Reverse: 1999 x Reader Stuff...


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oneshots, headcanons, imagines, and scenarios. [Canon characters belong to the Game "Reverse: 1999" by Bluepo... More

Horropedia // Dating Headcanons
Horropedia // His Birthday
Horrorpedia x Philocalist (OC)
Horropedia x Philocalist // Stuck with You
Horropedia // Hubby Headcanons
Horropedia // Valentines Day
Horropedia// 3 AM
Horropedia // Car Ride
Click // Dating Headcanons
Click // Your Hands
Click // Back in the 40s with you
Pavia // Wifey Material ♡
Pavia, Horropedia, Diggers // Bites as Love Language
Pavia, Diggers // Car Ride
Diggers // Dating Headcanons
Pavia, Horropedia, Diggers // "I Love You"
Pavia, Horropedia, Diggers // Getting turned into their Udimos

Horropedia, Diggers // Soulmate AU

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Context from a request// separate Horropedia and Diggers  where both soulmates can see what the other is writing/drawing on their skin, they would be chatting with the reader and they learn that the reader is from a different era like the reader is from the 1990s for Diggers and for Horropedia, they’ll be from the 1970s. The boys finally meet their soulmate when they get either recruited or summoned by Vertin.


Notes// JSBDHDBDB I love this AU idea, It's pretty cool. I can't stop trying to think about it--- Also, Vertin kinda third-wheeling in this one unintentionally JDFJFBB/lh


// Horropedia//

It's rare to see him believing in the idea of having a soulmate-- being pretty used to enjoying his comfort hobbies by himself when no one is willing to hang out with him. Being absorbed into everything that thrills him in solitude was simply a bliss for him.

But of course, sometimes it can be a bit lonely that he would talk to himself about all the things he wants to ramble about his opinions. Even these ideas he wants to express them to someone about a movie or a novel he start to take fond of it - but no one was there to listen, only him.

Horropedia is very observant, but sometimes, he also happens to be the one to trigger events by accident and takes a moment to realize, which seems funny in my head---

For example, he once realized that he had a lot on his plate and forgot his notepad to write down a to-do list for the day... in order to go on with the day without forgetting the small details, he took out a pen or soft marker before scribbling on his arm with a small handwriting----

That's when you came into the picture - I mean, not entirely, but - yeah🤔

You start to notice your skin getting marked with a writing when you were having a drink at a diner with your friends - no hand nor marker can be seen other than the scribble forming.

'Consent papers to the Foundation... 'IT' movie night... Paperwork for tomorrow... party patroll on Tuesday..  Talk to Vertin...? Who is Vertin?'

Obviously, you don't know anyone who knows this stuff. Or even someone named Vertin- the theory of you knowing what this is being already out of the window.

You didn't honestly know what to do with these scribbles until you got back home- you took out a paper and wrote down what you managed to read from the messy scribble before testing the waters a but; scrubbing a bit of the marker from your arm-

On Horropedia's side, it took a moment to realize something is wrong-- After finishing a task, he was about to cross the first bullet from his list only to see that it's already getting scrubbed off.
He raises an eyebrow in bewilderment before taking out his marker and occupying the empty blank with a tiny doodle of a ghost. (Lol)

You notice that.

Someone is drawing your arm.

A drawing of a ghost??? Is that a ghost drawing your arm???

'Who are you? A ghost?' You wrote on your arm, wondering if they can see the message.

"Oh- OH."

It's the glasses guy's turn to get shocked--- so it's not him for sure!!! It's... what is this phenomenon???

"Ehm..." He scratched his neck, trying to find what to say before writing. Despite feeling weirded out, he gotta have to try and write back to see if something changes again.

'Call me Horropedia. Who are you exactly?😶'


'Horropedia? What an interesting pen name. I'm Y/N.😯'

Horropedia chuckles, you sound silly.. - you must be confused as he is -

You slowly introduced to each other, still shocked by this strange encounter. Horropedia eventually seems to notice that the situation rings a bell. It's almost as if it comes from some sort of a fictional novel or a movie -

He quickly comes to the library to find a book that describes something similar---- a book about soulmates by fate.

"That's... very cheesy." He grimaced at the title but still reads it anyway (I see that coming/ih)

Once he finds out what this is about, he later wrote to you about it.

Turns out you both write to each other at the same hour, same day of the calendar, maybe even at the same weather - but here's the shocking part... you both don't come from the same decade, nor year to be more specific.

Horropedia finds out that you're from the 70s, and you learned that he's in the 90s. It's a pretty huge era gap even.

You both honestly decided to become friends at first, like pen pals. The thought of being soulmates despite being from different eras gave you two some skepticism. So you both end up writing to each other more often while getting to know each other.

Horropedia is aware that the 70s was infamously known for the making of many iconic horror movies. So, seeing someone who watches them as well makes him eager to yapabout them as he scribbles a lot on his arm like he's texting except he is writing/lh.

He won't spoil you about the future films that would get released after though, he'll be fair about that(unless he did by accident before you knew you were from the past...--).

At some point, you eventually became so close that you both would look forward to writing to each other when their hands aren't busy. Even making each other's day by doodling silly doodles of monsters and characters from funny scenes.

Even took some initiative to talk about other kinds of interests... questioms like 'what's your favorite food? What things do you like to do? Would you like to camp someday?' And much more.

It slowly came back to your thoughts about the soulmates. Thinking about them made you feel emotional now, knowing you couldn't get to see your goofy but sweet pen pal with your own eyes.

'Oh, Horropedia... do you think what we have is impossible?'
'In what way impossible?'
'That we can talk like this, but never get to see each other - I won't get to see you... right?'
'I mean, everything can be possible! And even if i say it because i'm really dying to meet you someday-'
'Oh please...- '
'I'm serious, Y/N! I still have faith in us... I think i won't ever give up on this any time sooner either.
'I don't want to put you on the spot, Y/N, but i just want to ask... would you run away if you ever get to see my face?
'What are you, Leatherface? Michael Myers? 🤨'
'Yeah, nah!!!'

{When getting recruited}

It got a bit more gloomy after a few days of not receiving a response from your dear pen pal.

Yet, It was a surprise that you finally met the owner of the certain name you have first seen written on your arm before; Vertin.

You never thought the world and time would be this small to allow you two to cross paths at a bus stop.

"I've heard a couple of things about you from a friend." You remember hearing her say that.

"I- you know him?"

"Mr. Horropedia? Yes. The same man who invited me to investigate an infamous camp known for phemonenon cases once."

"Ah, yes. That does sound like him."

It's confirmed that you really met the "Great Vertin" Horropedia mentioned.

The thought of finally seeing the face of your pen pal surprisingly made you more nervous than you thought you would be--- you are excited, wondering how would he react wheb he sees you as well after so long-- or did he forgot about you ever since he stopped writing? It may be possible, but who knows.

By the time you both got to the Ark,Vertin was observant enough to notice your worried look, so she lightly place her palm on your hand to give it assuring pats, "It's going to be alright." She calmly says.

It didn't take a while for you to hear multiple voices ringing, hinting that there are multiple people walking around the place and talking to one another.

'It must be the other crew mates.' You internally noted.

The crowd reminded you of the times you used to sneak away from friends' house parties just to have more time to write to Horropedia about night brainrots... It seems you can not run away from social events here anytime soon this time.

Just as you were about to look away with a slightly sad look from the memory, you catch the glimpse of a gloved hand waving to your direction from one of the groups. You look up more to see these mesmerizing hazel eyes of that peron, who slowed his hand to stare at you back.

A tall man with brunette hair, a lower ponytail and light grey sweater , and a golden pin, dark gloves, dark pants, a belt that holds gadgets that can be hardly seeing from afar--

And... these x monkeyman glasses he is wearing that decorates his cute face nicely- Why is it ringing you a bell from somewhere?

No noise has been done besides the muffled voices. Vertin started speaking before you get to realize the guy is now walking towards you two.

"Oh, It's time to properly introduce each other." She monotonely says as she turns to look at you before motioning you to the approaching man. "Horropedia, this is -"

"Y/N." Horropedia breaths out as his eyes quickly flicker to you, then Vertin, and then back to you. His face holds multiple emotions that can be hardly read at once. His footsteps only stopped when he was at least 5 feet from you

"Horropedia." Your statement almost sounded like a question, as if wanting to be sure that the man in front of you is the pen pal you have been writing before you can even remember.

"Yes." The man responds as he slowly brushes the front of his hair back, still intrigued by the encounter, "I. It's me...! I- I..."

Everyone in the room stops to watch him, noticing this rare stuttering the well-known horror nerd is displaying. Telling that something is going on.

Horropedia doesn't feel bothered by attention, unlike you - but being this close to you, seeing you and  breathing the same air as right here right now is

'You know what, screw it-' he said to his mind before suddenly trapping you in a big hug. Making you softly gasp as you feel the soft fabric of his sleeveless cardigan once your hands rest on his torso.

"Oh, Y/N..." Horropedia mutters through your hair as he spills all his no longer secretive longing into his hold on you, "I'm so glad to have met you."

"Me too,,," You whisper back as you slowly lean into the hold, "I miss you..."

"Is that why you haven't responded to me?"

Horropedia slowly but hesitantly pulls alway from the hug before raising his arm towards you. You were about to ask why until you notice the scribbles that seem new on his arm.

"I've been trying to write to you too, but you stopped responding since for a while---" you explained before a thought crosses your mind, "It stopped working."

"It must be because now that you are both in the same place and time. It doesn't have to function now." Vertin explains, remimding you two that you guys aren't alone and several eyes are watching.

"Eh- Would you mind??? I can continue with my theories on the Halloween movie if you guys want-" The moment Horropedia's straightforwardness comes back, the others start to walk away or mind their own business immediately,

"Sheesh... curious much." He sarcastically says in a teasing manner, wearing a not-so-impressed look before goung back to smiling at you, "Anyway -"

You start to giggle quietly by the event that you just witnessed, making Horropedia look at your face in awe as you try to cover it.

"I saw that!" He starts trapping you into his arms again, the contact becoming more easily adjusted to it.

"No, you're just imagining things,,,;;!!!" You try to pull alway and go for a run, but the way his hold becomes firmer than ever tells you better he has enough strength to drag you down for a moment.

"Don't you dare hide those giggles from me, Y/N!" He laughs lightly as he rubs up your head, "You can't run away from me!"

"Oh, i won't," You reply, "because i love you."



"Say that again? Plz?" He says as he puts his ear closer to you, looking like he is teasing you now.

"..." You only smile quietly at him as you brush 3 dots on his arm, him knowing you would not to repeat but rather use the silent treatment back like you always did when you were writing each other.

"Okay, just kidding! I love you. I love you lots."

"Love you lots?"

"Yes." 😭

"Good, i love you too, and lots." ♥️

He doesn't say anything further, yet you can already tell there is a red blush spreading  from the tip of his ears.

Vertin looks at the two of you, not looking surprised, yet there is this feeling of delight she is bringing when seeing you reuniting for once.


// Diggers//

It's interesting. Very interesting discovery.

There was a day when Diggers tried to use henna tattoos on his left harm from hand to shoulder---

You got scared the few minutes you realized your left arm is getting covered by brown flower tattoos. Chill to the touch -

You even tried to come to a friend and talk about the sorcery, but they only remarked a "Oh, nice Henna tattoo."

"Henna tattoos???"

"Yeah, one of those temporary ones. It'll wear off slowly. "

"O. Ohh."

Now you feel a bit silly. But well, you learned something new.

That still doesn't add up to the way you feel this tickling feeling in your skin as more drawings are being scribbled on your arm.

You're not complaining, though. The ghost or whatever entity that is messing with your hand is doing a pretty good job in your opinion--- The art seems carefully done.

Days later, you just got a new phone number for your phone at the local store, but you did not have the heart nor energy to try and get rid of the drawings on your arm nor ruin it.

So, instead, you ended up quickly scribbling your new phone number on your hand before you forget without wasting time on taking the nearest napkin

And that moment was a huge coincidence.

Diggers was merely taking a leisure time playing with his guitar as he watched grassfields dancing through the wind from the back of his van. The second he looks down to adjust the position of his fingers on the strings, he didn't bat an eye the way he cayches a glimpse of scribbling on his other arm so he looked up.


He quickly snaps his head down again---

".. Oh?"

A phone number is written on his arm.

....That's... interesting.

'I wonder whose phone number is this.' He asks in his mind.

He took some time to come back to the nearest street where he could find a phone stand. Opening the red glass door before pushing the same numbers from the ones that are on his skin.


No response.

"Mmm..." Diggers arches his brow. Does this number not exist here?

But even if so, he finds it strange that it's scribble on his arm.
Wait a minute

"Oh, i see now...!" Diggers mutters as he takes another look at the mark, realizing it. His face is confused until it softens with an eager smile. "About time i get to meet you, soulmate,!"

It was not weird for him to approach you with messages on his arm after, and it didn't take long to clear up the confusion---

You eventually became more like friends. You are still finding it hard to believe soulmates connected through skin can be possible, but here you are. Writing to someone from the 60s while being in the 90s.

Diggers just happened to know because he has heard from some folks and friends who have common interests.

It wasn't hard to start conversations with someone this friendly and laid back like Diggers. As he is a whole new character in your life.

Diggers eventually grew this trust and confidence to draw a small drawing of his face so you can know how he looks like. He has a lot of time to share things about himself and lots of time to get to know you.

When you responded with a small drawing of you next to his, he couldn't help but squeal and giggle to himself,,,;;;

A few minutes after staring at the drawings, he later put a small heart above them... Now it's your turn to get a heart attack -

{When getting recruited}

"Before you get inside, i want you to meet someone." Vertin tells you as she walks outside, showing a yard that seems to have recently stopped raining.

Underneath a tree, there is a huge blanket with someone resting on top of it, as if taking a nap with a guitar next to it.

As you closely walk to where the familiar person is, you slowly realize who it is.

He looks exactly like the ones in the drawings.

"Diggers..?" You ask as you now start to hurry your steps toward his sleeping form.

The sounds of grass lightly rustling through the footsteps as they approach made the sleeper wake up from his slumber. Taking his time to try and fund his glasses as he notices the shadow of one's upper body hovering him as if they just sat next to him.

"Who is it... Vertin?"

A hand slowly but softly brushes over his face. It's warm, soft, but trembly.

That's not Vertin.

"If you touch me like this, Y/N will not like it;;;" Diggers whines sleepily as his eyes remain heavily close. His hands were trying to gently put the hand away from his face.

"But Diggers... it's me." You giggle quietly.

That's when you finalñy seen his eyes wide open. Almost as wide as the shape of plates.

"...!" He turns his face from his laying  position to see your silhouette, looking up and down your figure as if in disbelief.

"This dream... it looks too beautiful o be real."

Oh, this man;;;

"Silly you,,,," you giggle more, remembering the times he wrote you about his sleepless dreams aboit meeting you. "You're not dreaming this time."

The hipster didn't waste a second to jump and hug you into a bear hug. Not wishing to let go any sooner.

"Y/N,,, my dearest." He trembly says, "I miss you."

"I miss you too.." You say before slowly helping Diggers put his glasses on when you find them, "I'm here to stay now, thanks to that young friend of yours."

This cue for Diggers to notice Vertin, who is now standing from not so far away, smiling before walking away to give the couple some time alone to catch up.

"I gotta have to thank her later." The male admits before planting a soft kiss on your forehead before cuddling you once more.

"Please stay with me longer..." He whispers as he is about to doze off once again.

"If you do the same for me, sure."


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