Academic Seduction (profxgirl...

By FruitInkWords

1.1M 15.9K 16.4K

Ivy Williams had always aspired to complete her university journey without any interruptions or complications... More

Characters & Info
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen (1)
Chapter Sixteen (2)
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty One
Chapter Twenty Two
Chapter Twenty Three
Chapter Twenty Four
Chapter Twenty Five
Chapter Twenty Six
Chapter Twenty Seven
Chapter Twenty Eight
Chapter Twenty Nine
Chapter Thirty One
Chapter Thirty Two [ARRC]
Chapter Thirty Three [ARRC]
Chapter Thirty Four
Chapter Thirty Five
Chapter Thirty Six

Chapter Thirty

12.2K 284 205
By FruitInkWords

For the past few days, Octavia and I have been inseparable, weaving through a whirlwind of activities - the movies, the park, gliding across the ice, and dipping into a few bustling parties. Each moment with her feels like a chapter from a romance novel, and I find myself reveling in her company, relishing every laugh and shared glance.

Yet, amidst this joyous whirl, a shadow looms. Ethan's advice seemed harmless at first - a simple post on my story showcasing Octavia and me. But Victoria, always lurking in the digital shadows, couldn't resist her curiosity. Her messages start as whispers, then crescendo into demands, pleading for my attention, begging to know the identity of the woman gracing my stories.

I leave her messages unread, a silent defiance that only fuels her ire. With every ghosted notification, guilt gnaws at my conscience, poisoning the sweetness of my time with Octavia. I know I'm playing a dangerous game, stringing her along while indulging in the warmth of another's affection.

Each stolen moment with Octavia tightens the knot in my stomach, a relentless reminder of the deception I've woven. I long to confess, to untangle this mess before it ensnares us all. But fear paralyzes me, a fear of shattering the fragile happiness we've built together, a fear of the storm that will surely follow my confession. I'm trapped in a web of my own making, suffocating beneath the weight of my lies.

As the soft hum of Octavia's car engine lulled me into a quiet reverie, a jarring interruption shattered my thoughts - the sound of my name, a lifeline tossed into the tumult of my mind. Startled, I turned to face Octavia, her eyes filled with a mix of curiosity and concern, like a beacon in the fading light of dusk.

"Are you okay?" Her voice, a gentle melody, broke through the silence as she reached out to silence the engine. We sat by the side of the road, enveloped by the tranquil embrace of the park, the golden hues of the setting sun painting the world in warm tones. "Ivy?" Her inquiry hung in the air, a thread waiting to be pulled.

In that moment, I made a choice - a choice to unburden myself, to strip away the layers of deceit that had woven themselves around us. The weight of my confession hung heavy in the air as I drew in a steadying breath, preparing to plunge into the depths of honesty. "I have to tell you something," I began, each word heavy with the weight of anticipation. "There's a big chance you're going to kick me out, but I can't keep lying to you."

Octavia's gaze bore into mine, a silent plea for truth mingling with the apprehension etched on her features. I steeled myself against the impending storm, bracing for the inevitable backlash of my words. "Look, I loved spending time with you this past week, but--" My admission hung suspended in the air, a fragile bridge between confession and absolution.

Before I could utter another word, Octavia's voice sliced through the tension, her words a sharp reminder of the truth I had been so desperate to conceal. "You only did it to make someone jealous." The accusation landed like a blow, knocking the wind from my sails, leaving me reeling in its wake.

How had she known? The question lingered on my lips, unspoken yet heavy with the weight of uncertainty. As I searched her eyes for answers, I found only the reflection of my own guilt, a stark reminder of the tangled web I had woven. "How did you know?" The words tumbled from my lips, a desperate plea for absolution in the face of my own betrayal.

Octavia's laughter danced on the breeze as she swung open the car door, a silent invitation to step into the outside world. I followed her lead, the weight of my confession heavy upon my shoulders, each footfall a step closer to absolution or condemnation.

Leaning against the car, Octavia turned to face me, her eyes reflecting the fading light of day. "I had a suspicion," she confessed, her words a gentle caress against the growing dusk. "You never acted on my flirting or touching, so I kind of figured it out."

Her revelation hung in the air, a delicate thread connecting us in a web of uncertainty. I closed my eyes, the weight of my deception pressing against my temples, a relentless ache that pulsed with each beat of my heart. "I'm sorry, Octavia," I murmured, the words heavy with regret. "I wanted to tell you sooner."

Octavia's arm found its way around my shoulder, a gesture of comfort amidst the storm of emotions raging within me. "Honestly, I am kind of hurt," she admitted, her voice soft yet tinged with sadness, "but you told me at least, so I forgive you."

Her forgiveness, a beacon in the darkness, offered a glimmer of hope amidst the ruins of my deceit. I turned to her, my eyes searching hers for any sign of anger or resentment. "But I used you," I whispered, the weight of my confession heavy upon my tongue.

Octavia's nod was both a confirmation and a reassurance, a silent acknowledgment of the wounds we both carried. "Yeah," she agreed, her voice tinged with understanding, "but you didn't keep lying to me. So, as I said, I forgive you."

As Octavia and I settled onto the weathered wooden bench, a wave of relief washed over me, mingling with the lingering echoes of guilt that still haunted the corners of my mind. Surprisingly, she wasn't seething with anger or resentment – a revelation that left me both astonished and grateful. This conversation had unfolded far smoother than the tangled mess of scenarios I had envisioned, and for that, I couldn't help but feel a surge of gratitude.

As the tranquility of the park enveloped us, Octavia's voice pierced the silence, drawing my attention back to the present moment. "The woman you were trying to make jealous," she began, her gaze fixed on some distant point on the horizon, "is it the same one who picked you up from that party?"

Her question hung in the air, a delicate thread connecting us in a web of uncertainty. With a slow nod, I confirmed her suspicion, the weight of my confession settling like a stone in the pit of my stomach. "Yeah," I admitted, the words heavy with the weight of truth.

Octavia turned to face me, her eyes searching mine for any trace of remorse or regret. "And? Did it work?" she pressed, her voice tinged with a mix of curiosity and concern.

"I think so? I don't know," I confessed, the uncertainty of my actions lingering like a shadow over our conversation. Octavia let out a weary sigh, a tangible manifestation of the frustration that simmered beneath the surface.

"Alright, let's make sure you do," she declared, her tone firm yet tinged with a hint of determination. With a quick glance around, she gestured for me to retrieve my phone, a silent invitation to confront the ghosts of my past and chart a course towards redemption.

As Octavia's request echoed in the air, a spark of curiosity flickered within me, mingling with the remnants of uncertainty that still lingered in the corners of my mind. With a silent nod, I retrieved my phone from the confines of my pocket, the weight of it familiar and comforting in my hand. Her arm draped casually over my shoulder, drawing me closer in a gesture of friendship that warmed me from within.

"Take a photo," she urged, her voice a gentle prompt that spurred me into action. With practiced ease, I summoned the camera app, the soft glow of the screen illuminating our faces in the fading light of day. A smile tugged at the corners of my lips as I adjusted the angle, capturing the moment in a snapshot of shared laughter and quiet understanding.

Octavia's lips met my cheek in a fleeting kiss, a gesture of affection that sent a shiver down my spine. With a satisfied grin, I captured the moment, the click of the shutter resonating like a promise of things yet to come. "Let me see!" Octavia exclaimed, her excitement contagious as she eagerly reached for my phone.

Her eyes danced with delight as she studied the photo, a genuine smile gracing her lips. "This is good, post it," she declared, her approval a balm to soothe the lingering doubts that still lingered in the recesses of my mind. With a sense of purpose, I navigated to Instagram, the familiar interface welcoming me like an old friend.

As the photo found its place on my story, a sense of anticipation stirred within me, mingling with the flutter of nerves that danced in my chest. Would Victoria see this? The question hung in the air, unanswered and uncertain. "Now we wait," Octavia mused, her words a quiet reassurance as she settled back into the comfort of the bench, a silent sentinel by my side.

As the crisp, clean scent of the evening air enveloped us, I couldn't help but feel a sense of relief wash over me, mingling with the uncertainty that still lingered in the recesses of my mind. I cast a fleeting glance towards Octavia, a silent question hanging in the air like a delicate thread waiting to be unraveled. "What do we do now?" I ventured, my voice barely above a whisper.

"We wait till she sees the story," Octavia replied, her gaze fixed on the tranquil expanse of the lake before us. Her words hung in the air, a silent reminder of the storm that loomed on the horizon.

"No, I meant what do we do now? How will we proceed after I told you the truth?" I clarified, the weight of my confession pressing against my chest like a leaden weight.

Octavia turned to face me, her eyes searching mine for any trace of sincerity or remorse. "Apart from using me, did you enjoy the time we spent together?" she asked, her voice gentle yet tinged with a hint of uncertainty.

"I did," I confessed, the words spilling from my lips like a confession in the dimming light of day. And it was true - every stolen moment, every shared laugh, had been a balm to soothe the wounds of my deceit, a fleeting taste of the happiness I had so desperately craved.

Octavia's smile was like a ray of sunshine breaking through the clouds, warming me from within. She reached for my hand, her touch a gentle reassurance amidst the chaos of my own making. "Then I don't see us ever stopping hanging out," she declared, her words a promise of brighter days ahead. "Friends?" she asked, her gaze unwavering as she waited for my answer.

And in that moment, beneath the fading light of day, I found solace in her forgiveness, a silent vow to cherish the friendship we had forged amidst the wreckage of my own mistakes. "Friends," I echoed, the word a promise of redemption and renewal.

Octavia's smile, a beacon of warmth in the fading light, anchored me to the present moment as she turned her attention back to the tranquil expanse of the lake, her hand still intertwined with mine. I mirrored her smile, a silent acknowledgment of the bond that had formed between us amidst the chaos of my own making. With a soft sigh, I fixed my gaze on the gentle ripples that danced across the surface of the water, a mesmerizing ballet of light and shadow.

In that moment, amidst the tranquility of the park, a wave of gratitude washed over me, mingling with the lingering echoes of relief that still reverberated within the recesses of my mind. I had gambled everything on the truth, laid bare the depths of my deception in the hopes of finding redemption in the eyes of the one I had wronged. And to my astonishment, Octavia had welcomed my confession with open arms.

As we sat in silence, a palpable tension hung in the air, tempered by the quiet understanding that passed between us. The tranquility was shattered by the sharp chirp of my phone, a discordant intrusion amidst the serenity of the moment. Octavia's gaze flickered to the device resting in my lap, a silent inquiry lingering in the air like an unspoken question.

"Is it that woman?" she ventured, her voice a gentle prompt that pierced the silence.

I retrieved my phone from my lap, the weight of it familiar and comforting in my hand. With a hesitant glance at the notification, I confirmed Octavia's suspicions. "Yeah," I confirmed, the word heavy with the weight of truth.

"Read her message to me," Octavia instructed, her tone casual yet tinged with a hint of curiosity.

I obliged, my voice steady as I recited the words that flashed across the screen. " 'You trying to make me jealous isn't working,' " I read aloud, the message a stark reminder of the tangled web I had woven.

Octavia's response was immediate, a snort of amusement that cut through the tension like a knife. "Oh, it definitely is," she declared, her laughter mingling with the soft rustle of leaves overhead. "I can smell the jealousy through the phone."

A nervous chuckle escaped my lips, a feeble attempt to mask the guilt that still gnawed at my conscience. "She can get pretty jealous," I confessed, the words heavy with the weight of truth.

"Good," Octavia declared, her tone firm yet reassuring. "Open her message, but don't respond."

With a sense of resignation, I followed her instructions, the glow of the screen casting an ethereal light against the gathering darkness. And as I closed Instagram, tucking my phone away once more, I couldn't help but feel a sense of relief wash over me, this isn't so bad.

As Octavia's fingers relinquished their hold on mine, a fleeting sense of loss washed over me, only to be replaced by a surge of anticipation as she reached for her phone. The soft glow of the screen cast a warm hue against her features as she scanned its contents, her gaze flickering briefly in my direction before settling on some unseen message. "There's this new ice cream shop a couple of minutes from here," she announced, her voice a melody that danced on the breeze. "Do you want to go?"

My response was immediate, a burst of enthusiasm that bubbled up from within me like a geyser. "Yes," I exclaimed, the prospect of indulging in creamy, decadent scoops of ice cream too tempting to resist. With a mischievous grin, Octavia seized my hand once more, her touch igniting a spark of excitement that coursed through my veins like wildfire.

With a tug, she led me back towards her car, the pavement warm beneath our feet as we ventured into the twilight. The world seemed to blur around us, the anticipation of sweet treats and shared laughter eclipsing all else in its wake.

As we reached the car, Octavia gracefully swung open the passenger door, a silent invitation to step in. With a grateful smile, I accepted her gesture, settling into the familiar embrace of the seat as she made her way around to the driver's side. The soft hum of the engine filled the air as she turned the ignition, the steady rhythm a comforting backdrop to the whirlwind of emotions that danced within me.

As we arrived at the ice cream shop, the neon lights of the sign painted the parking lot in a kaleidoscope of vibrant colors, casting an enchanting glow that beckoned us closer. The promise of sweet indulgence hung in the air, mingling with the tantalizing aroma of freshly churned ice cream.

"Okay, in order for our friendship to work, I need to know what your favorite ice cream flavors are," Octavia declared, her arm draped casually over my shoulder as she guided me towards the entrance of the shop. Her words sparked a sense of excitement within me, the prospect of sharing this simple pleasure with a friend filling me with warmth.

"Cheesecake, Vanilla, White chocolate, Rocky Road—" I began to list, eager to share my preferences with Octavia, but she cut me off with a laugh. "You had me at Cheesecake," she declared, her laughter a melody that danced on the air as she swung open the door, gesturing for me to enter.

Grateful for her easy acceptance of my tastes, I offered her a word of thanks before stepping into the cozy interior of the shop. The air was thick with the scent of sugar and cream, a tantalizing symphony that stirred my senses and left my mouth watering in anticipation.

As I made my way towards the counter, Octavia paused beside me, her eyes alight with curiosity as she surveyed the array of flavors laid out before us. With a sense of excitement bubbling within me, I scanned the menu, my gaze flitting from one tantalizing option to the next, each one more tempting than the last.

As I surveyed the quaint interior of the ice cream shop, my attention was momentarily drawn to the restroom sign, a beacon of relief amidst the sea of sweet temptation. The urgency of nature's call tugged at my senses, a reminder of the body's needs in the midst of indulgence. "I need to use the bathroom," I announced to Octavia, my words tinged with a sense of urgency. "I'll have whatever you're having."

With a sense of purpose, I made my way towards the restroom, the anticipation of sweet treats momentarily overshadowed by the pressing need for relief. As I entered the stall and closed the door behind me, a sense of privacy settled over me like a comforting embrace.

After attending to my needs, I flushed the toilet and prepared to exit the stall, only to be met with an unexpected obstacle. With a forceful shove, I was sent reeling back into the confined space, the air knocked from my lungs in a rush of surprise and confusion. "The fuck?" I gasped, my voice a mixture of shock and indignation.

As I struggled to regain my bearings, my eyes locked with those of the person responsible for my sudden reclusion. A wave of recognition washed over me as I met the stern gaze of a familiar face, my heart sinking in my chest as the truth dawned upon me.


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