1. Ash's Story (Part 0: Prolo...

Bởi HungjuiChiu

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The prologue of Ash's Story, telling how he meets his friends and the past before starting his journey. Xem Thêm

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21

Chapter 11

78 4 5
Bởi HungjuiChiu

"Are you serious right now?" Ash and his friends gather in the grand hall of Otem Town's castle, their attention captured by Adam's startling announcement.

"Marriage? Professor Burnet is going to be Professor Kukui's wife?" Eve's gasp reverberates through the room, each syllable laden with surprise.

"Does that mean there is going to be a wedding?" Ash interjects, curiosity bubbling within him. The mere mention of the word ignites excitement among the girls, their eyes shining with anticipation.

Ash's mom says, 'I'm sorry, but the professors said they're not having a ceremony,'" The solemnity in Ash's mother's tone dashes the girls' hopes, leaving disappointment lingering in the air like a heavy fog.

"No wedding? But Mom and Dad had a wedding, right?" Mark's confusion mirrors the uncertainty clouding the room. "That's how Mom got transformed into an Arceus like us."

"That's why we have an idea," Gina's voice cuts through the disappointment, injecting a glimmer of hope into the somber atmosphere. "Let's give them a present. Something from all of us!"

"Like throwing a surprise wedding for them?" Lillie's suggestion hangs in the air, sparking a collective gasp of surprise from the group.

"That's awesome! Can you imagine the look on the professors' faces?" Ash's grin mirrors the excitement rippling through the room. "Let's do this together."

As the children begin to delve into the intricate planning of the surprise wedding, Adam sidles up to Aurora with a smile. "Looks like Kukui and Burnet are going to be very lucky."

Aurora returns the smile, her eyes glinting with anticipation. "I know."

Professor Kukui, once a formidable challenger vying for the champion title against Aurora, hails from the vibrant region of Alola. Despite his defeat, he harbors dreams of establishing a Pokémon League in his homeland. Kukui's lineage ties him to Team Alpha, a prestigious organization spanning generations. Transitioning seamlessly into academia, he now dedicates himself to Pokémon move research as the esteemed regional Professor of Alola.

Beyond his scholarly pursuits, Kukui boasts exceptional combat prowess. During Team Alpha's missions against criminal factions, he astounds his comrades with his adept pro wrestling techniques, swiftly neutralizing threats with finesse that commands respect.

Professor Burnet, equally renowned for her research endeavors, delves into the enigmatic Interdream Zone within the Unova Region. Entrusted with substantial funding from Lusamine and Mohn in exchange for her expertise in Ultra Wormhole studies, Burnet establishes her own laboratory on Akala Island. Over time, she forges a strong bond with Professor Kukui, their shared passion for exploration and discovery fostering a harmonious partnership.

As Ash and the others immerse themselves in wedding preparations, the plan unfolds seamlessly. The picturesque FS Resort in Greeny City is selected as the idyllic venue, while Adam graciously volunteers to officiate the ceremony.

"So, how are the invitations coming along?" Alice inquires, her gaze shifting to the group gathered around.

Lillie beams with satisfaction. "All the esteemed families of Team Alpha are confirmed attendees, along with the revered Kahunas of the Alola Region, honoring Professor Kukui's dual roles as Island Champion and esteemed Professor."

"And what about the wedding cake?" Insey interjects eagerly. "Helen and I have crafted a masterpiece fit for the occasion."

Dia's brow furrows in concern. "Wait, Professor Kukui and Professor Burnet have no inkling of this, right? Mom?"

Aurora nods knowingly. "That's correct. We've simply informed them of an emergency gathering for Team Alpha's latest operation at the FS Resort. They suspect nothing. So, I suppose all that remains is the arrival of the wedding day..."

"Indeed. Let's check on the wedding field's progress," Alice suggests, a sense of anticipation palpable in her voice.

The FS Resort, an architectural marvel nestled within the Sevestar Region, reigns supreme as the epitome of luxury and extravagance. Under the proprietorship of none other than Ash's father, its opulent suites and world-class amenities cater to discerning guests from across the globe, setting the stage for an unforgettable celebration.

As the first light of the long-awaited wedding day filters through the resort's expansive windows, Ash and Mark stride purposefully into Professor Kukui's quarters. Within, the esteemed professor and Professor Burnet remain ensconced, yet to embark on their journey into matrimonial bliss.

"Professor Kukui, wake up," Ash's voice, tinged with anticipation, gently rouses the slumbering figure.

With a slow blink, Professor Kukui stirs, met by the eager gazes of Ash and Mark. "Ash and Mark... What's up? How did you get into my room?" he mumbles, still grappling with the remnants of sleep.

"We have the key card," Mark explains hastily. "My Dad sent us to find you for the emergency meeting, remember? Hurry up."

"Right, right... I'm coming," Professor Kukui responds, shaking off the drowsiness as he readies himself for the day ahead. Stepping out into the corridor, he is met with a sight that leaves him utterly spellbound.

There, standing before him, is Professor Burnet, resplendent in her bridal attire, exuding an ethereal glow that renders Professor Kukui momentarily breathless.

"Wow... Burnet... What's all this?" Professor Kukui's voice wavers with a mixture of astonishment and delight.

"It's never too early for a surprise, wouldn't you agree?" Burnet's smile is luminous as she gestures towards the window, revealing a meticulously adorned wedding stage below, alive with the hum of excitement and adorned with an array of vibrant blooms.

"Is this... Is this meant to be our wedding?" Professor Kukui's incredulity is palpable, his heart swelling with emotion.

"That's correct. A surprise wedding, to be precise," Burnet affirms. "A heartfelt gift from Team Alpha and the children here."

As the sweet strains of the wedding march fill the air, Professor Kukui, resplendent in his groom's attire, takes Professor Burnet's arm, their steps synchronized in perfect harmony. A wave of jubilation erupts from the gathered crowd, their cheers echoing throughout the venue.

Adam, standing at the altar, can't help but inquire, "So, Professor Burnet's witness is Munchlax?"

The Munchlax responds with an enthusiastic cheer, confirming its role in the momentous occasion. Professor Kukui, a gleam of excitement in his eyes, reaches for a Poké Ball at his belt.

"Now, let's not forget mine! Come on out!" With a deft toss, he releases his chosen Pokémon, revealing a majestic Braviary.

"A Braviary! How awesome!" East exclaims, his eyes alight with wonder.

"I had no idea Professor Kukui had a Braviary," Nate adds, his surprise mirrored by the others' expressions.

"It's truly magnificent!" Flora chimes in, captivated by the regal bird's presence.

As the bridal party continues their procession down the aisle, they finally reach Adam, who stands poised and dignified, ready to officiate the union.

"Ladies and gentlemen, esteemed guests, we are gathered here today to witness the union of two souls, bound together by love and commitment. Professor Kukui and Professor Burnet have chosen to embark on this journey of matrimony, pledging their hearts to one another in the presence of their cherished friends and family."

With reverence, Professor Kukui and Professor Burnet step forward, their eyes locked in a shared gaze filled with promise and devotion. Adam continues, his voice steady and warm, "Do you, Professor Kukui, take Professor Burnet to be your lawfully wedded wife, to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better or for worse, for richer or for poorer, in sickness and in health, forsaking all others, until death do you part?"

Professor Kukui's voice resonates with unwavering certainty as he replies, "I do."

Turning his gaze to Professor Burnet, Adam poses the same question, "And do you, Professor Burnet, take Professor Kukui to be your lawfully wedded husband, to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better or for worse, for richer or for poorer, in sickness and in health, forsaking all others, until death do you part?"

With a soft smile gracing her lips, Professor Burnet answers, "I do."

The exchange of rings follows, symbolizing the eternal bond between the couple. Professor Kukui takes Professor Burnet's hand in his own, sliding the gleaming band onto her finger as he pledges, "With this ring, I thee wed, a token of my love and commitment."

In return, Professor Burnet places a ring on Professor Kukui's finger, her touch gentle yet filled with profound meaning. "With this ring, I thee wed, sealing our union for all eternity," she whispers, her voice carrying the weight of their shared dreams and aspirations.

With these heartfelt words and gestures, Professor Kukui and Professor Burnet solidify their vows, embarking on a journey of love, companionship, and shared purpose, bound together by the unbreakable ties of marriage.

Following the tender exchange of vows and rings, the wedding ceremony unfolds with a symphony of heartfelt speeches and joyous celebrations.

Adam, the officiant, guides the couple through traditional rituals, symbolizing their unity and commitment. Friends and family members offer touching anecdotes and well wishes, their words weaving a tapestry of love and support around the newlyweds.

As the evening progresses, guests are treated to a sumptuous feast, prepared with care and served with warmth. Laughter fills the air as old friends reunite and new bonds are formed, forging memories that will be cherished for years to come.

The highlight of the evening comes as Professor Kukui and Professor Burnet take to the dance floor for their first dance as husband and wife. Their movements are graceful and fluid, a testament to the deep connection they share.

Throughout the festivities, Ash and his friends play an integral role, ensuring that every detail of the wedding is executed flawlessly. From coordinating decorations to overseeing the entertainment, they work tirelessly to make the day truly unforgettable.

As the night draws to a close, the newlyweds bid farewell to their guests, their hearts full of gratitude for the love and support they have received. With promises of a bright future together, Professor Kukui and Professor Burnet embark on their journey as husband and wife, their bond stronger than ever before.

As the night settles around them, Lillie approaches Ash with a curious expression. "So, Ash, what did you think of the wedding?" she inquires, her voice tinged with anticipation.

"It was awesome," Ash responds with a bright smile. "The Professors seemed so happy with everything we planned."

Lillie nods in agreement before her expression softens, Ash's gaze turning introspective. "That reminds me, your mother did attend the wedding as well. Is she doing okay, considering what happened in the past?"

Lillie's smile fades slightly as he considers Ash's question. "She's trying not to let Dad's death affect her too much," he says, his tone tinged with empathy. "But she still has her moments, you know? Sometimes she can be annoying and act childish..."

Ash sighs, his shoulders slumping with the weight of unspoken emotions. "I understand. It's not easy for her."

"Yeah," Lillie agrees, offering a reassuring smile. "But she's getting better, little by little."

Suddenly, Lillie's cheeks flush pink, and she hesitates before asking, "So, Ash... do you ever think about having a wedding like Professor Kukui's or Professor Burnet's?"

Caught off guard by the unexpected question, Ash's own cheeks color with embarrassment. "I... I don't know," he stammers, scratching the back of his head nervously. "I mean, it's kind of too early to be thinking about wedding plans, isn't it?"

Lillie's smile is gentle as she nods in understanding. "Yeah, you're right. We still have plenty of time to figure things out."

With a shared chuckle, the two friends fall into an easy silence, content in each other's company as they ponder the uncertain but exciting future that lies ahead.

Here is the chapter for Kukui and Burnet's wedding from the Sun Moon anime, though I made a different take because I am mostly going with the game version when it goes to the Alola part. I hope you like this chapter.

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