Crestwood Murders

By DovePublishing

146 60 0

On the campus of Crestwood University, a long time friend group loses one of their own to a mysterious murder... More

Character Arts
Chapter 1: Introduction
Chapter 2: Tangled Emotions
Chapter 3: Fractured Bonds
Chapter 4: Unveiling Secrets
Chapter 5: Mystery Decision
Chapter 6: Reveal Mystery?
Chapter 7: The Truth & Storm
Chapter 8: Surprise Surprise!
Chapter 9: Missing Brick in a Brick Wall
Chapter 10: Notes & Files
Chapter 11: Bloody Mess
Chapter 12: Red & Blue
Chapter 13: Whispers On Campus
Chapter 14: Highly Suspicious
Chapter 15: Secrets Open
Chapter 16: Bonding
Chapter 17: 9 Suspects
Chapter 18: Track Star
Chapter 19: Home run
Chapter 20: Blues & Sorrows
Chapter 21: Extra Extra Read All About It
Chapter 22: Karma & Fury
Chapter 23: Finish the List
Chapter 24: Only a Transfer
Chapter 25: Simple Beginnings
Chapter 26: What is Love
Chapter 27: Baby Don't Hurt Me
Chapter 28: This Changes Everything
Chapter 30: What Matters Most
Chapter 31: A Deeper Look
Chapter 32: Lies Lead To Demise
Chapter 33: Code Blue
Chapter 34: Tied Up
Chapter 35: Tackling The Situation
Chapter 36: The Long Wait
Chapter 37: A Night To Remember
Chapter 38: Can You Fix The Broken
Chapter 39: Where Fate Takes Us

Chapter 29: Double Trouble

2 1 0
By DovePublishing

Hannah opened the door with an expression that could freeze time her eyes reflecting a mix of annoyance and frustration.
"What do you want?" she asked sounding annoyed.

Undeterred by the unfriendly reception Emma took a deep breath and started with a direct question.
"Hannah, what happened with Joshua last night?"

Hannah's lips tightened and she crossed her arms defensively.
"I'm sure Joshua has already spilled everything to you guys why bother asking me?" Her words dripped with bitterness.

Emma persisted "I just want to hear your side of the story what happened between you two?"

Hannah's eyes narrowed her patience wearing thin.
"Look Emma whatever issues Joshua has he can share them with you. I don't owe you an explanation and I don't need you prying into my business like you suddenly care any at all."

Hannah scoffed interrupting emma before she could speak.
"This also has nothing to do with your little murder mystery club and I don't have any reason to kill anyone before you go accusing me too, and if you must fucking know I dumped Joshua because he can't be enough of a man for me and pick me first for once, but that's none of your business so if you would leave."

With that she made it clear that the conversation was over.
The door closed with a resolute finality leaving Emma standing outside the dorm room.

Michael and Tyler approached Jack's dorm to ask him some questions, Michael took the lead and knocked, as Jack opened the door he recognized Tyler from the last encounter.

Tyler his tone earnest began
"Jack we need your help. We're trying to unravel the mystery behind these murders on campus and another one struck earlier today."

Jack his eyes reflecting a mixture of sadness and fatigue nodded allowing them to enter.
As they settled in
Tyler added "We know you've been affected by this as well and we believe your insights could be crucial."

The room fell into a heavy silence before Michael spoke
"Can you tell us everything you remember at all about Jessica's murder? Every detail no matter how small could make a difference do you remember who knocked you out or anything about what they looked like or anything."

Jack sighed
"I've already told the police everything I know they questioned me again earlier today after Gretchen's murder, but I guess I can tell you guys more, however the only thing I didn't mention before is I believe there were two men who knocked me unconscious. I now remember as I hit the ground there was already somebody attacking Jessica as I was fading into black."

Michael and Tyler looked at each other in shock, they hadn't thought of the possibility of killers working together until now.

Tyler asked
"Can you recall anything about the two men or even one did you recall anything before you were knocked out."

Jack strained to recall details about the assailants
"They were very fast, tall, and athletically strong," he began his frustration was evident in his voice.
"But they were covered head to toe in black I couldn't recognize anything about them no faces no distinctive features to recall It was like they knew how to stay completely anonymous because they had pre planned the murder I guess I'm lucky they didn't kill me they probably assumed I was dead after I was out cold."

Tyler and Michael exchanged another look realization dawning on them that this wasn't going to be an easy case.

Michael asked, "Do you remember anything about their voices maybe Any distinctive accent or anything they said.?"

Jack shook his head frustration evident. "No I don't remember anything my head is still blurry on the situation and it's hard to remember this much, I'm sorry guys. I wish I could be more helpful I really want whoever killed Jessica to be put away for good she was an amazing person and deserved much better."

Tyler placed a reassuring hand on Jack's shoulder.
"You've given us more than you know Jack, We'll keep investigating and if anything else comes to your mind, don't hesitate to reach out to us."

As they left Jack's dorm they now knew that they weren't after one killer but two killers, and they knew the killers weren't chasing just pattern killings anymore and had become more bold, the weight of the revelation hung in the air and they exchanged a solemn glance before finding a more secluded spot to discuss the unsettling information.

Tyler with his voice low expressed his concern.
"Two killers working together. This complicates things and the fact that they're strategic and coordinated means we're dealing with something beyond our initial assumptions."

Michael nodded in agreement.
"It also aligns with the idea that the killer might be targeting those involved in the investigation. We need to be cautious."

In the midst of their conversation Tyler's phone rang.
It was Emma He answered, and her urgent voice came through the line. "Tyler, I spoke with Hannah, as much as I don't like her I don't think she's the killer, I didn't get anywhere talking with her though."

Tyler responded
"Emma, we have news too, we might be dealing with multiple killers. Jack mentioned two fast, athletic and big guys and said they were covered head to toe."

Emma's eyes widened with the realization.
"It could be Kevin and Matt! We need to warn Joshua before he confronts them!"

Tyler in a panic
"You might be right, I'm gonna hang up and call him!"

Emma continued
"Wait before you go we can't afford to let them know we're onto them any more they might become even more dangerous, warn Joshua discreetly and make sure he knows not to talk to them, and we'll regroup to figure out our next move."

As their call ended and Tyler dialed Joshua's number

On the other end Joshua's phone went to voice mail and Tyler choosing his words carefully left a message
"Joshua be careful there's new information, and we suspect there might be two killers involved don't confront anyone without backup we need to change our plans."

As the call ended Tyler turned to Michael.
"We need to gather everyone and strategize. The game has changed and we can't afford to underestimate the dangers we're facing I hope Joshua gets to that voice message in time."

Michael agreed with concern for his friend and together they hurried to regroup with Emma and find Joshua at the baseball field.

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