The Eminence in DxD

By awesomeness1941

522 21 1

Cid Kagenou after defeating Ragnarok, along with all of Shadow Garden, get teleported to the world of High Sc... More

Chapter 1: Shadows Return
Chapter 2: Ride of Shadow
Chapter 3 Shadow Garden
Chapter 4 Shadow + Alpha
Chapter 6 Shadows Rage
Chapter 7 Emperor Shadow

Chapter 5: Ride of the shadows

37 1 0
By awesomeness1941

Apparently my goal of keeping my aura hidden wasn't as full proof as I was hoping it would be. Alpha and I, had left not even a few seconds after the bell had dismissed us from that class, when would do you run into other than, Rias, Akeno, and Sona. I turn to Alpha and I say, " You know I got a bad feeling about this my love." She sarcastically and turns to and says, " Jeez what gave you that idea Captain Obvious.?" Sometimes alpha really knows hot to make me grind my gears. I then get a look from the three ladies and they simultaneously said, "We need to talk with you Cid. Right now. Meet us at the occult research club." They gave me the directions to the location. Well there goes my gig of being the Eminence in shadow at least so I think. I then reply to them, "Only the three of you are allowed to meet with me. One of my conditions for meeting is I must have 7 of the most important people in my life at this meeting. Otherwise, there is no need to have such a lovely conversation with the three of you. If you agree to my condition we will have such a friendly conversation." I put a lot of emphasis into those statements I then turn back towards Alpha and I whisper, "Assemble the shades, tell them to meet us at the coordinates that they just gave us." Alpha whispers, "Yes my Lord." With that, Alpha and I head to the occult research club and we run into the remaining shades. They all follow me into the building and before I enter, I scan to make sure that Rias, Akeno and Sona all kept their end of the bargain and surprisingly they actually did. I quickly change into my shadow persona and the shades turn into their slime bodysuit armor. i enter the building followed by the shades and I sit down on the couch opposite of Rias, Akeno and Sona. They look at me all confused and ask, "Shadow. What are you doing here? We asked to see Cid." I began laughing manically as they don't even realize it. I pull down my cape so that my face is now visible and the look on their faces. They look at me as if I was Darth Vader and said, "No, I am your father." While I was laughing, Alpha gave me a look that made realize, "Shit I had better stop while I am ahead." The three across form me can't believe that the person that is directly across from them is also the same person that caused a fallen angel to disappear without leaving any evidence behind. I look at the three of them and I say, "Surprised to see me in the flesh ladies? Or should I call you devils and hybrid?" The three of them look like they can't even hold their jaws based upon what I had just told them. they managed to reply with, How did you know that we were devils? Not only that but what are you here for and what are your goals?" Well this is going to be rather interesting. Ideally in this scenario I would just spout a bunch of nonsense until I practically bore them to death with word vomit. Unfortunately, it doesn't appear that I will be able to do that in this scenario. So I look at them with awkward smiling beaming across the entirety of my face and I say, " Well now. Settle down why don't you. I'll answer your questions one at a time. But first a little background as you know next to absolutely nothing about me. First off I'm not from this world, matter of fact I was actually teleported here via a wormhole that appeared in my universe. it was quite a spectacle to behold. I just defeated Ragnarok and everything appeared to be going so smoothly, until it appeared. I then saw this mysterious object and decided I should investigate it, upon further inspection, it teleported me to this universe. as for me being able to detect the devil and hybrid energy coming off you that's quite elementary. You radiate that energy so much that it would be impossible for me not to detect it. As for my goals and plans for this universe I inhabit I guess you could say that they are beyond your understanding. I don't seek such trivial matters. Simply put I won't tell you a goddamned word about what I have instore for this universe. Make no mistakes what you witnessed against that fallen angel is only a mere fraction of the power that I hold. Don't make me unleash that power for nothing will be left standing if you interfere with me, my organization or my plans." While it may appear to be an ordinary and sunny day, I was able to change the weather so that it appears to be raining and with the rain there's always lightning and thunder. You could say that I put the fear of god into them, however I think I put the fear of shadow into them. They don't seem to appreciate the art that is the shadows and that is an absolute travesty. Some of the best things can only be revealed when the shadows are out. The shadows lend me their knowledge and beauty and it's so obvious  that they are oblivious as to the things that the shadows are capable of. I do love me some solo monologuing, it does wonders for the soul. The three of them then look at me and say, " Unfortunately for you shadow, we will have to interfere with your plans. Also there's no way you can take us all on just by yourself. No one in existence has ever reached a power level that high. So do us all a favor and please leave our universe and head back to yours, for your own safety." Well they still have no idea who they are messing with. I start manically laughing and they look at me with horrors in their eyes and say, " What's so funny shadow?! " Oh I'm going to enjoy this. I look at them while still chuckling internally and say, " You seriously don't get it do you? you're so heavily outnumbered, that it's not even funny at this point. Also who said anything about me taking you and your peerage all on at once? Do you all really have that much a death wish against not only yourselves but also your peerage members? Y'all are so pathetic. Besides my organization alone could wipe the floor with your peerage considering the numerical, strategic and tactical advantages I have against y'all. It wouldn't even be a fair fight between myself with the entirety of shadow garden versus Sona and Rias' peerage. Also for your own sake, do not insult any member of my organization, as I will come down on you will my full might and there will be nothing that remains. So head my words and this final warning. Do not make me your enemy for I alone can make entire countries crumble under my power." The shock and horror that was displayed by their faces was well worth it. It's like the words I said to them were in a language that they never heard of. To think if they actually listen to my warning and don't make any threats or advancements to my organization  and its members, we could become the best of allies. However, that will all depend on whatever the next thing that will come out of their mouths. For their own sake and safety they better become my allies. Though I will admit as I'd rather have them be inducted into shadow garden, just to see how Lambda would train them. Oh I would pay some good money to see that actually happen and I might as well bring the popcorn along with drinks to watch the fireworks. I know I can get stronger than anyone alive and the only thing that is holding myself back is well me. That will no longer be the case. I will conqueror all for I am the Eminence in shadows, he who rules from the shadows. Enough is enough, No longer will I hide my aura from this pathetic world. I look at the three of them with my full aura finally revealed with my eyes turned into the darkest shade of purple and I say, " I will kill everything that matters to you, I will break you until you know suffering. Make your decision now or I'll make it for you. Trust me when I say this, you will not enjoy the choice that I make, for I will make sure that choice induces the most amount of pain I can possibly inflict on y'all." One word is written on their faces and that is terror and I am enjoying every second of it. They look at me and say, " We will not stand in your way Lord Shadow." It seems they actually made the right decision and I didn't have to make it for them. Things are going exactly if not better than how I wanted for things to go. I look towards Sona and Rias and I say, " If the dragons, fallen angels or even the angels themselves interfere with my plans I will show them no mercy and I will annihilate all of them. I would then force myself into their respective domains and kill everyone in there. I will show nobody mercy for messing with my plans. Make sure they know this. For there is a new faction in this world and we call ourselves the Empire of shadows." I emphasized my statements quite heavily because I know what dragons are capable of and I know not to underestimate them, however, I will prevail. I then walk along with Alpha and the remaining shades out of the building and make haste back to our headquarters for I care little as to what is going on in Rias, Sona or Akeno's mind for that matter. They along with the rest of their peerages will join my Empire and we'll conquer this world and I will force my will and image among them so deeply that they'll be branded with a mark of control if it actually comes to that. I'd rather not kill possibly some strong peers if at all possible. But enough of worrying about those cowards, it's time to start the process of conquering this world as quickly as possible. you know if this world has nukes, this could make the whole conquering the world go by a lot quicker and if this world does indeed have nukes, I have no hesitation that I'll use them on cities  to prove a point. Sometimes you have to lose people in order for the world to truly understand what it means to live in a time of relative peace. If I'm able to recruit people to join my Empire, then more power to them for I can use them to help speed up the process of conquering this world and the people who have the bad news of living in this hell hole. 

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