After rebirth, she took the s...

By loisantoinette

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After Shen Qianfei died, she returned to the time when she was sixteen. It was the turning point of fate. She... More

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61 - 70

349 7 0
By loisantoinette

 Chapter 61 I'll save you some face.

  "Then let me ask you, have you given support to those two children in these years?"

  "What kind of support should you give them? Our life is still difficult. Grandpa, you can't be so partial." Eye, Xiaoqiang is also your great-grandson. Those two girls are from the Luo family and are not close to us at all. What kind of alimony are you talking about here? It's really funny." Liu Meili exploded when she heard this. He immediately retorted.

  "Can those two children get close to you? If you're not robbing someone's money, you're robbing them of their family heirlooms. Can't you afford to live? If you can't live, there's a wall on the other side. You guys can hit it and die!"

  The old man said in a serious tone. Vicious, said Liu Meili, whose face turned green and white.

  Shen Jianming turned around and scolded Liu Meili, who was hiding behind him, in a low voice, "Isn't it chaotic enough now? Just shut up." "

  Shen Jianming, let me ask you, have you received alimony? "The old man of the Shen family raised his voice and asked aggressively.

  Shen Jianming did not dare to lie. He lowered his head and said in a low voice, "I didn't give it."

  The old man couldn't help but mock again, "You don't support the two children, and you still miss the things from your ex-mother-in-law's house. You are already shameless." These three words have been taken to the extreme. If a cultured person is really shameless, he will be invincible!"

  Shen Zhong glanced at his father quietly. The old man's personality was a bit extreme, and it seemed to be getting more serious now.

  I didn't dare to say anything to irritate him, so I could only hold back and remain silent.

  At this time, Shen Zhong had the urge to cry.

  He is already in his fifties and is about to retire. How come he still gets involved in such a bad thing when he is old?
  What is the use of having children?
  They are all debt collectors.

  The old man looked at Shen Zhong, and his voice was calm this time, "You are in charge of logistics accounts. I think you can quickly calculate how much child support your son owes. Once you have calculated it, plus your son stole it from Luo Yufen. All the three hundred yuan that came here will be sent to the Luo family."

  Liu Meili couldn't bear it anymore and stood up from behind Shen Jianming. It would have been good if she didn't take the money from that bitch Luo Yufen. She also wanted to Take it from her, no way! !
  "What alimony? What was said at the beginning? It's impossible to go back on it now. Let me tell you Shen Jianming, let alone the door, there are not even windows." Liu Meili screamed, "I don't think the Luo family will survive. It's only since we got up that we had already agreed to get divorced and we would never see each other until we die, so what kind of alimony do we need now?"

  The old man of the Shen family didn't pay any attention to Liu Meili, and just looked at his son and grandson.

  Of course Liu Meili would not give up. In fact, she was used to it in this family. After all, Luo Yufen, the daughter-in-law from the countryside, was in front, and she, the daughter of a high-ranking family in the city, had a special status.

  To be honest, she was indeed treated very well in the Shen family. Sometimes she had conflicts with her sister-in-law, and Huang Chun always scolded his daughter for not daring to speak out against her.

  This also developed Liu Meili's arrogant and domineering character at this moment.

  "Shen Qianfei ruined Jianming's reputation today regardless of her father and daughter's feelings. As elders, you should call her over, give her a good beating, make her kowtow to admit her mistake, and ask her to go to the leader and say she lied, instead of What are we talking about alimony here? When I married Shen Jianming, Shen Jianming not only had a second marriage but also had two daughters. Did I say anything? Now if you want to give them alimony, I tell you, I won't. Not a cent, if you dare to give it to Shen Jianming, I will never let you have an easy time!"

  After saying these words, everyone in the room looked bad, especially Shen Jianming.

  At this moment, Shen Jianming didn't understand why he wanted to get the jade bracelet back when he learned about it.

  At that time, he clearly knew that it was not something belonging to his Shen family.

  Why did he do that?

  By the way, it's because Liu Meili, a woman, keeps talking in her ears. There is a saying that is good. If she tells a lie too many times, it becomes the truth.

  Under self-anesthesia, he really thought so.

  There is not even any psychological burden and I feel it is natural.

  It wasn't until Shen Qianfei pulled off this fig leaf in public at the textile factory that he realized how stupid he had done.

  However, there is no turning back. Now that he has done it, he can say nothing more.

  Liu Meili, a woman who doesn't stay calmly, will cause thorns when she jumps up?

  Do you really think grandpa is a vegetarian?

  And what does Liu Meili mean?
  She was in her second marriage and had two daughters. When she took the initiative to hook up with him, she told her about her family situation.

  "Liu Meili, shut up." Shen Jianming's face was a little distorted at this time, "If you can't speak

  , get out of here." "Shen Jianming, you loser, why are you so angry at me? It's not me who caused this, you have the ability to go find that bitch..."

  Liu Meili, who was already holding back her anger, roared regardless.

  Huang Chun already knew from his son that the initiator of this incident was Liu Meili.

  Do you really think she treats Liu Meili like a daughter?

  Are you kidding? This is on the premise that it does not affect the interests of her and her son. Now this scourge is self-consciously justified and the Shen family is not looked down upon.

  Why didn't she realize that Liu Meili was actually a shrew?

  At this time, Huang Chun couldn't help but think of Luo Yufen, who spoke softly and smiled with crooked eyebrows.

  For some reason, Huang Chun felt as if there was a ball of cotton stuck in his heart. He couldn't go up or down. He felt extremely uncomfortable.

  At this time, the old man of the Shen family spoke, but he named Huang Chun's name.

  "Teacher Huang, your daughter-in-law is arrogant, domineering and disrespectful. As a mother-in-law, shouldn't you teach her a lesson?"

  Huang Chun was indeed very angry.

  The house is already chaotic enough, but who would have thought that Liu Meili, who usually seems to be very sensible, would actually add fuel to the fire like a troublemaker at this time.

  It's rare for the old man to wake up, so let him finish what he wants to say in peace. After a while, he will go back to the house when he is tired and sleepy. Why do you have to do it?

  How will the old man know whether the child support will be paid or not after he is confused?
  There were also belittling and insulting insults to her son. As a mother, she really couldn't bear it.

  Huang Chun took a few steps forward. As a teacher, of course he couldn't hit her, but his eyes were fierce, "Liu Meili, if you shut up now, I will save your face."

  Liu Meili was furious. Besides, she felt that as a daughter-in-law, if she showed weakness today, everyone would be able to step on her head in the future.

  This was something she absolutely couldn't stand.

  "Why should I shut up? When we got divorced, we agreed that Shen Jianming would not care about the two children. Otherwise, do you think I would marry his second wife? I am a young girl, a college graduate, what kind of person am I?" If I can't find him, do I have to follow him?"

  (End of Chapter)

  Chapter 62 It's too late!

  Huang Chun was very calm, looking at Liu Meili with a bit of ridicule, a bit like watching a clown, "Liu Meili, if you insist on breaking up, then I won't be polite. How old is Xiaoqiang this year? When was he born? Were you married to my son when you were pregnant with him?
  You are a third party that everyone despises. How could you have the face to stand here and accuse my son? Did you hide it from you in the first place?
  You knew he was a married man. , knowing that he has a wife and daughter, as an educated woman in the new era, even if my son really likes you, you should reject him righteously.

  If my family Jianming really forced you, you You can also sue him, don't worry, I will definitely kill the family members out of justice, so Liu Meili, let me ask you, what qualifications do you have to stand here and point fingers and be arrogant and domineering?" As

  expected of a teacher, these words came out in one go and extremely smoothly.

  After she said it, Huang Chun realized that this was what she had wanted to say for a long time.

  Over the years, it seemed as if Jianming owed her a lot. Not only Jianming owed her, but the entire Shen family seemed to owe her.

  May I ask who gave her the courage?

  Some things cannot withstand scrutiny, and some things make you angrier the more you think about them. This is the case for Huang Chun at this moment.

  She even thought that if it weren't for Liu Meili, a troublemaker, things might not be where they are today.

  If Shen Zhong hadn't come back in time today, and this idiot would have torn up his student status, then things would have really gotten out of hand.

  She couldn't imagine what that was like.

  Liu Meili didn't expect Huang Chun to say these words without mercy.

  Everyone has covered up some things, so we can just pretend they never happened and move on with peace of mind.

  When exposed to the sun one day, these dirty thoughts become disgusting.

  Just like her name, Liu Meili always likes to put a beautiful coat on herself. She has always been bossy in front of Shen Jianming, and she always feels that Shen Jianming owes her.

  If it weren't for Shen Jianming, she wouldn't be someone else's stepmother.

  I remember when she got married, her colleagues at work teased her about becoming a mother when she entered the house.

  She was really angry to death at that time.

  Naturally, for so many years in the Shen family, she has always played the role of someone who has been wronged and had to get married.

  She thought no one would ever mention this matter, but she didn't expect that it would be her mother-in-law who revealed it first.

  Liu Meili's face was full of excitement. She felt guilty at this moment. In fact, only she and Shen Jianming knew what happened back then.

  She couldn't help but look at Shen Jianming, but she didn't realize that Shen Jianming wasn't looking at her at all.

  The anxious Shen Jianming wanted to destroy the world at this time, so he had no time to care about Liu Meili.

  The love for women is based on having enough to eat and drink, and to be at leisure.

  She was so angry that she yelled, "Okay, you are burning bridges. Without our Liu family, can Shen Jianming find a good job? Can he sit in an office? Can't he work at the grassroots level as a worker?" "

  Liu Meili, you have to do something about it. I understand, my eldest brother is also a college graduate, and his graduation grades are better than yours. Why can't he sit in an office? Even if he doesn't sit in an office, isn't it good to be a worker? Factory Director Tang also rose from a worker to his current position as factory director. "Since you look down on my eldest brother so much, why did you shamelessly destroy his family and follow him? Now you are standing here accusing this and that, what have you been doing?"

  Shen Qin, who had been silent for a long time, finally found someone who could The opportunity for revenge was sprayed back without mercy.

  Liu Meili was said by Huang Chun to be able to handle it, but she didn't expect Shen Qin to humiliate her like this.

  She picked up her satchel from the table next to her, her eyes were red, and she pointed at the people in the room fiercely, "You Shen family are the most disgusting. Weren't you the ones who looked down on Luo Yufen in the first place? Shen Jianming's youngest daughter can't even connect with you Shen I have never been to my home. Isn't it because you look down on the three of them, mother and daughter? Now you are accusing me in a high-sounding way. I think it's you who are shameless. Now I think Shen Qianfei is promising and has met a big shot. I regret it. I tell you You guys, it's too late, ugh, you're a bunch of disgusting villains!"

  After Liu Meili said these words, she pushed Shen Jianming away who wanted to stop her and rushed out of the Shen family's house.

  As Liu Meili said these words, everyone in the room looked unhappy. The old man of the Shen family was okay. He actually laughed a few times, "Don't look at Liu Meili as arrogant and domineering, but sometimes he can see clearly." , Okay, don't make any more noise, don't make any more noise, Liu Meili is right, it's too late."

  He walked up to Shen Jianming, sighed, reached out and patted his shoulder, and finally softened his voice and said, "It's the fault of a son who doesn't teach his father. What you are like today has a lot to do with your father and me. It's because I, the elder, did not do well."

  Shen Jianming lived to this age, and it was the first time he encountered this situation. To be honest, his mind was not very clear and his thinking was not normal. He just felt uncomfortable and his nose was sore.

  He said in a hoarse and muffled voice, "Grandpa, what can we do now that things have reached this point?" "

  Jianming, a manly man should not only be upright, but also be honest in his heart. You don't have to recognize those two daughters, you You can stay away from them for the rest of your life, but if you divorce Luo Yufen, you are not qualified to take away all the family's savings, not to mention that you don't even raise your two daughters. The three hundred yuan should not be yours, let alone With the capital and interest, you can give it to Shen Qianfei three hundred yuan. As for the alimony, your father and I are both responsible for this matter. I have a pension, and we will pay for it. This is what we owe the Luo family. "Yes."

  Huang Chun's lips moved, but he didn't say anything, and the same was true for Shen Qin beside him.

  She and Liu Meili naturally have different ideas.

  To be honest, Shen Qianfei is very good at winning people's face now.

  The director of their unit had told her several times and asked if Shen Qianfei could make up lessons for his daughter.

  What could she say?

  I could only smile awkwardly.

  Find other excuses.

  But people have also said that even if they are divorced, it means that Liu Meili has no contact with Shen Qianfei. How come you, an aunt and niece, have no contact at all?
  Especially for such a smart and outstanding niece.

  So people don't believe it.

  In the end, she was a little resentful of Shen Qianfei. She had nothing to do but get the top prize in the provincial capital, which made her often in a dilemma.

  But even so, she didn't think she shouldn't pay child support. They were her eldest brother's biological daughters. It was normal for her eldest brother to raise them, and it didn't matter who they were born to.

  (End of chapter)

  Chapter 63 Otherwise, who will finish it?
  So the atmosphere in the Shen family, which had been tense just now, was much better now. Shen Zhong let out a long sigh and helped his old father, who was obviously very tired, to go to the house to rest, while Huang Chun was pulled by Shen Qin to their room. .

  Shen Jianming was left sitting on the chair dejectedly, with his hands in his hair, and his whole person was in a state of restlessness.

  But no one cared about his mood at this time.

  Because in another room, the old man of the Shen family asked Shen Zhong to close the door tightly, and he finally told him how Liu Zhi's grandfather killed Shen Zhong's biological mother.

  Shen Zhong couldn't bear it.

  The whole person sat there, his thoughts falling into chaos.

  So the father who suddenly fell ill, who was sometimes confused and sometimes indifferent, finally got the answer to why he got sick.

  Shen Zhong, who was already in his fifties, covered his face and cried out.

  The old man of the Shen family was sitting there, his eyes a little red, but his eyes were indifferent.

  Don't think that you are good and I am good to everyone. Behind this is a bloody and unbearable fact.

  If he doesn't tell this, Shen Jianming and Liu Meili will continue to interact with Liu Zhi and the others.

  This is absolutely unacceptable to him.

  How could his grandson and his grandson-in-law greet his enemy's granddaughter with a smile?


  This is destined to be a sleepless night.

  The bright lights exaggerate the prosperity of Kyoto.

  Underneath this prosperity, there is still an unconcealable gloom.

  At this moment, there was an imported medical ambulance parked outside the compound where the Lu family lived.

  There is a guard at the door, and the guard knows who owns this imported medical vehicle.

  Because the people in the car just explained it to them.

  Just ask them to keep quiet.

  This is the medical rescue team of the largest cooperative medical center in China that Li Group is preparing for.

  I heard that the minimum number of doctors there are graduates.

  I heard that their medical skills are very high and they have a first-class medical system in the world.

  I heard that after the construction of this hospital, many difficult and complicated diseases that cannot be cured in China can be well treated in this hospital. For these people, that is good news.

  The country also attaches great importance to this aspect.

  Even if he is a guard, he knows a thing or two.

  After a while, a group of people hurriedly ran over from a distance. In the middle was a stretcher with an old man lying on it.

  The person next to him was Lu Qing, so the old man lying on the stretcher was the old man of the Lu family.

  After a phone call, he learned all the truth. It was ridiculous that he was still mumbling about the baby kiss, and it was ridiculous that he was still waiting for the Luo family to move to Kyoto.

  When he arrived at the door, the old man of the Lu family gritted his teeth tightly and grabbed Lu Qing, who was following him with a pale face. "Lu Qing, I won't die. No one dares to accept me until this matter is resolved. You go to the Zheng family right now and ask them how the Zheng family raises their daughter, and how they defraud other people's things to benefit themselves, and Shi Linna, I hope you are already separated when I come home..."

  Lu Qingting He stepped down and nodded with difficulty.

  The old man sneered.

  He looked at the captain of the Li family's medical emergency team who had come to pick him up, "Thank you for your hard work."

  "Old man, stop talking now, don't think about anything, being calm is conducive to the recovery of the body." After the medical captain said this After saying this, without further delay, the old man was carried into the medical ambulance.

  The doctors and nurses all began to check, and then the car slowly headed towards the medical center.

  The neighbors who came to help heard what he said, but they didn't quite understand it.

  They all looked at Lu Qing with some sympathy.

  Because everyone knows that Lu Qing is now suffering from splints, and the old man of the Lu family despises Shi Linna who had betrayed and abandoned the Lu family.

  In fact, let alone him, even they look down on Slina.

  But there is no way, Lu Qing likes it.

  At this moment, Lu Qing was in a state of unspeakable pain.

  He was not as strong-willed as his father. Srina peeked into his diary and caught his weakness, so he had to compromise.

  So he'd better go to Zheng's house and ask what's going on.

  Even now, he is still a little confused. Zheng Shanshan, where did that little girl get the courage to become a middleman?
  It sounds really funny.

  Li He paid 60,000 yuan for the Luo family's jade bracelet and promised to send her to college. Then Zheng Shanshan secretly added 20,000 yuan to make it 80,000 yuan.

  Then Shilina asked her classmates to buy someone else's jade bracelet for 5,000 yuan.

  Then Shen Jianming, that terrible person, didn't even want to give a penny to the Luo family.

  So, what is this thing called?

  At the same time, Lu Qing was really surprised, why did Li He not go directly to the Luo family, but took such a big detour?
  Full of questions and worries about his old father, the anxious Lu Qing headed in the direction of the Zheng family.


  After listening to the report of the medical emergency captain stationed in Kyoto, Li Xianzhi glanced at Du Hai and said in a calm voice, "Isn't the old man a little too fragile?"

  Du Hai said in his heart, you dropped such a big bomb to Mr. Lu, he is already in poor health, can he withstand it?

  It's not a bad thing if you don't die.

  But when he saw the owner's cold eyes, Du Hai said, "With our care, the old man can recover."

  "It's best to recover, otherwise who will finish it?" Li Xianzhi said casually.

  "Master, you are right. I think there should be no problem. By the way, Shadow has already launched an investigation, and the country will follow suit. If there are new discoveries, Shadow will report them at any time."

  Li Xianzhi's cold eyes showed Apply a thoughtful touch.

  He was leaning on the sofa, leaning on his chin with his right hand, looking very lazy.

  The two long legs overlapped, and the whole person seemed to be wandering in a fugue.

  Under this situation, Du Hai knew that the family needed to rest.

  After reporting a few words about his work and explaining tomorrow's itinerary, he also left the living room.

  He stayed in the guest room on the other side.

  The owner of the huge villa lives alone.

  This is the rule of the Li family.

  Of course, the place they live in is also very nice.

  It's comparable to a luxury five-star hotel.

  The living room under the crystal chandelier returned to silence.

  Li Xianzhi's figure looked a little lonely.

  But he was used to this kind of life. At this time, he was curious in his mind, where did Li He's master come from?
  Why are you so obsessed with jade in good condition?

  It would be understandable if it were gold. After all, gold is a rare metal and can be used to make many useful objects, even more advanced things.

  But what can jade do?

  It's just a furnishing, just a decoration. Other than that, it doesn't seem to be of much use.

  (End of chapter)

  Chapter 64 Dream

  Li He's master is over ninety years old this year and is one of the few longevity people in the world.

  He has taken good care of himself and is in good health. It is said that he should be fine for another ten years.

  That man is a martial arts practitioner.

  Born into a secretive ancient martial arts family.

  Of course, there should be little evidence for this statement.

  Everyone called him Mr. Yuan.

  Intuitively, it seems that the old man's collection of jade is not a hobby, but a purposeful collection.

  It can even be said that he is looking for something in the jade.

  What would he be looking for in the jade?

  Li Xianzhi curled his lips.

  Could there be an elixir of immortality hidden in the jade?
  Li Xianzhi sneered.

  In the lonely night, the sound also seemed very lonely.

  The silver moon hung in the deep blue sky, and the moonlight spread out, casting a veil over the earth.

  The cold moonlight not only shines on the land of China, but also covers a manor thousands of miles away.

  An old man with white hair and beard was walking slowly in the house with his hands behind his back.

  He is Mr. Yuan that Li Xianzhi mentioned.

  Even though he is over ninety years old, he still has a vigorous gait and a strong body.

  He was indeed from an ancient martial arts family, and that was back in the land of China. They were a secretive family, but later the family fell apart due to war.

  Some stayed in China, while others traveled across the ocean to Southeast Asia.

  He is the part that crosses the ocean.

  Although they were separated into two parts, they have not lost contact with each other, but they are so low-key in China that no one mentions them anymore.

  They were not so successful abroad, and were often suppressed, so they gradually became much lower-key.

  Ten years ago, his realm improved to a higher level.

  Then he opened the memory of his previous life, but not all of it, only fragmented fragments.

  But he still let him know the secret.

  In fact, this is not the only world in the universe.

  There is nothing special about this sentence, and it is not a secret that he knows alone, but is known to thousands or even hundreds of millions of people.

  However, they only knew it, he had seen it with his own eyes.

  Therefore, he urgently wants to go to a higher latitude and more advanced world to achieve immortality in the true sense.

  Perhaps many people sneered at his statement and criticized it, but only he knew that it could be achieved.

  Just somewhere in this world.

  There is a mysterious space hidden.

  After so many years of searching, his sights have been set on the land of China. With such an ancient nation and long history, it is not surprising that there is such a magical thing.

  It is said that such a magical baby is conscious, and if it does not want to leave that land, no one can take it away.

  Of course, these are just legends. Finally, a certain range was determined, and this mysterious space treasure was hidden in a jade.

  That's why he collected jade in large quantities.

  Now the scope is narrowing again, and the target is directed at the old owner of the No. 1 jade shop in Beicheng.

  After some twists and turns and searches, he took back the top-quality jadeite pieces brought abroad by his old boss from his descendants at ridiculously high prices and even on other preferential terms.

  Unfortunately, he looked through them one by one and found nothing.

  Then the descendants of his old employer provided him with information that one of the jade pieces made from this top-quality imperial green was not taken out of the country. It was paid as wages to a family named Luo.

  If he wanted to find this out a few years ago, it would have taken a lot of effort, but now that it has been opened, it has become much easier to get some information.

  The final target fell on Yuanbao Village on the outskirts of Beicheng.

  The jade bracelet in the hands of Luo Feng's wife Gu Cui was the same jade bracelet that was given to them by their old employer as wages.

  He can't directly acquire it, as this method can easily cause him to get involved in some unnecessary causes and effects.

  Because that jade bracelet was a bit unusual, it had the lives of the Luo family on it.

  It is different from other jadeite pieces.

  But I didn't expect that this roundabout way would lead to so many things happening.

  Therefore, at this moment, Mr. Yuan, based on his experience of nearly a hundred years, concluded that the jade bracelet was definitely extraordinary, otherwise it would not have led to this series of events.

  How could a baby like this be born without going through a lot of setbacks, hardships and turmoil?

  What should we do now?
  Is he going to take action himself?
  He didn't really want to go back. After all, a few years ago, he had a falling out with the patriarch of his hometown because of some things.

  But Mr. Yuan is determined to get this jade bracelet, which is likely to contain a mysterious space.

  He squinted his eyes slightly, it seemed that it was necessary to return home.

  Let us return our sights to this land of China again.

  Everything was quiet at this time, it was already late at night.

  A certain compound.

  Lu Qing's home.

  A room with one wall covered in books.

  Against the wall is a single bed.

  The curtains were not drawn, and the silver moonlight shone in, illuminating the young man lying on the bed with a frown on his face.

  He was a little restless and his breathing was rough. Suddenly, he opened his eyes and sat up.

  He was breathing heavily, his forehead was covered with sweat, and his back was also covered in sweat.

  In the past six months, he has had the same dream every few days.

  The dream was not very coherent, but it seemed like it had really happened.

  A few years later, after graduating from college, he met a girl.

  He fell in love with her.

  But she doesn't like him.

  Every time he saw her cold eyes, his whole body was also cold, and his heart seemed to be frozen.

  But he was possessed.

  Following her figure crazily.

  He didn't know her name, he only knew that someone called her Feifei...

  Lu Wei felt very irritated.

  He didn't like this dream, it was really annoying. How could he like someone who didn't like him.

  My parents had a big fight today and grandpa went to a medical center.

  He went to see his grandfather, but didn't go in.

  When I got home, I found out that he actually had a baby to kiss!

  God, spare him.

  What era is it, and there are still baby kisses.

  Mom is right, grandpa is really old and confused.

  By the way, that baby is in Beicheng, her name is Shen Qianfei.


  Lu Wei suddenly stiffened and his eyes widened.

  Shen Qianfei, Shen Qianfei.

  Feifei! ! !

  At this moment, Lu Wei felt as if he was struck by lightning, and he jumped out of bed.

  My heart was beating loudly.

  It's terrible, really terrible.

  Is Shen Qianfei not the cold Feifei in her dream?

  Lu Wei felt as if the sky and the earth were spinning.
  He fell to the floor, wiped the sweat from his forehead, and touched his heart.

  He knew he was pale now.

  Because every time this dream ends in the sky full of fire!

   There will be updates, please subscribe and vote monthly.

  (End of chapter)

  Chapter 65 Mathematics Paper
  Shen Qianfei had no idea that so many things had happened that night.

  She stayed up late to complete a set of papers.

  She had an idea in mind.

  It's just that I didn't find the right opportunity.

  Now Ye Man called and wanted to take her and Liu Qingqing out to play tomorrow morning.

  Then the idea took shape.

  It happened that she had a ready-made math paper on hand.

  All she had to do was re-copy it and revise it.

  What has been modified are some details.

  Nowadays, education is getting more and more attention. As far as the current situation is concerned, getting admitted to a technical school means getting an iron rice bowl and becoming an honorable worker. If you get admitted to a technical secondary school or above, it will be 100% good for the country. cadre.

  Today's state cadres are all assigned, and they are guaranteed golden rice bowls.

  Parents who want their children to succeed hope that their children will have a good future.

  The competition that follows is becoming increasingly fierce.

  Therefore, study materials, tutoring materials, and test papers of various subject types will also become an indispensable part of the lives of these students.

  The set of papers that Shen Qianfei prepared was for the first year of high school.

  There are basic test questions, unit test questions, mid-term and final test questions.

  There are very few such test papers on the market today.

  Even if it exists, it is also used within some high schools.

  Moreover, Shen Qianfei is confident that her set of papers can check for deficiencies and improve students' performance to a great extent.

  Anyone who understands it will know the level of her set of papers at a glance.

  After working for most of the night, I ran into the space and walked around, thinking about how to find photos or actual objects of the Jinxiu bottle.

  She was also curious about the world behind the door, but she couldn't open it for the time being.

  Shen Qianfei, who was lying on the bed, was surprised to find that after walking around in the space, her slightly tired body felt better.

  There was a sudden movement in my heart.

  If you bring your mother in, will it help her condition?

  I couldn't help but think of the Qingxin Pills as a reward.

  She knows which one has the clearest heart.


  As the name suggests, it would be great if it was really like what she imagined.

  With these mixed emotions, Shen Qianfei finally fell into sleep.

  And this restless night will eventually pass away slowly.

  The next morning.

  Just after breakfast, Dr. Wan received a call.

  After saying a few words, a look of surprise appeared on Dr. Wan's face, and his eyes fell on Shen Qianfei who was wiping the table.

  The two little girls worked well together, one washed the dishes and the other wiped the table.

  It's all pretty exciting.

  Shen Qianfei was different from Liu Qingqing, so naturally she immediately noticed that Grandma Wan's gaze was different from the past. She put down the rag in her hand and looked at Dr. Wan.

  Doctor Wan finally came to his senses and said quickly, "Feifei, come here, there is a gentleman who claims to be your neighbor across the door, his surname is Du."

  Shen Qianfei was stunned for a moment, her surname was Du, that must be Uncle Du Haidu .

  What is she doing to herself?
  Shen Qianfei walked over quickly and took the phone receiver. Du Hai's laughing voice came from the other end, "Feifei, do you have time today?" "

  ...Uncle Du, Qingqing and I are going to go out with Aunt Ye. ."

  There was a pause on the other end of the phone. Du Hai was still smiling as before, "What a coincidence. I wanted to take you to dinner."

  "Uncle Du, you are really too polite. You and Mr. Li You have helped us a lot and we are very grateful."

  "Feifei, don't be so polite. Since you have to go out to play today, let's talk about it another day. Remember the business card I gave you, and remember to call if anything happens. , okay?"

  Shen Qianfei agreed and Du Hai put down the phone.

  Just now, Du Hai did not conceal his identity, but announced his family name, so Dr. Wan was very surprised.

  Of course she knew Li Xianzhi.

  I also know that their old residence of the Li family seems to be in a village not far from the provincial capital.

  Now it's a village, it used to be a brigade, and a few decades ago, it would be the Li family's large estate.

  Anyone who has lived in the provincial capital for a period of time will basically know this, but they didn't expect that they actually live across the door from Feifei's family.

  This is just a small episode.

  After the two little girls packed up, Ye Man also came to Liu's house.

  She was going to pick Shen Qianfei and Liu Qingqing out to play.

  Today happens to be Sunday.

  Dr. Wan had a meeting today, so she went to work.

  Shen Qianfei looked at Ye Man calmly. Her frowning brows had relaxed, and there seemed to be sparkles in the corners of her eyes.

  The corners of his mouth were slightly raised.

  This proves that Aunt Ye Man is in a good mood.

  And her good mood does not necessarily come from taking her out to play, it must come from her uncle.

  In fact, as long as the uncle takes that step, two people of this age will naturally not care about the gossip.

  It's just that the relationship between the two of them is definitely still at a weak stage.

  As a sixteen-year-old girl, she definitely couldn't care more about this, so she could only pretend not to know anything and call Aunt Ye affectionately.

  She asked Ye Man to sit down on the sofa, and her voice was sweet, "Aunt Ye, let's go out in a while, and I will show you something..."

  Ye Man sat on the sofa, looking a little funny as he had grown up. The little girl is not without melancholy in her heart.

  Time is really ruthless. That little dumpling has now grown into a tall and graceful girl.

  He didn't know what he thought of, but the corners of Ye Man's mouth raised again, and the corners of his eyes and eyebrows rippled with light.

  Liu Qingqing was a sensible little girl, and she enthusiastically made tea and water for Ye Man.

  Especially when he learned that Ye Man was a teacher at the provincial normal university, his enthusiasm was mixed with a hint of reserve.

  This is what students do to teachers.

  Shen Qianfei quickly took out her pile of paper.

  The paper was very crude, just the notebooks used by students today.

  But the handwriting is beautiful and the roll surface is clear, clean and neat.

  After Ye Man took it, he glanced at the first one, and there was a look of astonishment in his eyes. Looking at Shen Qianfei, he couldn't help but ask, "Feifei, did you write this yourself or did you copy it from somewhere?"

  "Ye Man Auntie, these are all compiled based on my past study experience. The basic part is for students who are not very good at basics. The other parts are more or less targeted. The midterm and final exam papers are relatively comprehensive... ..."

  Ye Man looked very serious and did not think it would be childish for a sixteen-year-old girl to write this paper. You must know that this little girl is very good at studying.

  It was also because she was ignorant, and she had been regretting it these past few days.

  Feifei was admitted to the provincial high school, and her grades were not only first in the province, but actually first in the country...

  (End of Chapter)

  Chapter 66: Don't eat the fireworks of the world.

  It was just that it was limited to one province at that time.

  They are not counted together.

  By some strange coincidence, she happened to take her mother to Kyoto for medical treatment at that time. When she came back, it was already the New Year's Day of the following year.

  Naturally, I missed the news.

  She also didn't expect that this child would study in the provincial capital No. 1 Middle School.

  She felt really guilty.

  After breaking up with Brother Haowen, for a period of time, the two of them actually didn't break up, but they finally stopped contacting each other completely.

  And she also refused to inquire about any more information about the Luo family. Naturally, the same was true for the Shen family.

  So I didn't expect that Feifei had been studying in No. 1 Middle School in the provincial capital for two years.

  Ye Man read quickly.

  These things are naturally familiar to her.

  Because she used to teach mathematics in No. 1 Middle School.

  Later he was transferred to the Provincial Normal University.

  But this does not affect her unique vision in this regard.

  She could tell at a glance that this set of papers was of extremely high standard.

  If she hadn't heard Shen Qianfei tell her personally, she would never have believed that this was done by a sophomore in high school.

  She didn't read all of them, just read a few, put the papers on the coffee table, and looked at the little girl standing opposite seriously, "Feifei, what do you mean?"

  "Aunt Ye , do you think it can be printed and published?"

  Ye Man's eyes lit up, "Do you mean to print it in batches and sell it to various schools?"

  "You can also sell it to schools, but it is best to sell it publicly in Xinhua Bookstore. This is the current situation. Study materials needed for the first year of high school..."

  Even though Ye Man looks gentle on the outside, he is actually a very cheerful person. She nodded, put the paper in her bag, and then said to Shen Qianfei, "Feifei, I know how to do this. Study carefully and I will inform you when there are results."

  Shen Qianfei knew that this matter should be close to home.

  Besides, she was very confident in the set of math test papers she had created.

  But everything is difficult at the beginning.

  But she was in no hurry.

  Liu Qingqing, who was standing aside, blinked and looked at Shen Qianfei.

  Shen Qianfei stepped forward, patted her shoulder, and said in a low voice, "Didn't I mention it to you yesterday, so you have to keep it a secret for me for the time being."

  Liu Qingqing nodded as if she understood, "This is for you Don't worry, I won't tell anyone else."

  Ye Man stretched out his hand and rubbed Shen Qianfei's hair, and said in a soft voice, "Let's go, Auntie, I will take you two out to play."

  The time spent playing was the best. So fast, it was almost noon in the blink of an eye.

  During this morning, Ye Man took the two little girls to the zoo.

  Today is Sunday, and there are a lot of people at the zoo.

  Many parents bring their children, and some elderly people bring their grandchildren to see the elephants.

  The elephant is new, and for people in Beicheng, it is simply strange.

  The elephant park was also rebuilt.

  It is said that this zoo was contracted by an individual.

  Otherwise, we wouldn't have invested so much money to introduce animals from the south and expand and renovate it.

  It's lively when there are many people.

  Liu Qingqing is a real sixteen-year-old girl. Although she lives in the provincial capital, to be honest, she has not been here for several years.

  Everything here was also very new to her. Looking around, she would exaggerately pull Shen Qianfei to chirp at anything she saw, jumping or dancing.

  This reminded Shen Qianfei of her sister Luo Luo.

  The little girl has never been to the provincial capital once.

  For Luoluo, the provincial capital is as far away as Kyoto.

  It's actually really close.

  Shen Qianfei hid the sour emotions in her heart. She was not in a hurry in the past few days. She would be a good sister and make this little sister the happiest little princess.

  She will definitely do it, she has confidence in herself.

  Ye Man took the two little girls to eat. After thinking about it, he simply took them to a newly opened Western restaurant in the provincial capital to see the world.

  This was invested by southerners and is also a new scene in the provincial capital.

  However, the food is expensive and ordinary workers will not come in to consume it.

  Those who can get in here are either rich or think they have some style.

  For example, Liu Qingqing was very curious when she came to this place for the first time, and everything she looked at was new.

  It's not like she has never been to a restaurant before, but small restaurants in provincial capitals are naturally different from Western restaurants with a strong Western flavor.

  This Western restaurant is very elegantly decorated, with a strong exotic feel.

  The room was not bright, and the wall lamps were shining dimly.

  The space between seats is also wide.

  Green vegetation is used as a partition in the middle.

  It was very quiet, not noisy, and there was soft music playing on the speakers.

  The uniformed waiter led the three of them to a seat by the window.

  As soon as she sat down, Shen Qianfei felt a line of sight floating over her.

  She turned her head and saw Li Xianzhi sitting there leisurely in front of the large French window.

  Seeing her look over, he even curled his lips at her.

  Then Du Hai, who was sitting next to him, stood up and walked towards the three of them with a smile.

  What a coincidence.

  Du Hai smiled and invited the three people to have dinner together there.

  Then Ye Man also found out that he was from the Li family's old house in Yuanbao Village.

  He couldn't help but look towards the young man.

  His handsome face seemed to be covered with a thin layer of frost, and his expression was very dull. Sitting there, he felt separated from the surrounding environment.

  It seems that people like him should be sitting on the clouds.

  You should not eat the fireworks of the world.

  That person is Li Xianzhi.

  Ye Man's questioning gaze fell on Shen Qianfei.

  Of course, Shen Qianfei couldn't go to eat with Li Xianzhi. Are you kidding? It would be strange if he could eat it. Besides, he was not very familiar with her, so he gave in politely. She quickly declined politely.

  Du Hai didn't take it seriously. He knew that the head of the family had no intention of inviting all three people to go.

  Because the master wanted to talk to Shen Qianfei about something.

  As for why he didn't tell the old man of the Luo family in Yuanbao Village, Du Hai felt that there was no need for him to think further.

  Anyway, whatever the head of the family does is right.


  He said, "Feifei, it's like this. We have some new clues about school status and your grandmother's jade bracelet. If it's convenient for you now, you can go over and take a look at the information."

  Shen Qianfei was stunned for a moment.

  Shen Qianfei told Ye Man about her academic status and jade bracelet when they were at the zoo just now, so Ye Man suddenly became serious.

  She actually knew that this jade bracelet existed.

  It's just knowing.

  Naturally, I didn't take it to heart.

  But he didn't expect that scumbag Shen Jianming and Teacher Huang would actually do such a thing.

  It's really despising.

  However, her current status was too embarrassing to participate. She looked at Shen Qianfei. In the whole morning, she realized that Feifei was not an ordinary little girl.

   Thank you Jin Lingshan for the reward, thank you all for your support, please continue to ask for monthly subscriptions~~
  (End of this chapter)

  Chapter 67: The repair space fell into Zheng Shanshan's hands?

  Shen Qianfei said with caution on her brows, "Aunt Ye, Qingqing, you two eat first, I'll go over there and take a look."

  Ye Man hesitated for a moment and said, "Well, you go ahead.

  " At this moment, Ye Man was not worried, because it was in a restaurant and the distance between the tables was not very far.

  However, Li Xianzhi's location is relatively quiet, which should be the best part of this restaurant.

  Before Ye Man could order, Du Hai glanced at Shen Qianfei who was walking towards Li Xianzhi. With a smile in his eyes, he called to the restaurant manager in a cheerful mood.

  I'm lucky enough to eat in the same restaurant as Mr. Li, and I'll be taken care of no matter what.

  However, Ye Man politely refused.

  It was the first time I took two little girls out to eat, and she was the one who should have invited them.

  Du Hai didn't insist either.

  He is a funny and talkative person, and he is the kind of person who is a social bastard.

  So it was easy to chat with Ye Man.

  Of course, it's just a matter of time.

  After saying a few words, he stood up and walked outside, and soon disappeared.

  Only then did Liu Qingqing dare to speak.

  "Aunt Ye, will Feifei come back to eat?"

  Ye Man glanced over there and frowned slightly. He didn't know what to say, but it must be very important.

  Otherwise Feifei would not have passed.

  She smiled and glanced at Liu Qingqing, "Don't worry about her for now. You eat first. Try these fries. It tastes really good with ketchup..."

  In the corner of the restaurant, this is indeed the brightest and most environmentally friendly place in the entire restaurant. OK

  Shen Qianfei sat opposite Li Xianzhi. She had already read the two pieces of paper in her hand.

  The speed was very fast, almost the same as what Li Xianzhi saw at the time.

  At this time, Li Xianzhi looked at Shen Qianfei calmly.

  Was the little girl scared or something?
  There was no trace of blood on the bright white face.

  Also, her eyes are weird.

  Li Xianzhi did not dare to say that he could see into people's hearts, but he had extremely strong acumen in this area, otherwise it would not have been possible for him to seize the position of the head of the family at such a young age.

  Not to mention, he also has other unknown abilities.

  But even so, he didn't see what the emotions in the little girl's eyes meant?

  It seems that only these four words can describe Shen Qianfei's current state.

  A trace of interest flashed across Li Xianzhi's eyes.

  He reached out and took the threaded frosted glass kettle beside him, poured half a glass of water for Shen Qianfei, gently placed it in front of her, and whispered, "Drink some water."

  Shen Qianfei raised her head and froze for a few seconds. She said softly to Li Xianzhi, "Thank you."

  At this time, Shen Qianfei urgently needed to do something to suppress the emotions surging in her heart.

  The Lu family...

  It turns out that all of this has something to do with the Lu family.

  This was something she never expected.

  She didn't know it until the day she died.

  Speaking of which, she and Lu Wei also met by chance, and Lu Wei fell in love with her at first sight. From then on, he began to pursue her persistently. I dare not say that he followed her to the end of the world, but it was almost the same.

  He even gave up a great future for her.

  She was not tempted, and there was no affection in her heart.

  But during those few years, she did regard Lu Wei as her best friend.

  Even though Lu Wei's mother, Shi Linna, used words to ridicule her, she never did anything to that woman...

  So, Shen Qianfei really hates her now. Why was she so stupid in her previous life?

  Why do we always treat our enemies as good people?

  That woman is really cruel, even worse than Liu Meili.

  When she was ridiculing herself, was she laughing triumphantly in her heart?
  She was laughing, laughing at the idiot Shen Qianfei, laughing at Shen Qianfei for not knowing anything and still calling her aunt politely.

  Also, did Lu Wei know about it at that time?

  Did he approach him with a compensatory mentality?

  What so-called love at first sight is actually just an excuse?

  At this moment, Shen Qianfei felt that she might never know what Lu Wei was thinking in her previous life.

  Shen Qianfei held the cup's hand with a little force. The next moment, she slowly released it, and then drank the glass of water one sip at a time.

  Li Xianzhi looked at Shen Qianfei calmly.

  Is what the little girl is drinking in mouthfuls water?

  There was an indescribable feeling in his heart.

  It was a strange feeling.

  It was so unfamiliar that Li Xianzhi frowned.

  Shen Qianfei put the cup down and quietly took a deep breath to gradually regain her composure.

  She wanted to go back and talk to her grandfather about the Lu family.

  No matter what, this justice must be sought.

  Why should Srina take it for granted?

  Just because of the old man of the Lu family, she vented all her anger on the innocent Luo family.

  The Luo family recruited her or provoked her. Why was she treated like this?

  Could it be that just because the Luo family was from the countryside and had no money, power or status, she could bully and play with her at will?

  She will definitely make that woman pay.

  But at this moment, Shen Qianfei was stunned for a moment, and she suddenly remembered that the genius who developed psychotropic drugs a few years later seemed to be named Zheng.

  Unfortunately, she also learned about it by accident.

  I haven't paid attention to it since then, and I don't know if it's a boy or a girl, or if it's the same Zheng Shanshan.

  So, did the repair space in the previous life fall into Zheng Shanshan's hands?
  Shen Qianfei frowned slightly and asked Li Xianzhi, "Mr. Li, how did Mr. Li's master in Kyoto know that I have an jade bracelet?"

  Li Xianzhi did not answer her directly, but just curled his lips.

  Mr. Li?
  This little girl kept calling him Mr. Li, which was polite and measured.

  He didn't really want to hear it, but what would he call him if he didn't call him Mr. Li?

  Brother Li.

  Brother Xianzhi?

  Haha, it doesn't seem very suitable.

  He plays Qi at home, and his grandmother always called him Xiaoqi when she was little.

  The cousins ​​below all call him Seventh Brother.

  After pondering for a moment, Li Xianzhi said, "My brother-in-law's master's surname is Yuan. Everyone calls him Mr. Yuan. It is said that he comes from the ancient martial arts family. Do you know what the ancient martial arts family is?"

  Shen Qianfei shook her head, " I don't know."

  At this moment, the meals arranged by Du Hai were also served one after another.

  After putting it away, the waiter turned around and left.

  Li Xianzhi noticed that Shen Qianfei's expression became calmer.

  He asked, "Can you eat something first?"

  Li Xianzhi said this calmly and lightly, but he sounded slightly concerned.

  Shen Qianfei turned back and glanced at Aunt Ye and Liu Qingqing not far away.

  He said apologetically, "Mr. Li, I will eat with Aunt Ye and the others later."

  (End of Chapter)

  Chapter 68: Appointment on Tuesday
  Li Xianzhi did not force it. He said, "I have detailed information about the Guwu family, but I don't have the information at hand. Let me give you a brief introduction."

  Shen Qianfei straightened up. , it can be said that the source of everything is Mr. Yuan who is collecting jade like crazy.

  Then someone got greedy, which led to the tragedy of their Luo family in the previous life.

  "... very early on, there were a total of eight ancient martial arts families in our land, distributed in all directions. They used martial arts to enter Taoism, and used martial arts to gather clans. They believed in the spirit of martial arts, and through martial arts and Taoism, they trained One's own body, spirit and even willpower.

  These aristocratic families all have various techniques that are not passed down from person to person, and rarely recruit outsiders. The disciples are basically from their own families. Not only in martial arts, but also in medicine, they also have secret techniques, and even Other secrets that outsiders don't know..."

  Li Xianzhi glanced at Shen Qianfei, who was listening attentively. The little girl's eyelashes were very long, fluttering like butterfly wings, and her eyes were like black glass in an ice pond, glowing with an eye-catching color. Heart palpitating waves.

  He calmly withdrew his gaze and continued to speak slowly, " some unknown places, it is said that there are the purest and most precious treasures, not just gold, silver and jewelry, some medicinal materials, minerals, rare metals, etc. They are They can all be called treasures. With these treasures, they will refine various medicines and pills needed by martial arts practitioners. In the final analysis, it is to enter the Tao through martial arts, reach a world beyond the reach of ordinary people, and finally achieve immortality..."

  Shen Qianfei listened quietly.

  After Li Xianzhi finished speaking, she digested it. She looked at the food on the table, stood up, and said, "Mr. Li, I won't disturb your meal. I'm going to Aunt Ye's place. Thank you." The information also includes the ancient martial arts family that you just told me about."

  Li Xianzhi tapped his fingers lightly on the table. He didn't hold back, but he said softly, "I have information on this at home, it's very detailed. If you have time, you can go and take a look..."

  Shen Qianfei's heart moved, and her eyes changed accordingly.

  "Oh, most of the books in my house are ancient collections. There are no fairy tales that you little girls like to read." For some reason, Li Xianzhi emphasized it specially.

  Shen Qianfei twitched her lips and smiled, "I haven't read fairy tales for many years."

  "Oh?" Li Xianzhi raised his eyebrows, "Then how many more days will you stay in the provincial capital?"

  "I'll see you next Thursday. Go back to Yuanbao Village."

  "Are you free on Tuesday?"

  Shen Qianfei thought for a while and said, "I'm tutoring Qingqing in her studies."

  "Is it all day?"

  "That's not the case, she also has to memorize the formulas by herself... ..."

  "Then you come in the morning, I will send Mr. Du to pick you up."

  Shen Qianfei was a little hesitant.

  But she really wanted to know more about the Guwu family.

  "We are also investigating what Mr. Yuan's ultimate goal is. Maybe there will be new discoveries on Tuesday."

  In that case, let's go. Shen Qianfei is not a pretentious person. She smiled softly and gently, and then nodded. head.

  The little girl has a very pretty smile.

  Sweet and soft, like a flower blooming from a marshmallow.

  Li Xianzhi felt as if something sweet had penetrated into his cold heart.

  The hands on his knees slowly closed, and Li Xianzhi's eyes became softer without even knowing it.

  "Go ahead, Mr. Du will pick you up on Tuesday morning."

  His voice was equally soft.

  Shen Qianfei raised her eyes to look at the young man sitting there.

  In fact, he doesn't seem to be very old, but because his aura is so strong, he gives people a sense of oppression.

  This was the feeling Li Xianzhi gave him at first.

  But now it seems to have quietly disappeared.

  Shen Qianfei hummed softly, then turned around and walked quickly towards the table where Ye Man and the others were sitting.

  Although she knew nothing was wrong, Ye Man still breathed a sigh of relief when she saw Shen Qianfei coming back. It didn't take long for her to take a look at Shen Qianfei's expression and said without asking, "Eat quickly and play for a while. It's morning, I must be hungry."

  Liu Qingqing at the other end quietly glanced in the direction of Li Xianzhi, then glanced at Shen Qianfei, moved closer to her, and said in a low voice that Ye Man couldn't hear. , "Feifei, that man is so good-looking. He is Li Xianzhi. I have heard of him. My grandfather said that he is a rare young talent in the world, but he has a very cold personality and is difficult to approach. I was a little scared when I looked at him. How dare you talk to him? You are so awesome!"

  Shen Qianfei looked at Liu Qingqing funny, "Don't judge people by their appearance. He looks very cold on the outside, but he is actually a very nice person and has helped my family a lot. ..."

  Liu Qingqing heard this and let it go, but Ye Man frowned after hearing it.

  Her direction was facing Li Xianzhi.

  At this time, the young man was looking sideways out of the window. After just one glance, she quickly retracted her gaze. After all, staring at others was very impolite.

  But just at this glance, one can feel Li Xianzhi's aura of keeping strangers away from him at this moment.

  So, why is he so enthusiastic about Feifei?

  If something goes wrong, it will be a monster.

  Feifei is still too young and is the easiest to be fascinated by such a rich, powerful and handsome young talent.

  Ye Man said in a low voice, "Feifei, it's already your senior year of high school. The courses must be tense, right?"

  She quickly changed the subject.

  Shen Qianfei never thought that Ye Man would think so much.

  Before she could speak, Liu Qingqing continued, "Aunt Ye, no matter how many classes there are, Feifei is always Zhang Fei eating bean sprouts..." She paused here and looked at Ye Man and Ye Man expectantly. Shen Qianfei.

  Shen Qianfei looked at Liu Qingqing amusedly and said, "How do you say this?"

  "It's a piece of cake!"

  After saying that, Liu Qingqing giggled herself.

  The three of them talked while eating, and the atmosphere was very harmonious. Du Hai also came back after finishing his work.

  When passing by their dining table, Ye Man and Shen Qianfei smiled and said a few words.

  When he returned to his master, he saw that the master looked quite happy.

  Then he heard the head of the family tell him, "Go to Liu's house to pick up Shen Qianfei at nine o'clock on Tuesday morning."

  Du Hai didn't react for a moment, so he asked, "Where are you going to pick her up? Are you still here?"

  Li Xian, who had been looking out the window. He finally turned his head, stared at Du Hai with deep eyes, and said in a cool voice, "What do you think!"

  Du Hai blinked and then smiled, "Master, I know, take her to the villa."

  " ...I promised to show her the information about the Guwu family. After all, it has a lot to do with the Luo family."

  "The head of the family is thoughtful." Du Hai hurriedly agreed.

   Updated a bit late.

    Thank you for your monthly recommendations and subscriptions. I don't know what the final results will be, but with your support, I believe it will be better in the future.

    I also wish my babies peace and joy~
  (End of chapter)

  Chapter 69 Ashamed of not being a sycamore tree, An De Chaoyang Mingfeng came. Li

  Xianzhi glanced at Du Hai, his eyes passed over Shen Qianfei who had her back turned to him, and then turned to the window.

  The food on the table is very rich, the steak is fried just right, and the dairy pastries are exquisite and very appetizing.

  But he didn't even look at it.

  Du Hai sighed inwardly.

  For others, eating is a matter of enjoyment, but for the head of the household, eating is a matter of work.

  It's not that he's picky about eating, it's because the head of the family suffered from anorexia when he was young.

  After treatment, he got better, but he was not interested in any food.

  He is also too old-fashioned in this regard.

  On the way to send Shen Qianfei and Liu Qingqing home, Ye Man quietly handed Shen Qianfei fifty yuan.

  Shen Qianfei glanced at Ye Man's eyes and silently put the money into her satchel.

  Her voice was sweet, as if she had eaten candy, "Aunt Ye, you're welcome."

  Ye Man breathed a sigh of relief quietly. She stretched out her hand and rubbed the top of Shen Qianfei's head, with affection in her eyes, "Feifei , Auntie is very happy that you are like this."

  Then, as if she was worried that Shen Qianfei wouldn't believe it, she added heavily, "Auntie is really happy." Ye Man's eyes were a little moist when he said this.

  The Luo family was the best family she had ever seen.

  She never forgot them.

  At the gate, Shen Qianfei asked Liu Qingqing to go home first, while she stood under the tree and pulled Ye Man to whisper.

  "Aunt Ye, can I tell you something?"

  "Yes, tell me, what is it?"

  "My uncle said that he has been unable to let go of one thing. That's why he misses the steel factory. It's that he and The No. 3 steel-making furnace plan developed by his master, Grandpa Ye, has not been implemented yet..."

  Ye Man was stunned, clenched her hands tightly, bit her lip, and looked at it with a complicated expression. Shen Qianfei sighed softly, "Feifei, this matter is not as simple as imagined, it is really too difficult." "

  Aunt Ye, uncle said that it was the hard work of him and the master, and they simulated it for this We have conducted countless experiments many times, saying that as long as it is approved and launched, we can produce high-quality steel, which will improve the overall steel quality of the steel plant to a higher stage..." "

  My uncle has never stopped learning. , I know he may never let go of this plan in his life, but unfortunately there seems to be no chance..."

  Ye Man stood there blankly, she knew about this, and she also had a complete renovation of the No. 3 steel-making furnace at home. Plan backup.

  The other copy has already been submitted, but it is no longer known where it was buried. It may have been destroyed or covered with dust.

  She went to ask several times, but she was told that it was confidential and only the leadership team above had the right to inquire and inspect it.

  Even if she is Ye Gong's daughter, this is not allowed.

  Later, life did not go smoothly and it was very difficult, so she let it go.

  "Feifei, I've asked before, but they said I have no right to inquire about this matter." "

  Aunt Ye, so I have to find a way to let my uncle go back to work."

  Ye Man shook his head, although Feifei saw She seems to have matured, but she is still a child and she speaks in childlike terms, "Feifei, your uncle is no longer a worker in the steel mill. It is almost impossible to go back."

  As far as she knows, there seems to be no such thing. This precedent.

  Even if he was not fired because he resigned, the steel factory no longer has his working relationship and files. These things have been thrown away long ago.

  In other words, he really has nothing to do with the steel mill.

  This is different from the suspension of pay and employment implemented by various units today.

  "It all depends on people, Auntie, you and my uncle are still very young, there will always be a way."

  "Are you still young?" Ye Man said to himself in a daze.

  "Of course you are very young. There are still decades to go. If possible, you can help my uncle. He is still completing the plan. He is also short of information..."

  Ye Man stood silently. , raised her eyes and looked ahead. Even Shen Qianfei didn't know what she was looking at, but her expression changed little by little, from the initial confusion and uncertainty to the clarity at this moment.

  Something called fighting spirit seemed to burst out from the corners of her eyes and eyebrows.

  I don't know how it was triggered, but Ye Man at this moment is completely different from before.

  It seemed that at this moment, she had decided something.

  Shen Qianfei knew it was time to call it a day, so she said goodbye to Ye Man obediently. Ye Man watched her enter the gate of the community. At the gate, Liu Qingqing was waiting for Shen Qianfei.

  After the two little girls walked into the gatehouse hand in hand, Ye Man withdrew his gaze.

  She didn't leave immediately, but still stood there.

  After a while, Ye Man slowly walked towards the bus stop.

  It was mid-afternoon, and there was a row of tall sycamore trees on the roadside.

  The sun shone dappledly through the gaps in the leaves, and spots of light fell on the hem of her skirt as she walked, creating charming ripples.

  Sycamore tree...

  I remember when I first met Brother Haowen, I went with her to play in Yuanbao Village, and he planted a sycamore tree in the yard behind his house.

  At that time, she asked him curiously, why did he plant plane trees?
  He said, "I feel ashamed that I am not a sycamore tree. I wish the phoenix could sing in the morning sun."

  He also said, but he could plant a sycamore tree, and when it becomes luxuriant, he would personally pick up his little phoenix. go home.

  At that time, she was still ignorant, and she was still at an age where she wanted to be serious about everything she did.

  She told him that actually the phoenix is ​​not a bird, it is a phoenix and a phoenix.

  She also said very seriously that they couldn't get together.

  She clearly remembered that Brother Haowen smiled softly at that time.

  His eyes were beautiful and his smile was starry.

  At that time, his whole person was shining.

  Ye Man paused and slowly raised his head to look at the tall sycamore tree above his head.

  It is already autumn at this time. Autumn in the north comes early. Some leaves are already golden, while others are still as green as jade.

  These two colors together add a touch of bright color to this bustling and old street.

  After many years, seeing Brother Haowen again, a woman's intuition knew that Brother Haowen had never changed.

  So, has she changed?
  The hand hanging by his side slowly grasped the skirt of his chest.

  Her heart seemed to come back to life after meeting Brother Haowen.

  Although it is very shy to say such words at such an age, if there is a chance, she really wants to tell Brother Haowen that she misses him, she likes him, she has always loved him, and she will never forget him in her life.

  Brother Haowen, can you be braver?

  Feifei said that we are still young, but we know that we are no longer young, and we don't have more than ten years in our lives to squander it like this.

  The rest of life is actually not very long.

  As long as you can take that step, I will never look back.

  Even if there are no plane trees, I will still fly to your side!
  (End of chapter)

  Chapter 70 A note for you On

  Monday morning, after assigning homework to Qingqing, Shen Qianfei went to the museum in the provincial capital.

  She knows that Grandpa Liu is very busy, but this is her only chance, because she has no other way to know what the holly amphora looks like...

  Even if there is only one side or even half of it, she can work hard to spell it out.

  The provincial capital museum is closed on Mondays.

  But in the morning, Dr. Wan had already called Mr. Liu, so when the guard saw Shen Qianfei, he knew it was the girl Director Liu mentioned.

  He took her in very enthusiastically.

  Director Liu is in a meeting.

  Shen Qianfei waited in the reception room for a while, thought for a while, then left the reception room and walked slowly in the corridor. There were many paintings in the corridor, all of which were photos of national treasures that were enlarged and hung in frames on the walls.

  After looking around, she didn't see what she wanted to see.

  At this moment, Director Liu, who had finished the meeting, strode toward Shen Qianfei in rapid strides.

  She hadn't seen Grandpa Liu for several days. Shen Qianfei noticed that he had lost a lot of weight, but he was indeed full of energy.

  "Grandpa Liu, will it affect your work?"

  Grandpa Liu waved his hand and said with a smile, "No, no, but I know that the holly double-eared brocade vase you mentioned this morning should be from the early Ming Dynasty. , it is said that only three pieces were successfully fired, one was regarded as a family heirloom, and the other two were sent to the palace."

  "Grandpa Liu, do we have this cultural relic in our exhibition hall?"

  Mr. Liu laughed, "The museum in Beicheng is How can there be such a cultural relic in China's lowest-level one? There is no existing photo library, but I will take you to the library and you can look for it yourself."

  Shen Qianfei nodded, followed Mr. Liu, and headed towards Go to the library.

  While walking, Mr. Liu said to Shen Qianfei with emotion, "Feifei, you are such a lucky little star. Without your reminder, a national treasure would have been lost from my hands. Do you know how big a sin this is?"

  It was the first time that Shen Qianfei heard someone say that she was a little lucky star, and she couldn't help but smile bitterly in her heart. In her previous life, she was actually a disaster star.

  "Grandpa Liu, that's because you brought it out to see the light of day. Otherwise, I wouldn't have had the opportunity to remind it. If you didn't bring it out, it might have been thrown somewhere. So in the final analysis, it's still your credit. "

  Mr. Liu laughed heartily, laughing and shaking his head, "Feifei, you have merit. When the national treasure comes out, grandpa will make a note of it for you."

  "Grandpa Liu, it's better not to give up. I'm so young. , you must never mention me." Shen Qianfei hurriedly refused.

  "What's wrong with being young? You are also very discerning at a young age, and if you don't know much, you may not be able to remember it, so reading more is still beneficial."

  Shen Qianfei strongly agrees with this point.

  She is also a great book lover.

  It's just that the conditions at home are not good, and the books I can collect are very limited.

  But in this room where she lives with her mother and sister, apart from study materials and textbooks, the rest are her books.

  While I was talking, I had already reached the library. There was no one there at this time and it was very quiet. Now everyone was focusing on the Xuande incense burner.

  Moreover, two experts have come to Kyoto, and they are currently busy in the restoration studio.

  After giving Shen Qianfei a few instructions, Mr. Liu left in a hurry.

  Now a small half of the Xuande incense burner has revealed its true colors.

  It will take some time to complete everything, but now this is the most important work of the Beicheng Museum.

  Although Mr. Liu is the deputy director, he is now in charge of overall work.

  The chief curator is retiring soon. He fell ill in the spring and is still hospitalized in Kyoto Hospital.

  In fact, he is not young anymore. If he retires at sixty, he can still work for another four years.

  But being able to experience the birth of such a national treasure before retiring made him feel that he had no regrets in this life.

  This little girl Shen Qianfei is a lucky star.

  When he was halfway there, someone called him, "Director Liu, there is a young man named Liu Bin who wants to see you."

  Mr. Liu stood where he was, and the man came over quickly, looking very strange, but But he said, "That young man actually said that he could provide us with a clue to an ancient tomb of the Liao Dynasty."

  "Ancient tomb of the Liao Dynasty?" Director Liu glanced at the employee, "Where is the person?"

  "It's in the reception room. , I asked him to wait for you."

  Many times, some people in the museum will indeed come to provide clues, and some will even take the initiative to donate cultural relics and antiques.

  So Mr. Liu looked very serious, followed the employee, turned around and walked quickly towards the reception room.

  At this time, Shen Qianfei's eyes were shining. Although this was the museum's library, the collection of books here was really rich.

  Of course, there is much less information on science subjects.

  It's almost invisible.

  Most of them are many precious historical documents.

  If Grandpa Liu hadn't been a special case, she wouldn't have been able to get in here.

  Probably because she discovered the Xuande incense burner.

  Shen Qianfei knew that it would take at least more than a month to read the books here, even if she read books very quickly.

  So Shen Qianfei began to search specifically.

  Time passed unconsciously, but unfortunately, she did not find relevant information in those books.

  Shen Qianfei frowned slightly. She didn't have a watch, but she estimated that it was still around ten o'clock in the morning.

  She can't stay here forever, it's time for her to go back.

  At this time, the employee who managed the library opened the door and came in. When he saw Shen Qianfei, he suddenly smiled and said, "Little girl, are you Shen Qianfei, right?" "

  Hello, uncle, I am Shen Qianfei." She answered obediently.

  Such a well-behaved little girl has made great contributions, so the people in the museum naturally have a very good impression of her.

  "I'll get you a library card. Take it. When you have time, you can come here to read. Even though it's a museum, the collection of books here is the largest in our provincial capital." He handed over a library card. Shen Qianfei said, "My surname is Sun, you can call me Uncle Sun."

  Shen Qianfei was a little surprised, but she didn't hesitate and happily took her library card.

  There is no photo attached, but this library card says internal use.

  There's her name, her school.

  There is also a large bright red seal.

  Shen Qianfei said happily, "Thank you, Uncle Sun."

  "You're welcome, by the way, are you going home?"

  "Yes, I'm going to tell Grandpa Liu."

  Uncle Sun pointed for a moment. In the direction of the guest room, "Go, your Grandpa Liu is in the guest room."

  Shen Qianfei put her library card in her bag and thanked Uncle Sun again.

  Although it was her first time here, she had a good memory and knew where the reception room was. She turned around the corridor and walked north to find the museum's reception room.

  (End of chapter)

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