Kiyotaka X Hiyori [COTE]

By Sierra_NN

14K 421 129

First FanFic/ First Story I ever wrote. Hope you enjoy! :) Kiyotaka Ayanokoji a new first year at the ANHS wa... More

Ch. 1 - My New School
Ch. 2 - The Life of Class D
Ch. 3 - Meeting the Angel
Ch. 4 - Close Friends
Ch. 5 - Growing Suspesions
Ch. 6 - First Expulsion
Ch. 7 - Cruise Ship
Not A Bad Announcement
Ch. 8 - Beach Fun🍋
Ch. 9 - Class D = Divided
Ch. 10 - Master Thief?
Ch. 12 - Sports Festival!

Ch. 11 - Betray

797 26 7
By Sierra_NN

Ayanokoji POV


Ryeun - "Kukuku! So it was you Ayanokoji. You were the reason my men dropped the Sudo case. But I can't believe you beat Ibuki, I never believed you were the strong type."

"None of that matters as of this moment. Ibuki was sent out to retrieve the leaders identity, but how about we make a deal?"

Ryeun - "Deal? What are you talking about. As if I would make a deal with you."

"This deal includes so that we both win. How about it?"

Ryeun - "And just how are you planning on making us both win this exam when I will already win this exam?"

"Simple I will just give you our leaders name and Class B's."

Ryeun - "As if, I can't trust you. And if I did you would want something out of me, isn't that right?"

"Then how about we create a contract. I will give you Class D and B's leaders and in return you bring me to your class. If what I give you is wrong then I will drop out when we get back."

Ryeun - "Let me just ask you this, why are you betraying your class? I've heard Shinna talking to me about how your class is full of idiots but to betray them is to prove them right."

"I've just had enough with them. If possible I would contact any leader, be it Ichinose, Katsuragi, or even you to make those defects not win. So how about it, do you agree?"

Ryeun - "Sure just don't make me regret it later, got it!"

(CurrentTime-chan joins the family)

Ryeun - "Hey Kiyotaka! Thanks so much for helping a friend out! As promised I will try to fulfil the request you made!"

Did you have to scream that out in front of the whole 1st year students and teachers...

Horikita - "Ayanokoji what does he mean by helping him out?"

Kushida - "Ayanokoji don't tell me you sold out our class to him!"

Kushida after saying that curled up into a ball on the ground pretending to cry. Seeing that most people started saying that what I did was not right, or that why was I even in their class. Now I cant see what Kushida's face is at the moment but I now she is ecstatic, the person who knows her secret is getting blamed for everything.

"Kakeru want to grab something to eat? You must be hungry not eating anything proper for a week."

The people around us were confused as to why I called him by his first name, but its only temporary as to create a bigger effect. Ryeun agreeing came up next to me and we started walking up the ramp to the ship. Now that I realize it, Hiyori is probably going to ask questions as if I'm okay or if anything happened.

Hiyori - "Kiyotaka! Ryeun!"

Well that was quicker than expected. We only just got on the ship. Hiyori running up to us gave me and Ryeun a hug. I knew she liked headpats and hugs with me but I never knew she hugs Ryeun too. I don't know why but I don't like that.

Ryeun - "Shinna if you don't let go of me this instant I will steal one of your books."

Now that was a dirty move, even for Ryeun.

Hiyori - "Sorry sorry, I just missed you both. I don't want both of my friends to get hurt. Anyways you both must be tired how about we go get some food?"

Ryeun - "Sure lead the way."

"So what restaurant are we going to?"

Letting go of the hug, we talk about where to go. Honestly I don't think I've ever experienced something like this. Not even in my own class. I thought my life was going great, that was until the devil came to see me once more.

Horikita - "We're not done talking Ayanokoji. You betrayed this class I need to know why. You promised to bring us to Class A."

"You must be mistaken, you forced me into helping. When I didn't help, you stab me with a compass. When I disagree you threaten me. You talk to me like I'm a pawn for you to use. We're done. When we get back to school I wont be holding back. Come on Hiyori, Kakeru lets go eat."

(TimeSkip to school. Just imagine Zodiac exam happened so lets make something up. 

Class A | -200 CP | +1.5M PP | Current CP 913 | A>A

Class B | 0 CP       | +2.5M PP | Current CP 697 | B>C

Class C | 200 CP  | +7.5M PP | Current CP 895 | C>B

Class D | -100 CP | +1M PP    | Current CP 0      | D>D

I am making Class D's life as miserable as possible. You will realize why I gave Class C so many points later on.)

Its Monday and its like any other day in class. Nobody talking to me, except Haruka, she acts like my mother figure I never had growing up. Sure some girls tell her to stop talking to me but she for some reason doesn't. I asked her why she wouldn't stop and she just said 'Mommy cant just leave behind her son'.

I will never call Haruka mommy.

(Well I would of course😉)

Praying that our teacher arrives sooner so I could have a short nap due to the people of this class following me around after school hours. And look at that my prayers were heard, Ms. Chabashira walks in with a stack of papers. We haven't had any tests or quizzes lately so it might be a special exam.

Chabashira - "Ok listen up everyone I have an announcement to make. We are having another exam."

Ike - "Huh! But we just had an special exam! Let us have a moment of rest."

Chabashira - "Sadly that can't happen since your class is a disappointment. 4 months into this school and you still have 0 points to your name. 2 of your classmates actually dropped out, due to this situation. If you haven't already noticed the 2 are Ijuin and Miyamoto. So participating in this exam might give you points you never know."

Wait who's Ijuin? I know Miyamoto since he sits in the front so everyone can see him but looks like Ijuin probably sat in the back. Well no reason to waste my time thinking about him. It should be happening around after this class ends. I hope Haruka can forgive me.

(I'm going to actually explain the rules but it isn't going to be important for writing later.)

Ms. Chabashira hands out papers which I suppose will be the rules and activities we will do to earn points.

Chabashira - "This exam is being called the Sports Festival. This is a competitive system built on dividing all school years between teams. Your either going to be Red or White. Class D is going to be with Class A and you're making up Team Red. Then Class B and C will be on Team White. Any questions so far?"

Hirata - "When will this exam take place and how will we work with Class A?"

Chabashira - "Excellent question Hirata, this will take place in 2 weeks so you have time to think of strategies and practice with Class A. You will also be able to send people from either class to participate in a competition. Example being, if there was an activity for a 100 meter dash and you don't have any members from your class, you can send a Class A student instead."

Hirata - "Alright thankyou I might ask another question if possible."

Chabashira - "Ask away I'm your homeroom teacher after all. Anyway the events are separated into 2 groups. There are Individual Contests where a single person competes for points and then there is Team Contests where multiple people compete."

Horikita - "How many points do we get per contests if we win or lose?"

Chabashira - "Well Horikita for Individual Contests you get 15 points for 1st, 12 points for 2nd, 10 points for 3rd, 8 points for 4th, and everyone after gets 1 point less per spot. Then for Team Contests if you win you get 500 points, the loser gets nothing. So team competitions are going to be a big event."

Sotomura - "Chabashira! What do you do if you cant participate? Are there specific contests where you can enter?"

Chabashira - "Well there are, they are called Recommended Competitions. During practices both teams can recommend someone to participate so there is a higher chance of winning. Also points go like this. 50 points for 1st place, 30 points for 2nd place, 15 points for 3rd place, 10 points for 4th, and then 2 points less for every spot after."

Chabashira - "Now the event will be a 1200 meter relay race, this event will be awarding 3 times the points for the winners. The class that loses will have a 100 points subtracted from their class points across all school years. Also the class that takes 1st place will be awarded 50 class points. The class that takes 2nd place will not have any change to their class points. The class that takes 3rd place will have 50 class points deducted. The class that takes 4th place will have 100 class points deducted."

Sudo - "Yes we understand just win all the competitions and you get points. What we want to know is what are the competitions?"

Chabashira - "Well I was about to get to it before you interrupted me. Moving on the competitions for Individuals are 100 meter sprint, 200 meter sprint, hurdle race, obstacle race, 3 legged race, pole toppling, tug of war, and cavalry battle. Now the Team competitions are scavenger hunt race, 4 way tug of war, 3 legged race, and the finale is the joint 1200 meter relay. By the way every member of each class must participate at least once, unless you can not do anything physically you will have to sit out. That's all, you can go over it later together or by yourself."

Perfect it is now 10am he should be walking in by now. He told me he'd bring some of his friends to make it more intimidating so hopefully that works. I can hear the class discussing already as to what to do. Unfortunately I wont be helping this class, instead I've been commissioned to do some work for someone else.


Ryeun - "Yo! Ayanokoji, what are you still doing in this class? You know we lost points because of you."

Sudo - "What the!? What are you doing here Ryeun! You want to fight or something!?"

Ryeun - "Shut up you rabid dog. God you hurt my ears. Suzune can you put him on a better leash?"

Sudo - "You want to say that again you piece of shi-!" Sudo was already standing up running at Ryeun planning on hitting him. Has he literally learnt nothing at this school?

Horikita - "Sudo! Stop it now, he is just aggravating you."

Sudo - "Tsk!" Sudo stops and goes back to his seat still looking at Ryeun who is just chuckling away as if he's Santa.

Hirata - "So why are you here Ryeun, Ibuki, Albert, Ishizaki, Shinna? If you have something to do with Ayanokoji can we do it later?"

Its kind of surprising that Hirata knows so many people but he's one of those social kids that can know anyone even though they never met in person.

Ryeun - "Oh so Ayanokoji still hasn't told you yet has he?"

Class D - "..."







Kushida - "... W-what do they mean Ayanokoji"

"Sigh It means I'm transferring classes."

Shinohara - "What the! How did you even do that! You must've done something illegal!"

"If I did do something illegal I would've been expelled. No its simple, we just-"

Ryeun - "I just bought with 20 million points a transfer of Ayanokoji to my class. Since it seems like you didn't want him we decided to buy him off you. You must be grateful we took him off your hands. Come on lets go next class is about to start."

Ryeun said that as easy as that. Grabbing my stuff I stand up and receive glares from all around most importantly from Horikita and Chabashira who thought I would bring them to Class A. Reaching up to Ryeuns gang I walk up to Hiyori and give her mandatory headpats. I thought she would be the only one who receives them but I didn't think the person who grabbed my shoulder would want some to.

Haruka - "Kiyopon!" she gripped my shoulder them proceeded to hug me. "I'm sorry I couldn't look after you better! But promise me you will look after yourself!" she then cries a little bit onto my shoulder. I don't know why she's doing this, its not like I'm going to war.

"Hahhh Don't worry mom ill be safe..."




Randoms - "Pfft!"

Ryeun - "Kukuku man I thought you liked Hiyori I never knew you like mom and son roleplay!"

Hiyori - "K-kiyo is t-this true..."

No its not what it looks like. I don't want to corrupt your innocence, even though I already did.

A/N - Alright that's it for this chapter I actually like this style of writing. But anyways sports festival is next! Who do you think will win? Well there's no need to since Yamagod will comeback after training in the blackroom and expel Ayanotrash! w(゚Д゚)w


or am I?

Words - 2204

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