Blue Lock x Reader - Scenario...

By EggosForBreakfast

17.2K 430 283

Just some silly bllk thoughts :> -> (Upload Schedule: Out the window) Current Characters: - Itoshi Rin ... More

Bllk Boys
First Encounters
How they'd ask you to be their Valentines
Second Encounters
Bllk as your Roomate
If you watched their game (irl)
Telling them you're busy
Their reaction to a kiss on the cheek
First Date (2/3)
First Date (3/3)
Sending Love Letters!! (1/2)
Sending Love Letters!! (2/2)
Easter Special 🐣
Receiving Love Letters (1/2)
Receiving Love Letters (2/2)
Nagi - Catchup!!

First Date (1/3)

1.1K 23 16
By EggosForBreakfast

A/N:YOO IM BACKK! I didn't think it'd take that long but it did, hope you don't mind ;v;  here's pt.1 of First Dates, with Rin, Shidou, and Sae


Rin doesn't see himself as someone who freaks out or panics a lot, he likes to think he's pretty chill

And yet here he was, preparing for a date, 8 hours before the arranged time.

He pulled out the first outfit and stared at it, "I shouldn't pick anything too fancy, it's just a movie anyway..." he muttered to himself while pulling out more clothes

He finally had everything prepared, his fanny pack with all necessities, and his fit simple and practical

Now all he had to do was wait for the time... which was two hours from now

Rin ended up getting there 30 minutes before the arranged time

"Hey Rin! Sorry if I'm a bit late..." you laughed awkwardly. You were not late, in fact, you were 5 minutes early. "Were you waiting for a long time?"

"No, not at all" he put his ear buds away and gave you his full attention "You ready to go?"

The two of you slowly made your way over to the theater, chit chatting about all kinds of things

"You wanna sneak some food in?" you grinned at him while pointing at a convenience store to your left

"That's not legal is it...."



You were in charge of grabbing snacks, and Rin grabbed drinks. He browsed the shelfs for a bit before grabbing four different kinds, including your favourite that you had mentioned on the walk

"Four?" you questioned the boy holding the bottles

"Yea. I got your favourite and some others." he held them up to show you, as if it was perfectly normal

"Won't that cost a lot...?" you stared at him, slightly concerned as he placed the items on the register, the total was going much above what you'd thought

"I'll pay." he insisted. And pay he did, you didn't even have time to respond before he tapped his card on the reader (not u)

"The only problem" he started, gathering the items "Is sneaking them in..."

"Oh, I can do that" you offered with a smile, sifting through the objects "I've got experience"

Rin nodded before pulling out his phone to check the time. Once he had put his phone away, all foods and drinks were out of sight

You just smiled at him as he just stared at you with wide eyes, as if he'd just seen a magic trick "Where did..." he looked you up and down, trying to figure it out

"Experience." you gave a smug nod

The two of you made your way over to the cinema, successfully passed through security, and sat down into your seats [for the sake of the plot, it's a pair of chairs that aren't separated, so there's nothing between you two😏 ]

You pulled out the snacks from who knows where and handed some to him

"So, what are we watching?"

"The Shining" he answered shortly, opening a bag of popcorn, silently wondering where you hid that much food

As the movie started, the two of you shared the snacks and watched carefully, few words exchanged 

If you disliked the horror parts, he put an arm around you and hid your face into his neck. If it got really bad, he'd put his hands over your ears and smile at you to try and comfort you.

Or he'd just whisper to you over the movie "It's alright, I'm here.", "Don't worry, it'll be over soon", etc. Wouldn't make fun of you if you cried (the first time LOL), he'd just hug you tighter 🥹

If you were fine with gore, or even as far as being interested in it (how do yall do it-), he just stared at you in awe.

It's not like he's bad with it, he's just shocked that someone else enjoys it too, silently running through a list of movies you two could watch together in the future.

Not too many words were exchanged during it, but you two had lots of fun nonetheless.

"Thank you for bringing me today!" you smiled at him, making your way outside

"No problem, thank you for joining me." Rin nodded while disposing of the snack wrappers and bottles

"Let me walk you back to the train station, it's dark out." he grabbed your hand and intertwined your fingers with his before leading you through the night

"Thank you" you gave a bow as you reached the station "I had fun tonight"

"Yea, me too..." he said, slowly realizing how beautiful you looked in the moonlight. He hoped the darkness of the night hid his blush

You leaned in and gave him a quick kiss while slipping a button from you shirt into his hands, a common way of expressing love in Japan

He covered his red face with a hand, while looking at the floor in embarrassment

He took off his jacket just as you were about to leave and shoved it into your hands, "Don't want you getting cold..." he barely mumbled, before preparing to leave

You gave him one last thanks before putting the jacket on as he left

As he walked home, he wasn't actually that cold. Maybe it was because of the extra sweater he had underneath, maybe it was because he was hoping you'd ask for it and prepared earlier that day, maybe it was because his face was so hot from the interaction, who knows :x

He was smiling the whole walk home, and even took a wrong turn because he was so distracted, didn't even put his earbuds back in because he was so focused on the memories of that day

Once he got home he texted you to make sure you did too

The two of you will 100% be going on another date, and this time, you'll get to choose where ;) (just please don't make him watch like, mlp... or do, that'd be pretty funny- )


How Shidou managed to convince you to go out with him? I have no clue.

This man was running around the house grabbing his things 5 minutes before you were supposed to meet up. It'd take 10 minutes to get there.

You were just scrolling as you waited for him, already 2 minutes late. You weren't all that surprised, he was that typa guy after all. But you were surprised when he crashed into you, panting as he tried to catch his breath

"I'm- *wheeze* sorry that I'm- *wheeze* late-" he was hunched over with sweat dripping down his face

How fast did he run??? You thought to yourself while silently facepalming.

"Here" you said, pulling out a plastic water bottle and handing it to him "Take a second to catch your breath"

"Thank you- my goddess" he said, before chugging the whole bottle. Shidou finally gained his composure "You know, that was technically an indirect kiss" he teased while giving you back the bottle.

You threw it out.

He pouted for a second before following you down the street, "Sooo, where do ya wanna go first?"

"You don't have anything planned?" you questioned him

"Nooo.... Was I supposed to-??" he didn't realize he actually had to do anything-

"Well- you were the one who asked me out..." you mumbled more to yourself than him, "Nevermind, there's a big arcade around here, wanna play a few rounds?"

"Hell yea!" he said excitedly

Once you two had arrived, he bought you both a bunch of tokens (as an apology for being late/wanted to show off) and I mean a bunch.

You watched him play a few games, and you were pretty shocked with how good he was with some of them, I mean, how much practice could someone really have with Flappy Bird?? The chance-based games though- don't even get me started LOL he'd either get really lucky, or really unlucky.

Eventually, you guys found the strength/reflex based games. The ones with hammers, buttons, etc.

He tried the one with the hammer first. It was a simple one, all he had to do was hit it as hard as he could, the harder the better. Shidou picked up the tool, and slammed it down on the sensor. You could've swore he broke it.

He turned at you and smiled brightly "Jackpot!"

"Damn, you're good" you stated, gathering the tickets as you ignored the scared children in the background. "Let's try Whack-a-Mole next!" He dragged you over to the minigame.

He won again.

As you gathered the tickets again, you thought you should show off a bit too...

You grinned before grabbing his hand and leading him over to a certain stall you saw on your way in. It was one you played many times and you could constantly score well on.

You placed your belongings on the floor before starting up the game and stretching your fingers while Shidou just stared at his hand like he'd been touched by an angel

As the game started, you mashed buttons with your eyes focused on the screen at an alarming rate. Shidou's eyes couldn't even keep up, his jaw on the floor

Finally the game ended, with you beating the top score on the machine. You collected your mass amount of tickets and smiled at the boy "Jackpot!"

Shidou pouted "When were you going to tell me you were so good with your fingers~?"

You sighed as you continued to look around, "Hey Shidou look, if we beat these bots in a shooter game we get free pizza" you pointed at an advertisement stuck to the wall

He glanced at the poster quickly before giving you a devilish grin "You down?"

"Hell yeah."

You picked up the prop gun in the booth and pressed the "Ready" button, waiting for the simulation to start. You closed an eye and pulled the fake trigger, shooting the zombies coming at you and Shidou.

You could hear his trigger-happy laughs from beside you as he one-shotted the enemies. Needless to say, you two won. Shidou stepped out the booth with a smug smile as you redeemed your free pizza, "You're not bad~" he teased

You laughed "You're pretty good too, Shidou"

You two sat down to eat as you chatted, "Thank you for coming today! I was really worried you were gonna ditch LOL" Shidou said nonchalantly as he scarfed down a slice

"Is that why you were late....?" you asked, picking up your own slice

"Nah, I just forgot!" he smiled

After lunch, you played a few more games, amassing a very large sum of tickets. You and Shidou now stared at the prizes, thinking about what you wanted. "Hmmmm" he thought out-loud, "You can have all the tickets." he looked at you with a smile

"Really?" you asked skeptically "You sure? That's a lot-"

"Yea, 100%. I don't mind" he handed you his tickets "Just one thing in return..." he smirked at you mischievously

You hesitated but took the tickets anyway, "What is it..."

He pointed at his cheek, "Gimme a kiss"



You gave him a very quick one before going back to looking at the prizes, Shidou smiled and buried his face into his hands, looking up at you with hearts in his eyes

You placed a huge plushie of your favourite animal on the table for the worker to scan, and you brought out the tickets to pay. Shidou came up to you from behind and clung onto your waist as he buried his face into your neck

The worker laughed as she handed you your plush, "Your boyfriend?" she questioned,

"Not quite-" you started, before getting cut off by Shidou,

"Soon." he still latched onto you

After that, he walked you home and wished you a good day, he also asked for another kiss, it depends on you if you actually give it to him or not tho ;)

He'd plop himself on his bed and just think about everything that happened, and now he's sure he wants to go out with you again, it's not much of a choice ;)

[Fancy Restaurant/late night car drive]

This may be the fanciest date you've ever been on- never had you dressed up so formally.

You took a few breaths while waiting at the door for Sae to pick you, checking your phone every 2 seconds. And finally you got a next, "I'm waiting for you outside"

Sae walked out and opened the car door for you, holding your hand while escorting you in. As he closed the doors and started up the engine, he pulled out a small bouquet of flowers, "This is for you"

You took the flowers in your hands and blushed, you had only mentioned your favourite type briefly, and yet he still remembered. "Thank you, Sae." you gave a short reply while looking at him brightly

He couldn't help but smile a bit at your reaction, silently freaking out about how good you looked

At the restaurant, you two were seated almost immediately, thanks to the reservation. He was a gentleman and everything, pulling out your chair for you, and kissing your hand lightly.

"Hello! What can I get started for you?" a waiter came by with a notepad, ready to take your order, even though you've only had the menu for like 40 seconds. You'd need much more time than that to decide, but you didn't want to bother them, so you flipped through the menu quickly trying to pick

"We're still deciding." Sae stated directly, putting his hand over yours which was tapping lightly on the table, a habit you developed when anxious.

You gave him a thankful nod and smile, to which he blushed lightly

"Pick whatever you want" He said, "I'll pay."

You would've insisted on paying for yourself, but looking at the menu, there was no way you could afford it, so you thanked him and continued browsing

After a bit, you decided what you wanted. You looked up at Sae and he was... looking at the kids menu-

I mean, who were you to judge? We love the kids menu, you just didn't expect Sae Itoshi of everyone to look thought it

He eventually noticed you staring at him, and flipped to another section "Sorry.." he mumbled, slightly embarrassed. You had to hold in a laugh at the scene, and Sae only frowned playfully at you. "My little brother used to always get something from there." he stated, "Anyway, have you decided what you want?"

He called the waiter over and you both imputed your orders.

While the two of you waited for your food, you started a conversation, which soon led to another, and another. You were teasing him about not knowing anything other than soccer, and you even managed to get a few jokes and affectionate eyerolls out of him, and finally your food arrived.

As the waiter put the plates down, your jaw dropped as your mouth watered, it was the best food you have ever seen. Your entire face lit up as you grabbed a utensil and started going at it, not thinking about anything other than the delicious taste.

"You look like you've been starved" Sae laughed as he picked up his own fork and knife, and started cutting his stake like a proper person, especially compared to you who had sauce by your lips

He grabbed a napkin and wiped it off, smiling at your flustered reaction

The two of you ate, occasionally exchanging words, but you were much too busy appreciating the food, and he was much too busy appreciating your beauty

You let out a content sigh as you put your fork down and smiled "That was good food." you said, expression like you've just been blessed by the heavens

Sae silently laughed, he used to come here pretty often with his family, so things like these weren't anything special to him, but you made it memorable.

He paid the bill and led you out the building, a small smile on his face.

"Where to now?" you asked as you got in the car "You said you wanted to show me something?"

"Mhm." Sae nodded as he drove out the parking lot "It's a bit far, but we can get there quickly" he had the tiniest grin on his face, his eyes hiding a bit of mischief

You looked at him hesitantly, wondering what he was about to do. But you didn't even have a second to adjust before he suddenly accelerated, much higher than you could've anticipated.

"AIDUSGFLAUEGF-" you let out a string of swears as you were pushed into the seat by the speed you were going while he laughed

If there were cars around, he would've crashed into one by now, or got pulled over. Luckily, it was pretty late at night and no one was around, so he could go however fast he wanted.

"Are you sure this is safe??" you yelled as Sae rolled down the windows

"Trust me." he replied, before drifting 90° to turn

"See?" he said with a smile "Perfectly safe"

The car was now going at a slightly more normal pace as he held one hand on the steering wheel and intertwined the other one with yours as you tried to comprehend what happened. "We're almost there" he smiled

As you arrived, Sae helped you out as you looked around. I was just a huge empty parking lot, with seemingly nothing around, "What did you want to show me?" you asked

"Look up" he nodded at the sky

As you turned to face it, big fireworks of every colour shot up, lighting up the night sky.

You smiled, you always loved fireworks after all "They're so pretty.."

Sae pulled you in with a smile, "Not as pretty as you". Sae leaned in and pressed his lips against yours, a sweet feeling engulfing you both.

As you finally pulled away, you buried your red face in his chest, still flustered. Sae smiled, as he put a hand on your hand, and another around your waist "Let's get you home, my love"

A/N: WOO i actually got a chapter out :D

This is the first of 3 parts of First Date, this is because 1) I don't think I can get all the parts out in time for today ;v; and 2) this is a pretty long chapter already... I should probably be able to get a chapter out every week, so I'll try to keep to that

Now, you might be thinking, "Oh, I wish Waffled would stop procrastinating, and update this book more often :cc" WELL GUESS WHAT? I HAVE A FRIEND OVER ON TUMBLR THAT HAS CONTENT TOO :DD so while you're waiting for me to upload, I urge you to go read their stuff!! ACC: OR @sl-vega on Tumblr!!

I also wanna thank you guys for all the support!! ILYSM <33 It means a lot to me that you guys are reading, voting, and commenting , u mean the world to me🥹

(A/N: Future Waffled here editing, OMG I DON'T KNOW WHERE MY GRAMMAR WENT WHEN WRITIGN THIS IM SO SORRY- im slowing workin though the errors, hope u don't mind ;v;)

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