The Show Must Go On || Alastor

By ahelplessfangirl_47

4.8K 137 15

Y/N Morningstar. Twin sister to Charlie (although older by 3 minutes) and heir to the throne of hell. What ha... More

A/N and Welcome


529 15 2
By ahelplessfangirl_47

Thanks for reading loves!! I love reading comments so thanks to anyone who has :)

Anyways, on with the fic!!!

"Hello?" Y/N calls out as the two sisters push open the large doors to Heaven's headquarters. An eerie quietness echoes throughout the main hall as they walk slowly around the large, empty lobby. "Helloooo?"

"Helloooo...? Creepy," Charlie mumbles as the two approach an empty welcome desk. Charlie cringes slightly as she rings the bell. A glowing piece of paper and feathered pen fly down towards the girls, gesturing for them to sign on the two blank lines located at the bottom of the page.

"Even creepier..." Y/N observes, signing her name with a flourish before the parchment flies away and the door to the conference room glides open with a satisfying 'DING'.

The two girls shrug in acceptance and creep through the door. "Uh, hello?" Charlie calls out into the dark room. "Anyone here–"

The lights flash on, revealing two angels sitting at the other end of the table. "Sup," The one sitting down greets casually. The girls startle, with Charlie tripping over herself and falling to the ground,"o-Oh shit– uh, hi! I'm Charlie, and this is my sister Y/N,"

Y/N cringes in embarrassment, leaning over to gather her sister off of the ground. "Our dad asked us if we could meet you?"

"Yeah, I know." The angel had a smug look on his face as he snacked on a plate of ribs. His eyes trailed across the older twin, making her shift uncomfortably and clear her throat.

"Well, it's nice to meet you!" Y/N greets.

"Totally. Nice to meet you too," He replies in a nice voice, holding out his hand. Charlie smiles, and steps forward to take it. When she reaches out, her hand passes right through his, pulling away with a confused and disgusted gasp.

"HA! I fucking got you! Did you fucking see that?" He laughs, asking the stoic angel next to him. "Good shit."

"So you're not really here?" Y/N asks, referring to the holographic buffering of his hand moments before.

He rests his head on his hand, leaning casually into the table. "Mmm, no. You think I'd come down there?" He laughs. "I love the vibe, totally, I love your tunes–" He leans forward suddenly, face only inches away from the older twin. She shifts back uncomfortably. "–pretty fucking hardcore don't get me wrong– but it's such a bummer, man! Everything down there's just so BLAH, ya know?" He laughs quietly to himself.

Charlie's eyes narrow. "Right. So I'm happy we got this opportunity to meet, there's a project we've been working on," She gestures to her sister beside her, "That we REALLY want to talk to you about–"

She's interrupted as the angel reaches forward, hand glitching as he shuts her up. "Hey hey hey, slow down... we got time." He looks towards Y/N. "How about we get to know each other a little bit, hmm? How about some lunch?"

He holds up a plate of ribs to the two girls. "Here's my personal favorite, you'll love it."

Y/N rolls her eyes at his antics but Charlie smiles in response. "Oh, thanks," She reaches for the plate only to have her hand phase through it.

"HAHA! I got you again BITCH!," He laughs. "Fucking hilarious." The girls give him an unimpressed look, realizing that this was going to be a long meeting.


"So I was doing this gig, and for some fucking reason this virtue chick was digging on the drummer and it's like, 'do you know who I am?' I'm fucking Adam! I'm the original dick! All dicks descend from me!"

The girls sat on the other end of the table, both with incredibly bored and uninterested looks on their faces. Y/N leans over and whispers to Charlie, "Does this guy ever shut up?"

Charlie snorted lightly, causing Adam to stop his rant. He pauses his story, looking at the older twin. "Ya know, if you weren't stuck down here and all, you would make one hell of an angel babe," He told her with a wink. It took everything in her not to visibly gag at the comment.

"Ya know," She mocks his same tone, "You might actually be funny if you weren't such a perverted asshole,"

His face sours, but before he can retort back Charlie speaks up. "Wait, your name is Adam? Like the first man Adam? That means you– ohhhh... that explains so much."

"I know I fucking rock."

"Well Adam–" Y/N starts, attempting to get the conversation back on track.

"Call me dickmaster,"

"Adam. You seem like a smart– well, stand up guy," Charlie complements.

"Uh huh," He mumbles, picking something from his teeth.

"And, I know you are the leader of the angels– and you are a big thinker, a revolutionary, a genius!"

Y/N raises a brow at her sister's words, not believing a single one of them but seeing where she was going with this.

"You're words babe,"

"Who would really love to put his name on something~"

"FUCKING LOVE putting my name on shit, shits the best!"

"It's a solution to our biggest problem!" Y/N exclaims.

Adam sinks down into his chair. "Oh herpes, yeah that's a bitch."

Y/N holds back an eye roll. "No, our OTHER biggest problem!"

He looks confused. "Uh, ugly people...? Math! Global warming– no wait, that's earth's problem... ummmmm..."

The girls facepalm, beginning to lose all hope for this meeting.


Back at the hotel, Vaggie sat in the dark lobby, static from the TV overlaying Husks faint, robot-like sounding voice from when he was reading the script. She groans, holding her head in her hands.

"Seems like you're having a bit of trouble there, hmm?" Alastor teases, appearing at her side.

The girl curses in spanish. "Why are you even here?"

He takes a seat on the couch, lounging back with a shrug. "For the entertainment! I came here because I love seeing wasteful souls struggle to accomplish something meaningful and fail spectacularly– like you are doing now! Good job,"

Vaggie rolls her eyes. "C'mon Alastor. I know thats not the only reason,"

Alastor simply shrugs her comment off, smile falling only a bit. "Whatever you say my dear~"

Vaggie growls at the demon, springing to her feet and pointing the camera at him. "And here is Alastor– the egocentric piece of shit that–" She stops as the camera glitches out, sparking green electrical shocks and frying the circuits.

"I wouldn't do that if I were you," Alastor laughs, his smile turning malicious as he cocks his head to the side, radio static filling the air. "This face was made for radio."

Vaggie narrows her eyes as the static calms down. "Thats it! I don't care who or what you are–if your staying here, your going to make this work. It won't be so 'entataining'–" she mocks his voice, getting into his face, "-- to watch over a empty hotel will it, shitass?"

She storms back over to the chair where she was sitting.

"Fair enough," Alastor concedes. "I'll tell you what– lets make a deal,"

Vaggie turns back to face him. "You think I'm that stupid, making a deal with a demon like you?"

"Not for your soul, just a simple deal," He reassures. "I do this for you, and you never ask me to engage with this frivolous television technology ever again."

Vaggie looks down, considering her options.

"Or Charlie and Y/N can come back to absolutely nothing! Your choice," he persuades, his signature smile mocking her from across the room.

Vaggie sighs in defeat. "Fine." She places the camera in his hand to seal the deal. Green smoke erupts from the camera, circling it as the radio demons grin widens.

He claps his hands, making the camera disappear. "Now then," he introduces, and with a snap of his fingers the lights flash on, revealing a recording studio set up. Each of the hotel staff also appear, all with new outfits themed around Alastors time period. Vaggie looks around in awe as her own outfit chances.

"Alright everyone," She shouts, a determined look set on her face. "Lets make a fucking commercial."


"-- and she still expects you to pay the check but you're like 'hey, I thought you wanted equality"--

"No, our shared problem of overpopulation in hell," Y/N almost shouts, fed up with this angels antics.

"Ohhh, well thats not a problem! We got that covered. Lute–" he turns to his head lutenite next to him. "How many demons did you kill this year?"

"I got 275 this year sir," she replies stoicly, her face not changing at all. Y/N looks at her with a glare.

"275?! Woah! Badass! Awesome job danger tits, pound it," The two fit bump while the twins share a concerned look.

"Um, not awesome." Charlie corrects. "Those are our people... you know that right?"

"Oh yeah... that must suck for you!" Adam laughs, no empathy present in his voice.

"But these are souls," Y/N reasons. "Human souls, just the same as the ones you have up in heaven."

"They are not the same. They had their chance and they earned damnation." Lute states, the same apathy in her voice as Adam.

"You're wrong. Sinners made mistakes before, sure, but everyone makes mistakes," Charlie expresses.

"Angels don't make mistakes."

"You really think that?" Y/N lets her irritation seep into her voice, clearly not liking either of the angels in front of her.

"I know that."

"Yeah, I've never made a mistake in my fucking life," Adam says smugly.

Lute walks over to the girls from behind the table. "The only reason you two are still here is because daddy gave you and you're hellborn kind a pardon from an exorcist blade– how does that feel? To know how little you matter,"

Y/N growls at her, before Adam yawns loudly.

"Whoops, almost out of time, 'guess we should get into it,"

The girls facepalm. "Oh– fuck,"

The two scramble across the room to the seat next to the angels.

"Ok, we've got a lot to get through and not a lot of time and I feel like you weren't hearing us before so here it goes– ahem," Charlie clears her throat, summoning a pile of paper drawing to help with their presentation and takes a deep breath before singing.

"I know Hells population is out of control, it's a bad situation it's taking a toll. If we rehab these sinners and cleanse all their souls– at our Hazbin Hotel~ wait I'm getting ahead of myself– right, extermination!"

Y/N takes over, grabbing the next stack of papers. "We know you guys fly down just to kill once a year, and it must be annoying to shlub all the way here. If they join you in heaven that trip disappears! You can wave that chore farewell," She takes a deep breath and the two sing together, "It'll be a happy day in Hel–"

"Let me stop you right there, save us all precious time," Adam interrupts, singing smugly and mocking the two girls. "If what you're suggesting is letting them climb up the ladder oh they'd rather cross the pearly gates?" He jumps up onto the table, towering over the sisters. "Sorry sweeties but their no defying their fates! 'Cause Hell is forever weather you like it or not!"

An image of heaven is shown to the girls, before they fall down and away from it. "Had their chance to behave better now they boil in a pot!

"Cause the rules are black and white theirs no use in tryin' to fight it, they're burning for their lives until we kill 'em again!"

"Ok but–" Y/N tries, but Adam quickly interupts her with a cocky smirk. "Just try to chilax babe, you're wasting your breath," He get back into her face, making her jump back in alarm. "Did I hear you imply that they don't deserve death? Are they winners, are they sinners 'cause its cut and dry,"

Charlie tries to speak up. "Well actually if–"

"Fair is fair, and eye for an eye, yeah!"

He flies up into the air, "When all's said and done, theres the question of fun," He walks down slowly, stepping on small clouds that appear at his feet. "And for those of us with divine ordainment, extermination is entertainment!"

Y/N glares at the angels as they fly around the large room. "BERNAWNAW! Guitar solo fuck yeah!" He mimics a guitar before flying back up high.

"Hell is forever weather you like it or not! Had their chance to behave better now they boil in a pot!" The girls are surrounded by holograms of other exorcists angels, each one portrayed in a solid gold color, clapping along to the beat. "'Cause the rules are black and white theres no use in tryin' to fight it, their burning for their lives until we kill them again!"

Adam summons a guitar, continuing his song. "Fucking hell is forever and its meant to suck a lot! So give up your dumb endevor cause you don't have a shot!" The girls growl at his harsh words, horns sprouting from their heads as charlies eyes go red and Y/Ns go black.

"As long as I got your attention I guess I should probably mention that we've made the determination," He reveals a scroll, holding it up in front of the girls. The words Y/N read made her blood boil.

'Fuck you I do what I want.'

"To move up the next extermination!"

"What?!" Charlie asked, confusion and concern laced in her voice.

Adam groans. "Can't wait a whole year to slaughter those little cunts," He grabs each of the girls wrists, pulling them closer as the doors open behind him. "I know it's just been a week, but we'll be back in six months!"

A final guitar rift plays as Y/N and Charlie are thrown out of the meeting room, their pleas falling on deaf ears as the door closes shut.

"Oh shit." Y/N curses, exchanging a hopeless and angry look with her sister before the two haul themselves off the ground and stalk back to the hotel.


Y/N and Charlie walk through the hotels main doors, each with a defeated look on their faces.

"Charlie!" Vaggie calls, running over and pulling her girlfriend into a hug with a smile. "How'd it go? Did they listen?"

Charlie looks at her sister nervously. "Um, they sure did... hear it... but um–"

"Oh! C'mere!" Vaggie grabs each sister by the arm. "We have something exciting to show you," She pulls the twins over to the couch, with Charlie sitting next to her girlfriend and Y/N sitting on behind Angel, who leans his head back onto her legs. Y/N smiles slightly, playing with a tuft of his hair.

"Alastor pulled some strings and its about to air!" Vaggie exclaimed.

"I pulled a few limbs too," Alastor laughs at his joke. Y/N sends him a half smile, before looking back at Vaggie. "Wait, the commercial?" She questions, "You all made a new one?" A soft smile made its way to each of the girls faces as they looked at each other in awe.

"Yea," Angel looked up at his best friend. "One of my better performances if I do say so myself,"

"Thats– thats amazing," Charlie says in wonder, tears forming in her eyes.

"Shh its startin'" Angel hushs her as their faces appear on the TV screen.

"Welcome to the Hazbin Hotel–"

The commercial is interrupted by a breaking news story, making all of the hotel staff groan in annoyance.

"Oh c'mon!" Y/N yells, eyes turning black and wings starting to sprout from her back. Her and Charlie were similar in many ways, but especially when it came to their demonic form... lets just say that Y/N took after her father, as much as she hated it.

Angel leans further into her legs, giving her a reassuring squeeze that calmed her back down. Taking a deep breath, she tuned into the new story.

"Breaking news in Hell today!" The faces of Katie Killjoy and Tom Trench filled the screens. "We have just received word from the heaven embassy that the next extermination is happening sooner than ever before! Do you know what that means Tom?" Katie asked, turning to her fellow news anchor.

"No, what does that mean Katie?"

"It means we're all royally fucked!"

The screen cut to footage of the extermination clock cutting in half, showing onto 176 more days until the next extermination.

"Wait, what? Why?" Angel questions, looking up at his best friend. She only stares at the screen, a far off look in her eye as she tries to think of anything they can do to stop this madness coming for their home. 

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