The Titan of The Paths (AOT x...

By CaigerCascade10

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Y/n is awoken after years of his isolation. He awakens to a modernised but more clueless world. Theirs three... More

Chapter 1: The Awakening
Chapter 2: 104th Cadet Corps
Chapter 3: Facing the Past
Chapter 4: Graduation
Chapter 5: Battle for Trost
Part 6: Trost Reclamation
Part 7: Time before the Expedition
Part 8: 57th Expedition Beyond the Walls
Part 9: Raid on Stohess
Part 10: Resurgence

Chapter 11: Experiments

160 7 4
By CaigerCascade10

Next Week: Commanders Office

After Y/n returned to the Walls, he had been placed away from his fellow Scouts. Knowledge of Historia being taken away was soon to reach the Reiss family. Luckily for Y/n, only members of the Survey Corp were told of his claim. But still, when Rod Reiss was to find out about Y/n, he would instantly be targeted by the Military Police. Strangely, however, he had been summoned to the Commander's office with Conny. Hange had come to pick him up from his isolation chamber but did not speak a single word to him. Hange led the way and opened the door to Erwin's office.

Levi: "Theirs the shit stain." Commander Erwin and Commander Pyxis were present in the room. Levi was also sitting in the corner of the room.

Hange: "So you were here all along, Commander Pyxis. I'm here to report on what you asked for."

Erwin: "Please, introduce yourself, soldier." Conny looked nervous. It was his first time talking to the Commander.

Conny: "I am Conny Springer of Ragako village!"

Hange: "Since he was there to witness the incident, I had him accompany my squad."

Levi: "Good work Conny."

Conny: "Thank you, sir."

Hange: "Allow me to explain. The town was full of evidence that supports the theory we have about where the Titans came from at this time. The buildings in the village all appeared to have been blown apart from the inside. Yet, despite all of this destruction, we couldn't find a single bloodstain. More importantly, we have yet to locate a single resident from Ragiko. And, the total number of Titans discovered and defeated was the same as the number of individuals who lived there. We believe it is highly likely that the Titans that appeared inside the Wall were the residents of Ragako Village." Y/n was rather impressed by Hange. Her intuitions and scientific thought process were also like that of his Father.

Erwin: "So you're saying that the Titans are actually humans?"

Hange: "We don't have solid proof that all Titans are made this way, but if they are, I have a hunch about what's inside the Titans weak spot. Even if two Titans vary wildly in size, the weak spot is always the same. One meter long, ten centimetres wide. Do you'd match those proportions up to a normal human body you'd get the spinal column leading out of the brain. A Titan can't regenerate and ceases to function if you cut this area. Probably because these organs are independent from the rest of the Titan's body."

Levi: "You always slice open the necks of Titans you capture alive and yet you've never seen anything like that, have you?"

Hange: "True...I've never seen anything that looks particularly human. Their napes close up immediately if you do something like cut through them with a single blade, so I can't imagine a human brain in there. Yet there has to be something in there the size of a brain and spinal column. Perhaps it's synthesised into the Titan body and hard to make out."

Levi: "I'm not sure what you're getting at four eyes."

Hange: "Er, sorry."

Levi: "So what? The flesh I've devoted my life to slicing out is actually part of a human being? I've been flying around killing humans this whole time? Is that what you're saying?"

Hange: "I told you there's no solid proof."

Pyxis: "But if it is true...I wonder. Could the difference between regular Titans and Titans like Erean and Y/n, be that their bodies aren't completely absorbed?" A crazed smile filled up Commander Erwin's face. The questions he had wanted answered were finally being answered after all this time.

Y/n: "If I may. Why am I needed here?" Erwin snapped out of his odd moment.

Erwin: "Ah, yes. Conny, I have appreciated your insight into this review. You can leave to your quarters now."

Conny: "Y-Yes sir!" Conny saluted before leaving the room. Y/n watched as an anxious Conny walked out. He was definitely a dunce who cared too much about others. Even a self-described monster that Y/n was.

Erwin: "We don't have a lot of time so we'll make this quick. I have to know if you're on the side of humanity before we can move things forward. I'll ask three questions only, and depending on your response, I shall decide if we should risk ourselves to support you."

Y/n: "Sounds fair enough."

Erwin: "Why do you want power? What are you going to do with that power? And how much are you willing to sacrifice to get that power?"

Y/n: "I want power because of a promise I made to someone upon their death. I don't crave power out of selfishness or revenge, but out of duty. When I have that power, I plan to use it to set us free from the Walls and our curse. When it comes down to how much I'm willing to sacrifice...I'm willing to sacrifice my humanity for peace in our time."

Erwin: "I understand. We'll need time to talk things over. Hange, if you would." Erwin gestured for them to leave. Hange begrudgingly obliged and walked Y/n out. The tension between them was so intense, that people actively walked out of the way when they were close.

Hange: " you have anything to say for yourself? People don't appreciate being used as pawns in a game." Y/n just remained silent. In this situation, there's rarely anything you can say to make things better.

Y/n: " you really think I believe you're a pawn? Aren't you lowering my expectations of you?"

Hange: "You did use me. Of course, I'm gonna think that way."

Y/n: "If it's any comfort, I've always thought of you as the queen in my game of chess. Nothing would've worked out without you."

Hange: "Ha! Well isn't that just comforting!" The two had made their way to the isolating area where Y/n had come from. She unlocked the door leading into the building, opening it for Y/n. "We'll get you when you've moved somewhere safe. Until then, just be quiet."

Y/n: "Viele Leute denken, sie wollen Dinge, aber sie haben nicht wirklich die Kraft, die Disziplin. Sie sind schwach. Ich glaube, dass man bekommt, was man will, wenn man es unbedingt genug will."

Hange: "Huh? What does that mean?" Y/n chuckled remembering that people don't speak the Eldian he was taught.

Y/n: "It's old language. It was a quote that I saw in one of my father's books."

Hange: "And what does it mean?"

Y/n: "Don't worry. It's not important." Y/n walked into his isolation area. Closing the door, Hange thought to herself about how many strange things Y/n had said.

Hange: "Y/n, you're a confusing bastard for sure..."

One Week Later:

Y/n had been moved with Eren alongside the new Levi squad. They had set up a house in a cabin somewhere in the more northern woods. After a meeting with Hange and Levi, the Fourth Squad and Levi Squad decided to go ahead with the experiments planned for Y/n and Eren. However, right now they were still just held up in their cabin. Y/n had made an early start on the cooking for that night. Although they normally do it together, Y/n insisted on doing it himself.

Sasha: "Y/n! Are you done yet? I'm hungry."  Y/n turned his gaze to the sitting area. A large table was in the centre with chairs all around. Sasha, Levi, and Conny were already present on the table.

Y/n: "Yeah, I'm done. Try not to eat it all." Y/n picked up the large saucepan that contained what he had made. Sasha began to droll from her mouth as Y/n placed it on the table. Eren, Mikasa, Jean, and Armin had all made their way down by then and took their seats. Y/n sat down at the bottom of the table, opposite Levi. "Hope you enjoy."

Sasha: "Hmmm! It's so good!" Sasha had taken a massive scoop before everyone else.

Jean: "Don't eat it all, Sasha! Can't you ever control yourself?" Sasha completely ignored Jean's complaint, too focused on stuffing her face with food.

Conny: "Oh yeah! Since when could you cook?" Y/n smiled softly.

Y/n: "I added a little bit more mint and rosemary than usual. I also allowed the vegetables to marinate in some black pepper with vegetable oil."

Sasha: "I love it so much!" She said as the food came flying out her mouth. "Can you make it again?"

Y/n: "Of course I can!" Y/n chuckled. "I'm glad you like it. It was my wife's recipe." A sad smile was plastered all over Y/n's face.

Armin: "Y/n...I know it isn't any of our business but we don't know anything about you. It's hard for us to trust you because we don't know who you are." Y/n's face changed from a sad smile to an emotionless expression.

Eren: "Now that you mention it, Armin, we don't know anything about you Y/n." Looking around the table, Levi and Mikasa had remained silent and reserved this whole time. Sasha was stuffing her face with food while the rest stared at Y/n intensely.

Y/n: "Fine...I don't like to talk about myself but I may as well." A large sigh erupted from Y/n. "I was born in the year 740. My mother was an imperial maid for the royal family. On the other hand, my father was a court physician and an enthusiastic scientist. Specifically, he was fascinated by the Titans. Up until I was nine years old, my family life was rather normal. My mother and father lived together until one day my dad left. For the next eight years, I would not see him once. Yet, before he left, he brought home my future wife, Ilse. Little did I know that Ilse was a Fritz. Only a year after my father's return was she finally tracked down. Instead of taking her back, they decided to put her down like a dog. My mother was in the crosshairs of their attack as well." A deathly glare bellowed from Y/n into the eyes of Levi. "Back then, it was the Ackerman clan that was the sword and shield of royalty. What I saw them do to my's an image none of you should be forced to see."

Levi: "I understand why he hates me so much." Levi thought to himself. "My name brings back memories of his loved ones. It's always been a screwed-up world I see."

Y/n: "After that, I found out why my dad had been gone for so long. It turned out he had managed to fabricate a Titan body. I'm not sure how he did it, be he did do it. After passing it on to me, I came to this place and crystallised myself for over a hundred years. I was only awoken by the collapse of Shiganshina." They had all gone silent through Y/n's talk. Even Sasha had stopped shoving food into her mouth to listen.

Armin: "Your dad fabricated a Titan body? Does that mean there's a way to get more like you?"

Y/n: "I'm still unsure of how my father did it. By the facts that none have been made before or since it's incredibly unlikely that could happen." Up until they were nearly finished with their food did anyone say anything?

Levi: "If you don't mind me asking, how do you exactly have a claim on the throne? You're not royal blood after all."

Y/n: "Namesake. We both decided to matrilineally marry into each other's families."

Levi: "But you said you didn't know she was a Fritz."

Y/n: "And you'd be correct. She went by Ilse Fischer. So, upon our marriage, I thought my last name had changed to L/n-Fischer. However, in reality, it changed to L/n-Fritz. Is it a weak claim? Yes. Do I care? No. I have a duty, as a man and a husband, to fulfil the responsibilities and obligations I made for my family. For better or worse, in life or death, I'll that true to my heart no longer pumps blood."

Jean: "That's...oddly comforting Y/n. Never took you for a family man." Jean said half serious and half sarcastic. "Now I understand why you babied us for all this time."

Y/n: "Hmm I guess I did." Y/n said back sarcastically. "Is that enough for you all to trust me again?"

Eren: "Don't be silly, we trusted you anyway. Armin just had to make sure that's all."

Y/n: "That's good to hear." Night loomed large over everyone in the room. They were up early the next day to begin Hange's experiments. So, after finishing their dinner, they went to sleep, awaiting the day ahead.

The Next Day:

As had been planned days prior, Hanges experiments were well underway. She had decided to start with Y/n, mainly because he wished to, but also because he was far more versed in the world of Titans.

Hanges notes-Experiment Day 1:

As per my instructions, we simply started with a cognitive function test. Y/n was noted as being very effective at controlling his Titan and listening to instructions. We had him build a simple shack with wood that we had made ready for use. It was rather impressive considering the size of the Titan. In contrast, however, it had minimal ability to communicate through a normal human tongue. Instead, it would speak in simple one-word or half-strung-together sentences. Y/n had also managed to remain in his Titan firm throughout the entirety of the experiments. This gives us hope for Eren but Y/n assured us that it was not the norm. It appears it may be one of these 'abilities' unique to his Titan. And, upon his request, it was to be called the 'Path Titan'. Although he fails to elaborate on why this is its name.

Experiment Day 2:

Eren was up for the same experiment I had put through Y/n the day prior. To say that it was rather lacklustre compared to Y/n was an understatement. Erens Titan lacked the endurance and ability to speak that the Path Titan contributed to having. It had only managed to last one hour before completely freaking out. Upon Erens retrieval, he persisted in going again but the Titan was not what was meant to be expected. First of all, Eren had no control over the Titan whatsoever. It also stood at thirteen meters instead of its normal fifteen meters. After getting Eren out of the Titan, he once again pushed to transform himself only after thirty minutes. It nearly led to his death but we were lucky to get him out. Erens face was deeply infused with the Titans body. He had been in a comatose state ever since.

Experiment Day 3:

The final day of experimentation. We've tested the armour on the Path Titan and found it has the same structure as the Wall. It's the final proof I need to prove my hypothesis. Although Eren failed to harden himself, Y/n emphasises how Eren can do it but simply lacks the experience to do so. Y/n has also offered to train Eren when the time comes around. Anyway, Y/n had wished to undergo an experiment to see his potential max transformations. We originally objected, knowing that if he was to go rogue, we couldn't get him out of his armour on his Titan. He simply ignored us and did it anyway. It was for the better however as Y/n managed to transform into a full fifteen-metre Titan nine times. According to his previous recollection of his father's research, most 'Titan Shifters', as he calls them, can only transform up to three times. The only exception he told us was that of the Colossal Titan. I suspect he is hiding more information from us. For one, he refuses to tell us how many others are like him and Eren. In his own words, he said, 'Giving you the answers now will only restrain your minds in the future. How are the survey corps meant to improve if they're just given the answers?' A convoluted reasoning for sure.

Y/n's Path Titan Notes:

Path Titan: Abilities

- Ability to read memories (Attack Titan)
- Ability to enter the Paths at will (Founding Titan)
- Facial armour plate (Jaw Titan)
- Armour across areas of the body (Armoured Titan)
- Release immense heat from hands (Colossal Titan)
- Control individual or small groups of Titans (Female Titan)
- Powerful Scream (Beast Titan)
- High Endurance (Cart Titan)
- ??? (Warhammer Titan)
- regeneration even in death (Unique?)

If what my father said is correct then it leaves only the Warhammer Titan's abilities to be unknown. I have a least one ability from each of the Titans so it's only logical that's the case. Still, though, I can't conclude what happened in Trost when I was bitten in half. I should be dead yet I'm not. The strange blue centipede thing that came out of me as well. I've never seen or even heard anything about its existence. Frightening and intriguing indeed.

Back to Reality:

A knock came from the door behind Y/n. Closing his journal and putting it away, he let them in.

Y/n: "Come in." Hange opened the door and made her way inside Y/n's room. "Surprised to see you so late."

Hange: "Well...I'll be going in the morning so we won't see each other till everything is said and done." In the past couple of days, Y/n had worked tirelessly to get Hange to forgive him. He even allowed her to take samples and experiment on his human body. "Look...I haven't forgiven you for what you've done. The wounds are still pretty fresh after all."

Y/n: "Fair enough. I'm not gonna hold that against you." Y/n stood up from his desk and walked somewhat closer to Hange. "How's Eren?"

Hange: "He's awake. Doesn't have much of any energy though. He'll hopefully recover by tomorrow." Y/n took another step closer.

Y/n: "That's...good to hear. Even though I think he's a bit of a twat at times, he's still a good kid." Y/n took yet another step closer to Hange. "May I ask something of you?"

Hange: "Hmm what now?" Y/n put his hand on Hanges shoulder and forced a smile.

Y/n: "When this is all done, let's go out somewhere. I'll be our last chance to. You know, before all of my imperial bullshit."

Hange: "We'll have to win first before we plan anything you know."

Y/n: "Humour me Hange, just this once." Hange placed a hand on her head and sighed.

Hange: "Fine. If we succeed I'll go out with you a final time. Happy now?" Y/n let go of Hange and turned around.

Y/n: "Yes...that's good enough." Hange turned around herself. The room became rather awkward for a moment. "Ich liebe dich, aber ich bin zu schwach, um zu sprechen." Y/n said under his breath.

Hange: "What was that?"

Y/n: "Nothing important. I don't want to keep you here for too long. I know you're going early in the morning."

Hange: "R-Right." Hange turned to leave but stopped herself to say one last thing. "Y/n...I know that Erwin has faith in you but I don't know who you are anymore. Can you really be trusted to be a good king?"

Y/n: "To be honest, I don't have a good answer for you. The only answer I can give is that I'll do what I must and to the best of my ability. Is that good enough?"

Hange: "'s the best I can get. Until we meet each other again, keep yourself safe." Hange walked out of the room, leaving Y/n alone again.

Y/n: "Keep myself safe. Glad to know that you still care for me Hange..."

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