouch to get ready at her place. She went to her bathroom and almost asphyxiated herself with the amount of hairspray she put on but at least she was sure there would be no curls making an unwanted appearance.

She pulled out the brown dress she wore at Carol and Susan's wedding out from her closet, her outfit for the night. Quinn didn't forget Joey's reaction to the dress at the ceremony and was intrigued to see what it would pull out of him now that they were dating.

Quinn was in the middle of searching through her pile of shoes when Phoebe walked in her apartment. "Quinn?" The blonde called out.

"In here Pheebs!" The redhead answered, still digging through her shoes.

She heard her friend coming in her room and turned to face her when she finally put her hands on the pair of black kitten heel sandals she was looking for. "What can I do for– Oh no, Pheebs! What happened to your dress?" She asked when she noticed the big stain on the bright yellow dress.

"Hummus, that's what happened," Phoebe replied, still annoyed by it. "Do you have anything I could wear for tonight?"

"Probably, why don't you go through my dresses?" Quinn offered. "I still have to pick out my jewelry and I'm not feeling like being the victim of Ross' pissy mood."

"I see you're wearing the dress you wore for Carol's wedding," Phoebe made conversation as she examined the dresses Quinn owns.

"Yeah, it made Joey go all penisdumb," the redhead smiled as she put on golden earrings with a small sun pendant.

"Ooh, you're in for some fun," Phoebe singsonged.

"Yup," Quinn popped the 'p' sound. When she was done with her jewelry, she grabbed the small purse she had put on the side for tonight and made sure she had everything she needed or would need in it. "Did you find anything you like?" She asked her friend while readjusting the rings on her fingers.

"Yeah but nothing I'd wear tonight," Phoebe sighed. "We'd better go back though, Richard left a message on the girls' machine and Monica has been slowly losing her mind over it."

"Oh good Lord," the redhead said. The two girl friends made their way out of the apartment, Quinn staying a bit behind to lock the door then followed to Monica and Rachel's apartment.

"I'm ready!" Quinn sang as she walked in.

"Thank you!" Ross exclaimed, coming over to grab her face in his hands and plant an over exaggerated kiss on her forehead.

"Wow, I'm glad you're that happy about it but please don't ruin my hair," Quinn told him. She glanced at Chandler who sat in the armchair with no pillows, dressed in his tux. "What's going on here?" She asked her friend.

"Your boyfriend happened!" Chandler retorted in a childish manner.

"Okay, not getting involved in whatever you two got going," She said, moving her index finger in a circle at him. "Now, where's Monica?"

Before she could get an answer, the front door was slammed open, an annoyed Joey following behind. "Where's my underwear?" He asked his roommate.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa, come on! You took his underwear?" Ross turned to Chandler.

"He took my essence!" The man defended himself.

"Hold on, Joey, why can't you just wear the underwear you're wearing now?" Ross asked the actor.

"'Cause he's not wearing any underwear now," Quinn mumbled but it was loud enough for the three boys to hear her. She looked up from where she was peeling dead skin from around her nail, a habit she had never outgrown of, to be met with their eyes on her. "What? I know my boyfriend."

"Damn right you do," Joey smirked at her, his mood changing when he was addressing her. "By the way, you look hot," he praised her, his eyes traveling up and down her body.

"Alright, matter at hand people!" Ross interrupted their flirting. "Why do you have to wear underwear tonight?" He asked Joey.

"It's a rented tux, okay?" The actor answered, back to being annoyed. "I'm not going to go commando in another man's fatigues."

"Well then, it looks like somebody's going to have to give somebody back his cushions!" Chandler said.

"Okay. You hide my clothes? I'm going to do the exact opposite to you," Joey threatened before making his way out.

"What are you... What? Are you going to show me my clothes?" Chandler asked, confused.

"Hey! Opposite... is opposite!" And with that Joey was gone, the door slamming closed behind him.

"All of this for the damned armchair?" Quinn said out loud, to which Ross gave her a desperate look.

"'Kay, I'm ready," Phoebe came out of Rachel's room with a big Christmas gift bow hiding the stain on her dress.

Her three friends winced at the sight but quickly put on approving looks on their faces when she looked up at them.

"The girls didn't have anything that I liked, so... But Rachel had this Christmas ribbon. I thought, alright fine, I'll be political," Phoebe explained.

"What are you supporting?" Chandler asked, trying to understand.

"Duh, Christmas."

Ross shook his head, deciding that it would do. "Okay. Hey, that's okay with me. Three down and I have exactly twelve minut–" He interrupted himself as he stared hard at his watch, then hit it. "My watch stopped."

"Alright, while you freak out over that, I'll go check on Monica," Quinn told him, even though she was ignored, and made her way in her friend's bedroom. "Mon? Why aren't you getting dressed?" She asked the brunette who sat on her bed, digging through the drawer of her nightstand.

"I gotta call Michelle," was the answer she received.

"But Mon, we gotta go soon and you've only got your slip on," Quinn pointed out but was ignored by another Geller, all in the span of two minutes.

Monica dashed out of her room, Quinn following close behind. "I've got to call Michelle, I've got to see if that was her voice or not. I'm sorry, I just have to."

"It was. It was her voice," Ross tried to reason with her.

"Monica, I think you've gone over to the bad place," Chandler told her and Quinn muffled her small laugh with a cough.

"What's taking Joey so long?" Quinn then wondered while Monica dialled Michelle's number.

"Can you go check out for me please?" Ross pleaded and she complied.

"Joey?" She called out when she entered the boys' apartment. "Are you ready?"

"He's gonna be sorry he hid my underwear," Quinn heard him grumble from Chandler's room.

"Joey, pet, what are you doing?" She asked him, making her way to him.

"Don't worry darling, I'm ready!" He answered in a tone that she didn't trust but before she could reach the room, he was already walking out, tons of clothes on him.

"What the actual fuck?" Quinn wondered but Joey ignored her, getting out of his apartment and back to Monica's, his girlfriend hot on his tail.

"Okay, buddy boy, here it is," He told Chandler. "You hide my clothes, I'm wearing everything you own."

"Oh my God!" Chandler cried out.

"And you couldn't stop him?" Ross turned to Quinn.

"He was already like this when I arrived!" She defended herself.

"That is so not the opposite of taking somebody's underwear!" Chandler argued with Joey.

"Look at me! I'm Chandler! Could I be wearing any more clothes?" Joey imitated and Quinn had to hide her smile behind her hand because the imitation was actually spot on. "Maybe if I wasn't going commando..."

Chandler made a sound of disgust at the revelation.

"Yeah! I'll tell ya, it's hot with all this stuff on," Joey pulled at the collars around his neck. "I better not do any, I don't know, lunges." And he started doing lunges.

"Okay, okay. Enough!" Ross interrupted them like a parent interrupting a quarrel between two kids. "Enough with the lunging. No, I'm sick of this, okay? I've had it up to here with you two. Neither of you can come to the party."

Chandler scoffed. "Jeez, what a baby!"

Joey agreed with him. "Yeah Ross, way to ruin it. I was just going to go get dressed."

"You know what? I don't care. The only person I cared about getting dressed is the one person that says she's not even going to go," Ross walked over to where Rachel sat at the kitchen table. "Look Rach, I'm sorry okay?"

She continued ignoring him.

"Look, I was a jerk, okay? I'm sorry I yelled. I want you there, I need you there. What can I do to show you how much I want you to be there?"

"You could drink the fat," Joey suggested and Quinn slapped the back of her hand on his chest, although he barely felt it with the layers of clothing he had on.

Ross looked at his friend in disbelief by his immaturity. "Alright, welcome to an adult conversation," he sarcastically remarked.

"No, no, no. Wait a minute," Rachel chimed in. "That actually sounds interesting."

"What?" Her boyfriend asked.

"I think you should drink the fat."

"Yay!" Joey exclaimed and Quinn could only shake her head with her hand on her forehead at the turn of events.

Ross stared at the cup of fat on the table. "Okay. If that's what it takes to show you how much you mean to me and how much I want you there, then that's what I'll do."

"Wait, let me get you another glass," Phoebe stopped him. "That's been sitting out."

"Pheebs, I think he'll be fine with that one," Quinn told her friend.

"Okay, vanilla milkshake, just a vanilla milkshake..." Ross audibly tried to fool his brain to make it less disgusting, "... with chicken bits floating in it."

He took a few more seconds to prepare himself before turning to his friends. "Cheers," and the first drops of fat were just about to fall in his mouth when Rachel stood up and stopped him.

"No, no, no! Don't! Okay, okay, I'll go, I'll go."

"You will?"

"You were really gonna do that, weren't you?" Rachel pointed at the glass Ross still held in his hand.

"Well yeah."

"You were going to drink the fat!" She cried out in adoration and disbelief then hugged him.

Joey decided to ruin their little moment. "Let's see what else he'll do!" He shouted and Quinn rolled her eyes.

"How about instead, you go get changed?" Ross asked him then pointed at Chandler. "Give him back his underwear. I'll go get a cab, I want everyone downstairs in two minutes." He pecked Rachel's lips before calling out his sister's name. "Monica!"

"I'll make sure these two actually do what they were told," Quinn told no one in particular as she followed behind Joey and Chandler who were still bickering.

"Stop it. Stop it," Chandler kept saying as Joey walked back to their apartment while doing lunges.

"Joey, if you're ready in less than two minutes, I'll have a surprise for you," Quinn spoke loud enough for him to hear her from his room.

"What kind of surprise?" He asked.

"A sexy surprise," Quinn smirked even if he couldn't see her.

Chandler did see her though, and childishly gagged as he walked past her to get in the hallway. "I don't wanna hear any of that."

"You're such a baby!" Quinn argued. "You have a girlfriend! Why are you acting like that?"

"That's different. This is you and Joey," he countered.

"How is it any different? We're two consenting adults in a relationship."

"Yeah but you're like my little sister and Joey is, well he's Joey," Chandler said. "Remember, I've been his roommate for three years, I know what goes on in his bedroom and I don't ever wanna think of you that way."

Quinn smiled at him as she approached him by the door. "You're just gonna have to get used to it," she patted his cheek before turning around and heading for her boyfriend's room. "Joey?" She called out as she faintly heard the sound of the front door closing, indicating Chandler had left.

"I'm ready!" He appeared through the doorframe, looking so handsome in his rented tux.

"Mmm, don't you look sexy," Quinn said, biting her lower lip as she looked him up and down.

"Me? Darling, all eyes will be on you tonight," Joey dismissed her compliment. He wrapped his arms around her waist and pulled her in a deep kiss. "I was hoping to see you in that dress soon," he smirked at her.

"Yeah, I remember how your eyes nearly fell out of their sockets at Carol's wedding," she teased him.

"You still look as exquisite as you did then."

Quinn giggled at his words. "You're talking like I haven't worn it in years. It was barely four months ago."

"You know what I mean," Joey whined. "Anyways, I was told I'd be getting a sexy surprise if I got ready under two minutes."

"That's true," Quinn agreed. She then bent down to the rim of her dress, her hands climbing up her legs under the fabric while Joey observed her, confused, then they came back down, holding her underwear. "I'll be going commando," she told him, waving the beige, laced piece of clothing on her finger in front of him before throwing it on his bed behind him.

"Oh, you are evil," Joey groaned and leaned in to kiss her again but at the last second, Quinn turned around.

"Come on, we're gonna be late," she said over her shoulder, glancing at him as she made sure to sway her hips with every step she made.

Joey could only nod, not sure he was of enough sound mind to say anything as his head clouded with a multitude of thoughts, all of them sinful. He slowly trailed behind her, keeping enough distance between them to have a good view of her ass.

God, she had to know what she was doing to him, the complete hold she held over him.

And he wasn't complaining at all.

Joey ended up losing their little bet they had agreed on earlier, not that he was angry about it anyway. I mean, how could he wait until the end of the benefit event when Quinn was as tempting as an open wound would be to a bloodthirsty vampire. He barely lasted an hour before he was dragging her to the bathroom and fucked her against the door and then another time again anteriorly of the all nighter they spent, naked in her bed.

if you need a reminder of quinn's dress for carol and susan's wedding

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