A Second Round Of Cat And Mou...

Av ErinLindsey97

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Things had finally settled down for Soifon and Erin, or so they believed. However, their tranquility was disr... Mer



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Av ErinLindsey97

Erin and Kelly arrived at the district and approached the bullpen where everyone was gathered, seated at their desks. 'Hello, Kelly,' Al greeted Kelly with a smile as he looked up from the book he was reading. The brunette headed towards Voight's office, followed by Kelly.

'Is everything okay?' Jay inquired, noticing the worried expressions on Erin's face and sensing Kelly's unease. 'No,' was all Erin managed to reply, adding, 'Something bad occurred,' as she knocked on Voight's door.

'Come in, Erin,' her foster father beckoned her inside. Erin entered the room, leaving Kelly outside so she could speak with Voight alone, disregarding Jay's puzzled expression as he attempted to extract information from Kelly to no avail.

'Is there a problem?' Voight inquired as Erin closed the door and approached him, noticing the concern in her hazel eyes. 'I can't reach Soifon,' Erin explained as she sat down on the chair.

Voight regarded her with a raised eyebrow and inquired, "Are you certain? Is that the reason Severride is here?" He glanced out the closed door to see Kelly conversing with Antonio and Ashley.

Erin explained, "Yes, I was waiting for Soifon at Molly's for our lunch outing, but she didn't show up. Kelly then walked in, and I questioned him." Erin attempted to remain composed despite her growing concern for her missing girlfriend.

Erin added, "Kelly mentioned that he saw Soifon at the cemetery visiting her sister's grave. They parted ways after their conversation before going in separate directions."

Voight, deep in thought, leaned forward and suggested, "Have you attempted to contact her?" He dialed Soifon's number on his phone, prompting Erin to reply, "Yes, I've called her numerous times.

Erin advised "if you wish to attempt a phone call to Soifon to ascertain her whereabouts, you are welcome to do so," Erin remarked while observing her foster father trying to reach Soifon, who appeared displeased upon listening to the voicemail message. Voight abruptly ended the call as Soifon's voicemail message started playing.

Erin expressed her concern that Ace may have taken Soifon or that she may be injured, prompting her to stand up as Voight exited the room. Voight proceeded towards Mouse, with Erin following closely behind, as Kelly approached them inquiring about any progress.

Erin indicated no success. Voight then instructed Mouse to track Soifon's phone location, to which Mouse agreed and promptly initiated the tracking process by calling Soifon's phone and conducting a search on the computer.

Erin leaned in to observe the computer screen, her concern growing for Soifon's well-being as she had recently left the hospital and her wound had not fully healed.

Voight's interruption with Mouse's discovery brought her attention back. 'Found ya,' Mouse's voice broke Erin's train of thought. 'Where is the location?' inquired Voight as Mouse jotted it down.

'It appears she's at an abandoned gas station,' Mouse reported, handing the note to Voight. Erin's heart sank as she considered the situation. 'She must have had a flat tire or something, but changing a tire shouldn't take that long,' observed Voight, prompting him to call Jay over.

'Yes, Sarge?' Jay asked, noticing Erin's worried expression. 'Is everything alright?' he inquired with concern.

Erin expressed concern about Soifon's well-being and suggested they go to the location where she might be. Jay, displaying worry, inquired further as he prepared to accompany Erin, who explained her fear that Soifon may have harmed herself.

Voight proposed searching for Soifon at the gas station, prompting the group to leave the bullpen. Erin, remaining optimistic, hoped that Soifon had merely encountered a minor issue with her tire.

* Back to the abandoned House*

As Ace sifted through papers at his desk, preparing to check on Soifon, Jack entered the room and Ace inquired if something was on his mind, to which Jack responded in the affirmative.

Jack turned his gaze towards his lap and inquired, 'What do you say if I reconsider my decision about pursuing Erin?' He then looked at Ace, awaiting the leader's response.

Ace replied, 'The choice is yours, but are you certain? I can handle Soifon regardless.' Jack nodded in agreement and expressed, 'I do not feel comfortable causing harm to Erin, especially considering the unborn baby.'

Ace acknowledged Jack's concern by rising from his seat and conveying, 'In that case, we will not interfere with Erin. However, if you wish to assist-' He was interrupted by Jack shaking his head and stating, 'No, I no longer wish to be involved in this.'

Ace, puzzled, inquired, 'What do you mean? Have you suddenly become hesitant?' Jack adamantly denied, 'No, but I have begun to have doubts and I do not wish to harm Soifon any longer."

"I now realize deep in my heart that it was you who caused Julie's demise!' Jack accused Ace sternly as Ace approached him, questioning, 'Truly? What prompted this change in perspective? You did not exhibit this reluctance previously.' Ace challenged Jack as he observed Jack retreating.

Jack expressed his realization that Ace was being untruthful, mentioning that he had been going through Ace's files.

In response, Ace pushed Jack into a chair and warned him that interference with his dealings concerning Soifon could lead to violent consequences, including harming Erin and Jack's baby. Jack, alarmed by the threat, pleaded for Ace not to harm Erin or the baby as he watched Ace leave the room.

Meanwhile, Soifon regained consciousness, experiencing pain as she tried to sit up despite a sharp sensation running through her body. Despite the reopening of her gunshot wound, she focused on the uncertain future ahead.

An unexpected gasp escaped Soifon's lips when she experienced a sudden kick to her stomach, causing her to curl up in agony. As she looked up, she saw Ace standing by the bed.

'Did you miss me?' Ace inquired as he began untying Soifon's restraints and removing the cloth from her mouth, disregarding her cries of pain and the blood trickling down her abdomen.

'You wish!' Soifon muttered through the pain, but Ace paid no heed and callously threw her to the ground with a smirk.

'Be silent,' he commanded, kicking her once more, this time in the chest. Soifon collapsed to the floor, letting out a cry as Ace's blow struck her chest.

As she opened her eyes, which were clouding due to blood loss, she realized her wound had reopened and was bleeding profusely, soaking through her shirt.

'Now, I propose a deal to you, Soifon,' Ace began, capturing Soifon's attention. 'What sort of... deal?' she managed to ask amidst gasps of pain as Ace yanked her hair.

Ace embraced her, wrapping his arm around her throat as he turned her to face the wall. Soifon struggled against his strong grip.

“The agreement is that you will follow my instructions and obey my commands,” Ace stated, tightening his hold on Soifon's neck, causing her to gasp.

“What do you mean?” she asked hoarsely. Ace leaned in to kiss her neck, making Soifon tense.

“Do not interrupt me,” he warned, biting her neck, which made her whimper. “As I was saying, if you do as I say, I will not harm Erin, nor pursue her. You must comply to keep Erin safe,” Ace declared, kissing Soifon's cheek as she tried to turn away.

Soifon flinched as Ace outlined what she needed to do to protect Erin, realizing she had no choice but to agree.

“Alright... I will do whatever you ask,” she conceded, as Ace tightened his grip on her neck, adding, “as long as you keep your promise."

Ace's expression turned into a smirk as he placed a kiss on her cheek, then turned her around to kiss her on the lips, stating, 'You have my word, Soifon.' He then pushed her back to the ground, leaving her slumped over in pain.

Soifon cried out as she felt the impact of being shoved down, trying to suppress the urge to vomit from Ace's kiss. After he left, she wiped her mouth on her arm to erase his touch.

Curling into a ball, Soifon closed her eyes to alleviate the shooting pain throughout her body. Despite tears falling, she whispered, 'I'm sorry, Erin, but I must ensure your safety.' Struggling to breathe, she allowed herself to sink into unconsciousness, her hair cascading over her face.

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